Can you find the Erie Canal aqueduct that went over the river? Use your mouse to
point to it in the picture. (Go slowly and watch for the
Click on the aqueduct to see a drawing of what the aqueduct
looked like. Then come back here.
Do you know what an aqueduct is?
Let's compare it to something else that crossed the river.
Use your mouse to find the Main Street bridge. (Again, go
slowly and watch for clues).
Click on the bridge to see a drawing of what it looked like. And
then come back.
Is the bridge like the aqueduct?
In what ways?
How is the bridge different fom the aqueduct?
Would you like to take a closer
look at the map (209 KB, 3520 x 1184 pixels)?
From: Map of the Genesee River in the city of
Rochester from Johnson's Dam to the High Falls, 1866. Printed pen
and ink drawing including sketches of Main St. Bridge and
Aqueduct. 14" x 23 1/2".
Can you find the water fall on the river?
Click on it to find out something interesting that happened at these falls in 1829. You can then come back here.