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The Abatement of Smoke (Chamber of Commerce publication), 24(4):17 (Oct 1962) Abbott, Mr. (no given name)
city manager movement and-1920s,
23(3):22 (Jul 1961);
32(2):3 (Apr 1970)
club membership, 10(2&3):22 (Jul 1948); 31(1):23 (Jan 1969) as suffragist, 10(2&3):20, 21, 22 (Jul 1948) Abendpost (newspaper) Abolitionist movement. See also Abolitionists; Emancipation of slaves
anti-slavery vigilance committee, Anthony Burns
case and, 37(4):13-15 (Oct 1975)
Civil War and, 53(1):7 (Win 1991) conventions/meetings, 2(3):4 (Jul 1940); 7(2):6 (Apr 1945); 10(2&3):10-11 (Jul 1948); 15(3):8-9 (Jul 1953)
at African Zion Church-1860s, 23(1):4
(Jan 1961)
agitation convention-1860s, 46(1&2):14-17 (Jan & Apr 1984) at Corinthian Hall, 2(3):3 (Jul 1940); 23(1):3-4 (Jan 1961) first meeting, 37(4):7 (Oct 1975) James, Rev. Thomas description of, 37(4):6-7 (Oct 1975) rally in/near Canandaigua, 66(4):11-12 (Fall 2004); 67(1):4 (Win 2005) Fugitive Slave Acts and, 37(4):10-17 (Oct 1975); 46(1&2):3-5, 15 (Jan & Apr 1984) historical sketches, 15(3):1-16 (Jul 1953); 46(1&2):1-25 with illus (Jan & Apr 1984) local politics and, 2(3):3 (Jul 1940) in New England, 37(4):7-20 (Oct 1975) newspapers on, 37(4):6 (Oct 1975) origins, 37(4):5-7 (Oct 1975) publications, 2(3):2-3 (Jul 1940) religion and, 43(4):18 (Oct 1981); 46(1&2):18 (Jan & Apr 1984) songs, 37(4):30-31 (Oct 1975)
Anthony, Daniel. See
Anthony, Daniel
Anthony, Merritt. See Anthony, Merritt Anthony, Susan B. See Anthony, Susan Brownell Billinghurst, William, 67(3):25n.63 (Sum 2005) black, first national convention, 72(2):6 (Fall 2010) Bostwick, Nelson, 67(3):25n.63 (Sum 2005) Bragdon family, 29(4):2 (Oct 1967) Brown, John. See Brown, John buried at Mt. Hope Cemetery, 50(4):11 (Oct 1988) celebrate abolition of slavery in New York State-1820s, 21(4):2 (Oct 1959) Chesebro family of Canandaigua, 66(4):16 (Fall 2004) clergy as, 46(1&2):3 (Jan & Apr 1984) Cornell, Silas, 68(3):9 (Sum 2006) Douglass, Frederick. See Douglass, Frederick Eastman family, 52(1):19 (Win 1990) in Ferrisburg, Vermont-1860s, 66(4):19n.8 (Fall 2004) historical sketch/summary, 15(3):1-16 (Jul 1953) James, Rev. Thomas, 37(4):1-32 (Oct 1975) Johnson, Henry W. See Johnson, Henry W. Johnson, Mary and Nathan, 67(3):9, 10 (Sum 2005) Kedzie, John, 67(3):20 (Sum 2005) local figures, 43(4):18 (Oct 1981) "magnetic circle of reformers," 57(3):3 (Sum 1995) May, Rev. S. J. See May, Reverend Samuel J. Morris, Jacob P. See Morris, Jacob P. Morris, Senator Thomas, 42(1):2 (Jan 1980) Pitts, Mr. & Mrs., 67(4):20 (Fall 2005) Post, Amy and Isaac. See Post, Mrs. Amy; Post, Isaac Quakers as, 71(2):3 (Fall 2009) Stanton, Elizabeth Cady. See Stanton, Mrs. Elizabeth Cady Steward, Austin, 72(2):6 (Fall 2010) Still, William, 72(2):1,16 (Fall 2010) term, connotation, 1(3):18 (Jul 1939) on underground railroad. See Underground railroad Williams, John and, 26(1):16 (Jan 1964); 41(3):17-18 (Jul 1979)
44(1&2):9-33 (Jan & Apr 1982)
Semi-Centennial History of Rochester and, 44(1&2):1 (Jan & Apr 1982) writing of, 44(1&2):5 (Jan & Apr 1982) Academy of Medicine. See Rochester Academy of Medicine Academy of Medicine (Paris, France)
Corinthian Hall as-1870s,
16(3):5 (Jul 1954);
26(4):13 (Oct 1964)
destruction-1890s, 16(3):18 (Jul 1954); 26(4):13 (Oct 1964) performances, 3(3):24 (Jul 1941); 16(3):5, 8, 9, 13, 19 (Jul 1954) proprietors, 26(4):13 (Oct 1964) remodeling, 16(3):7 (Jul 1954); 26(4):13 (Oct 1964) Rochester Philharmonic Society at-1800s, 42(3):4 (Jul 1980) as theater, 3(3):24 (Jul 1941)
17(2):5 (Apr 1955); 23(3):13 (Jul
location, 17(2):5 (Apr 1955); 18(1):11 (Jan 1956); 18(4):5, 6 (Oct 1956); 23(3):13 (Jul 1961); 34(2):7 (Apr 1972) opening-1860s, 18(4):5 (Oct 1956) Academy of Science Museum (San Francisco), 19(1):17 (Jan 1957) Academy of Sciences of the State of California
alumnae association,
65(4):18, 19 (Fall 2003)
anniversary celebrations, 65(4):19, 20 (Fall 2003) architects/architecture, 60(2):22 (Spr 1998) Buffalo, NY origins (1849-1855), 65(4):6-9 (Fall 2003) closing of, 65(4):3-6 (Fall 2003) curricula, 65(4):9, 10, 14 (Fall 2003) enrollment figures, 65(4):4, 9, 15, 18, 20 (Fall 2003) faculty, 65(4):4, 9 (Fall 2003) historical sketch, 65(4):1-24 (Fall 2003) photographs
exterior views, 65(4):1, 12-13 (Fall
interior views, 65(4):2-3, 8, 15 (Fall 2003) Our Lady's Shrine, 65(4):17 (Fall 2003)
additions/improvements, 65(4):11,
14-15, 19 (Fall 2003)
architects/architecture, 65(4):11, 14-15, 16-17, 19-20 (Fall 2003) architectural report on, quoted, 65(4):21 (Fall 2003) chapel
construction and dedication-1890s,
65(4):16-18 (Fall 2003)
interior photograph, 65(4):15 (Fall 2003) St. Paul Street facilities (1855-1863), 65(4):9-11, 23n.5 (Fall 2003) students/graduates, 65(4):10, 11, 14, 18 (Fall 2003) tuition and fees, 65(4):4, 10, 14 (Fall 2003) Accident Prevention Bureau
auto. See
Automobile accidents
bicycle, 19(3):8 (Jul 1957); 69(2):12 (Spr 2008) bridge collapses. See Carthage Bridge(s); Genesee Suspension Bridge circus-related-1850s, 49(3):17-18, 19 (Jul 1987) death resulting from. See Death(s) historical sketch, 17(1):1-24 (Jan 1955) horse-related. See Horses industrial-WWII, 66(1):11-12 (Win 2004) at mill raising-1810s, 30(2):5-6 (Apr 1968) newspapers' treatment of-1890s, 13(1):9 (Jan 1951) pedestrian, 8(2):23 (Apr 1946) reduction, subway construction and, 17(1):20 (Jan 1955) shooting, at Sea Breeze, 56(1):15 (Win 1994) train. See Trains Accommodations. See Hotels; Inns; Lodging; Motels; Taverns; specific accommodation Accountant
46(3&4):3 (Jul & Oct 1984); 59(2):24
(Spr 1997)
at Upper Falls-circa 1860 (engraving), 50(3):3 illus (Jul 1988) Actives baseball club
Progressive Era, Reform Park philosophy and
practice, 75(2):6-9, 11 (Fall 2013)
Reform Judaism and, 74(2):4 (Fall 2012) A.C. Way and Sons Adams, Reverend, of Kentucky (no given name), 37(4):27-28 (Oct 1975) Adams, Albert Alfred, 55(3):19 (Sum 1993) Adams, Archibald Adams, Mrs. Frederick
Douglass, Helen Pitts and,
67(4):20 (Fall 2005)
local support for, 2(2):5-8, 11, 15, 16 (Apr 1940) memoirs, 2(4):14 (Oct 1940) morning swim, 2(2):10 (Apr 1940) as president (1825-1829), 24(1):21, 22 (Jan 1962)
election, local figures and, 7(1):5
(Jan 1945); 49(2):4 (Apr 1987)
offers cabinet membership to Buffalo resident, 41(3):10 (Jul 1979)
activities, 40(4):9
(Oct 1978)
as author, The Continuous Creation, 8(4):21 (Oct 1946) background, 40(4):8 (Oct 1978) conflicts, 40(4):10 (Oct 1978) funding plan, 40(4):14 (Oct 1978) funeral service, 40(4):15-16 (Oct 1978) health, 40(4):11 (Oct 1978) heresy trial-1800s, 8(4):20 (Oct 1946) New Theology and, 40(4):8, 9-10 (Oct 1978) pastorate, 3(3):15 (Jul 1941); 14(4):3 (Oct 1952); 40(4):8 (Oct 1978) philosophy, 40(4):8-10, 12 (Oct 1978) preaching themes, 40(4):8-9 (Oct 1978) relationship to Samuel Hopkins Adams, 21(3):3 (Jul 1959) Rochester Academy of Science, role in, 8(4):19 (Oct 1946) Spencer Club, role in, 8(4):15 (Oct 1946) writings, 40(4):14 (Oct 1978)
as author, 8(2):20
(Apr 1946)
City Club speech, 9(4):9 (Oct 1947) father's identity, 40(4):8 (Oct 1978)
church ministry to,
60(3):13, 16, 17, 18 (Sum 1998)
nicotine/tobacco consumption, 60(1):12, 14, 19, 22 (Win 1998) Adler Brothers Clothing Factory. See L. Adler Brothers and Company Adler, Elmer
annual art competition and,
17(2):18 (Apr 1955);
34(4):19 (Oct 1972)
as book collector, 48(1&2):12, 18 (Jan & Apr 1986) municipal museum proposal, 18(4):12 (Oct 1956) as publisher, 14(4):24 (Oct 1952) Rochester Historical Society, role in, 6(2):19 (Apr 1944); 31(1):17 (Jan 1969)
as attorney, 9(4):3
(Oct 1947)
biographical details, 22(2):19 (Apr 1960); 32(2):4, 10 (Apr 1970) as City Club member/officer, 9(4):6, 7, 12, 14 (Oct 1947) The City Manager Movement in Rochester authored by, 10(4):19 (Oct 1948) civic honor (posthumous), 22(2):19 (Apr 1960) as Council of Social Agencies officer, 20(4):7 (Oct 1958) on Eastman, George, 52(1):22 (Win 1990) political activities/appointments, 20(1):15 (Jan 1958)
as acting mayor, 52(1):22 (Win 1990)
in city-manager movement-1920s, 23(3):22 (Jul 1961) League of Nations debate, 9(4):12 (Oct 1947) as vice-mayor, 32(2):3 (Apr 1970)
business enterprise,
22(3):3, 4, 5 (Jul 1960)See also
L. Adler Brothers and Company
Clothiers Exchange, role in, 22(3):8 (Jul 1960) Admiralty Lake (glacial era), 55(1):13, 15, 16 (Win 1993) Admission fees. See Prices Adopted Citizens of Monroe County
of Durand, Margaret,
61(2):10 (Spr 1999)
of Jemison, Mary, 68(1&2):9 (Win & Spr 2006) of Vietnamese orphans-Vietnam War, 48(3&4):26 (Jul & Oct 1986) The Advance (magazine)
agricultural works,
37(2):24 illus (Apr 1975)
alcohol, 58(1):14 (Win 1996) baseball games/teams, 63(2):10, 12, 13 illus (Spr 2001) Bausch & Dransfield (opticians), 2(3):15 illus (Jul 1940) billboard. See Billboards Bloomer costume, 57(3):19 (Sum 1995) boat-building industry, quoted, 49(4):13 (Oct 1987) boat yard, 49(4):13 (Oct 1987); 56(4):8 illus (Fall 1994) book dealer, 48(1&2):2 illus (Jan & Apr 1986) (J. C.) Booth and Company, 18(2):5 (Apr 1956) brewing industry, 54(2):illus: 1, 22, 23 (Spr 1992) Brighton Terrace, 35(2):11 (Apr 1973) Christmas goods-mid 1800s, 18(2):19 (Apr 1956) circuses, 49(3):11-12, 13, 19, illus: 1, 7 (Jul 1987) in city directories, 18(2):5 (Apr 1956); 37(2):24 illus (Apr 1975) Civil War recruitment, 66(3):9 (Sum 2004) clothing, 18(2):5 (Apr 1956) Corinthian Hall, 57(3):10 illus (Sum 1995) Cunningham's Coach Factory, 2(3):12 illus (Jul 1940) cycling-related dental practice, 59(3):5-6, 10 illus (Sum 1997)
quoted, 59(3):3-4 (Sum 1997)
in first daily paper-1820s, 30(2):19 (Apr 1968) forwarders and merchants, 47(1&2):32 illus (Jan & Apr 1985) fruits, cholera and, 45(3&4):48 illus (Jul & Oct 1983) Glen Haven Railroad, 56(1):14 (Win 1994) gypsum "land plaster," 56(4):10 (Fall 1994) handbill
plow invention, 30(2):7-8 (Apr 1968)
ice industry, 54(2):15 illus (Spr 1992) James Cunningham, Son & Company, 43(2&3):19 (Apr & Jul 1981) kinetoscope, 12(1):20 (Jan 1950) Kodak camera marijuana-1860s, 60(1):14 (Win 1998) newspaper-1911, 56(2):22 (Spr 1994) Ontario Beach Park
handbill, 75(1):18 (Spring 2013)
railroad travel guide
photograph, 75(1):21 (Spring
postage stamp currency-mid 1800s, 49(2):10 (Apr 1987) Powers Building-1960s, 26(2):4 (Apr 1964) printer, 48(1&2):32 illus (Jan & Apr 1986) "public trial" of Charles E. Coughlin, 74(2):16 illus (Fall 2012) railroad cars, 60(1):21 (Win 1998) Rattlesnake Pete's restaurant/museum, 55(3):24 illus (Sum 1993) in Rochester Royals team program, 58(1):14 (Win 1996) sale of Brown's Race mills, sites, and lots, 59(2):4 (Spr 1997) sign painting, quoted, 59(3):13 (Sum 1997) Silence, George, 56(4):8 illus (Fall 1994) on store exteriors-1820s, 62(3):20 (Sum 2000) tobacco industry, 60(1):19-20, 21 (Win 1998) wartime
for Liberty Bonds, 49(2):24 illus
(Apr 1987)
World War II, 49(2):16 (Apr 1987); 55(4):photos: 2, 12, 44 (Fall 1993)
Bausch & Lomb equipment, 66(2):31
(Spr 2004)
for laborers, illustrated, 66(1):36 (Win 2004); 66(2):1, 30, 32 (Spr 2004)
quoted, 58(2):16 (Spr 1996)
48(1&2):32 illus (Jan & Apr 1986)
on boatyards, 40(1):11 (Jan 1978) on carpenters, 40(1):11 (Jan 1978) on Catholic priest-1830s, 44(4):3 (Oct 1982) circus reports, quoted, 49(3):5 (Jul 1987) on counterfeit currency-1830s, 49(2):5-6 (Apr 1987) death notice of Ann (Anna) C. Child and others-1850s, 71(1):22, 23 illus (Spr 2009) on divorce, 57(3):8 (Sum 1995) editors/publishers
Butts, Isaac, 21(3):6 (Jul 1959)
O'Reilly, Henry. See O'Reilly, Henry Peck, Everard as competitor, 34(2):4 (Apr 1972) Smith, Erasmus Darwin, 21(3):22 (Jul 1959) founding, as first daily-1820s, 24(3):10, 37 (Jul 1962); 34(2):4 (Apr 1972); 51(1):12 photo caption (Win 1989) Furman, Gabriel address, 6(2):7 (Apr 1944) on household consumption of wood, 40(1):6 (Jan 1978) on infant deaths, mid-1800s, 45(1&2):21 (Jan & Apr 1983) on Jemison, Mary, 68(1&2):19 (Win & Spr 2006) on magnetic telegraph, quoted, 59(4):6-7 (Fall 1997) moral codes reflected in, 18(2):16-17 (Apr 1956) Mt. Hope Cemetery design and, 50(4):9 (Oct 1988) on mummy display, 18(4):4 (Oct 1956) on murder of Sarah Sharp, quoted, 71(2):17, 18 illus (Fall 2009) Pioneer Society meeting accounts, quoted-1840, 47(3&4):3-18 (Jul & Oct 1985) plague and-1830s, 18(3):4 (Jul 1956) quote, 18(3):6, 8 (Jul 1956) rivalry with Rochester Antimasonic Enquirer, 2(2):18-20 (Apr 1940) on Sam Patch, 53(3):5 (Sum 1991) on sawmills, 40(1):8 (Jan 1978) on Seaver memoirs of Mary Jemison, quoted, 68(1&2):19 (Win & Spr 2006) on St. Mary's Church, quoted-1840s, 44(4):5 (Oct 1982) on temperance meeting, quoted, 57(3):8 (Sum 1995) on woman's suffrage, quoted, 57(3):8 (Sum 1995) Advisor on Jewish Affairs Aex, Paul B.
biographical details,
32(2):14-15, 17-18 (Apr 1970)
political appointments
city manager-1950s, 23(3):25 (Jul
Midtown Plaza and, 69(1):4, 6 (Spr
of Armbruster, Julius-1890s,
63(4):8, 27 illus (Fall 2001)
on behalf of Armbruster, Julius-1890s AFL-CIO
Eastman, George in-1920s,
52(1):11, 16, 18 (Win 1990)
immigrants from, comparative numbers, 25(3):6 (Jul 1963) soldiers' correspondence from-WWII, 8(1):14-15 (Jan 1946) transatlantic slave trade from, 67(3):22n.6 (Sum 2005) African Colonization Society
abolitionist meeting at-1860s,
23(1):4 (Jan 1961)
artist's sketch, 46(1&2):2 (Jan & Apr 1984) building finances-1820s, 46(1&2):19 (Jan & Apr 1984) centennial celebration-1920s, 21(4):21 (Oct 1959) Emancipation Day process from-1840s, 67(1):19 illus caption (Win 2005) founding, 21(4):4-5 (Oct 1959); 25(3):23 (Jul 1963); 37(4):5 (Oct 1975); 72(2):8 (Fall 2010) as landmark, 27(3):17 (Jul 1965) location, 21(4):4-5 (Oct 1959); 46(1&2):2 (Jan & Apr 1984); 67(1):19 illus caption (Win 2005) in Lockport, 37(4):29 (Oct 1975) member, Thomas James-1820s, 21(4):2 (Oct 1959); 37(4):5 (Oct 1975) in New Bedford, MA, local citizens at, 67(3):10 (Sum 2005) pastor, Rev. Thomas James, 21(4):4-5 (Oct 1959) photographs/illustrations, 67(1):19 (Win 2005); 72(2):8 (Fall 2010) slavery and, 21(4):3 (Oct 1959) trustees, 46(1&2):19 (Jan & Apr 1984) Underground Railroad activity, Harriet Tubman and, 72(2):11 (Fall 2010) Agassiz, Louis
lecture series-1850s,
8(4):2 (Oct 1946)
Morgan, Lewis Henry and, 8(4):10 (Oct 1946); 48(1&2):6 (Jan & Apr 1986) natural science theories, local debate over, 8(4):3-4 (Oct 1946) Ward, Henry A. and, 18(4):6 (Oct 1956) Age discrimination Agency for International Development Agricultural fairs
baseball games at-1800s,
62(2):6, 18 (Spr 2000)
NYS. See New York State Fairs as post Civil War entertainment, 2(3):20 (Jul 1940)
Genesee Farmer. See
Genesee Farmer
nursery industry and, 45(3&4):31-32 (Jul & Oct 1983) print industry and-1800s, 19(3):6 (Jul 1957)
in American West,
1(1):16 (Jan 1939)See also specific settlement
commercial/manufacturing settlements and, 36(3):3 (Jul 1974)
37(2):24 illus (Apr 1975)
location, 55(1):22 map (Win 1993) product lines, 37(2):12 (Apr 1975) proprietors. See Hall, Charles S.; Hall, Joseph sites, 37(2):19, 24 (Apr 1975)
ancillary industries,
19(3):6 (Jul 1957)
Civil War draft and, 2(3):6 (Jul 1940) crops/products, 54(1):14 (Win 1992)See also specific item
blighted, in Genesee Valley-1800s,
38(1):11 (Jan 1976)
brewering industry and, 54(2):3, 11, 17, 21 (Spr 1992) celery, 54(1):3 photo caption (Win 1992) commercial transport-1800s, 19(3):6, 13 (Jul 1957) early 1800s, 33(3):4 (Jul 1971); 41(1&2):9 (Jan & Apr 1979); 47(1&2):20, 21 (Jan & Apr 1985); 62(3):20 (Sum 2000) harvests in WWII, historical sketch, 56(3):3-16 with illus (Sum 1994) hay scales-1840s, 26(4):5 (Oct 1964) of Latta farm, 45(3&4):17 (Jul & Oct 1983) milk production, contamination, and regulation, 19(3):8-9, 17 (Jul 1957) Native American-1820s, 62(3):20 (Sum 2000) prices. See Agriculture prices public market sales. See Public markets Shaker dairy site-1820s, 62(4):26 (Fall 2000) at Western New York Institution for Deaf Mutes, 64(1):10 (Win 2002) of Wilson farm-1833, 41(1&2):37 (Jan & Apr 1979) farms. See Farms Irish famine relief and-1840s, 68(3):10-11, 12 (Sum 2006) journals. See Agricultural/horticultural journals laborers
children as, 54(1):14, 29n.37
(Win 1992); 57(2):7 (Spr 1995)
from Home of Industry for Boys-1800s, 67(2):5 (Spr 2005) migrant/seasonal, 54(1):3 photo caption, 4, 13, 14, 18-20, 22-24 (Win 1992); 60(3):6 (Sum 1998); 70(2):6 (Fall 2007) Polish immigrants, 57(1):9 (Win 1995) POWs as-WWII, 56(3):3-16 with illus (Sum 1994); 70(2):6 (Fall 2007) shortage-WWII, 56(3):4, 6 (Sum 1994); 66(1):10 (Win 2004) soldiers as-WWII, 56(3):6 (Sum 1994) volunteer-WWII, 55(4):7 photo, 11 (Fall 1993) practices
crop rotation-1830s, 45(3&4):27-28
(Jul & Oct 1983)
fertilizers, use, 45(3&4):27 (Jul & Oct 1983) gypsum "land plaster," 56(4):10 (Fall 1994) on Latta farm, 45(3&4):17 (Jul & Oct 1983) ox yokes, ironing, 42(2):23 (Apr 1980) pruning-1850s, 42(2):15 (Apr 1980) spring planting, in Romulus, NY-1850s, 42(2):22, 24, 26, 27 (Apr 1980) in Sanford, FL. See Sanford, FL in Wayne County, NY. See Wayne County Western New York Agricultural Society, 22(2):5 (Apr 1960)
corn, 41(1&2):9 (Jan & Apr 1979);
42(2):24, 27 (Apr 1980);
47(1&2):10n.3 (Jan & Apr
fixing, 11(3&4):12 (Jul 1949) flour. See Flour prices hay, 42(2):24 (Apr 1980) oats, 42(2):24 (Apr 1980) wheat. See Wheat
1790s, 47(1&2):10n.3 (Jan &
Apr 1985)
cattle, 45(3&4):4, 14 (Jul & Oct 1983) hogs, 23(1):10 (Jan 1961) horses, 39(1&2):21, 43 (Jan & Apr 1977) oxen (pair), 42(2):19 (Apr 1980) produce, 43(1):12 (Jan 1981); 45(3&4):39 (Jul & Oct 1983)
fruits, 41(1&2):44 (Jan & Apr 1979)
vegetables, 41(1&2):38, 44 (Jan & Apr 1979); 45(3&4):32, 39 (Jul & Oct 1983) Aguinaldo, Emilio (guerilla leader, Philippines) Aid Society Ainsworth, William Harrison Air conditioner equipment
U.S. Army, local ceremony and-WWI,
51(3):11 (Sum 1989)
U.S. Navy Air Corps, Leonard G. Zwick in, 64(1):21 (Win 2002) Airfield. See Airport Airlines industry, 20(2):11 (Apr 1958) Airmail service, 24(4):22 (Oct 1962); 34(4):20 (Oct 1972) Airomobile, 43(2&3):25 (Apr & Jul 1981) Airplanes
of Frisbee, John J.-1911,
61(3&4):8 photo, 10 (Sum & Fall
defense contracts
twentieth century, 61(3&4):10 (Sum & Fall 1999) whole and component parts, 43(2&3):22 (Apr & Jul 1981)
acquired, by county-1940s,
18(1):24 (Jan 1956);
19(3):29 (Jul 1957)
Chamber of Commerce and, 24(4):21, 23 (Oct 1962) Rochester and Monroe County Airport, 30(4):24 (Oct 1968); 61(3&4):17, 26 photo (Sum & Fall 1999) site, on Britton farm, 34(4):20-21 (Oct 1972) weather station at, 15(1):20 (Jan 1953)
Eastman, George and,
52(1):16, 18 (Win 1990)
professional accomplishments, 8(4):17 (Oct 1946); 21(3):1-2 (Jul 1959); 52(1):16 (Win 1990) Alarm system(s)
farm location,
54(1):15, 29n.38 (Win 1992)
migrant worker, employs and corresponds with, 54(1):15, 18, 29n.38 (Win 1992) Albany Argus (newspaper)
antimasonic state convention,
2(2):21 (Apr 1940)
baseball clubs/games-1800s, 62(2):19, 23 (Spr 2000); 63(1):5 (Win 2001) Canal Ring, 14(2):8 (Apr 1952) as Civil War rendezvous point, 66(3):4 (Sum 2004) Committee of Safety, 41(3):2 (Jul 1979) deaths, from typhoid fever-1890s, 39(3):9 (Jul 1977) economy-pioneer era, 39(3):5 (Jul 1977); 62(3):10 (Sum 2000) institutions, traveler's account of-1820s, 62(3):10 (Sum 2000) Irish famine relief and-1800s, 68(3):4, 5, 12 (Sum 2006) Irish Repeal campaign in-1840s, 68(3):7-8 (Sum 2006) local militia unit in-1860s, 63(4):25 (Fall 2001) magnetic telegraph line, 59(4):6 (Fall 1997) mayors
compared with Rochester, Syracuse, and Utica,
39(3):2-4, 13, 21-22 (Jul 1977)
and sewage treatment, 39(3):8-9 (Jul 1977)
Albany Argus, 49(3):10 (Jul
Albany Atlas, 7(1):14-15 (Jan 1945) Albany Gazette, 4(3):3, 10 (Jul 1942) philanthropists, 18(3):5 (Jul 1956) photographs/illustrations
Erie Canal, 62(3):11 (Sum 2000)
governor's home-1820, 62(3):6 (Sum 2000) view from Hudson River-1820s, 62(3):4 (Sum 2000)
Douglass, Rosetta, 67(4):4 (Fall
Mott, Abigail and Lydia, 67(4):4 (Fall 2005) O'Reilly, Henry, 6(2):5, 9 (Apr 1944)
high school site, former and subsequent use,
39(3):6 (Jul 1977)
law school, 41(4):3 (Oct 1979) State Teachers College-1910s, 22(2):23 (Apr 1960) seminary satellite program and, 52(4):22 (Fall 1990) ships from, 62(3):10 (Sum 2000) Silver, Henry Dayton travels through, 15(4):3 (Oct 1953) as state capital-1790s, 1(1):13 (Jan 1939) traveler's account of-1820s, 62(3):3, 10, 11 (Sum 2000); 62(4):25 (Fall 2000) travel to/from
distance to Utica by canoe, 62(3):3
(Sum 2000)
by German Catholics-early 1800s, 63(3):5 (Sum 2001) road to Schenectady from-1820s, 62(3):11 (Sum 2000) via rail-mid 1800s, 30(4):6, 13-14 (Oct 1968) via stagecoach-1790s, 30(2):13 (Apr 1968) via steamboat-1820s, 62(3):5-9 (Sum 2000) via turnpike, 30(2):13 (Apr 1968) weather, 15(1):3 (Jan 1953)
at funeral of Susan B. Anthony,
57(4):17 (Fall 1995)
public library and, 23(4):3 (Oct 1961); 73(1):1 (Spr 2011)
academies in/near,
19(2):2 (Apr 1957); 41(4):3, 4 (Oct
Civil War company from, 63(4):6 (Fall 2001) House of Refuge for Women, 41(4):5 (Oct 1979) residents
Clarke, Freeman, 41(3):20 (Jul 1979)
Davis, Noah, 41(4):3 (Oct 1979) Hart, E. Kirke, 41(4):4 (Oct 1979) Holmes, Charles H., 41(4):3 (Oct 1979)
female prisoners and,
34(1):17 (Jan 1972)
formerly Western House of Refuge for Women, 34(1):17 (Jan 1972) Albright, Horace H. Albuerne, Lourdes Perez
advertisements, in Rochester Royals program,
58(1):14 (Win 1996)
Anthony, Susan B. and, 57(4):10 (Fall
dangers, illustrated by medical society, 1(3):17 (Jul 1939) poverty and, 45(1&2):19 (Jan & Apr 1983) programs for. See Substance abuse programs rates, prohibition and-1920s, 23(2):9 (Apr 1961) statistical study on-1800s, 1(3):17 (Jul 1939) consumption/production, 30(2):6 (Apr 1968); 54(2):3-6, 8 (Spr 1992); 55(1):6 (Win 1993)See also Brewing industry
alcohol poisoning, 61(3&4):13 (Sum
& Fall 1999)
arrests for, 25(4):3 (Oct 1963) Barnum, P.T. policy on, 49(3):15 (Jul 1987) baseball players and, 64(4):10, 16 (Fall 2002) black strap liquor, 30(2):6 (Apr 1968) by Civil War soldiers crime and, 54(3):6-7 (Sum 1992) divorce and, 57(3):8 (Sum 1995) Erie Canal shipments, 11(3&4):6-7 (Jul 1949); 72(1):6 (Spr 2010) excessive drinking, 36(3):16 (Jul 1974) export-1790s, 41(1&2):7 (Jan & Apr 1979) industry concessions to labor, 25(1):22 (Jan 1963) intoxication from, 36(3):4 (Jul 1974); 54(2):3, 4, 20 (Spr 1992) at mill raising-1780s, 33(3):2 (Jul 1971) by Native Americans recreational drinking, 40(3):7, 12, 17, 20, 21 (Jul 1978) at Sea Breeze, 56(1):15, 21 (Win 1994) Temperance movement and. See Temperance movement tobacco consumption and, 60(1):14 (Win 1998) as preservative, for human remains, 59(1):18 (Win 1997) rum running, 56(1):24 (Win 1994) sales, 54(2):7, 8 (Spr 1992)
Erie Canal stores, 11(3&4):10 (Jul
to Iroquois-1660s, 38(4):6-7, 21n.19&20 (Oct 1976) licensing. See Liquor licenses regulations, 25(4):8 (Oct 1963) type-1820s, 55(1):5 (Win 1993) Alcohol poisoning, 61(3&4):13 (Sum & Fall 1999) Alcott, William Alden, Isabella MacDonald
abolitionist convention and-1860s,
23(1):3-4 (Jan 1961);
46(1&2):15-16 (Jan & Apr 1984)
Aldridge, George W., Sr., 3(3):6 (Jul 1941) Clark, Charles H.-1800s, 26(1):19 (Jan 1964) election, 40(2):5 (Apr 1978) Field, Joseph-1800s, 26(1):12 (Jan 1964) Fish, Henry L., 22(2):14 (Apr 1960) Keeler, Rufus-1800s, 26(1):18 (Jan 1964) Kelly, J. Miller, 31(1):4 (Jan 1969) Kempshall, Thomas-1800s, 26(1):6 (Jan 1964) mayors previously serving as-early 1800s, 26(1):2-19 passim (Jan 1964) meetings, 40(2):6, 8, 12 (Apr 1978) Moore, Samuel W. D.-1800s, 26(1):19 (Jan 1964) Perry, Chauncey-mid 1800s, 62(1):21 (Win 2000) Pitkin, William-1800s, 26(1):11 (Jan 1964) Richardson, Samuel-1800s, 26(1):14 (Jan 1964) Rochester, Henry Elie, 62(1):4 photo (Win 2000) Smith, Elijah F.-1800s, 26(1):8 (Jan 1964) Socialist, difficulties on Common Council, 39(4):13-14 (Oct 1977) Stilwell, Hamblin-1800s, 26(1):16 (Jan 1964) Ward, Levi A., 22(2):4 (Apr 1960); 26(1):13 (Jan 1964) Williams, John-1800s, 26(1):16 (Jan 1964) Aldington, Joseph A. Aldridge, George W., Jr. (1856-1922)
Armbruster, Julius and,
63(4):13 (Fall 2001)
biographical details, 6(4):14 (Oct 1944); 10(4):12 (Oct 1948); 11(2):19 (Apr 1949); 21(3):3-4 (Jul 1959); 31(1):22 (Jan 1969) photograph, 38(2&3):17 (Apr & Jul 1976) political appointments/offices
to City Planning Commission/Bureau,
6(4):13 (Oct 1944)
as commissioner of public works, 34(3):15 (Jul 1972) to Executive Board-late 1800s, 14(2):10 (Apr 1952); 63(4):13, 25 (Fall 2001) as mayor, 28(1):21-22 (Jan 1966); 33(2):18 (Apr 1971) as port collector, 14(2):21 (Apr 1952); 21(3):4 (Jul 1959); 24(3):27 (Jul 1962) rise of, 7(4):2 (Oct 1945) as state commissioner of railroads, 14(2):17, 19 (Apr 1952); 31(1):13 (Jan 1969) as state superintendent of public works, 14(2):14 (Apr 1952); 21(3):3 (Jul 1959); 24(3):27 (Jul 1962)
congressional, 14(2):19 (Apr 1952);
21(3):4, 13 (Jul 1959);
34(3):15 (Jul 1972)
executive board, 7(4):14 (Oct 1945); 21(3):3 (Jul 1959) gubernatorial-1890s, 21(3):4 (Jul 1959); 24(3):27 (Jul 1962) mayoral-1890s, 7(4):24 (Oct 1945); 14(2):12 (Apr 1952); 21(3):13 (Jul 1959)
Citizens Light and Power Company and,
14(2):16 (Apr 1952); 31(1):4 (Jan
death, impact of, 11(2):19 (Apr 1949) Dow Law and, 14(2):15 (Apr 1952) fire insurance controversy-early 1900s, 38(2&3):26, 40 (Apr & Jul 1976) Good Government movement and, 12(1):8, 10 (Jan 1950); 23(3):16 (Jul 1961); 31(1):2, 3, 8, 9 (Jul 1961) Hill, David Jayne and, 14(2):14 (Apr 1952) leadership, 14(2):24 (Apr 1952) mayor's selection & inauguration-1908, 38(2&3):13 (Apr & Jul 1976) municipal water supply and, 34(3):11, 15 (Jul 1972) newspapers and, 13(1):3, 6 (Jan 1951) O'Grady, James and, 12(1):4 (Jan 1950); 14(2):15 (Apr 1952); 41(4):8 (Oct 1979) O'Neil, Martin B. and, 32(2):2 (Apr 1970) parks system and, 11(1):13 (Jan 1949) Political Reform Association, opposition, 14(2):12 (Apr 1952) Social Center movement and, 19(2):16 (Apr 1957); 23(3):18 (Jul 1961); 24(3):28 (Jul 1962); 29(2):8 (Apr 1967); 31(1):18 (Jan 1969); 31(2):13 (Apr 1969) state legislature and, 35(1):9 (Jan 1973) Wadsworth, James W. Jr. and, 41(4):15 (Oct 1979) Whitley, James L. and, 41(4):14 (Oct 1979)
biographical details,
28(1):14-15 (Jan 1966)
club memberships, 3(3):6 (Jul 1941) occupation, 3(3):6 (Jul 1941) political offices, 3(3):6 (Jul 1941); 40(2):10 (Apr 1978) Alembic Club
62(2):19 (Spr 2000); 63(1):3-7, 9
(Win 2001)
formation and success, 8(3):10 (Jul 1946) players, 63(1):5, 7, 6, 10, 14 photo (Win 2001)
Excelsiors merger, 63(1):10 (Win
Alexander, Arthur
as conductor,
29(1):22 (Jan 1967)
Eastman Theatre, position with-1920s,
49(1):14, 16 (Jan 1987)
RPO appointment and dismissal, 42(3):17-18 (Jul 1980) musicales and, 58(4):17 (Fall 1996) Alexander Street
city history and,
27(3):1 (Jul 1965)
elm tree, 12(2&3):4 (Apr 1950) history, 27(3):15 (Jul 1965) landmarks, 27(3):7 (Jul 1965) race track, from Culver Road, 3(3):23 (Jul 1941) residents/residences
Armbruster, Julius, 63(4):25 (Fall
Blackall family, 67(4):29n.111 (Fall 2005) Clarke, Freeman and family, 5(3):7 (Jul 1943) Clarke home, 22(2):14 (Apr 1960) Douglass, Frederick. See Douglass, Frederick Durand, Harriet, 61(2):15 (Spr 1999) nursing home, 26(2):17 (Apr 1964) Victorian mansions, 12(2&3):16 (Apr 1950) zoning classification, changes-1940s, 6(4):19 (Oct 1944)
Industrial Workshop, 55(2):12 (Spr
pioneer cemetery near, 50(4):5 (Oct 1988) Rochester Theological Seminary location, 12(1):14 (Jan 1950)
congestion, 6(4):5 (Oct 1944)
horse-drawn transit services on, 30(3):3 (Jul 1968) lawsuit regarding-1890s, 43(2&3):24 (Apr & Jul 1981) trolley, 13(4):11 (Oct 1951)
arrival and place of origin,
47(3&4):18 (Jul & Oct 1985)
reminiscences, quoted-1847, 47(3&4):9, 14-15 (Jul & Oct 1985)
conditions and assignees-Spanish-American War,
13(2):7, 8, 11, 20 (Apr 1951)
naming, 13(2):8 (Apr 1951) Algonquin Nation (of Native Americans)
alcohol and,
38(4):6-7 (Oct 1976)
language, dictionaries and pictographies for, 38(4):4 (Oct 1976) massacre Massuchesetts settlers, 17(3):2 (Jul 1955) and origins of Huron/Iroquois Nations, 44(1&2):16 (Jan & Apr 1982) UR River Campus site, 30(1):9 (Jan 1968) The Aliens by Henry F. Keenan, 10(1):23 (Jan 1948) Alinsky, Saul
biographer, 1(4):3,
23-24n. (Oct 1939)
biographical details, 1(4):2-3, 5, 7, 8 (Oct 1939); 3(4):3 (Oct 1941); 10(4):9 (Oct 1948); 33(3):2 (Jul 1971); 47(1&2):3 (Jan & Apr 1985) character of, 12(4):2 (Oct 1950) finances, 1(4):6, 7 (Oct 1939); 4(3):7 (Jul 1942) Jemison, Mary and, 68(1&2):19 (Win & Spr 2006) millsite-late 1700s, 1(4):1-8 (Oct 1939); 3(4):3 (Oct 1941); 12(2&3):6-7 (Apr 1950); 40(1):2 (Jan 1978); 59(2):4, 15-16 (Spr 1997)See also Mill Tract (original)
abandonment, 24(3):5 (Jul 1962)
acquisition, terms, 1(4):2 (Oct 1939); 23(3):1 (Jul 1961); 24(3):5 (Jul 1962) artist's sketch, 49(4):32 illus (Oct 1987) correspondence on, excerpt, 1(4):6, 7 (Oct 1939) destruction, 3(4):3 (Oct 1941) location, 2(1):5 map (Jan 1940); 12(2&3):12 map (Apr 1950) mill raising, 1(1):8 (Jan 1939); 1(4):3 (Oct 1939); 4(2):4 (Apr 1942); 11(2):2 (Apr 1949); 24(3):5 (Jul 1962); 33(3):2, 4 (Jul 1971) operations. See Mill Tract (original) sales history. See One Hundred Acre Tract — sales history subsequent use, 60(4):17 (Fall 1998) title, heirs contest, 24(1):17-18 (Jan 1962); 42(4):21 (Oct 1980) Scottsville farm, 1(4):2-3, 18 (Oct 1939) world's fair exhibit and-1930s, 26(3):20 (Jul 1964) Allan, Seneca
forty thousand acre tract,
45(3&4):9 (Jul & Oct 1983)
Genesee Valley Canal and, 56(4):4 (Fall 1994) residents/residences, Colbert family-1850s, 66(4):4 (Fall 2004) Rushford Lake, 60(4):15 (Fall 1998) Allegheny Indian Reservation, 44(1&2):41 (Jan & Apr 1982)
land purchase and business enterprise,
56(1):8 (Win 1994)
military service-Spanish-American War, 13(2):19 (Apr 1951) Allen, G. W.
biographical details,
26(1):10 (Jan 1964)
Irish famine relief and-1840s, 68(3):9 (Sum 2006) as mayor (1844-1845), 14(2):4 (Apr 1952); 26(1):10 (Jan 1964) Mt. Hope Cemetery association, role in, 50(4):18 (Oct 1988) photograph, 47(3&4):24 (Jul & Oct 1985)
70(1):21 (Fall 2008)
as hospital receptionist-1950s, 70(1):15 (Fall 2008) quoted
burial ground near,
44(1&2):27 (Jan & Apr 1982)
canal connected to, 56(4):19n.28 (Fall 1994) Denonville Expedition at-1680s, 44(1&2):31 (Jan & Apr 1982) Iroquois trail(s) along/crossing, 44(1&2):20, 31 (Jan & Apr 1982) Allen's Hill, Ontario County
site and resident-mid 1800s,
73(2):1 (Fall 2011)
story about, by William Henry Shelton, 73(2):5n.1 (Fall 2011)
chapel-early 1900s,
21(4):17 (Oct 1959)
residence, 15(4):11, 13, 15 (Oct 1953) skating rink & riding school-1800s, 69(2):4 (Spr 2008) Allen, Wealthy
70(1):21 (Fall 2008)
family members, 70(1):14 (Fall 2008) Lake Avenue Hospital reminiscences, 70(1):14, 16 (Fall 2008)
quoted, on Patients' Club, 70(1):16
(Fall 2008)
Allen, Patricia quoted on,
70(1):15 (Fall 2008)
family members, 70(1):14 (Fall 2008) as hospital administrator, 70(1):14 (Fall 2008) photograph with Charles C. Teresi, 70(1):14 (Fall 2008) Teresi family and, 70(1):14 (Fall 2008)
Brewster, Henry C. and,
41(4):8 (Oct 1979)
Eastman deposit, 58(4):17 (Fall 1996) president, Albert Fenn, 51(2):9 (Spr 1989) Alling, Mrs. David C.
industrial school and,
68(4):3 (Fall 2006)
as Woman's State Temperance Society officer, 57(3):9 (Sum 1995)
band concerts and,
14(4):11 (Oct 1952)
biographical details, 22(2):18-19 (Apr 1960) civic honor (posthumous), 22(2):18-19 (Apr 1960) club memberships
Brotherhood of the Kingdom, 14(4):13
(Oct 1952)
Rochester City Club, as president, 9(4):8 (Oct 1947) Fortnightly Club and, 48(1&2):7 (Jan & Apr 1986) political activities, 14(4):10 (Oct 1952); 19(2):1, 10 (Apr 1957)
Board of Education and, 9(4):3 (Oct
1947); 11(2):18 (Apr 1949);
31(2):8, 9 (Apr 1969)
with Citizens Political Reform Association, 42(1):7 (Jan 1980) civic reform, 3(3):15 (Jul 1941); 19(2):17 (Apr 1957) Good Government Club, 7(4):24 (Oct 1945) Good Government League/Movement, 19(2):10 (Apr 1957); 22(2):18-19 (Apr 1960); 23(3):15-16 (Jul 1961); 24(3):28 (Jul 1962); 28(1):22 (Jan 1966); 31(1):2, 3, 4 (Jan 1969); 31(2):8, 9 (Apr 1969); 34(4):3 (Oct 1972) as Independent Republican Association officer, 2(4):12 (Oct 1940) mayoral candidacy-1890s, 14(2):12 (Apr 1952) Republican party, departure, 11(2):18 (Apr 1949) as secret agent, 9(4):9 (Oct 1947) speech to Political Equality Club, quoted, 57(4):15-16 (Fall 1995) Roosevelt, Theodore, visit-1890s, 14(2):13 (Apr 1952) University of Rochester and
building committee membership,
30(1):21 (Jan 1968)
employees' gift to, 30(1):23 (Jan 1968) public relations endeavor, 30(1):11-12 (Jan 1968) trusteeship, 22(2):19 (Apr 1960)
children's program and-1890s,
10(2&3):18 (Jul 1948)
Crane, Reverend Mrs. Caroline B. and, 14(4):25 (Oct 1952) kindergarten playground project and, 14(4):11 (Oct 1952) Wednesday Morning Club membership, 10(1):7 (Jan 1948); 48(1&2):9 (Jan & Apr 1986)
reminiscences, 10(1):8 (Jan 1948)
Alling, William All Saints Mausoleum (in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery)
design and construction,
67(2):9-12 (Spr 2005)
photographs, 67(2):1, 9 (Spr 2005) tower, 67(2):11-12 (Spr 2005) uses, 67(2):10-11 (Spr 2005)
of 1941, listing historical events,
3(1):7-18 (Jan 1941)
check list of, 3(1):21-24 (Jan 1941) Early Almanacs of Rochester by Blake McKelvey, 3(1):1-24 (Jan 1941)
discovery and excavation-1980s,
45(1&2):13-16, illus: 15, 17
(Jan & Apr 1983); 50(4):7 (Oct 1988)
location and layout, 45(1&2):13, 15 illus (Jan & Apr 1983) pauper interments-1800s, 50(4):7 (Oct 1988) remains, identification & relocation, 45(1&2):13, 14, 22 (Jan & Apr 1983) Almy, Dr. (no given name)
artist's sketch,
55(2):18-19 illus (Spr 1993)
construction and funding, 55(2):4-7 (Spr 1993) history and services, 55(2):1-36 with illus (Spr 1993) naming of, 55(2):6 (Spr 1993) personnel
dedication ceremony, 55(2):7 photo
(Spr 1993)
Hale Building, artist's sketch, 55(2):18-19 illus (Spr 1993) occupants, 55(2):22, 34 (Spr 1993) Alumnae Association of the Rochester Convent of the Sacred Heart
C.I.O. groups, as nucleus for,
3(4):23 (Oct 1941)
consultants to-1920s, 22(3):29 (Jul 1960) ethnic divisions Joint Board's resolution on public library-1920s, 23(4):6 (Oct 1961) labor negotiations, 22(3):22-26 (Jul 1960); 39(4):16 (Oct 1977) member services, 22(3):24-25, 27, 28, 30 (Jul 1960); 49(2):18 (Apr 1987) police raid on-1910s, 39(4):20 (Oct 1977) recruiting activities, 39(4):15-16 (Oct 1977) source material, 22(3):31 (Jul 1960) strikes by, 22(3):23, 27 (Jul 1960); 39(4):16-17 (Oct 1977) Ambercrombie and Fitch
62(1):13 (Win 2000)
defined, 62(1):19 (Win 2000) materials/process, 62(1):2 (Win 2000) specialist in, 62(1):17 (Win 2000) subjects, 62(1):17 (Win 2000)
Bush, Horace, 62(1):1 photo
(Win 2000)
Osburn House-1850s, 62(1):17 photo (Win 2000) UR graduates-1850s, 62(1):15 (Win 2000)
1911, 56(2):23
photo (Spr 1994)
manufacture, 43(2&3):16 (Apr & Jul 1981) police department acquisition, 25(4):7, 8 (Oct 1963)
on Charlotte-Rochester Railroad, quoted-1850s,
45(3&4):21 (Jul & Oct 1983)
dental practice advertisement in, 59(3):5-6 (Sum 1997) editor, Daniel Lee, 46(1&2):36 (Jan & Apr 1984) political stances, 20(3):5, 9, 14, 15 (Jul 1958)
Anthony, Susan B. and,
15(3):6-11 (Jul 1953)
Douglass, Frederick and, 57(3):5-6 (Sum 1995) formation, 21(4):3-4 (Oct 1959) newspaper, 21(4):3-4 (Oct 1959) resolution from NYS chapter, quoted, 46(1&2):23-24 (Jan & Apr 1984)
College Women's Club and,
48(1&2):10 (Jan & Apr 1986)
as WWII evacuees' sponsor, 55(4):27 (Fall 1993) American Brake Shoe & Foundry Company
beer wagon, 54(2):1
photo (Spr 1992)
corporate predecessors and location, 54(2):16 (Spr 1992) operations, 54(2):19, 20, 21 (Spr 1992)
post-Prohibition, 61(3&4):14 (Sum &
Fall 1999)
Delany, Martin and-1800s,
67(1):16n.52 (Win 2005)
formation, 67(1):3 (Win 2005) monthly publication, letters of Henry W. Johnson reprinted in-mid 1800s, 67(1):8 (Win 2005) American Committee for Devastated France (ACDF)-WWI, 51(3):22, 23, 26 (Sum 1989) American Concrete Institute
convention, in Detroit,
15(2):14 (Apr 1953)
labor relations
in clothing industry-1890s, 22(3):10
(Jul 1960)
local strike and-1910s, 39(4):17 (Oct 1977) in shoe industry, 15(2):14 (Apr 1953) national convention, 25(1):23 (Jan 1963) trade union cooperation through, 3(4):17 (Oct 1941) unionization, 2(3):22 (Jul 1940) United Garment Workers Union. See United Garment Workers Union American Friends. See Society of Friends American Fruit Products Company The American Gallery of Beauty exhibit-1850s, 62(1):18 (Win 2000) American Giants baseball club
circus performance near-1840s,
49(3):19 (Jul 1987)
leasing of, 37(2):6 (Apr 1975) location and opening-1830s, 37(2):6 (Apr 1975) American Indian Magazine
campaigns, 19(4):13
(Oct 1957)
convention, 19(4):12-13 (Oct 1957) dissolution, 19(4):13 (Oct 1957) founding, 19(4):12 (Oct 1957)
Lincoln Park plant,
60(2):15-16 (Spr 1998)
workforce, 60(2):16 (Spr 1998) world's fair exhibit-1930s, 26(3):18 (Jul 1964)
annual meeting-1930s,
26(3):17 (Jul 1964)
German activities, resistance to, 20(1):26 (Jan 1958) Kelly, George B. and, 41(4):18 (Oct 1979) Kettell, Rev. George F. and, 44(4):23 (Oct 1982) posts
Flower City Post, membership,
22(4):15 (Oct 1960)
Michalski Post, naming, 57(2):13-14 (Spr 1995) Pulaski Post No. 782, 57(2):5 (Spr 1995) WWII activity, 5(1):12 (Jan 1943); 55(4):9 (Fall 1993)
opposition to POWs-WWII, 56(3):16
(Sum 1994)
American Liberty League American Missionary Society
curator, 52(1):16
(Win 1990)
Eastman, George and, 52(1):16, 18 (Win 1990) Parker, Arthur C. on, quoted, 17(3):3 (Jul 1955) American Optical Association
city government, control of,
11(2):10 (Apr 1949)
immigrants, opposition to-mid 1800s, 23(3):12 (Jul 1961) local influence, 20(1):5 (Jan 1958) origin, 20(3):11 (Jul 1958) policy, 20(3):11, 12 (Jul 1958) voting preferences, 20(3):13 (Jul 1958) Whigs formerly known as, 14(2):5 (Apr 1952) American Red Cross
international. See
International Red Cross
local chapter
auxiliary group, 51(3):1 photo
(Sum 1989); 57(2):11 (Spr 1995)
blood drive locations, 55(4):10 (Fall 1993) Duffy, James P. B. and, 41(4):15 (Oct 1979) Eastman, George and, 5(4):10 (Oct 1943); 34(4):22 (Oct 1972); 52(1):8 (Win 1990) founding, 3(1):16 (Jan 1941); 7(2):15 (Apr 1945); 7(4):22 (Oct 1945); 9(2&3):20 (Apr 1947); 51(3):8 (Sum 1989) headquarters, 5(4):10 (Oct 1943); 8(2):16, 23 (Apr 1946); 18(1):8 (Jan 1956); 51(3):8 (Sum 1989) junior unit, 5(1):12 (Jan 1943) members, 8(2):15 (Apr 1946) Vietnam War and, 48(3&4):26 (Jul & Oct 1986) volunteer motor service-WWII, 55(2):9 (Spr 1993) WWI activity, 5(4):8, 9-11 (Oct 1943); 23(2):7 (Apr 1961)
student volunteers, 68(4):16
(Fall 2006)
flood appeal-1890s, 19(2):8 (Apr
Polish War Victims Relief Committee and-WWII, 57(2):11 (Spr 1995) song fest sponsor, 12(1):23 (Jan 1950) Twentieth Century Watch Meetings, 12(1):23 (Jan 1950) Vietnam War and, 48(3&4):26 (Jul & Oct 1986) WWI activity, 51(3):15, 17, 21-22, 24, 30n.30 (Sum 1989) WWII activity, 55(4):26 (Fall 1993); 56(3):7 (Sum 1994); 57(2):11 (Spr 1995) American Revolution, Sons of the Americans for Democratic Action for New York State, 32(2):16 (Apr 1970) Americans, native. See Native Americans American Socialist Party
development-early 1900s,
39(4):21 (Oct 1977)
dissension within-1910s, 39(4):18 (Oct 1977) election results Russian Revolution and, 39(4):12, 13, 18 (Oct 1977) WWI and, 39(4):3, 4, 6-8, 10, 13 (Oct 1977)
convention-1917, 39(4):6, 10 (Oct
members expulsion/indictment, 39(4):4, 10 (Oct 1977) newspaper editorial on-1917, quoted, 39(4):6 (Oct 1977) position on, 39(4):4, 6, 10, 13 (Oct 1977) American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. See also Bergh Association of Rochester; Humane Society of Rochester and Monroe County
Hickey, Reverend Yates and,
16(1):2 (Jan 1954)
as publisher of Christian Almanack, 3(1):3 (Jan 1941) YMCA origins and, 16(1):3 (Jan 1954) American Union Against Militarism American Water Works Association American Women's Hospitals Ames Street Amherst Bay (Lake Ontario)
at Colgate Rochester Divinity School,
51(2):2 illus (Spr 1989)
Highland Bowl. See Highland Park Bowl at Main Falls, 18(1):19 (Jan 1956) Amusement parks, 11(1):1 (Jan 1949)
at Charlotte/Ontario Beach,
27(3):9 (Jul 1965)
activities/attractions, 75(1):7-8,
15-19, 25 (Spring 2013); 75(2):14
(Fall 2013)
artifacts/records documenting, 75(1):19 (Spring 2013) city's purchase of-1910s, 8(3):24 (Jul 1946); 75(2):14 (Fall 2013) as "Coney Island of the West," 75(1):7-8, 12, inside front cover (Spring 2013); 75(2):14 (Fall 2013) decline, destruction, and aftermath, 75(1):24-25 (Spring 2013) photographs/illustrations, 75(1):8, 17, 18, 33, 35, back cover, inside front cover (Spring 2013) race relations and, 75(1):25-26 (Spring 2013) time frame, 75(1):2 (Spring 2013) locations, 6(4):2 (Oct 1944); 11(1):2 (Jan 1949) railway companies and, 75(1):16 (Spring 2013) Sea Breeze. See Sea Breeze, NY social class and, 75(1):10-11, 16 (Spring 2013) Andara Star (ocean liner)
67(4):25 (Fall 2005)
profession and length of residence-mid-late 1900s, 54(1):30n.56 (Win 1992) Anderson, John H.
art, lectures on,
17(2):5, 9 (Apr 1955)
as author, Sketch of the Life of Chester Dewey, 10(4):10 (Oct 1948) biographical details, 21(3):4 (Jul 1959) The Club, role in, 48(1&2):5, 6 (Jan & Apr 1986) as library trustee, 36(4):12, 14, 39 (Oct 1974) photograph-1850s, 62(1):15 (Win 2000) physical description, press quote on, 62(1):15 (Win 2000) as religious leader, 23(3):14 (Jul 1961) statue/sculpture, 12(2&3):23 (Apr 1950); 17(2):5, 11 (Apr 1955) as UR president (1853-1887), 3(1):13 (Jan 1941); 3(3):18 (Jul 1941); 8(4):3, 7, 9 (Oct 1946); 17(2):16 (Apr 1955); 19(2):4 (Apr 1957); 21(3):4 (Jul 1959); 23(1):5, 15 (Jan 1961); 31(3):14, 21 (Jul 1969); 33(4):2-3, 4, 5-6, 12, 14, 15, 19, 20 (Oct 1971); 62(1):15 (Win 2000)
Civil War speech, 53(1):7, 16 (Win
concerns, 2(3):17 (Jul 1940) local deaf school and, 64(1):6 (Win 2002)
construction proposal,
6(4):17 (Oct 1944)
floral displays, 11(1):11 (Jan 1949) Schiller monument, 20(1):23 (Jan 1958)
Confederate POWs and,
73(2):11 (Fall 2011)
operations, conditions, and deaths at, 73(2):23n.14 (Fall 2011)
railway company holdings-early 1900s,
30(3):10, 11-12 (Jul 1968)See also
Vanderbilt-Andrews Syndicate
26(4):13 (Oct 1964)
Dossenbach, Hermann and-1910s, 42(3):10 (Jul 1980) Haushalter, George and, 17(2):14 (Apr 1955) residence, 26(4):13 (Oct 1964) theater complaint, 29(1):16-17 (Jan 1967)
arrival and place of origin,
47(3&4):19 (Jul & Oct 1985)
biographical details, 26(1):7-8, 20 (Jan 1964); 41(3):18 (Jul 1979) business enterprise-early 1800s, 33(3):3 (Jul 1971) philanthropy-1850s, 68(4):23 (Fall 2006) political offices reminiscences, quoted-1847, 47(3&4):7 (Jul & Oct 1985) Republican popularity, restoration, 2(3):3 (Jul 1940) Weed, Thurlow and, 2(2):3, 5 (Apr 1940) Andrews, Silas
as boundary, of Crossroads District,
26(4):2 (Oct 1964)
bridge. See Andrews Street Bridge(s) commercial/industrial activity North Clinton Street, near, 19(2):7 (Apr 1957) photograph-1890s, 63(3):11 (Sum 2001) residents/residences snow dumping, 27(1):10 (Jan 1965) social institutions
German Baptist church, 20(1):3 (Jan
Jewish Young Men's and Women's Association on, 74(2):14 photo (Fall 2012) orphanage. See St. Joseph's Orphan Asylum social agency-1940s, 26(4):20 (Oct 1964)
arrest on-early 1900s,
38(2&3):18 (Apr & Jul 1976)
construction, 33(2):15-16, 20 (Apr 1971) illustration-1890s, 37(3):17 (Jul 1975) maintenance, 33(2):11, 15-16, 20 (Apr 1971) as vantage point, 12(2&3):7 (Apr 1950) Andy's (store) Angevine, Edward Anglican Society for the Propagation of the Gospel
dog ordinances/laws,
35(4):14-16 (Oct 1973)
population control, 35(4):24 (Oct 1973)
activities, 35(4):20 (Oct 1973)
problems in 1970's, 35(4):23-24 (Oct 1973) statistics, 35(4):20 (Oct 1973) sterilization, 35(4):24 (Oct 1973)
on Eastman Estate,
52(1):20 (Win 1990)
goats, yard location, 28(2&3):21 (Apr & Jul 1966) Harris, Joseph and, 45(3&4):42 (Jul & Oct 1983) hogs, at Four Corners-early 1800s, 18(3):3 (Jul 1956) of Iroquois, 38(4):9, 19 (Oct 1976)
along Oregon and California Trails-1840s,
39(1&2):8, 13, 14, 15, 19, 29, 34 (Jan
& Apr 1977)
ambulance for, 35(4):11 (Oct 1973) control of. See Animal control deer park, location, 28(2&3):21 (Apr & Jul 1966) dogs. See Dog Pound; Dogs draft, economic roles-1800s, 35(4):8-9 (Oct 1973) in Durand Eastman Park, 11(1):15 (Jan 1949) Erie Canal, use on, 35(4):8 (Oct 1973) goat yard, location, 28(2&3):21 (Apr & Jul 1966) hides, as revenue source, 35(4):14 (Oct 1973) Humane Society and. See Humane Society of Rochester and Monroe County livestock. See Livestock maltreatment, 9(2&3):17 (Apr 1947)
on Erie Canal, 35(4):3 (Oct 1973)
humane society and. See Humane Society of Rochester and Monroe County in overnight accommodations-1820s, 62(4):7 (Fall 2000) as performers, 11(1):22 (Jan 1949); 49(3):3-24 passim with illus (Jul 1987) as pets, licensing, 18(3):21 (Jul 1956) photographs/illustrations
bear, 53(3):21 (Fall 1990)
cattle-1800s, 62(4):16 (Fall 2000) as circus performers, 49(3):1-24 passim (Jul 1987) at Durand Eastman Park Zoo, 61(2):4 (Spr 1999) on Oregon and California Trails-1840s, 39(1&2):centerfold, 44 (Jan & Apr 1977) oxen-1830s, 62(3):12 (Sum 2000); 62(4):19 (Fall 2000) pulling modes of transport. See Horse-drawn transport swan, on Lake Ontario, 61(2):10 (Spr 1999) whales, 58(2):2, 4, 8, 13 (Spr 1996) rabies epidemics and ordinances-1800s, 35(4):14 (Oct 1973) raising. See Animal husbandry remains
Eastman trophies, 52(1):11, 16, 17
photo, 18 (Win 1990)
of mastedon, discovery, 44(1&2):37 (Jan & Apr 1982) as revenue source, 35(4):14 (Oct 1973) shelters. See Animal shelters; Humane Society of Rochester and Monroe County waste. See Animal waste wild, of pioneer era, 6(3):2 (Jul 1944); 36(1):3 (Jan 1974); 47(3&4):10, 11, 14, 17 (Jul & Oct 1985)
complaints against,
35(4):20 (Oct 1973)
Humane Society. See Humane Society of Rochester and Monroe County management of, 35(4):18 (Oct 1973) for zoo animals, 11(1):15 (Jan 1949) Animal trainers, 11(1):22 (Jan 1949) Animal waste Annexations Anson, Adrian Constantine "Cap" Anthony, Aaron
as slave owner
death and disposal of property,
67(3):6 (Sum 2005)
Douglass, Frederick and, 67(3):4, 5, 6 (Sum 2005)
Douglass family and,
67(4):10 (Fall 2005)
and family, 7(2):2-3 (Apr 1945); 10(2&3):2 (Jul 1948); 57(4):3-4 (Fall 1995) residences, 10(2&3):15, 22 (Jul 1948); 57(4):4 (Fall 1995) textile enterprise, 57(4):4 (Fall 1995)
as abolitionist,
15(3):3-4, 7, 9 (Jul 1953); 21(4):9
(Oct 1959); 57(4):6-7 (Fall 1995)
Brown, John and, 46(1&2):11 (Jan & Apr 1984) business enterprise, 7(2):5 (Apr 1945) death-1860s, 7(2):9 (Apr 1945) political office, 7(2):10 (Apr 1945) residence, 57(4):21 (Fall 1995)
Douglass family and,
67(4):10 (Fall 2005)
farm, 67(4):10 (Fall 2005) with spouse, 57(4):8 photo (Fall 1995) Anthony, Mary S. (sister of S. B. Anthony), 7(2):3 (Apr 1945)
as character in S.B. Anthony play,
44(3):1-24 (Jul 1982)
correspondence of Susan B. Anthony, burning of, 57(4):23 (Fall 1995) death-early 1900s, 7(2):24 (Apr 1945); 10(2&3):19 (Jul 1948) death of S. B. Anthony and, 57(4):12, 16 (Fall 1995) at Douglass funeral, 21(4):16 (Oct 1959) as educator, 7(2):7, 16 (Apr 1945); 57(4):18, 20 (Fall 1995); 61(3&4):5 photo caption (Sum & Fall 1999) photographs of, 57(4):7, 9, 18 (Fall 1995)
with sister, Susan, 61(3&4):5 (Sum
& Fall 1999)
on Susan B. Anthony, quoted, 57(4):13 (Fall 1995) as woman's rights activist, 7(2):11-12, 15, 18, 22-23 (Apr 1945); 10(2&3):7, 12, 13, 14, 15 (Jul 1948); 17(4):20 (Oct 1955); 18(4):9, 19 (Oct 1956); 61(3&4):5 photo caption (Sum & Fall 1999)
coeducation at University of Rochester and,
57(4):10 (Fall 1995);
61(3&4):9 photo caption, 12
(Sum & Fall 1999)
Political Equality Club, role in, 10(2&3):17 (Jul 1948); 57(4):5, 20 (Fall 1995) suffrage activism, 57(4):11, 12, 13, 20, 24 (Fall 1995); 57(4):20 (Fall 1995) Women's Political Club, founding, 10(2&3):15-16 (Jul 1948)
as abolitionist,
15(3):4-6, 9 (Jul 1953); 57(4):6-7
(Fall 1995)
Anthony, Susan B. and, 7(2):3, 9 (Apr 1945) Brown, John and, 46(1&2):11 (Jan & Apr 1984) Anthony, Susan Brownell (1820-1906)
as abolitionist,
7(2):9 (Apr 1945); 15(3):6-11 (Jul
1953); 23(1):4 (Jan 1961);
46(1&2):13, 14-15 (Jan & Apr 1984);
57(3):5 (Sum 1995);
57(4):10 (Fall 1995)
American Red Cross and, 7(2):15 (Apr 1945) bicycles, thoughts on women and, 61(3&4):5-6 (Sum & Fall 1999) biographical details/sketches, 7(2):1-24 (Apr 1945); 10(2&3):1-23 passim (Jul 1948); 15(3):1-16 (Jul 1953); 21(3):4 (Jul 1959); 44(3):1-24 (Jul 1982); 50(4):11 (Oct 1988); 57(4):1-28 with illus (Fall 1995) biography, 10(4):7 (Oct 1948) bridge named for, photograph, 72(1):cover (Spr 2010) Brown, John and, 67(4):11 (Fall 2005); 72(2):14 (Fall 2010) burial site, 50(4):10 (Oct 1988); 57(4):17 (Fall 1995) celebrations/receptions for, 7(2):17, 18, 19, 20 (Apr 1945); 10(2&3):16, 18 (Jul 1948); 18(1):11 (Jan 1956); 22(2):10 (Apr 1960); 57(4):14 illus, 28 (Fall 1995)
Eddy portrait of, 57(4):14 illus
(Fall 1995)
death penalty, position on, 7(2):9 (Apr 1945); 25(4):4-5 (Oct 1963) Douglass, Frederick and, 7(2):9 (Apr 1945); 15(3):1 (Jul 1953); 67(3):13 (Sum 2005); 67(4):10, 15, 21 (Fall 2005) as editor, 10(2&3):12 (Jul 1948) as educator, 7(2):4, 19 (Apr 1945); 8(4):13 (Oct 1946); 15(3):1 (Jul 1953); 21(1):9 (Jan 1959); 57(4):3-4, 3 illus, 7 (Fall 1995) family members, 7(2):3, 4, 9, 14, 15 (Apr 1945); 10(2&3):12 (Jul 1948); 57(4):3, 4, 12, 17 (Fall 1995) friendships, 7(2):4, 11 (Apr 1945); 15(3):3, 6, 8, 10 (Jul 1953); 21(3):18 (Jul 1959); 41(4):12 (Oct 1979) funeral, 7(2):24 (Apr 1945); 50(4):22 (Oct 1988); 57(4):16-17 (Fall 1995) in Kansas, 57(4):7 (Fall 1995) Lily (newspaper) and, 57(3):5 (Sum 1995) memorials to, 10(2&3):22 (Jul 1948); 12(2&3):16 (Apr 1950); 14(1):17 (Jan 1952)
memorial association, formation,
17(4):21-22 (Oct 1955)
University of Rochester building named for, 17(4):21-22 (Oct 1955) women's club named for, 21(4):18 (Oct 1959) photographs/illustrations, 46(1&2):21 (Jan & Apr 1984); 57(3):2 (Sum 1995); 57(4):1-28 passim (Fall 1995); 71(2):6 (Fall 2009)
with sister, Mary, 61(3&4):5 (Sum &
Fall 1999)
with Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 57(3):1 (Sum 1995); 57(4):6 (Fall 1995)
from Baltimore suffrage convention-1906,
57(4):24 (Fall 1995)
on bicycle, 69(2):3 (Spr 2008) on Bloomer costume, 57(3):24 (Sum 1995) on domestic life, 57(4):5 (Fall 1995) on Douglass funeral events, 67(4):21 (Fall 2005) on speaking, 57(4):6 (Fall 1995) on Woman's State Temperance Society, 57(3):3, 15 (Sum 1995) on women's health, 57(4):7 (Fall 1995) Spanish-American War and-1898, 13(2):2 (Apr 1951) speeches, 7(2):15, 22, 23 (Apr 1945); 10(2&3):8 (Jul 1948); 21(4):17 (Oct 1959); 25(1):6 (Jan 1963); 26(4):8 (Oct 1964); 66(4):6 photo, 13 (Fall 2004) Stanton, Elizabeth Cady and, 7(2):6 (Apr 1945); 15(3):3 (Jul 1953); 21(3):4 (Jul 1959); 57(3):1 photo, 14, 16-17, 24 (Sum 1995); 57(4):6 photo (Fall 1995) temperance movement and, 7(2):4-24 (Apr 1945); 10(2&3):8 (Jul 1948); 15(3):3 (Jul 1953); 21(1):9 (Jan 1959); 57(3):5, 6 (Sum 1995); 57(4):10 (Fall 1995)
Woman's State Temperance Society, role in,
57(3):3, 6-17 (Sum 1995)
as woman's rights activist, 2(3):23 (Jul 1940); 7(2):4-24 passim (Apr 1945); 10(2&3):1, 7-8, 9, 11-12, 17 (Jul 1948); 11(2):16 (Apr 1949); 12(1):13 (Jan 1950); 12(2&3):16 (Apr 1950); 14(2):5, 8 (Apr 1952); 15(3):3 (Jul 1953); 18(4):9, 19 (Oct 1956); 21(1):9-10 (Jan 1959); 28(4):21 (Oct 1966); 36(4):7 (Oct 1974); 38(1):11 (Jan 1976); 57(4):5-16, 18-19, 24 (Fall 1995)
arrest and trial, 2(3):21-22 (Jul 1940);
3(1):12 (Jan 1941);
7(2):12-14 (Apr 1945);
10(2&3):10, 13 (Jul 1948);
24(3):20-21 (Jul 1962);
41(4):6 (Oct 1979);
43(2&3):2 (Apr & Jul 1981);
57(4):20 (Fall 1995)
at Baltimore suffrage convention-1906, 57(4):11, 12, 13, 24 (Fall 1995) bloomer dress, 18(2):3 (Apr 1956); 18(2):6-7 (Apr 1956); 36(4):7 (Oct 1974) for coeducation at University of Rochester, 7(2):22-23 (Apr 1945); 10(2&3):19 (Jul 1948); 12(1):13 (Jan 1950); 17(4):19-22 (Oct 1955); 28(4):20-21 (Oct 1966); 33(4):7 (Oct 1971); 57(4):10 (Fall 1995); 61(3&4):9 photo caption, 12 (Sum & Fall 1999) employment/labor activities, 23(3):21 (Jul 1961); 25(3):11 (Jul 1963); 28(4):21 (Oct 1966) European travels, 10(2&3):15 (Jul 1948); 21(1):9 (Jan 1959) illegal voting-1870s, 2(3):21 (Jul 1940); 3(1):17 (Jan 1941); 7(2):11-12 (Apr 1945); 10(2&3):12-13 (Jul 1948); 10(4):12-13 (Oct 1948); 14(2):8 (Apr 1952); 57(4):20 (Fall 1995) suffrage campaign, 57(4):10-14, 24 (Fall 1995) Women's Educational and Industrial Union and, 57(4):9 (Fall 1995) writing of History of Woman Suffrage and, 57(4):22-23 (Fall 1995) "Anticlericus"
"Bergh's" statute,
35(4):2-3 (Oct 1973)See also
Bergh Association of Rochester; Bergh,
enforcement, 35(4):4 (Oct 1973) Anti-federal Committee (state constitutional convention) Anti-Irish nativism
Morgan, William painting,
3(2):10 (Apr 1941)
ownership and subsequent merger-1800s, 22(2):9 (Apr 1960) political ties, 11(2):5 (Apr 1949) rivalry with Rochester Daily Advertiser, 2(2):18-20 (Apr 1940) on Sam Patch, quoted, 53(3):14 (Sum 1991) Weed, Thurlow and, 21(3):24 (Jul 1959)
activities, 7(1):3-5
(Jan 1945); 21(1):6-7 (Jan 1959)
formation, 14(2):3, 5 (Apr 1952) Morgan, William and. See Morgan, William newspapers
Albany Evening Journal, 2(2):21
(Apr 1940)
Anti-Masonic Enquirer. See Anti-Masonic Enquirer National Observer, 2(2):21 (Apr 1940)
activity, 7(1):4-5
(Jan 1945); 21(2):22 (Apr 1959);
53(4):39 (Fall 1991)
Chesebro, Nicholas and, 66(4):16 (Fall 2004) downfall, 53(4):39-40 (Fall 1991) formation, 7(1):4 (Jan 1945) influence, 2(2):14-22 (Apr 1940) members, 41(3):13, 18 (Jul 1979) political platform, 2(2):21-22 (Apr 1940) state conventions Anti-poverty programs, 29(2):22, 23 (Apr 1967)See also Social programs; Social reform; Social welfare Anti-Saloon League, 37(1):13 (Jan 1975)
club membership,
48(1&2):11 (Jan & Apr 1986)
newspaper employement, 14(2):19 (Apr 1952) Tammany, as opponent of, 14(2):19 (Apr 1952)
fascist groups in U.S.-1930s,
74(2):18 (Fall 2012)
Jewish Community Council and, 74(2):14 (Fall 2012) The Jewish Ledger and, 74(2):9, 11 with photo (Fall 2012) local acts of, 74(2):14-15 (Fall 2012) Nazism and, 74(2):1, 5-7 (Fall 2012)See also Nazis/nazism radio broadcasts airing, 74(2):15 (Fall 2012) Anti-Slavery movement. See Abolitionist movement Anti-Slavery Society (of America). See American Anti-Slavery Society Anti-Slavery Society of Canada (ASSC) Anti-Tobacco Society Antonelli Company Der Anzeiger des Nordens (newspaper), 20(1):5, 21 (Jan 1958) A&P
Chapel Hill Apartments,
65(4):21 (Fall 2003)
construction demands, 28(2&3):41-43 (Apr & Jul 1966) on Eastman Theatre site-early 1900s, 49(1):4 (Jan 1987) emergence, 27(4):9 (Oct 1965) high rise, 28(2&3):44, 45 (Apr & Jul 1966) Hollenbeck Street-1900s, 64(3):18 (Sum 2002) public housing. See Public housing zoning ordinances, 28(2&3):38-39 (Apr & Jul 1966) Applebaum's Kosher Meat Market
as daguerreotypist,
62(1):15 (Win 2000)
assistant, 62(1):21 (Win 2000)
business advertisement, 62(1):11 illus (Win 2000) location, 62(1):11, 20 (Win 2000) portrait of Martin Brewster Anderson-1850s, 62(1):15 photo (Win 2000)
commercial transport-1800s,
11(3&4):21-22 (Jul 1949);
19(3):6 (Jul 1957)
production-1850s, 45(3&4):34, 39 (Jul & Oct 1983)
First Baptist Church,
42(2):1, 2, 3 (Apr 1980)
location and settlement pattern-1700s, 47(1&2):6, 7 (Jan & Apr 1985) Sullivan Expedition and-1770s, 42(2):1 (Apr 1980)
advertisements, in Rochester Royals program,
58(1):14 (Win 1996)
energy sources/efficiency, 46(3&4):15, 18, 21 (Jul & Oct 1984) gas Spring Street retailer-1940s, 65(3):11 (Sum 2003) An Appreciation of David Hochstein by Edward R. Foreman, 56(3):24 (Sum 1994) Apprentices/apprenticeships. See also specific individual
Bemis, James D. and,
66(4):7 (Fall 2004)
in dentistry, 59(3):5, 8 (Sum 1997) mothers' consent and, 57(4):10 (Fall 1995) prevalence, 11(2):9 (Apr 1949) shoe industry, 51(4):15 (Fall 1989) in sign painting industry, 59(3):12-13 (Sum 1997) training, 28(4):15 (Oct 1966) wages, early 1800s, 45(3&4):11 (Jul & Oct 1983) young men as, 3(4):7 (Oct 1941)
biographical details,
42(3):4 (Jul 1980)
concert performance, 18(2):18 (Apr 1956) as conductor-1860s, 29(1):6, 7 (Jan 1967); 42(3):4 (Jul 1980) as instructor, 29(1):7-9 (Jan 1967); 42(3):3, 4 (Jul 1980) Aqueduct Association, 34(3):2 (Jul 1972) Aqueduct Commission (New York, NY), 39(3):18 (Jul 1977) Aqueduct House
33(3):6 (Jul 1971); 37(2):6 (Apr
elevator system, 59(2):17 (Spr 1997) location, 33(3):6 (Jul 1971); 59(2):17 (Spr 1997) proprietor-early 1800s, 33(3):6 (Jul 1971) sale, 2(3):10 (Jul 1940) Aqueduct Spring Brewery
band, world's fair performance-1960s,
26(3):23 (Jul 1964)
location-1940s, 44(4):25 (Oct 1982) staff member, John M. Duffy, 60(3):3 (Sum 1998) student, Louis Cianca, quoted on WWII employment, 66(2):3-4 (Spr 2004)
19(2):6, 7 (Apr 1957)
Forestry Association and-1890s, 19(2):6 (Apr 1957) tree planting in Seneca Park, 28(4):19 (Oct 1966) Arcade Gallery Archambault, Stephen A. Archeological Survey of New York State
Euro-American, 44(1&2):20, 25, 26,
29, 30, 42 (Jan & Apr 1982)
Harris collection. See Harris, George Henry Native American. See Native Americans Triphammer Forge/Mill, 59(2):3, 10-11 (Spr 1997)
of Almshouse Burial Ground-1980s. See
Almshouse Burial Ground
animal, 44(1&2):37 (Jan & Apr 1982) human, 44(1&2):13-15, 26, 27, 29, 31, 38 (Jan & Apr 1982)
expansion and product line,
37(2):22 (Apr 1975)
photograph and subsequent site usage-1920, 72(1):20 (Spr 2010) Architects/architecture firms. See also Landscape architects
Ade, Benedict,
26(2):15 (Apr 1964)
Albro and Lindberg, 28(2&3):34 (Apr & Jul 1966) Arnold and Stern, 60(2):22 (Spr 1998); 65(4):19 (Fall 2003)See also Arnold, James Burns; Stern, Herbert Arnold, James. See Arnold, James Burns Badger, Alfred M., 28(2&3):3 (Apr & Jul 1966) Bellucusi, Pietro, 26(2):15 (Apr 1964) Bragdon, Claude F. See Bragdon, Claude F. building codes protest by-1890s, 34(2):15 (Apr 1972) buried in Mt. Hope Cemetery, 50(4):11 (Oct 1988) Byers, Robert S., 28(2&3):28 (Apr & Jul 1966) Carpenter, Charles, 28(2&3):23 (Apr & Jul 1966) central business district commissions-1800s, 34(2):6-7, 12 (Apr 1972) commissions, local, 60(2):10, 22 (Spr 1998) Coots, Charles, 65(4):14-15 (Fall 2003) Crandall, Otis O., 28(2&3):24 (Apr & Jul 1966) Crapsey, Algernon as, 42(1):20 (Jan 1980) Cromwell, Arthur, 65(3):14 (Sum 2003) Cutler, James G., 34(2):14 (Apr 1972) Downing, A. J., 26(2):10 (Apr 1964) Druiding, Adolfo, 65(4):16-17 (Fall 2003) Dryer, Otis, W., 28(2&3):34 (Apr & Jul 1966) of Eastman Theatre and School of Music, 49(1):6 photo, 7 (Jan 1987) Eggens & Higgins, 26(2):13-14 (Apr 1964) Ellis, Harvey (Hervey). See Ellis, Harvey Faragher & Macomber, 26(2):15 (Apr 1964) Fink, A. Hensel, 26(2):14 (Apr 1964) Foote, Orlando K., 28(2&3):18 (Apr & Jul 1966) George Eastman House, 52(1):3, 9, 18 (Win 1990) Gibson, Robert, 28(2&3):17 (Apr & Jul 1966) of golf courses. See Golf courses; specific architect Goodman, Percival, 26(2):15 (Apr 1964) Gordon, Edwin S., 28(2&3):35, 36 (Apr & Jul 1966); 29(4):5 (Oct 1967) Gruen, Victor. See Gruen, Victor Headley, Arthur, 28(2&3):36 (Apr & Jul 1966) Heins and LeFarge, 26(2):14 (Apr 1964); 28(2&3):18 (Apr & Jul 1966) Hoogs, Allen, 67(2):23 (Spr 2005) Hopkins, A.J., 29(4):3 (Oct 1967) Kaelber, William. See Kaelber, William G.; Waasdorp and Kaelber Kahn, Louis, 26(2):15 (Apr 1964) Kelly, W. Foster, 44(4):19 (Oct 1982) landscape. See Landscape architects McKee, Harley J. See McKee, Harley J. McKim, Mead and White. See McKim, Mead, and White Miller, William H., 28(2&3):12, 34 (Apr & Jul 1966) Monahan, Robert, 67(2):23 (Spr 2005) Oberlies, Joseph H., 52(4):25 (Fall 1990); 60(2):11 (Spr 1998) Platt, Charles A., 30(1):22 (Jan 1968) Quinlan, Frank, 60(3):4 (Sum 1998) Richardson, H. H. See Richardson, H. H. Roberts, Nathan S., 72(1):3 (Spr 2010) Rochester Society of. See Architects, Rochester Society of Rogers, L.P., 29(4):5 (Oct 1967) Schmidt, Carl, 65(3):15-16 (Sum 2003) Shepard, Roger, 26(2):16 (Apr 1964) Shepley, Bulfinch and Abbott, 28(2&3):31 (Apr & Jul 1966) society of. See Architects, Rochester Society of state association award-1950s, 23(4):23 (Oct 1961) Stern, Herbert, 28(2&3):34 (Apr & Jul 1966) Stern, Leon. See Stern, Leon Sullivan, Louis H. See Sullivan, Louis H. Thomas, J. R., 28(2&3):10 (Apr & Jul 1966) Thompson, Fredric, 75(1):18 (Spring 2013) Todd & Giroux, 26(2):16 (Apr 1964) Valvano & Valvano, 26(2):16 (Apr 1964) Waasdorp, Leonard. See Waasdorp and Kaelber; Waasdorp, Leonard A. Warner, Andrew J. See Warner, Andrew Jackson Warner, Andrew S., 28(2&3):18-19 (Apr & Jul 1966) Warner, J. Foster. See Warner, J. Foster William H. Orchard, 29(4):5 (Oct 1967) Wright, Frank Lloyd, 28(2&3):28 (Apr & Jul 1966)
beautification programs,
32(1):14-15 (Jan 1970)
East Avenue Plan, 28(2&3):39 (Apr & Jul 1966) exhibit, on new buildings-1960s, 26(2):1, 16-17 (Apr 1964) Architectural Forum (journal) Architecture. See also Architects/Architecture firms; specific architect/structure
architectural commission,
28(2&3):43 (Apr & Jul 1966)
in central business district, 26(2):11-12, 13 (Apr 1964); 34(2):7, 9-10, 13, 23 (Apr 1972)
Corinthian Hall, 26(4):7 (Oct 1964)
Eastman Theatre, 22(4):16 (Oct 1960) NY Central Railroad depot, 29(2):10-11 (Apr 1967) Powers Building, 38(1):15 (Jan 1976) Reynolds Arcade, 62(1):9 photo (Win 2000) exhibit, Rochester Society of Architects-1960s, 26(2):1, 16-17 (Apr 1964) "Golden Age" of, 51(2):5 (Spr 1989) Italianate, of Academy of the Sacred Heart, 65(4):11, 19-20 (Fall 2003) mid-nineteenth century, 18(2):7 (Apr 1956) at Ontario Beach Park
amusement park exhibitions,
75(1):17-18, covers (Spring 2013)
hotels, photographs/illustrations, 75(1):11, 14, 16, 23 (Spring 2013) published work on, 10(4):20 (Oct 1948) residential
East Avenue, 22(1):10-12 (Jan 1960);
26(2):9 (Apr 1964)
Genesee Country, 11(2):2 (Apr 1949) Gibbs Street-1910s, 58(4):7 photo (Fall 1996) local landmarks, 22(1):2, 9 (Jan 1960) overview, 26(2):2, 7-17 with photos (Apr 1964) pioneer mansions, 29(3):17 (Jun 1967) Prince Street academy, 65(4):11, 14-15, 16-17, 19-20 (Fall 2003)
photographs, 65(4):1-15 passim
(Fall 2003)
of St. Mary's Church, 44(4):6, 19, 25 (Oct 1982) styles
Art Deco, 60(2):22 (Spr 1998);
62(1):9 photo (Win 2000)
Classical/Classic Revival, examples, 12(2&3):14 (Apr 1950); 18(2):7 (Apr 1956) cobblestone, 12(2&3):22 (Apr 1950) doric temple, 12(2&3):11 (Apr 1950) frame houses, 12(2&3):14 (Apr 1950) Georgian Colonial, 12(2&3):18 (Apr 1950) Gothic/Gothic Revival. See Gothic/Gothic Revival architecture Greek Revival. See Greek Revival architecture Italian Renaissance, 12(2&3):19 (Apr 1950) "Oriental Orgasmic," at Ontario Beach Park, 75(1):17 (Spring 2013) post Colonial, 12(2&3):14 (Apr 1950) Queen Anne, 12(2&3):14 (Apr 1950); 18(2):7 (Apr 1956) Richardsonian, 29(4):8 (Oct 1967) Romanesque/neo Romanesque, 40(2):11, 16, 17 (Apr 1978); 60(2):11 (Spr 1998) Ruskinesque Gothic, 40(2):11 (Apr 1978); 65(4):15, 19-20 (Fall 2003) Second Empire, 58(4):7 photo (Fall 1996); 65(4):15 (Fall 2003) "Super-Sarenic," at Ontario Beach Park, 75(1):17-18, back covers (Spring 2013)
photograph, 75(1):17 (Spring
Viennese Socialists and, 69(1):7 (Spr 2007) in western U.S. cities, 19(1):9 (Jan 1957) Arc lamps, 46(3&4):14 (Jul & Oct 1984); 60(4):11, 13, 17 (Fall 1998) The Arctic Expedition of Commander Adolphus Washington Greely by Ruth Rosenberg-Naparsteck, 59(1):1-24 with illus (Win 1997) Arctic expeditions, 59(1):3-4 (Win 1997) Arden Studios Areson, Clinton W.
as professor
appointment, 31(2):7 (Apr 1969)
Free Academy, membership, 19(2):9 (Apr 1957) science camp, formation-1890s, 19(2):9 (Apr 1957) "Ariel," 53(3):19 (Sum 1991) Arion Society
children, 63(4):11,
27 illus (Fall 2001)
former residence of, 63(4):11 (Fall 2001) marriage to Julius Armbruster-1870s, 63(4):11 (Fall 2001)
biographical sketch,
63(4):1-32 with illus (Fall 2001)
birth, 63(4):6 (Fall 2001)
death, 63(4):13 (Fall 2001) family of, 63(4):11, 12, 27 illus (Fall 2001) as immigrant, 63(4):6, 12, 13 (Fall 2001) occupations, 63(4):6, 11 (Fall 2001) as orphan, 63(4):12, 13 (Fall 2001) physical appearance, 63(4):6, 14 photo (Fall 2001) Civil War service, 63(4):13 (Fall 2001)
battle wound, 63(4):3, 5, 7, 8,
10-11, 12, 13, 16-17illus, 23, 29 illus (Fall 2001)
certificate of disability, 63(4):16-17 illus (Fall 2001) desertion/absence, 63(4):23 (Fall 2001) enlistment records, 63(4):4, 5, 28-29 illus (Fall 2001) and hospitalization, 63(4):11, 29 illus (Fall 2001) pension application, 63(4):5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 27 illus (Fall 2001) photographs/illustrations Armistice Day
at Clinton & Monroe, Spanish-American War
activity-1890s, 13(2):3, 5, 13, 14, 15
(Apr 1951)
construction at Washington Square, conversion of-early 1900s, 34(2):17 (Apr 1972) Armstrong, Assemblyman (no given name) Armstrong, Marion Army (U.S.). See U.S. Army Army Corps of Engineers. See U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Army of the Potomac
Female Charitable Society membership,
8(2):7 (Apr 1946)
Society for the Organization of Charity membership, 23(2):3 (Apr 1961)
architecture commissions
Academy of the Sacred Heart, 65(4):19
(Fall 2003)
Crapsey residence, 42(1):20 (Jan 1980) St. Augustine's Church-1920s, 60(2):22 (Spr 1998) at St. Mary's Church-1930s, 44(4):25 (Oct 1982) partnership with Herbert Stern, 60(2):22 (Spr 1998) professional training, 60(2):22 (Spr 1998)
28(2&3):10 (Apr & Jul 1966)
and house construction-1870s,
13(4):11 (Oct 1951)
observatory and, 28(2&3):14 (Apr & Jul 1966) Silver, Henry D. diary entry about, 15(4):22 (Oct 1953) Arrests. See Rochester Police Department Arrink, Mrs. (no given name)
Part One: Rochester Products that Helped Win
World War II, 66(1):1-36 (Win 2004)
Part Two: Rochester War Plant Workers During World War II, 66(2):1-32 (Spr 2004)
GeVa Theatre as-1800s,
44(4):11, 13 (Oct 1982)
baseball practice in, 64(4):4 (Fall
The Arson Years: Fire Protection, Fire Insurance, and Fire Politics 1908-1910 by Joseph W. Barnes, 38(2&3):1-48 with photos (Apr & Jul 1976) Art
acquisition by middle class-mid 1900s,
65(3):17, 30 (Sum 2003)
catalog, Gallery of the University of Washington, 19(1):19 (Jan 1957) clubs, 32(1):2, 7, 10-14 (Jan 1970)
Art Directors Club, 32(1):14 (Jan
Memorial Art Gallery origins and, 18(4):1 (Oct 1956) Print Club. See Print Club Rochester Art Club. See Rochester Art Club
Eastman, George, 52(1):6-7 (Win 1990)
Fuller, Asiatic collection (Seattle), 19(1):19 (Jan 1957) Kimball, William S. See Kimball, William S. Memorial Art Gallery benefactors. See Memorial Art Gallery Powers, Daniel W., 29(4):4 (Oct 1967)See also Powers Art Gallery Purchase Award recipient, 32(1):9 (Jan 1970) council of arts, formation, 32(1):14 (Jan 1970) European, description/commentary on, 14(1):14, 17 (Jan 1952) exhibits
first, 17(2):2 (Apr 1955)
Homelands Exhibit-1920, 19(2):18 (Apr 1957) at Industrial Expositions, 34(4):13, 14, 19 (Oct 1972) Main Street Bridge, 3(2):14 (Apr 1941) of Memorial Art Gallery. See Memorial Art Gallery newspaper coverage, 32(1):7, 10-13, 15, 17 (Jan 1970) places of, 32(1):7-8, 10-11, 17, 22 (Jan 1970) at world's fairs, 26(3):4, 6, 7, 16 (Jul 1964)
Academy of Music and Art. See
Academy of Music and Art
closing-1890s, 12(1):19 (Jan 1950) commercial, 32(1):9, 14-15 (Jan 1970) Memorial Art Gallery. See Memorial Art Gallery of Powers, Daniel. See Powers Art Gallery Rochester Art Club and, 18(4):17-18 (Oct 1956) Wolfard's Books/Fine Arts, 65(3):1 illus, 3-9, 12-19, 24 (Sum 2003) Wolfard's Galleries of Fine Arts, 65(3):20 photo, 23-24, 27-28, 30, 31 (Sum 2003) historical sketches, 17(2):1-24 (Apr 1955); 32(1):1-24 (Jan 1970) instruction, 3(3):19 (Jul 1941); 11(2):15 (Apr 1949); 32(1):9 (Jan 1970); 65(3):18 (Sum 2003) modern, reactions to, 32(1):9 (Jan 1970) newspapers' treatment of-1890s, 13(1):14-20 (Jan 1951) portraiture. See Daguerrean artists; Portrait painters; Portraits religious, at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, 67(2):23-24 (Spr 2005) retail advertisement for-1850s, 48(1&2):2 illus (Jan & Apr 1986) shopping centers and, 69(1):10 (Spr 2007) Wolfards and. See Wolfard's Books/Fine Arts; Wolfard's Galleries of Fine Arts Art Center, 32(1):17 (Jan 1970) Art clubs. See Art Art Commission
34(4):19 (Oct 1972)
chairman, 31(1):21 (Jan 1969) Denver, 19(1):18 (Jan 1957) Kansas City, 19(1):18 (Jan 1957) Los Angeles, 19(1):18 (Jan 1957) Art Exchange. See Ladies' Art Exchange Arthur Caswell Parker: 1881-1955 by W. Stephen Thomas, 17(3):1-20 (Jul 1955) Arthur, President Chester A. (1830-1886)
as collector of the port,
2(4):3 (Oct 1940)
as president, 40(2):16 (Apr 1978) as senator, 2(4):5 (Oct 1940) as vice-president, 2(4):18 (Oct 1940)
Rome, NY, competitions-1800s,
63(1):17 (Win 2001)
Syracuse, NY, 8(3):10 (Jul 1946)See also Arctics baseball club (Syracuse, NY) Artillery units
Civil War
Battery D, First New York Light Artillery,
73(2):7 (Fall 2011)
Battery G, First New York Light Artillery, 73(2):2 (Fall 2011) Battery L. See Reynold's Battery L, First New York Light Artillery Ohio Heavy Artillery, 2nd, 74(1):19 illus, 20 (Spr 2012) Union Grays. See Rochester Union Grays (54th Regiment artillery unit) World War I, 44(4):22 (Oct 1982) Artists. See also specific genre/artist
association of, formation-1840s,
17(2):3-4 (Apr 1955)
buried at Mt. Hope Cemetery, 50(4):17 (Oct 1988) exhibited by Wolfard's Books/Fine Arts, 65(3):18-19, 29 (Sum 2003) historical sketch, 32(1):1-24 passim (Jan 1970) portrait painters, popularity, 11(2):9 (Apr 1949) Salmagundi Club and, 74(1):21 (Spr 2012) world's fair, exhibits at-1893, 26(3):6, 7, 16 (Jul 1964) Art Patrons Purchase Award
26(2):14 (Apr 1964)
founding, 1(3):14 (Jul 1939) subsequent construction, 28(2&3):17, 40 (Apr & Jul 1966) Ashantee, NY Ashes. See Ash industry; Potash Asheville, NC
asheries, 23(3):7
(Jul 1961); 47(1&2):12, 13, 20, 21
(Jan & Apr 1985)
construction, 45(3&4):12 (Jul & Oct
first, 30(2):14 (Apr 1968); 40(1):2 (Jan 1978) forest products and, 3(4):6 (Oct 1941) of West, Ira-early 1800s, 55(3):3 (Sum 1993)
early trade in, 45(3&4):4, 12, 13,
16 (Jul & Oct 1983)
exports-1810s, 33(2):4 (Apr 1971) prices-early 1800s, 4(4):4 (Oct 1942) ASPCA. See American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Asphalt
a.k.a. "dude pavement,"
12(1):5 (Jan 1950)
as paving material. See Streets/roads — improvements/maintenance prices, 12(1):5 (Jan 1950) Assault and battery. See Crime ASSC (Anti-Slavery Society of Canada) Assembly 1776, Knights of Labor, 60(1):8 (Win 1998)See also Knights of Labor Assemblymen (NYS). See New York State Legislature Assessment, property. See Property appraisal/assessment Assessors Associated Industries of New York State Associationalism Association for Multiple Sclerosis
history and services,
55(2):7, 29-32, 30 photo (Spr
transportation service for, 55(2):10 (Spr 1993) Association of Artists
43(2&3):15 (Apr & Jul 1981)
handbook, auto prices in, 43(2&3):9 (Apr & Jul 1981) and industry standards, 43(2&3):8, 15 (Apr & Jul 1981) origins-early 1900s, 43(2&3):7-8 (Apr & Jul 1981) patent infringement lawsuits, 43(2&3):2, 8, 14, 15 (Apr & Jul 1981)
AATS (American Association of Theological
Schools), 52(4):15 (Fall 1990)
AAUW. See American Association of University Women Amalgamated Association of Street Car Workers, 30(3):12 (Jul 1968) American Association of Nurserymen, 31(4):18 (Oct 1969) American Association of Societies for the Organization of Charities, 23(2):7 (Apr 1961) American Association of Theological Schools (AATS), 52(4):15 (Fall 1990) American Association of University Women. See American Association of University Women American Association to Promote the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf
meeting-1890s, 64(1):16 (Win 2002)
American Optical Association, 31(4):19 (Oct 1969) American Protective Association, 25(3):12 (Jul 1963) American Unitarian Association, 7(2):5 (Apr 1945) American Water Works Association, 39(3):1-2 (Jul 1977) America's Racing Association and Hippodrome, 49(3):14 (Jul 1987) Aqueduct Association, 34(3):2 (Jul 1972) ARC, 55(2):7, 10, 29-32, 30 photo (Spr 1993) Association for Help of Retarded Children, 55(2):29 (Spr 1993) Association for Retarded Children, Inc. See Association for Retarded Children, Inc. Association for Retarded Citizens (ARC), 55(2):7, 10, 29-32, 30 photo (Spr 1993) Association for Teen Age Diplomats. See Teen Age Diplomats, Association for Association of Artists, 17(2):3-4 (Apr 1955) Association of Licensed Automobile Manufacturers (ALAM). See Association of Licensed Automobile Manufacturers Athenaeum and Mechanics Association, 8(4):2 (Oct 1946) Athletic Association, 8(3):21 (Jul 1946) banking. See Banking industry Bar Association, 3(1):8 (Jan 1941) Barbers' Protective Association, 28(4):16 (Oct 1966) baseball, 52(3):2 illus caption, 4-5, 8-11 passim., 14, 17, 20 (Sum 1990); 62(2):5, 7, 11, 14, 16, 17, 20 (Spr 2000); 63(1):3 photo caption, 8, 15 (Win 2001); 63(2):4 illus, 5, 11, 12-13, 21 (Spr 2001); 64(4):3, 5 (Fall 2002)See also specific association Beach Avenue Improvement Association, 37(1):15 (Jan 1975) Benevolent Total Abstinence Association, 1(3):17 (Jul 1939) Bergh Association. See Bergh Association of Rochester Better Housing Association. See Better Housing Association Boot and Shoe Manufacturers Association, 15(2):18-19, 21-22 (Apr 1953) Brewers' Association, 54(2):9-10 (Spr 1992) Broad Street Extension Association, 6(4):16 (Oct 1944) Buffalo Young Men's Association, 6(2):10 (Apr 1944) Building and Loan Associations, 28(4):20 (Oct 1966) Business District Association, 6(4):17 (Oct 1944) Catholic Men's Benevolent Association, 44(4):19 (Oct 1982) Catholic Women's Benevolent Association, 44(4):19 (Oct 1982) Central Council of United Charities Association. See United Charities Association Chapter One of the Cerebral Palsy Association, 55(2):20, 21 (Spr 1993) Christian Reform Association, 26(4):14 (Oct 1964) Citizen's Association, 34(3):7 (Jul 1972) Citizens' Association for East Avenue, 28(2&3):43, 44-45 (Apr & Jul 1966) Citizens Political Reform Association, 42(1):7 (Jan 1980) City Manager Association, 31(1):23 (Jan 1969) Civic Improvement Association, 6(4):16 (Oct 1944) Civil Service Reform Association, 28(1):18 (Jan 1966) Clinton Avenue Improvement Association, 6(4):11 (Oct 1944) Clothiers Association. See Clothiers Association Clothing Contractors Association, 22(3):13 (Jul 1960) Cosmopolitan Art Association (Cleveland, OH), 17(2):4 (Apr 1955) Credit Men's Association, 24(4):9 (Oct 1962) Cuban Hospital Relief Association, 13(2):2 (Apr 1951) Cutters Protective Association, 15(2):19-20 (Apr 1953) Driving Park Association, 8(3):12, 15, 19 (Jul 1946) East Avenue Association, 28(2&3):39 (Apr & Jul 1966) East Avenue Improvement Association-1910s, 6(4):11 (Oct 1944) East Avenue Shade Tree Association, 28(2&3):6 (Apr & Jul 1966) Eastman Theatre Subscribers Association, 49(1):10 (Jan 1987) East Side Taxpayers' Association, 7(4):16 (Oct 1945) Electrical Association of Rochester, 32(3):11 (Jul 1970) Employers Protective Association, 15(2):11 (Apr 1953) Epilepsy Association of Greater Rochester (EAGR), 55(2):7, 18-19 illus, 32-34 (Spr 1993) ethnic
Italian Business Men's Association,
22(4):16, 19 (Oct 1960)
Family Service Association of America, 23(2):17 (Apr 1961) Female Association for the Relief of Orphan and Destitute Children. See Rochester Orphan Asylum Firemen's Association, 1(2):16 (Apr 1939) First Ward Improvement Association, 6(4):11, 12 (Oct 1944) Florists Association, 34(4):8 (Oct 1972) Fourteenth Ward Association, 29(2):7 (Apr 1967) Freedman's Relief Association, 23(1):22 (Jan 1961) Free Religious Association, 17(4):3 (Oct 1955) Front Street Improvement Association-1950s, 26(4):21 (Oct 1964) Garden City and Town Planning Association of London (of England), 27(4):8 (Oct 1965) Genesee Baptist Ministerial Association, 33(4):19 (Oct 1971) Genesee Boating Association, 8(3):15-16 (Jul 1946) Gentlemen's Driving Association, 8(3):14-15 (Jul 1946) health. See Health associations/committees Home Builders Association, 27(4):13 (Oct 1965) Hotelmen's Association for New York State, 31(4):16 (Oct 1969) International Association of Chiefs of Police, 25(4):24 (Oct 1963) International Association of Clothing Designers, 22(3):29 (Jul 1960) International Association of Professional Base Ball Players, 64(4):3, 5 (Fall 2002) International Baseball Association, 8(3):17-18 (Jul 1946) Italian Business Men's Association, 22(4):16, 19 (Oct 1960) Journeymen's, 25(1):2 (Jan 1963) Junior Pioneer Association, 6(2):11-12 (Apr 1944) Laboring Men's Association, 25(1):3 (Jan 1963) Ladies Hospital Relief Association. See Ladies Hospital Relief Association Liberal Knights (saloon keepers' association), 31(1):6 (Jan 1969) library, self-improvement and, 1(3):22 (Jul 1939) literary. See Book/literary organizations Mechanics Association. See Mechanics Association Mechanics Musical Association, 29(1):1 (Jan 1967) medical, 61(2):3-4 (Spr 1999) Medical Women's National Association (MWNA), 51(3):14, 20 (Sum 1989) Merchants, Manufacturers and Shippers Association-late 1800s, 30(4):18 (Oct 1968) Ministerial Association. See Ministerial Association Monroe County Association for Retarded Citizens. See Association for Retarded Citizens Monroe County Hotel and Restaurant Association, 55(2):26 (Spr 1993) Monroe County Library Association, 23(4):17-18 (Oct 1961) Monroe County Visiting Association, 9(2&3):19 (Apr 1947) Mothers Improvement Association, 29(2):20 (Apr 1967) NAACP. See National Association for the Advancement of Colored People National-American Suffrage Association, 26(3):9 (Jul 1964) National American Woman Suffrage Association, 57(4):11, 12, 24 (Fall 1995) National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. See National Association for the Advancement of Colored People National Association of Base Ball Players, 52(3):2 illus caption, 4-5, 8-11 passim, 14, 17, 20 (Sum 1990)
formation-1800s, 52(3):4-5 (Sum 1990)
National Association of Torch Clubs, 48(1&2):12 (Jan & Apr 1986) National Christian Association, 53(4):40-41 (Fall 1991) National Clothiers Association, 22(3):14, 17, 20 (Jul 1960) National Dress Reform Association, 10(2&3):10 (Jul 1948) National Playground Association, 31(1):19 (Jan 1969) National Retail Shoe Dealers Association, 15(2):10 (Apr 1953) National Tooling and Machining Association, 43(4):9 (Oct 1981) National Woman Suffrage Association. See National Woman Suffrage Association neighborhood. See Neighborhood associations/clubs New York Association of Commercial Travelers, 24(4):4, 9 (Oct 1962) New York Prison Association, 34(1):12 (Jan 1972) New York State Association for Retarded Children, Inc., 55(2):29 (Spr 1993)See also Association for Retarded Citizens New York State Association of Educators of the Deaf (NYSAED)
founder, 64(1):19 (Win 2002)
New York State Daguerrean Association, 17(2):4 (Apr 1955) New York State Historical Association, 17(3):14 (Jul 1955) New York State Teachers Association, 31(2):18, 20 (Apr 1969) New York State Woman's Suffrage Association. See New York State Woman's Suffrage Association Ontario Association, 8(4):20 (Oct 1946) PHNA (Public Health Nursing Association), 55(2):8 (Spr 1993) Photographic Association of America, 31(4):18 (Oct 1969) Pioneer Association of Rochester. See Pioneer Association of Rochester Playground Association of America, 31(4):19 (Oct 1969) Point Pleasant Volunteer Firemen's Association, 56(1):20 (Win 1994) Polish, 57(2):18 (Spr 1995) Printers Association, 25(1):3 (Jan 1963) Provident Loan Association, 23(2):4 (Apr 1961) Public Health Association, 22(2):13 (Apr 1960) Pulteney Associates/Association. See Pulteney Associates/Association RAETA. See Rochester Area Educational Television Association Rapids Cemetery Association, 54(3):18 (Sum 1992) RAUN. See Rochester Association for the United Nations Rochester Aqueduct Association, 39(3):19 (Jul 1977) Rochester Area Educational Television Association. See Rochester Area Educational Television Association Rochester Association for the United Nations. See Rochester Association for the United Nations Rochester Association of Catholic Laymen, 48(3&4):14 (Jul & Oct 1986) Rochester Base Ball Association, 8(3):17 (Jul 1946) Rochester Benevolent Association, 9(2&3):18 (Apr 1947) Rochester Civic Improvement Association, 6(4):16-17 (Oct 1944) Rochester Clearing House Association, 41(4):8 (Oct 1979) Rochester Radio Trade Association, 32(3):5 (Jul 1970) Rochester Teachers Association, 31(2):16-17, 18-19, 26 (Apr 1969) Rochester Tuberculosis and Health Association, 55(2):11 (Spr 1993) saloon keepers', 31(1):6 (Jan 1969) Seamstresses Association, 25(1):3 (Jan 1963) Shoe Dealers' Association, 15(2):3-4 (Apr 1953) Shoe Manufacturers Association. See Shoe Manufacturers Association Shylock Association, 9(2&3):4 (Apr 1947) South Eastern Underwriters Association, 38(2&3):35 (Apr & Jul 1976) Sportsmen's Association, 8(3):3 (Jul 1946) State Constitutional Association, 7(1):15 (Jan 1945) State Librarians Association, 23(4):23 (Oct 1961) Student Athletic Association, 31(2):7 (Apr 1969) Tailors Association, 25(1):3 (Jan 1963) Teen Age Diplomats, Association for. See Teen Age Diplomats, Association for Town Affiliation Association of the United States, 43(4):2, 5, 7 (Oct 1981) Underwriters Association of the State of New York. See Underwriters Association of the State of New York United Cerebral Palsy Association of the Rochester Area, Inc. (UCPA), 55(2):3, 4, 7, 10, 17, 20-22, illus: 18-19, 21, 36 (Spr 1993) United Charities Association. See United Charities Association Utica Water Works Association, 39(3):11 (Jul 1977) Visiting Nurse Association, 8(2):16 (Apr 1946); 28(2&3):41 (Apr & Jul 1966) war relief. See War relief associations/efforts Women's Christian Association, 28(4):12 (Oct 1966) Women's Taxpayers Association, 7(2):14, 16 (Apr 1945); 10(2&3):13 (Jul 1948) Workingmen's Association, 8(3):12 (Jul 1946) World Brotherhood Association, 21(1):22 (Jan 1959) Wyoming Pioneer Association at Silver Lake, 6(2):14 (Apr 1944) YMCA. See Young Men's Christian Association Young Men's Association. See Young Men's Association Young Men's Christian Association. See Young Men's Christian Association Young Women's Christian Association. See Young Women's Christian Association Youths Debating Association, 1(2):14-16 (Apr 1939) Y.W.C.A. See Young Women's Christian Association
Baseball in the 19th Century authored by
Part I, 52(3):1-24 with illus
(Sum 1990)
Part II, 62(2):1-24 with illus (Spr 2000) Part III, 63(1):1-24 with illus (Win 2001) Part IV, 63(2):1-24 with illus (Spr 2001) Part V, 64(4):1-24 with illus (Fall 2002)
Beaver sailing vessel,
45(3&4):18 illus (Jul & Oct
business enterprises, 45(3&4):9 (Jul & Oct 1983); 49(2):5 (Apr 1987) correspondence
with A. Tomlinson, excerpt-1790s,
45(3&4):5, 6-7 illus (Jul & Oct 1983)
of son, with Mortimer Reynolds, 36(4):7 (Oct 1974) Astral tenement housing (Greenpoint, NY), 43(1):7 (Jan 1981) Astronomical Journal
astronomer Lewis Swift. See
Swift, Lewis, Jr.
interest in, decline, 9(1):16-17 (Jan 1947) library, need for, 9(1):12 (Jan 1947)
Catholic Asylum, formation-1840s,
2(1):14 (Jan 1940);
5(2):15 (Apr 1943);
9(2&3):6 (Apr 1947)
county. See Monroe County Insane Asylum Crapsey, Dr. Algernon S. and, 42(1):10 (Jan 1980) for defective/insane persons. See Correctional institutions for orphans. See Orphanages St. Patrick's Asylum for girls, 9(2&3):14 (Apr 1947) Athenaeums. See also Libraries
Athenaeum and Mechanics Institute. See
Rochester Athenaeum and Mechanics
Athenaeum and Young Men's Association. See Rochester Athenaeum and Young Men's Association Athenaeum of the Urban College, Rome, 25(2):5 (Apr 1963) Boston, librarian from, 36(4):17-18 (Oct 1974) Rochester. See Rochester Athenaeum
8(3):17 (Jul 1946); 62(2):19 (Spr
2000); 63(1):5 (Win 2001);
63(2):5, 9 (Spr 2001);
64(4):8, 13 (Fall 2002)
national association and, 63(1):22 (Win 2001) resource on, 63(2):22 (Spr 2001) team photograph-1875, 63(2):4 (Spr 2001)
church activities,
28(2&3):15 (Apr & Jul 1966)
marriage and residence, 28(2&3):13 (Apr & Jul 1966) residence, 12(2&3):17 (Apr 1950) Atkinson, Marie
Iroquois trail near,
44(1&2):21 (Jan & Apr 1982)
location, 27(3):16 (Jul 1965) naphtha explosion-1880s, 50(3):15 (Jul 1988) schools, 8(2):21 (Apr 1946)
business enterprise-early 1800s,
4(1):10 (Jan 1942);
33(3):3 (Jul 1971);
49(4):21 (Oct 1987);
51(4):7 (Fall 1989);
55(1):5 (Win 1993)
Erie Canal opening and, 37(2):4 (Apr 1975); 72(1):6 (Spr 2010) Atlantic Avenue Atmospheric triphammer
atomic power tests and,
60(4):18-19 (Fall 1998)
local contributions to, 23(3):25 (Jul 1961); 66(1):21-22 (Win 2004)
at Oak Ridge, TN, 66(2):22-25 (Spr
Atomic power. See Nuclear power Atterberg, Miss Hilda Attica, NY
excursion train to Portage at-1870s,
68(1&2):23 (Win & Spr 2006)
Guernsey & Bushnell Company and, 45(3&4):16 (Jul & Oct 1983) resident, 41(4):20 (Oct 1979) Attiwandaronks (Native Americans), 44(1&2):16, 39-40 (Jan & Apr 1982) Attorneys. See Lawyers Attridge, Richard
as medical historian, quoted on AMA and
homeopaths, 70(1):5 (Fall 2008)
Rochester and the Water-Cure 1844-1854 authored by, 32(4):1-24 (Oct 1970)
award presentation-1940s,
5(1):23 (Jan 1943)
with Rochester Ordnance District, 5(1):24-26 (Jan 1943)
11(2):7 (Apr 1949); 26(4):6 (Oct
depot, 30(4):5 (Oct 1968); 31(4):10 (Oct 1969); 59(4):13 illus (Fall 1997) land development and-1800s, 29(2):3 (Apr 1967) merger, 30(4):6 (Oct 1968) Near Northeast District and, 29(2):2 (Apr 1967) officers, 26(1):5 (Jan 1964); 30(4):4 (Oct 1968) origins, operation and service, 11(3&4):18 (Jul 1949); 30(4):4-6, 24 (Oct 1968); 33(1):4 (Jan 1971); 42(2):3 (Apr 1980) personnel, 59(4):22n.10 (Fall 1997)
antislavery rally in-1840s,
67(1):4 (Win 2005)
Auburn Advertiser (newspaper), 64(4):13 (Fall 2002) baseball clubs/games-1800s, 8(3):10 (Jul 1946); 62(2):18, 23 (Spr 2000); 63(1):5 (Win 2001); 63(2):9, 12, 14, 20 (Spr 2001); 64(4):8, 13, 14, 17, 19-20 (Fall 2002) Catholic Church commercial activity, 13(4):5 (Oct 1951); 19(3):22 (Jul 1957) Erie Canal and rail service to/from, 19(3):4 (Jul 1957); 30(4):4-5 (Oct 1968) Redemptorist priests and-1800s, 63(3):11 (Sum 2001) residents
Chesebro, Henry, William Seward and,
66(4):16 (Fall 2004)
Tichenor family, 59(3):3 (Sum 1997) Tubman, Harriet, 67(4):9 (Fall 2005)
62(2):18, 23 (Spr 2000); 63(2):20 (Spr
2001); 64(4):8, 13, 14, 17, 19 (Fall
player, 64(4):19-20 (Fall 2002)
rooms-early 1800s,
37(2):6, 9, 16 (Apr 1975)
of state lands-1890s, 45(3&4):9 (Jul & Oct 1983) at strikers' fundraising fair-1880s, 60(1):9 (Win 1998)
armed services and,
36(4):24 (Oct 1974)
in city schools, 31(2):17 (Apr 1969) RAVD. See Reynolds Audio-Visual Department Auerbach, Red
Hochstein, David and,
58(4):9 (Fall 1996)
quoted on, 56(3):23 (Sum 1994)
Augustine Street
family members,
67(3):6 (Sum 2005)
as slave owner, Douglass, Frederick and, 67(3):2 illus, 6, 7, 12 (Sum 2005)
correspondence from Frederick Douglass, quoted,
67(3):20 (Sum 2005)
family members, 67(3):6 (Sum 2005) as slave master, Frederick Douglass and, 67(3):6, 7, 12 (Sum 2005)
description/commentary on,
14(1):3, 4, 6, 15, 18 (Jan 1952);
14(1):6, 18 (Jan 1952)
as escape route to Germany-1910s, 64(2):11 (Spr 2002) International Polar Year and, 59(1):3 (Win 1997) Polish immigrants from, 57(1):8 (Win 1995) Roman Catholic Church in The Authorship of the Shakespearean Plays (paper) by Joseph O'Connor, 10(1):4 (Jan 1948) Autobiographical material The Autobiography of an Idea by Louis H. Sullivan, 29(4):8 (Oct 1967) Autobiography of Joseph F. Hess, the Converted Prize-Fighter, 10(4):13 (Oct 1948) The Autobiography of Reverend Thomas James, 37(4):1-32 (Oct 1975) Autochrome process
drunk driver causing-early 1900s,
17(1):14 (Jan 1955)
fatality-1940s, 44(4):26 (Oct 1982) World War II, 66(1):12 (Win 2004)
early 1900s, 17(1):14, 17-18 (Jan
at Industrial Expositions, early 1900s, 34(4):8, 14 (Oct 1972) during WWII, 5(1):7 (Jan 1943) membership, growth, 11(2):17 (Apr 1949) merger, 12(1):5 (Jan 1950) president, 52(1):2 photo caption (Win 1990) race, location, 12(1):5 (Jan 1950)
auxiliary industries,
43(2&3):26-38 (Apr & Jul 1981)
development and production, 43(2&3):5-8, 9-14, 19, 22-23, 24 (Apr & Jul 1981); 52(1):21 (Win 1990); 61(3&4):17 (Sum & Fall 1999)
Selden invention and patent. See
Selden, George B., Sr.
of self-starters, 43(2&3):35 (Apr & Jul 1981); 43(4):19 (Oct 1981) Great Depression and-1930s, 61(1):5, 13 (Win 1999); 61(3&4):7 (Sum & Fall 1999) manufacturers, 43(2&3):12-35 passim (Apr & Jul 1981)See also Association of Licensed Automobile Manufacturers; Ford Motor Company; General Motors Corporation
city directory listings-1900,
61(3&4):6 (Sum & Fall 1999)
former businesses, 61(3&4):7 (Sum & Fall 1999) patent infringement lawsuits, 43(2&3):2, 6-8, 9, 12-15 (Apr & Jul 1981) retailers, 49(1):19, 20 (Jan 1987) service company-early 1900s, 49(1):20 (Jan 1987)
accidents involving. See
Automobile accidents
appearance, locally-1890s, 17(1):13 (Jan 1955) automobile club. See Automobile Club "biling," definition, 12(1):4 (Jan 1950) census/registration figures, 19(3):18, 20, 25 (Jul 1957); 25(4):16 (Oct 1963); 46(3&4):15 (Jul & Oct 1984)
1910s, 36(2):2 (Apr 1974)
1920s, 36(2):15-16 (Apr 1974) 1930s, 36(2):14 (Apr 1974) 1960-1980, 23(3):28 (Jul 1961) post WWII, 61(3&4):7 (Sum & Fall 1999) trends, 35(2):12 (Apr 1973); 61(3&4):17, 24-25 photo (Sum & Fall 1999) demand, 28(2&3):26, 31, 36, 38, 42 (Apr & Jul 1966); 46(3&4):20 (Jul & Oct 1984) development and production. See Automobile industry electric, 28(2&3):26 (Apr & Jul 1966) hearses. See Hearses impact, 61(3&4):6 (Sum & Fall 1999); 65(3):20 (Sum 2003)
on canal boats, 18(1):12 (Jan 1956)
on horses, 28(2&3):26, 32 (Apr & Jul 1966); 61(3&4):7 (Sum & Fall 1999) on housing patterns, 27(4):10 (Oct 1965) on parks system on street patterns, 27(3):20 (Jul 1965) on suburban growth, 19(3):17, 18-19, 20 (Jul 1957); 38(1):22 (Jan 1976) on transit systems, 30(3):11, 16-17, 18, 20, 22 (Jul 1968) on trolley cars, 34(2):19 (Apr 1972) National Highways Protective Society, members, 17(1):14 (Jan 1955) operation
bicycles and, 69(2):24 (Spr 2008)
city speed limits, 12(1):5 (Jan 1950); 69(2):1 (Spr 2008) on expressways, 28(2&3):45 (Apr & Jul 1966) fuel consumption, 46(3&4):15 (Jul & Oct 1984) long distance trips, 12(1):3 (Jan 1950) Puerto Rican community and, 70(2):8 (Fall 2007) racing. See Auto races regulation, 17(1):13-24 (Jan 1955); 28(2&3):21-22, 26 (Apr & Jul 1966)See also Traffic service, 12(1):4 (Jan 1950) snow removal and, 27(1):11, 17 (Jan 1965) turn of the century, 12(1):2-5 (Jan 1950)
of 1920s, 55(3):22 (Sum 1993)
ambulances-1911, 56(2):23 (Spr 1994) calliope, 49(3):12 (Jul 1987) Cunningham Hearse Model W-1-1932, 61(3&4):7 (Sum & Fall 1999) of early models, 43(2&3):10, 11, 20, 21 (Apr & Jul 1981) Eastman, George in, 52(1):1 (Win 1990) fire engines, 38(2&3):8 (Apr & Jul 1976); 50(1):10 (Jan 1988) hearse, 43(2&3):20 (Apr & Jul 1981) Stanley Steamer Locomobile, 52(1):1 (Win 1990) by Zoller, Charles C., 50(1):10 (Jan 1988) racing. See Auto races stage appearance at Baker Theater, 12(1):4 (Jan 1950) steam powered, local manufacturer, 69(2):10 (Spr 2008) thefts, 25(4):16 (Oct 1963) trucks. See Trucking industry
automobiles. See
Automobile industry;
bibliography, 43(2&3):39 (Apr & Jul 1981) engines, development and production. See Engine(s)
versus airplane-early 1900s,
61(3&4):10 (Sum & Fall 1999)
at Driving Park, 12(1):5 (Jan 1950) at Industrial Expositions-early 1900s, 34(4):8, 14 (Oct 1972) steamers-1900, 12(1):5 (Jan 1950)
commercial/industrial enterprises,
22(3):15 (Jul 1960);
57(2):4 (Spr 1995)
resident, 57(2):10 (Spr 1995) Averell, Mrs. Isaac. See Watson, Mrs. Emily Averell, James G.
death, Memorial Art Gallery and,
7(3):22-23 (Jul 1945);
17(2):18-19 (Apr 1955);
42(3):5 (Jul 1980)
Dossenbach, Hermann and, 42(3):5 (Jul 1980) profession, 7(3):23 (Jul 1945) relationship to Emily S. Watson, 7(3):23 (Jul 1945); 42(3):5 (Jul 1980) Avery, Ira
twentieth century,
61(3&4):9-11 (Sum & Fall 1999)
Frisbee flight, 61(3&4):8 photo,
10 (Sum & Fall 1999)
Avis Street, 15(4):25, 27 (Oct 1953) Avon, Geneseo and Mt. Morris Railroad
baseball clubs/games-1800s,
63(2):5, 9 (Spr 2001)
bridge county seat campaign-early 1800s, 24(1):16 (Jan 1962); 33(2):3, 4 (Apr 1971) dairy herd, contamination-1890s, 19(3):9 (Jul 1957) Erie Railroad and, 3(4):12 (Oct 1941) former names Iroquois trail to/from, 30(2):13 (Apr 1968); 44(1&2):19 (Jan & Apr 1982) rail service to/from, 19(3):4 (Jul 1957); 30(4):7, 12 (Oct 1968)
excursion train to Portage-1870s,
68(1&2):23 (Win & Spr 2006)
residential landscaping, 51(2):23 (Spr 1989) settlement-1700s, 1(4):3 (Oct 1939); 23(3):2 (Jul 1961); 33(3):2 (Jul 1971); 47(1&2):13 (Jan & Apr 1985) traveler's visit to-1820s, 62(3):20 (Sum 2000) as Water-Cure site, 32(4):6 (Oct 1970) Awards/prizes
62(2):6, 18 (Spr 2000); 63(1):7-8
(Win 2001)
Better Downtown Contest, 26(2):16 (Apr 1964) civic medals, 22(2):1-24 (Apr 1960) golf purses, 65(1):18 (Win 2003)
employee morale and-WWII, 66(1):26
(Win 2004)
for production-WWII, 66(1):12, 16, 27, 29-31 (Win 2004) for safety-WWII, 66(1):12 (Win 2004) National Hall of Fame membership, 22(1):8 (Jan 1960) papal honor, 22(4):19 (Oct 1960) Rochester, as recipient
American Heritage Foundation-1950s,
24(2):20 (Apr 1962); 32(2):13
(Apr 1970)
as banner city, State Sunday School movement, 11(2):6 (Apr 1949) as safest city, 27(1):15 (Jan 1965) A. Whipple and Company
as general contractor
for Eastman Theatre and School of Music,
49(1):7-8 (Jan 1987);
58(4):22 (Fall 1996)
for University of Rochester, 30(1):22 (Jan 1968) Ayrault, Mrs.
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