
Talking is Teaching banner

Talking is Teaching is a national campaign to boost the early learning and brain development of children from birth through age five. The “Talking is Teaching: Talk, Read, Sing” campaign is part of Too Small to Fail, a national initiative of the Clinton Foundation. “Talking is Teaching: Talk, Read, Sing” aims to give parents and caregivers the tools to talk, read, and sing more with their young children from birth, increasing meaningful interactions that are critical to healthy brain development.

Research shows that during the first years of life a child’s brain forms one million new neural connections every second and absorbs information like a sponge. This is why simple, everyday interactions with young children—like describing objects seen during a walk or bus ride, singing songs, or telling stories—can better prepare them for school, and lay a strong foundation for their social-emotional development, health, and lifelong learning.

You may have seen the NYS Office of Child & Family Services multi-media campaign that is reinforcing these messages through billboards, bus ads, and in paid media spots. Talk, Read, Sing Greater Rochester is building on that and partnering with local trusted messengers, like childcare providers, home visitors, pediatricians, and more, to share information with parents and caregivers about the critical role they play in their child’s early brain development. These community partners will distribute language-rich Talking is Teaching materials directly to families. Our libraries have integrated Talk, Read, Sing into storytimes and added posters and materials in our spaces.  Our goal is to partner with families to elevate the message that small moments matter to build children’s brains and support their development. We look forward to Talking, Singing, and Reading with you!