MCLS Mobile Experience
You can access the same great catalog experience on your mobile device!
MCLS Catalog on Your Phone (instructional brochure)
Overdrive Libby
Overdrive’s app for enjoying ebooks and audiobooks!
CatalogPlus for Mobile Devices
Search the library catalog, place holds, check account information and more from your mobile phone! The newly updated CatalogPlus now scales up or down to the size of the device that is detected.
For the Blind and Visually Impaired
Digital books and magazines are available as a Braille and Audio Reading Download (BARD) from the National Library Service (NLS). Use downloaded books on digital players issued from the Talking Book and Braille Library, or get the free BARD mobile app to listen to your books via your smart phone or tablet. More information is available from the New York State Library: