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62(1):10-11 illus (Win 2000)
Appleby, Richard B., 62(1):11 illus, 15 (Win 2000) biographical overview, 62(1):1-24 with illus (Win 2000) Clark, John M. See Clark, John M. Draper, William, 62(1):4 (Win 2000) Faulkner, Lewis K., 59(4):3, 9 (Fall 1997) Griffin, Lewis V., 62(1):17 (Win 2000) Kelsey, Miss Louisa, 62(1):10 (Win 2000) listing of, 62(1):20-21 illus (Win 2000) Marsh, E. Kirby, 62(1):4 (Win 2000) Mercer, T. See Mercer, Thomas Morse, Samuel F.B., 62(1):4 (Win 2000) Woodruff, Messrs. J. and T. T., 62(1):6-7 (Win 2000) Daguerre, Jacques Mandé, 62(1):3, 19 (Win 2000) Daguerreotypes. See also Photographs/illustrations; Portraits
advent, 11(2):9
(Apr 1949); 17(2):3 (Apr 1955)
The American Gallery of Beauty exhibit-1850s, 62(1):18 (Win 2000) Captured Images: The Daguerreian Years in Rochester 1840 to 1860, 62(1):1-24 with photos/illus (Win 2000) conference, local-1850s, 17(2):4 (Apr 1955) defined, 62(1):19 (Win 2000) materials/process, 62(1):4, 5, 7, 8, 12-13, 16 (Win 2000) as portraits, 62(1):17 (Win 2000) post-mortem, 59(4):14-17, 17 photo (Fall 1997) prices and sizes, 62(1):4 (Win 2000) of Tichenor family members, 59(4):1 photo, 3 (Fall 1997)
Tichenor, Henry J., 59(4):14-17, 17
photo (Fall 1997)
Tichenor, William, 59(3):16 photo, 17, 18, 19 photo (Sum 1997)
growth and decline-mid 1800s,
62(1):13 (Win 2000)
interiors, 62(1):5 (Win 2000) listing of, 62(1):20-21 illus (Win 2000) locations, 62(1):20-21 (Win 2000)
in National Hotel, 62(1):6 (Win 2000)
nationwide, 62(1):4 (Win 2000) in Reynolds Arcade, 62(1):9, 20-21 (Win 2000)
as democratic county chairman,
32(2):7-8 (Apr 1970)
as postmaster, resignation, 32(2):13-14 (Apr 1970) at world's fair-1930s, 26(3):16 (Jul 1964) Daily Advertiser (newspaper). See Advertiser Daily Chronicle (newspaper). See also Chronicle Daily Democrat and American (newspaper). See Democrat and American Daily, Joe Daily Telegraph (newspaper). See Telegraph Daily Union (newspaper). See Union (newspaper) Daily Union and Advertiser (newspaper). See Union and Advertiser Daimler, Gottlieb (auto maker), 43(2&3):2 (Apr & Jul 1981) Dairy industry
Bartholomay Brewing Company and-1900s,
54(2):11 (Spr 1992)
Erie Railroad and, 56(4):16 (Fall 1994) milk contamination, infant mortality and-1800s, 45(1&2):5-9, illus: 2, 7, 11 (Jan & Apr 1983); 61(3&4):13 (Sum & Fall 1999) in Polish community, 57(2):4, 15 (Spr 1995) retail sales in Poland, 64(2):4-5 (Spr 2002) Shaker site-1820s, 62(4):26 (Fall 2000) St. Joseph Avenue area, 64(3):3, 31 (Sum 2002)
photograph, 64(3):2 (Sum 2002)
Dake Street
biographical details/summary,
21(3):8 (Jul 1959)
bank directorship, 59(2):19, 20 (Spr
external elevator, 59(2):17-18 (Spr 1997) grinding system, 59(2):17 (Spr 1997) mills-early 1800s, 33(3):6, 9 (Jul 1971); 37(2):6 (Apr 1975); 55(1):6 (Win 1993); 59(2):14-15, 17-18, 19 with illus (Spr 1997) family, 59(2):14-15 (Spr 1997) residences, 59(2):14, 19 (Spr 1997)
fire at, 59(2):20 (Spr 1997)
civic and religious life,
59(2):19 (Spr 1997)
death, 59(2):20 (Spr 1997) family, 59(2):15 (Spr 1997) spouse, 59(2):15 (Spr 1997)See also Dalzell, Robert M.
Democratic Party, role in,
22(4):20-21 (Oct 1960);
32(2):16-17 (Apr 1970);
41(4):16 (Oct 1979)
public works commissioner and, 32(2):21 (Apr 1970) Damascus Temple of the Shrine Damrosch, Walter
Albany (NY) municipal water supply and,
39(3):6-7 (Jul 1977)
Barge Canal System and, 72(1):16, 18, 19 (Spr 2010) on Genesee River. See Court Street Dam; Genesee River — dams; Johnson and Seymour Dam Syracuse (NY) municipal water supply and, 39(3):18 (Jul 1977)
Glen Haven Hotel,
56(1):14, 15 (Win 1994)
Hudson Avenue, 57(1):11 (Win 1995) Irondequoit Bay, 56(1):14, 15, 20 (Win 1994) Minerva Hall, 40(3):13 (Jul 1978) popularity, 11(1):19 (Jan 1949) Sea Breeze, 56(1):22 (Win 1994) supervision, 25(4):15 (Oct 1963) Danceland Pavilion
Birds and Worms Ball,
56(1):13 (Win 1994)
dress ball by Mrs. & Mrs. Frederick Stewart, 62(1):1 photo, 2 (Win 2000) Erickson, Elizabeth debut, 40(3):18 (Jul 1978) Irish famine relief ball-1840s, 68(3):12 (Sum 2006) military, popularity, 1(2):3, 19 (Apr 1939) for sailors, in Pultneyville, 58(2):3 (Spr 1996)
amusement parks and,
56(1):14 (Win 1994)
to Come Haste To the Wedding, 62(3):26 (Sum 2000) Couse's Dancing School socials, 1(2):19 (Apr 1939) Eastman, George and, 52(1):10 (Win 1990) folk, held at playgrounds, 11(1):19 (Jan 1949) forbidden-1820s, 62(4):25 (Fall 2000) in Italian community, 22(4):6, 12 (Oct 1960) in Polish community, 57(2):8 (Spr 1995) popularity, 11(1):19 (Jan 1949); 11(2):15 (Apr 1949); 56(1):12, 20 (Win 1994) Puerto Rican dance troupe, photograph, 70(2):inside front cover (Fall 2007) at Romulus POW camp-WWII, 56(3):8 (Sum 1994) at strikers' fundraising fair-1880s, 60(1):9 (Win 1998)
as judge, woman's suffrage meeting and,
57(4):10 (Fall 1995)
as lawyer, railway franchise debate-1880s, 30(3):8 (Jul 1968) residence, commercial use and location, 37(2):14 (Apr 1975) spouse, Rochester Industrial School and, 9(2&3):15 (Apr 1947)
biographical summary,
41(4):10-11 (Oct 1979)
as congressman, 41(4):10-11 (Oct 1979)
candidacy, 14(2):20, 21 (Apr 1952)
spouse. See Danforth, Henry G.
club membership,
48(1&2):9 (Jan & Apr 1986)
Council of Social Agencies, staff, 20(4):26 (Oct 1958) Tuesday Musicale and, 29(1):20 (Jan 1967)
architecture and/or location,
26(2):10 (Apr 1964);
27(3):18 (Jul 1965)
as senior citizens center. See Danforth Center for Senior Citizens Daniels, Miss Louise Dann, Anna. See Mason, Mrs. Anna Dannreuther Quartet
baseball club/game-1800s,
62(2):17 (Spr 2000)
canal to, 56(4):4 (Fall 1994) development-pioneer era, 11(2):2 (Apr 1949); 23(3):2 (Jul 1961) illustration-c.1840, 47(1&2):25 (Jan & Apr 1985) incorporation, 47(1&2):25n.7 (Jan & Apr 1985) Overseer of the Poor indentures-1810s, 71(1):12-13 illus, 16 (Spr 2009) population-mid 1800s, 47(1&2):25-26n.7 (Jan & Apr 1985) Redemptorist priests and-1800s, 63(3):11 (Sum 2001) Rochester family, (of Col. Nathaniel), as residents, 23(3):2 (Jul 1961); 24(1):2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11 (Jan 1962); 42(4):10, 11, 13-14 (Oct 1980); 47(1&2):21 (Jan & Apr 1985); 71(1):9-10, 14-17, 20 (Spr 2009)
indentures for servants of, 71(1):11
illus, 12-13 illus (Spr 2009)
Dare, Shirley Dartmouth College
local basketball players from,
58(1):4 (Win 1996)
School for American Craftsmen and, 32(1):12 (Jan 1970) Darwin, Charles
as author
of Descent of Man, 8(4):12 (Oct
of Journal of a Naturalist, 8(4):2 (Oct 1946) literary club studies works of, 8(4):16 (Oct 1946) of Origin of the Species, 7(2):9 (Apr 1945); 8(4):6 (Oct 1946) theories of, and reaction to, 8(4):1, 4, 6-12, 16 (Oct 1946)
newspaper enterprise,
29(3):13 (Jun 1967)
print shop, 2(1):5 map (Jan 1940) Scrantom apprentice, 4(1):18-19 (Jan 1942); 30(2):4 (Apr 1968); 41(1&2):23 (Jan & Apr 1979)
Anthony, Susan B. in,
7(2):5 (Apr 1945);
15(3):3 (Jul 1953);
57(3):6 (Sum 1995)
Sons of Temperance and, 57(3):6 (Sum 1995)
artifact preserved by,
50(4):16 (Oct 1988)
headquarters, 8(2):15, 23 (Apr 1946); 22(1):9 (Jan 1960)
construction and design, 1(3):2 (Jul
as landmark, 27(3):17 (Jul 1965) photograph, 26(2):centerfold (Apr 1964) Mt. Hope Cemetery and, 50(4):19 (Oct 1988) wartime activity Davenport firm. See A.H. Davenport Davenport, Mary. See also Folsom, Mary (née Davenport) David Dows and Co., 40(3):3 (Jul 1978) David Hochstein: Rochester's Promising Violinist by Vincent A. Lenti, 56(3):17-24 (Sum 1994) Davids, John
on atomic bomb, quoted,
66(2):25 (Spr 2004)
employment-WWII, quoted on, 66(2):8 (Spr 2004)
family's Manhattan Project experience,
66(2):22-25 (Spr 2004)
46(1&2):23 (Jan & Apr 1984)
vote in presidential election-1844, 46(1&2):23 (Jan & Apr 1984)
biographical sketch,
43(1):1-20 (Jan 1981)
City Club speech, 9(4):9 (Oct 1947) professional career, 43(1):4, 5, 16-18 (Jan 1981) world's fair exhibit-1890s, 43(1):5-16 (Jan 1981)
business enterprises,
43(1):4 (Jan 1981)
relationship to Frances and Katharine B. Davis, 43(1):3-4 (Jan 1981)
The Search for Rochester's Earliest
Inhabitants: On the Trail with George Harris, The Pathfinder
authored by, 44(1&2):1-44 with illus
(Jan & Apr 1982)
biographical summary,
41(4):3-4 (Oct 1979)
presidential endorcement, 2(4):9 (Oct 1940) as Republican leader, 2(4):4, 10 (Oct 1940) Dawn, Ontario (Canada)
militia, role in,
54(3):15 (Sum 1992)
as newspaper editor,quoted on Orlando Hamlet Etheridge, 59(3):13-14 (Sum 1997)
for handicapped children. See
Day Care Training Center for Handicapped
Children of Monroe County, Inc.
in St. Mary's Church-1880s, 44(4):14-15 (Oct 1982)
renamed Mary Cariola Children's Center, 55(2):28 (Spr 1993) Day, George H. Dayton Engineering Laboratories Company, 43(2&3):35 (Apr & Jul 1981) Day Treatment Centers (ARC) Dead House Deaf education
early 1800s,
64(1):3-4 (Win 2002)
local. See Rochester School for the Deaf; Western New York Institution for Deaf Mutes
benevolent Association and,
9(2&3):18 (Apr 1947)
club and society memberships, 8(4):8 (Oct 1946); 48(1&2):5, 6 (Jan & Apr 1986) death, 9(2&3):19 (Apr 1947) evolutionary theory, interest in, 8(4):8 (Oct 1946) Dean, Vera Dearborn, Henry A. S.
aboard ship
at circus performance-mid 1800s,
49(3):18 (Jul 1987)
drownings, 17(1):4, 9-10, 19 (Jan 1955); 26(4):12 (Oct 1964); 53(4):38 (Fall 1991) electrocution, 27(1):7 (Jan 1965); 60(2):18 (Spr 1998) fires causing. See Fires — fatalities of horse on Erie Canal path-1820s, 62(3):17 (Sum 2000) in naphtha explosion-1880s, 43(2&3):30 (Apr & Jul 1981) of Patch, Sam. See Patch, Sam in river gorge-1850s, 8(3):7 (Jul 1946) sports-related-mid 1800s, 52(3):15 (Sum 1990) streetcar/trolley, 17(1):11-12 (Jan 1955) traffic-related, 27(1):19 (Jan 1965); 44(4):26 (Oct 1982) trains causing, 16(2):4 (Apr 1954); 30(4):11 (Oct 1968); 33(1):5, 6 (Jan 1971) on Arctic expedition-1880s, 59(1):18, 19-20 (Win 1997) by execution. See Execution health-related
alcohol poisoning, 61(3&4):13 (Sum
& Fall 1999)
cholera. See Cholera epidemics consumption. See Consumption; Tuberculosis at county almshouse. See Monroe County Almshouse at Industrial School of Rochester, 68(4):11-12 (Fall 2006) of infants. See Infant mortality influenza-1918, 61(3&4):13 (Sum & Fall 1999)See also Influenza epidemics/outbreaks on Oregon and California Trails-1840s, 39(1&2):20, 34, 36-37 (Jan & Apr 1977) patent medicine, 70(1):18 (Fall 2008) in Romulus (NY) area, mid-1850s, 42(2):2-27 (Apr 1980) at St. Mary's Church-1870s, 44(4):11 (Oct 1982) at St. Mary's Hospital-1911, 60(2):18 (Spr 1998) typhoid fever, in Albany, NY-1890s, 39(3):9 (Jul 1977)See also Typhoid fever mortality rates, 18(3):3-6, 8, 14-15, 21 (Jul 1956); 28(4):8-9 (Oct 1966)
1900, 28(4):8-9 (Oct 1966)
Boston-mid 1800s, 18(3):6-7 (Jul 1956) infant. See Infant mortality mid 1800s, 18(3):6, 21 (Jul 1956) of Native Americans, 38(4):5, 6, 10 (Oct 1976) recorded
in Brighton Town Clerk's Record-mid 1800s,
45(1&2):13, 14, 16, 20-22 (Jan &
Apr 1983)
with health department-1800s, 45(1&2):10, 11 (Jan & Apr 1983) sources of, 52(2):5, 15, 16 (Spr 1990) by suicide
Everets, John-1850s, 71(2):17, 18
illus (Fall 2009)
of "Jack"-1810s, 68(1&2):19 (Win & Spr 2006) Jemison, John and, 68(1&2):19 (Win & Spr 2006) mayoral-1850s, 26(1):10 (Jan 1964) municipal-1890s, 25(4):7 (Oct 1963) over finances-1800s, 49(2):10, 11 (Apr 1987) Death penalty
Labor Lyceum lecture,
12(1):22 (Jan 1950)
newspapers on, 14(3):9 (Jun 1952) as presidential candidate, votes received, 39(4):1, 20, 21 (Oct 1977)
49(2):5, 21n.6 (Apr 1987)
legislation. See Debt laws reduction, slogan, 11(2):23 (Apr 1949) statistics, 1900-1930, 35(2):23 illus (Apr 1973) Decalsne, M. Decker, George Deemer, Thomas W.
bridge construction. See
Deep Hollow Bridge
Iroquois trail(s) to/from, 44(1&2):21, 24 (Jan & Apr 1982) location, 4(1):8 (Jan 1942) transit service to/from, 5(2):23 (Apr 1943); 30(3):3 (Jul 1968)
horse drawn, 5(3):18 (Jul 1943)
Defense activities Defense contracts. See also specific company/product
Civil War,
23(1):9, 10 (Jan 1961)
military uniforms, manufacture. See Military uniforms Vietnam War, 48(3&4):4 (Jul & Oct 1986) World War I, 5(4):14-17 (Oct 1943); 43(2&3):19 (Apr & Jul 1981) World War II, 5(1):23, 24 (Jan 1943); 49(2):16 (Apr 1987); 51(4):20-21, 23 (Fall 1989)
historical sketches, 66(1):1-36 (Win
Defense stamps. See War stamps, sales campaigns Defense Transportation, Office of
biographical sketch,
51(2):1-24 with illus, photos (Spr
birthplace, 67(2):19 (Spr 2005) early employment, 51(2):5, 6 (Spr 1989); 67(2):19 (Spr 2005) education, 51(2):5, 20 (Spr 1989) as landscape architect, 51(2):2-23 passim with illus (Spr 1989)
Eastman commission, 52(1):3 (Win
flower and garden shows, 51(2):19-20 (Spr 1989) Holy Sepulchre Cemetery commissions, 67(2):8, 17, 19-20 (Spr 2005) office site, 51(2):6 (Spr 1989) photography, reliance on, 51(2):21, 22 caption (Spr 1989) parks, interest in, 51(2):19 (Spr 1989) photographs by/of, 51(2):1, 3, 4, 8, 14, 21, 22 (Spr 1989) residence, 51(2):6, 20, 21 (Spr 1989) DeForest, Bertha, 51(2):5 (Spr 1989) DeForest, Clara, 51(2):5 (Spr 1989) DeForest, Edward, 51(2):5 (Spr 1989) DeForest, Mrs. Jane (née McDonald) de Freitas, Lady Helen
as abolitionists,
15(3):1, 2 (Jul 1953)
Anthony family and, 7(2):3, 5 (Apr 1945) farms, 27(3):18 (Jul 1965) as Quakers, 15(3):1 (Jul 1953) Spiritualist movement and, 10(2&3):7 (Jul 1948)
Anthony family and,
57(4):4 (Fall 1995)
death-1870s, 7(2):14 (Apr 1945) as woman's rights activist, 7(2):6 (Apr 1945)
illegal voting-1870s, 10(2&3):13
(Jul 1948)
Delacroix, Eugène
as editor of North Star,
21(4):7 (Oct 1959)
Liberia and-1800s, 67(1):4-5, 16n.52 (Win 2005) as medical student and journalist, 67(1):5 (Win 2005) military career, 67(3):19 (Sum 2005) professions, 67(3):19 (Sum 2005) Delaware River
General Motors acquires,
20(2):6, 8 (Apr 1958);
24(3):37 (Jul 1962)
origins, 20(2):5-6 (Apr 1958) product lines, 20(2):6 (Apr 1958); 24(3):37 (Jul 1962) world's fair exhibits, 26(3):18, 23 (Jul 1964)
defense contracts-WWII,
66(1):20, 22 (Win 2004)
labor force-WWII, 66(1):9 (Win 2004)
Broadway production and, 66(1):27
(Win 2004)
Bryan, Roger, quoted on war experiences, 66(2):11 (Spr 2004) equal pay legislation and, 66(2):19 (Spr 2004) heart attack victim, 66(1):12 (Win 2004) Schlueter, Mary Alice, 66(2):21 (Spr 2004) Delco Lighting Company, 43(2&3):35 (Apr & Jul 1981) Delco Products Division Delegate Assembly
meeting to reassess functions-1940s,
20(4):26 (Oct 1958)
urban renewal, promotion of-1940s, 20(4):24 (Oct 1958) de Lion, Dan Dell, Charles W. Delta Tract Democrat (newspaper), 10(2&3):12 (Jul 1948); 24(4):2, 20 (Oct 1962)
absorbs Chronicle,
41(3):24 (Jul 1979)
advertisement for dental practice, quoted, 59(3):3-4 (Sum 1997) on alcoholism in almshouse residents, 45(1&2):16 (Jan & Apr 1983) American Art Union membership drive and, 17(2):4 (Apr 1955) Anthony (Susan B.) correspondence in, quoted-1850s, 15(3):3-6 (Jul 1953) on art, 17(2):5 (Apr 1955) on Central Drug Store-1840s, 3(2):14 (Apr 1941) Charlotte, on crowds in-1850s, 8(3):3 (Jul 1946) on Charlotte-Rochester Railroad, quoted-1850s, 45(3&4):21 (Jul & Oct 1983) on cigars, quoted, 60(1):18 (Win 1998) circus reports-mid 1800s, 49(3):6, 19 (Jul 1987) on city hall, 40(2):8 (Apr 1978) on Civil War campgrounds
on Camp Fitz-John Porter, quoted-1860s,
66(3):14, 15 (Sum 2004)
on Camp Genesee, quoted-1860s, 66(3):18 (Sum 2004) on Camp Hillhouse discipline, quoted-1860s, 66(3):9 (Sum 2004) on Crooks, Colonel Samuel-1860s, 66(3):20 (Sum 2004) editors/employees
Dawson, George, 59(3):13 (Sum 1997)
Fitch, Charles E.-1880s, 48(1&2):7 (Jan & Apr 1986) Merrill, Arch, 19(3):1 (Jul 1957) reporter fabricates story, 8(3):14 (Jul 1946) Smith, Erasmus Peshine, 21(3):22 (Jul 1959) evolutionary theory in
Tichenor dental practice, 59(3):4
(Sum 1997)
formation and ownership-1800s, 22(2):9 (Apr 1960) on Genesee Valley Canal, 56(4):6, 8, 18 (Fall 1994) historical summary, 14(2):6-8 (Apr 1952) on hoop skirt, 18(2):3 (Apr 1956) on industry
RR rate legislation and-late 1800s,
30(4):18 (Oct 1968)
sewing machines, editorial excerpt, 4(2):14-15 (Apr 1942) shoe companies listing, 15(2):4 (Apr 1953)
quoted, 68(3):4, 13 (Sum 2006)
letter from deaf student-1850s, 64(1):4 (Win 2002) Lincoln assassination and-1860s, 23(1):23 (Jan 1961) location, 67(3):20 (Sum 2005) on museums, 18(4):4, 5, 8 (Oct 1956) North Star and, 67(3):20 (Sum 2005) ownership, changes in-1860s, 23(1):19, 21 (Jan 1961) political stances, 20(3):4, 5, 9, 15 (Jul 1958)
Civil War era, 23(1):20, 21 (Jan
on slavery and abolitionist movement, quoted, 46(1&2):6-7, 22 (Jan & Apr 1984) on St. Mary's Church, quoted-1800s, 44(4):3, 5 (Oct 1982) on street car service, 30(3):13 (Jul 1968) Strike Notes column, 25(1):11 (Jan 1963) on suffrage issues
on blacks' convention, quoted,
46(1&2):21-22 (Jan & Apr 1984)
black voters for H. Clay, listing-1840s, 46(1&2):23 (Jan & Apr 1984) on theater, 16(3):13, 17 (Jul 1954) on world's fair exhibits-1850s, 26(3):3 (Jul 1964)
on baseball-mid 1800s,
52(3):15, 19-20 (Sum 1990)
quoted, 52(3):6, 16 (Sum 1990)
circulation-1860s, 23(1):9-10 (Jan 1961) editor, brother's mortal wound-Civil War, 65(2):8-9 (Spr 2003) labor negotiations-1860s, 23(1):13 (Jan 1961) on military draft-1860s, 53(2):3, 7 (Spr 1991) Old Citizen Letters column, excerpts, 4(1):1-24 (Jan 1942); 62(1):12 (Win 2000) political stances-1860s, 23(1):3, 7, 17-18 (Jan 1961) on prejudice against blacks, quoted-1860s, 53(2):6 (Spr 1991) press wars and-1860s, 53(2):4-5 (Spr 1991) sale and renaming of-1860s, 23(1):19 (Jan 1961)
56(2):22 (Spr 1994)
art critic, 32(1):12 (Jan 1970) articles/columns
on books-1930s, 23(4):13 (Oct 1961)
Just Ask, 63(4):15 (Fall 2001) LeClare, James F., reply to Caley circular-early 1900s, 35(1):14 (Jan 1973) Old Citizen Letters, 4(1):1-24 (Jan 1942); 41(1&2):26 (Jan & Apr 1979) popularity, 12(1):22-23 (Jan 1950) "The Horseless Age," 12(1):1-2 (Jan 1950)
'Casey at the Bat' article,
62(2):22 (Spr 2000)
clubs/games-1800s, 63(1):17 (Win 2001); 63(2):8 illus, 13 illus, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20 (Spr 2001) quoted, 64(4):10, 13 (Fall 2002) on burning of Douglass family home, quoted-1870s, 67(4):15-16 (Fall 2005) on children, quoted, 68(4):3 (Fall 2006) on City Hall bell, quoted, 38(2&3):14-15 (Apr & Jul 1976) on comet discovery, 9(1):2 (Jan 1947) editorials, 6(4):15 (Oct 1944) employees
Beeney, Bill, 19(3):1 (Jul 1957)
Bergmanis, Talis-1970s, 70(2):16 (Fall 2007) Brasley, Pat, 70(2):9 (Fall 2007) Clune, Henry W., 10(4):6 (Oct 1948)See also Clune, Henry W. editors/publishers, 14(4):5 (Oct 1952) Gannett, Frank E., 21(3):10-11 (Jul 1959) Hosmer, Howard, 65(3):9 (Sum 2003) Marcotte, Bob, 63(4):15 (Fall 2001) Mayne, Calvin, 19(3):1 (Jul 1957) Merrill, Art, 10(4):16 (Oct 1948) Murphy, Dede, 70(2):16 (Fall 2007) Myers, Jim, 70(2):10 (Fall 2007) Nairn, Norman, 32(1):11 (Jan 1970) O'Brien, Emmet N., quoted, 58(3):11 (Sum 1996) O'Connor, Joseph, 22(2):17 (Apr 1960) Plutzik, Roberta, 69(1):19 (Spr 2007) Pond, Charles F., 3(3):8 (Jul 1941) Rohde, Kurt, 70(2):9 (Fall 2007) Traver, Julia M., 66(3):3 (Sum 2004) Walrath, Jean, 21(4):23 (Oct 1959); 32(1):12 (Jan 1970) on Genesee River, 58(3):11 (Sum 1996) on golf, quoted, 65(1):18, 25, 28, 35n53 (Win 2003) on government cost reports, 35(2):21 (Apr 1973) on Harrison, Les, quoted, 58(1):8 (Win 1996) headquarters, 55(3):11 (Sum 1993); 61(3&4):24 photo (Sum & Fall 1999) historical sketch, 13(1):1, 2, 3, 7-23 passim (Jan 1951) on Hudson Avenue library, quoted, 57(2):9 (Spr 1995) on industry
Kodak/Ford company controversy,
34(4):21-22 (Oct 1972)
wholesale territory, map of-1910s, 34(4):18 (Oct 1972) on Midtown Plaza, 69(1):21 (Spr 2007)
smile campaign, quoted, 69(1):19 (Spr
origins, 14(2):8 (Apr 1952) on Paderewski address, quoted, 57(1):16 (Win 1995) Picturesque Rochester competition and, 34(4):19 (Oct 1972) on politics
election of 1860, quoted,
46(1&2):26 (Jan & Apr 1984)
Good Government movement, 14(2):12, 13 (Apr 1952) party alignment/support, 2(4):3, 5, 6-8, 11-14 (Oct 1940) presidential nomination-1880, 2(4):7, 11-15, 18-19 (Oct 1940) Proletarian Party headquarters raid-1910s, quoted on, 39(4):19-20 (Oct 1977) Socialists-1910, editorial quoted, 39(4):7 (Oct 1977) state convention-1880, 2(4):9-11 (Oct 1940) Strebel campaign speech-1910s, quoted, 39(4):10 (Oct 1977) purchase by Frank E. Gannett, 21(3):10-11 (Jul 1959) on Reynolds Arcade fire-early 1900s, quoted, 38(2&3):19 (Apr & Jul 1976) on Reynolds Library, 36(4):13-14 (Oct 1974) on Rochester, visitor quoted-1910s, 34(4):18 (Oct 1972) on Shrine of Madonna of the Highways-1840s, 44(4):25-26 (Oct 1982) Silver, Henry Dayton on, 15(4):15 (Oct 1953) on social events/issues
Boys' Evening Home performance,
17(4):10 (Oct 1955)
Browning, Robert, death of, 10(1):6 (Jan 1948) housing series-1960s, 27(4):26 (Oct 1965) "Otis Day" attendance estimate-1900, 13(2):16 (Apr 1951) world's fairs, 26(3):11, 22 (Jul 1964) on subway, 36(2):15, 19 (Apr 1974) Sunday issues, commencement of, 3(1):13 (Jan 1941) during wartime
on Civil War, quoted, 46(1&2):26-27
(Jan & Apr 1984)
on Vietnam War, quoted, 48(3&4):10, 12, 15, 21-22 (Jul & Oct 1986) World War II, 55(4):11, 29, 31-33 (Fall 1993)
advertisements, 66(1):36 illus
(Win 2004); 66(2):1, 30, 32
illus (Spr 2004)
on defense contracts, 66(1):4-5, 8, 23-24 (Win 2004) on IBM production innovation, 66(1):25 (Win 2004) on juvenile delinquency, 66(1):10 (Win 2004) letters to, on women's employment-WWII, 66(2):19-20 (Spr 2004) on marriage of two machinists, 66(2):18 (Spr 2004)
canal financing and,
37(3):7, 9 (Jul 1975)
congressional, 14(2):23 (Apr 1952);
41(3):2-24 passim (Jul 1979);
41(4):2-24 passim (Oct 1979)
gubernatorial, 14(2):3 (Apr 1952) mayoral, 3(3):5 (Jul 1941); 14(2):6 (Apr 1952); 26(1):1-20 passim (Jan 1964); 28(1):1-24 passim (Jan 1966); 29(3):15, 16 (Jun 1967); 32(2):1-28 passim (Apr 1970); 62(1):4 photo (Win 2000) during Civil War, 23(1):3, 9, 17-21 passim (Jan 1961); 53(1):7, 9, 14, 20 (Win 1991) conventions
1880, 2(4):13 (Oct 1940)
Greece delegation, 1(3):6 (Jul 1939) national-1848, 20(3):3 (Jul 1958) national-1860s, 10(2&3):11-12 (Jul 1948) state, 31(4):18-19 (Oct 1969)
1908, 34(2):17 (Apr 1972)
first salaried chair, 32(2):22 (Apr
in municipal and county government 1925-1970, 32(2):1-28 (Apr 1970) orientation-mid 1900s, 33(2):23 (Apr 1971) ethnic/immigrant communities and
foreign born citizens, attitude toward,
14(2):5 (Apr 1952)
Italian community, 22(4):17-18 (Oct 1960) Flambeau Corps, 3(3):8 (Jul 1941) formation, 1(3):4 (Jul 1939) Good Government movement and, 14(2):13 (Apr 1952) historical sketch, 32(2):1-28 passim (Apr 1970) housing issues and-1960s, 27(4):23 (Oct 1965) Irish discontent in, 68(3):7 (Sum 2006) Irish famine relief and-1800s, 68(3):5 (Sum 2006) Kansas Bill and, 20(3):9 (Jul 1958) membership O'Reilly, Henry as leader of, 6(2):6 (Apr 1944) Romulus Center, NY, caucus-1850s, 42(2):17 (Apr 1980) slavery, stance on, 2(3):4 (Jul 1940) status as liberal party, 14(2):3 (Apr 1952) voting trends, 14(2):2 (Apr 1952); 20(3):13 (Jul 1958)
mayoral candidate-1860,
28(1):10 (Jan 1966)
of Polish community, 57(2):5 (Spr 1995)
Polonia Civic Centre and, 57(2):15 (Spr
Demonstrations/rallies. See also Labor strikes; Riots
by abolitionists. See
Abolitionist movement
advisory board resulting from, 29(2):19 (Apr 1967) over Dred Scott decision-1850s, 46(1&2):6 (Jan & Apr 1984) Puerto Rican community protest-1960s, 70(2):2, 14 photo (Fall 2007) Sherman Street and, 59(4):3 (Fall 1997) by student caucus, at Divinity School-1960s, 52(4):16 (Fall 1990) of Temperance movement, 54(2):6 (Spr 1992)See also Temperance movement unemployment protest-1930, 61(1):5 (Win 1999) of Vietnam War, 48(3&4):4, 6, 7-22, 35, 37, 40 (Jul & Oct 1986)
photographs, 48(3&4):1-48 passim
(Jul & Oct 1986)
Icelandic whaling industry and,
58(2):17 (Spr 1996)
International Polar Year and, 59(1):3 (Win 1997)
as deputy city manager-1960s,
32(2):20, 24 (Apr 1970)
urban renewal, roles in, 26(4):23 (Oct 1964); 27(4):23, 24 (Oct 1965)
neighborhood association, role in
president, Citizens' Association for East Avenue,
28(2&3):44-45 (Apr & Jul 1966)
as artist and art club officer,
17(2):9 (Apr 1955)
as director of Mont de Piété, 14(3):16-17 (Jun 1952)
loan society, formation, 14(4):5 (Oct
Labor Lyceum advisory committee and, 14(4):6 (Oct 1952) on loan sharks, 14(3):17-18 (Jun 1952) pastorate, 14(4):5 (Oct 1952) retirement-1901, 14(4):5 (Oct 1952)
as businessman,
61(1):19 (Win 1999)
labor relations/negotiations and,
61(1):4 (Win 1999)
Social Security Act of 1935 and, 61(1):16 (Win 1999)
employment stabilization techniques,
61(1):11 (Win 1999)
ownership, 61(1):4 (Win 1999) unemployment insurance plan, 61(1):4 (Win 1999)
entry point,
21(1):3 (Jan 1959)
European deaths, 13(3):9 (Jul 1951) Harris (George) on-1880s, 44(1&2):7, 31, 40-41 (Jan & Apr 1982) Jesuits' roles, 38(4):8-9 (Oct 1976) at Village of Ganagaro, current site usage, 68(1&2):26 (Win & Spr 2006)
expedition. See
Denonville Expedition
as French Governor, 13(3):8 (Jul 1951) at Irondequoit Bay-1680s, 16(4):2 (Oct 1954) Iroquois fort, and site of, 44(1&2):30 (Jan & Apr 1982)
scale, 59(3):11 (Sum 1997)
59(3):3-4, 5-6, 10 illus (Sum 1997)
apprenticeships, 59(3):5, 8 (Sum 1997) census-1840s, 59(3):4 (Sum 1997) daybook records, 59(3):6-7, 8, 10, 11, 17 illus, 18 (Sum 1997) dentists
Faulkner, Lewis K., 59(4):3 (Fall
1997); 62(1):20 (Win 2000)
Hobbey, J. C., 59(3):10 (Sum 1997) Pope, E. See Pope, Elijah Requa, Josephus, 59(4):9 (Fall 1997) Resseguie, Ralph, 59(3):4 illus, 5, 7 illus, 17 illus, 18 (Sum 1997) Tichenor, William. See Tichenor, William Wells, Horace, 59(3):6 (Sum 1997) national museum, 59(3):11 (Sum 1997) procedures
fillings and extractions, 42(2):27
(Apr 1980); 59(3):6, 11 (Sum
plate preparation-1800s, 59(3):3-4 (Sum 1997) school programs, 31(2):11 (Apr 1969); 59(3):8 (Sum 1997) sister city program and, 43(4):3, 6 (Oct 1981) in Southwest District, 60(2):21 (Spr 1998) at University of Rochester. See University of Rochester medical/dental facilities world's fair exhibit on-1930s, 26(3):15 (Jul 1964) Denton, Mr. & Mrs.Nehemiah
description/commentary on on,
19(1):1, 3-5, 9, 10, 11, 18, 20, 21, 22
(Jan 1957)
eclipse at, Lewis Swift and, 9(1):9 (Jan 1947)
in central business district,
34(2):7, 10, 16 (Apr 1972)
housing project, 27(4):17 (Oct 1965) stock, vocational students supply-1800s, 44(4):13 (Oct 1982) The Depression of 1893 in Rochester by Patricia E. Fisler, 14(3):1-24 (Jun 1952) Depressions. See also Recessions
of 1830s, 23(3):9,
10 (Jul 1961); 25(1):2 (Jan 1963);
26(1):6, 7 (Jan 1964);
31(4):10 (Oct 1969);
43(2&3):16 (Apr & Jul 1981)
banking industry and, 49(2):5-7 (Apr
causes, 1(3):10-11 (Jul 1939) charity work and, 9(2&3):8 (Apr 1947) economic impact, 5(2):12 (Apr 1943) effects, 1(3):11, 12-13 (Jul 1939); 5(2):12 (Apr 1943); 37(3):11-12 (Jul 1975) recovery, prescriptions for, 1(3):13 (Jul 1939)
unemployment of women during, 44(4):9
(Oct 1982)
clothing industry and, 22(3):4 (Jul
construction industry and, 28(2&3):10, 20 (Apr & Jul 1966) economic impact, 8(4):14 (Oct 1946) effect, 11(2):11 (Apr 1949) public concern over, 8(4):14 (Oct 1946) railroad investment during, 30(4):13 (Oct 1968) welfare agencies and, 9(2&3):17-19 (Apr 1947) wood-working industry and, 40(1):18 (Jan 1978)
1893, 14(3):1-24 (Jun 1952)
central business district and, 34(2):15, 18 (Apr 1972) city's image and, 34(4):1 (Oct 1972) clothing industry and, 22(3):12 (Jul 1960) construction industry and, 27(4):3 (Oct 1965) currency shortages during, 49(2):11 (Apr 1987) Eastman Company and, 23(3):15 (Jul 1961) manufacturing and, 24(2):8 (Apr 1962) responses to, 42(1):7 (Jan 1980) of 1908, General Railway Signal and, 60(2):15 (Spr 1998) of 1929, 24(3):34 (Jul 1962); 31(2):16 (Apr 1969); 31(4):21-22 (Oct 1969)
economic impact, 11(2):22 (Apr 1949)
formal gardens and, 51(2):16 (Spr 1989) population effects, 12(4):18-19 (Oct 1950) social welfare programing and, 20(4):10 (Oct 1958) State Agricultural and Industrial School and, 34(1):19 (Jan 1972)
auto industry and, 61(1):5, 13 (Win
1999); 61(3&4):7 (Sum & Fall
bank failures, 61(1):4 (Win 1999) blacks and, 21(4):21-24 (Oct 1959) central business district and, 34(2):23 (Apr 1972) civic development and, 40(2):20 (Apr 1978) clothing industry and, 22(3):26-27 (Jul 1960); 61(1):5, 13 (Win 1999) construction industry and, 27(4):10 (Oct 1965); 34(2):23 (Apr 1972); 61(1):5, 13 (Win 1999) economic impact, 23(3):23 (Jul 1961); 34(4):24 (Oct 1972); 38(1):20 (Jan 1976); 51(4):20 (Fall 1989); 61(1):4-5, 13 (Win 1999) employment of women during, 66(2):27 (Spr 2004) entertainment prices and, 56(1):22 (Win 1994) Erie Canal and, 61(3&4):9 (Sum & Fall 1999) horses and, 61(3&4):7 (Sum & Fall 1999) machine tool industry and, 61(1):5, 13 (Win 1999) optics industry and, 61(1):13 (Win 1999) parks system and, 75(2):14-17 (Fall 2013)
park and playground programs,
11(1):20 (Jan 1949)
political impact, 23(3):23 (Jul 1961) public library and, 23(4):7, 9 (Oct 1961); 48(1&2):21, 27 (Jan & Apr 1986); 73(1):5, 8 (Spr 2011) railroad bankruptcies, 36(2):14-15 (Apr 1974) real estate sales and, 28(2&3):37-38 (Apr & Jul 1966) Rochester Children's Nursery and, 68(4):17 (Fall 2006) Rochester City Club and, 9(4):13-19 (Oct 1947) shoe industry and, 15(2):24 (Apr 1953); 61(1):5, 13 (Win 1999) social welfare programing and, 20(4):10-18 (Oct 1958) subway and, 36(2):16 (Apr 1974) transit industry and, 30(3):17-19 (Jul 1968) unemployment rate, 61(1):4 (Win 1999) Derby, Sister Connie Deremus, Warren S. De Saint-Ange, I. (French nursery agent)
background information,
41(1&2):4-5 (Jan & Apr 1979)
excerpts, 41(1&2):5-7 (Jan & Apr 1979) map accompanying, 41(1&2):24 (Jan & Apr 1979) Desegregation/integration
block busting strategy and,
60(3):6-7 (Sum 1998)
in city schools
activists, 67(3):17 (Sum 2005)
of boys and girls, 31(2):3-4 (Apr 1969) racial. See City schools — segregation/integration Human Relations Commission and, 25(3):24 (Jul 1963) in settlement house programs, 29(2):17 (Apr 1967)
19(3):13 (Jul 1957)
industry, 24(4):12 (Oct 1962) previous/subsequent names, 19(3):13 (Jul 1957) The Detective (magazine), 25(4):13 (Oct 1963) Detective bureau. See Rochester Police Department Detroit City baseball club
A.F.L. convention in,
15(2):14 (Apr 1953)
automobile industry, 35(2):5 (Apr 1973) baseball clubs/games-1800s, 62(2):18 (Spr 2000); 63(1):5, 6 (Win 2001); 63(2):15 (Spr 2001) as burial site of Cardinal Edward A. Mooney, 67(2):12 (Spr 2005) flour shipments to NYC, cost-1820s, 62(3):3 (Sum 2000) growth rates, 36(2):9 (Apr 1974) Judd family in-mid 1800s, 62(1):6 (Win 2000) Deutsch Zeitung (newspaper), 20(1):21 (Jan 1958) de Valera, Eamon, 3(1):9 (Jan 1941)
as leader,
19(4):14 (Oct 1957)
mother's identify and burial site, 67(2):26 (Spr 2005) as rebel, 19(4):15 (Oct 1957) Development of the Flour Milling Industry in the United States by C. B. Kuhlmann, 10(4):19 (Oct 1948) Deverian Oriental Rugs Devine sisters
describes Frankfort naphtha explosion-1888,
50(3):15 (Jul 1988)
A History of the City of Rochester authored by, 41(1&2):25 illus (Jan & Apr 1979)
as boundary of 20,000 Acre Tract,
67(2):5 (Spr 2005)
commercial/industrial activity, 41(4):18 (Oct 1979); 66(1):7, 36 illus (Win 2004); 67(2):24 (Spr 2005) formerly Boulevard Street-1800s, 13(2):6 (Apr 1951) library. See Dewey Branch Library naming, 27(3):1 (Jul 1965) transit service
26(2):16 (Apr 1964)
opening, 23(4):23 (Oct 1961) site selection, 23(4):20-21 (Oct 1961) staff, 23(4):24 (Oct 1961)
club memberships,
8(4):13 (Oct 1946); 10(1):3 (Jan
1948); 48(1&2):7 (Jan & Apr 1986)
relationship to Chester Dewey, 8(4):13 (Oct 1946) as writer, 8(3):4 (Jul 1946)
academic appointments and professional
activity, 1(3):21 (Jul 1939);
2(3):17 (Jul 1940);
6(2):4, 16 (Apr 1944);
8(4):2-5 passim (Oct 1946);
18(2):15 (Apr 1956);
21(3):8 (Jul 1959);
23(3):11 (Jul 1961);
24(3):14 (Jul 1962);
54(4):4 (Fall 1992)
artifact collection, 44(1&2):24
(Jan & Apr 1982)
introduction of microscope, 9(1):5 (Jan 1947) supports female college, 22(2):7 (Apr 1960) as weather observer, 15(1):5, 7, 8, 11 (Jan 1953) biographical summary/sketch, 10(4):10 (Oct 1948); 21(3):8 (Jul 1959) church membership, 40(4):2 (Oct 1978) civic honor, 22(2):2 (Apr 1960) clothing distribution to poor, 16(1):4 (Jan 1954) club memberships/association with, 8(4):2, 3, 4 (Oct 1946); 48(1&2):5, 6 (Jan & Apr 1986) family members, relationship to, 8(2):16 (Apr 1946); 8(4):13 (Oct 1946) residence, 8(2):16 (Apr 1946) sculpture depicting, 17(2):6, 8 (Apr 1955)
as artist
lectures of, 17(2):9 (Apr 1955)
Rochester Academy of Art and, 7(3):10 (Jul 1945) works, sale of, 7(3):9 (Jul 1945)
advertisement for-1850s, 48(1&2):2
illus (Jan & Apr 1986)
engravings show and-1850s, 17(2):4 (Apr 1955)
14(2):23 (Apr 1952)
teachers' salaries and, 31(2):18 (Apr 1969) Weis, Jessica M. and, 41(4):21 (Oct 1979) Dey, Joseph C., Jr. De Zayas, Dr. Henry Lincoln Diarrheal diseases. See Diseases Diary of a One Horse Enterpriser: Up-State New York Fifty Years Ago
characters of, dress ball appearance-1850s,
62(1):2 (Win 2000)
Rochester lecture, 3(1):9 (Jan 1941); 18(2):17 (Apr 1956); 26(4):7 (Oct 1964) Vick, James, and, 45(3&4):39-40 (Jul & Oct 1983) works of, 15(4):18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24 (Oct 1953)
newspapers on-1890s, 13(1):15 (Jan
32(2):9-10 (Apr 1970)
housing and, 27(4):17 (Oct 1965) Noise Abatement Week and-1940s, 66(1):26 (Win 2004) POWs and-WWII, 56(3):12, 14 (Sum 1994) resignation, 32(2):17 (Apr 1970) transit strike and, 30(3):21 (Jul 1968) war memorial inscription and, 51(1):9 (Win 1989) at world's fair-1930s, 26(3):21 (Jul 1964)
The Legacy of 179 Lake Avenue: A Small
Private Hospital's Service to the Community authored by,
70(1):1-19, 21 (Fall 2008)
Diedrich, George Diehl, Frederick
Black Diamond Express (train),
56(2):4 (Spr 1994)
breakfast-1800s, 18(2):14 (Apr 1956) of Cherokee-1860s, 74(1):7 (Spr 2012) as cholera cure, 36(3):12-13 (Jul 1974) during Civil War
at Camp Fitz-John Porter, 66(3):16-17
(Sum 2004)
at Camp Hillhouse, 66(3):8-9 (Sum 2004) of Confederate POWs, 74(1):8, 18 (Spr 2012)
at "Camp Sorghum," 73(2):14 (Fall
as escapees, 73(2):9, 15-16, 17, 18 (Fall 2011) at Macon, GA prison camp, 73(2):11 (Fall 2011)
baseball post-game suppers, 62(2):6,
9 (Spr 2000)
in Canadian convent, 62(4):20 (Fall 2000) mid 1800s, 18(2):14-15 (Apr 1956) public, 18(2):13, 18 (Apr 1956) Sunday, timing, 18(2):12 (Apr 1956) traveler's account of-1820s, 62(3):13 (Sum 2000); 62(4):6, 14 (Fall 2000) Industrial School of Rochester, 68(4):7, 10, 13 photo caption, 17 with photo (Fall 2006) Italian community-1880s, 22(4):5 (Oct 1960) Jewish community, 64(3):8, 12, 14 (Sum 2002)
in Poland-early 1900s, 64(2):7 (Spr
luncheon clubs, formation, 31(4):20 (Oct 1969) of McLafferty, Henry III-1857, 42(2):21, 23-24 (Apr 1980) menu(s)
of Blossom Hotel-1840s, 18(2):13-14
(Apr 1956); 47(3&4):20 (Jul &
Oct 1985)
of Eastman, George-1900s, 52(1):9, 16 (Win 1990) holiday, 18(2):19 (Apr 1956)
Thanksgiving Day, at Industrial School-1850s,
68(4):7 (Fall 2006)
of model family-1890s, 43(1):13-14 (Jan 1981) southern, of Alice Mathis-1900s, 54(1):22 (Win 1992) Native American of paupers, skeletal remains reflect, 45(1&2):16 (Jan & Apr 1983) raw food diets-1850s, 15(3):10 (Jul 1953) Water-Cure and, 32(4):5, 12 (Oct 1970)
Chamber of Commerce, roles in,
6(4):8 (Oct 1944);
14(1):20 (Jan 1952);
20(1):14 (Jan 1958);
31(1):16 (Jan 1969);
31(4):19-20 (Oct 1969)
fire insurance controversy, quoted on,
38(2&3):34 (Apr & Jul 1976)
Industrial Exposition address-1910, 34(4):11 (Oct 1972) travel abroad, 6(4):8 (Oct 1944) Dingley tariff Dining halls. See Refectories Dinkey, John F., 24(4):23 (Oct 1962)
as author, Private Art Collections in
Rochester, 7(3):1, 8-23 (Jul 1945)
occupation, at City Historian's office, 8(1):1 (Jan 1946); 51(1):15 (Win 1989)
administration of,
44(4):11-29 passim (Oct 1982)
bishops, chronology of, 60(2):4, 25 (Spr
1998); 60(3):4 (Sum 1998)See
also Catholic Church(es)
education director, 60(3):4 (Sum 1998) vicar-general-1925, 60(2):23 (Spr 1998)
Derby, Sister Connie and, 67(2):27 (Spr
Vogt, E. Robert and-early 2000s, 63(3):22 (Sum 2001); 67(2):27 (Spr 2005) co-pastorate model, 60(3):9 (Sum 1998) covenant with Episcopal Diocese, 60(3):19-20 (Sum 1998) deaf parish, 44(4):30 (Oct 1982) formation-1860s, 2(3):16 (Jul 1940); 19(4):9 (Oct 1957); 28(1):10 (Jan 1966); 44(4):11 (Oct 1982); 67(2):3 (Spr 2005) official publication, 44(4):23 (Oct 1982) Puerto Rican community and-1900s, 70(2):12, 13 (Fall 2007) Redemptorists priests and, 63(3):11 (Sum 2001) resource on, 63(3):22 (Sum 2001) Roman Catholic Community of the 19th Ward, 60(3):22-24 (Sum 1998) servicemen and women, roster, 57(2):22n.46 (Spr 1995) Spanish Apostolate and, 70(2):22n.16 (Fall 2007) St. Bernard's Seminary, sale of, 60(3):20 (Sum 1998) St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church fire and, 63(3):19 (Sum 2001) Dioceses
of New York and Newark, Bishop Bernard J. McQuaid and,
67(2):3 (Spr 2005)
of Rochester. See Diocese of Rochester
milk supply as contagion,
45(1&2):6 (Jan & Apr 1983)
outbreaks, 18(3):15, 20, 21 (Jul 1956) vaccination, 35(2):3 (Apr 1973)
City Directory. See
City Directory
of manufacturers-1910s, 34(4):12 (Oct 1972) of Negro business, 21(4):23 (Oct 1959) as research resource, 52(2):2, 3 illus, 12 (Spr 1990); 63(4):24 (Fall 2001) of Rochester Board of Fire Underwriters, 34(2):14 (Apr 1972) village. See Directory of the Village of Rochester by Everard Peck Directory of the Village of Rochester by Everard Peck
first-1827. See also
business data from, 3(4):7 (Oct 1941);
37(2):5 (Apr 1975);
51(4):6, 7, 9 (Fall 1989)
city historian researches, 51(1):10 (Win 1989) content, 6(2):3 (Apr 1944); 11(2):5 (Apr 1949); 34(2):4 (Apr 1972) food imports, Elisha Ely quoted on, 51(4):5 (Fall 1989) high school, on absence of, 51(4):12 illus caption (Fall 1989) population figures and occupations, 3(4):7-8 (Oct 1941); 51(4):7 (Fall 1989) reprinted-1860s, 6(2):12 (Apr 1944)
city school facilities-1920,
31(2):15 (Apr 1969)
community residences, 55(2):28, 31, 32 (Spr 1993) employment-WWII, 66(2):12-13 (Spr 2004) legislation affecting, 55(2):28, 32 (Spr 1993) programs/associations, 55(2):1-36 with illus (Spr 1993)See also specific program/association public access by, 55(2):4, 10 (Spr 1993) Disasters
fires. See
flooding. See Flooding naphtha explosion. See Naphtha explosion (1880s) newspapers' treatment of-1890s, 13(1):9 (Jan 1951)
age-based, wartime employment and,
51(4):21 (Fall 1989)
against blacks. See Blacks/black community against Catholics. See Catholic Church(es) in education. See City schools — facilities; City schools — segregation/integration; Education elimination
municipal efforts, 23(3):26 (Jul
religiously-based efforts, 29(2):21-22 (Apr 1967); 38(1):21 (Jan 1976) state commissions, 21(4):22 (Oct 1959)See also State Commission Against Discrimination gender-based. See Gender discrimination/issues Johnson family (of Henry W.) and, 66(4):3 (Fall 2004) in wartime
against foreign-born-WWI, 25(3):17
(Jul 1963)
against German POWs-WWII, 56(3):9-10 (Sum 1994) against Germans-Americans-WWI, 5(4):13-14 (Oct 1943) industrial hiring practices and-WWII, 66(2):13-14 (Spr 2004) over wages-WWII, 66(2):18-20 (Spr 2004) against Spaniards-Spanish-American War, 13(2):4 (Apr 1951)
ague, 18(3):2 (Jul
of almshouse paupers (mid-1800s), 45(1&2):16, 20-22 (Jan & Apr 1983) blindness, 18(3):24 (Jul 1956) causes-1800s, 32(4):1-2 (Oct 1970) cholera. See Cholera Epidemics chronic, water cures for. See Water cures communicable/contagious
book fumigation and, 73(1):6 with
photo (Spr 2011)
causes-1800s, 32(4):1-2 (Oct 1970) cemetery planning and, 50(4):3, 7 (Oct 1988) Industrial School of Rochester and, 68(4):6 photo caption, 7 photo caption, 11 (Fall 2006) prevalence and spread of-late 1800s, 45(1&2):3-4 (Jan & Apr 1983)
Civil War, 65(2):25n46 (Spr
of Pierce, Francis Edwin,
65(2):14, 16, 25n46 (Spr 2003)
diphtheria. See Diphtheria dysentery, 18(3):6 (Jul 1956) epidemics. See Cholera Epidemics; Epidemics fever, 18(3):2, 3 (Jul 1956) historical sketches, 18(3):1-28 passim (Jul 1956); 45(1&2):1-24 with illus (Jan & Apr 1983)
water cure and, 32(4):1-24 with
illus (Oct 1970)
measles, 18(3):2 (Jul 1956) other maladies, 18(3):1, 24, 25 (Jul 1956) patent medicines for. See Patent medicine in Romulus (NY) area, mid-1850s, 42(2):7, 9, 12, 14, 25-26 (Apr 1980) smallpox, 18(3):1, 2, 5, 11-13, 17, 21 (Jul 1956) smoking and, 60(1):12-13 (Win 1998) tuberculosis, 18(3):13, 16, 20, 21 (Jul 1956) typhoid, 18(3):15, 19, 20 (Jul 1956) venereal, 18(3):21 (Jul 1956) whooping cough, 18(3):2 (Jul 1956)
crockery retailer,
60(4):4 (Fall 1998)
kitchen utensils-1890s, 43(1):9 (Jan 1981) of Latta family, 45(3&4):23 (Jul & Oct 1983) manufactories-1820s, 51(4):6 (Fall 1989) District of Columbia. See Washington, D.C. District schools Dittman, J. Division (military) Division of Regional Planning (Monroe County)
Bloomer, Amelia on,
57(3):8 (Sum 1995)
church outreach to divorced Catholics, 60(3):16 (Sum 1998) Social Welfare League and-1920s, 23(2):9 (Apr 1961) Stanton, Elizabeth Cady on, 7(2):7 (Apr 1945) Dix, John A.
Board of Advisors,
58(4):8 (Fall 1996)
charter, University of Rochester and, 58(4):12-16, 17-19, 28 (Fall 1996) curriculum, 58(4):9 (Fall 1996) Eastman, George and
patronage, 58(4):11-12 (Fall 1996)
purchase of Institute, 58(4):15 (Fall 1996) sale of Institute, 58(4):17 (Fall 1996) faculty/staff, 58(4):7, 8, 9 (Fall 1996)
Hochstein, David, 56(3):21 (Sum 1994)
Penny, George Barlow, 49(1):5 (Jan 1987); 58(4):12 (Fall 1996) See, Arthur, 49(1):6 (Jan 1987)
Eastman patronage, 58(4):11-12 (Fall
historical sketch, 58(4):7-18, 22, 28, 30 (Fall 1996) Rochester Conservatory of Music and, 42(3):12 (Jul 1980); 58(4):7 (Fall 1996) sale-1910s, 29(1):24 (Jan 1967); 42(3):15 (Jul 1980); 49(1):5 (Jan 1987)
Ingelow, Jean, 49(1):5 (Jan 1987)
D. M. Hough and Company
cause and site of death of-1810s,
68(1&2):19 (Win & Spr 2006)
role in murder of John Jemison-1810s, 68(1&2):19 (Win & Spr 2006) Documents
legal. See
Legal documents; Treaties;
preservation by historical society. See Rochester Historical Society Dodge, Charles W.
biographical sketch,
36(3):1-24 (Jul 1974)
erratum, 35(3):11 (Jul 1973) on money, quoted, 38(1):1 (Jan 1976) Dog Pound
69(2):12 (Spr 2008)
population control, 35(4):14 (Oct 1973) as revenue source, 35(4):13-14 (Oct 1973) traffic problems and Humane Society and, 69(2):11 photo caption (Spr 2008)
35(4):14 (Oct 1973)
Confederate POW escapees and, 73(2):19 (Fall 2011) control of. See Animal control fights, 35(4):3 (Oct 1973) pedigreed, and sales, 35(4):14 (Oct 1973) in photograph-1850s, 62(1):17 (Win 2000) population problems, 35(4):14-16 (Oct 1973) as public nuisance, 2(3):15 (Jul 1940)
cycling and, 69(2):11-12 (Spr 2008)
extermination, 35(4):20 (Oct 1973) mayor quoted on-1920s, 69(2):11 photo caption (Spr 2008) sled dogs, Arctic expedition and-1880s, 59(1):7-8 (Win 1997) tagging
article by Anna S. Richardson,
34(4):10-11 (Oct 1972)
article by Ray Stannard Baker, 34(4):10 (Oct 1972) as slogan, 11(2):19, 20 (Apr 1949); 34(4):5 (Oct 1972) "Dollar Dinner," 34(4):13 (Oct 1972) Dolley, Dr. Lester S., 10(2&3):9 (Jul 1948) Dolley, Dr. Sarah Adamson, 10(2&3):13, 15 (Jul 1948)
(incorrectly identified as Dooley) club
membership and role, 7(2):17, 19 (Apr 1945)
science society formation and, 8(4):18 (Oct 1946) Dollinger, Lewis
employment advertisement- WWII,
66(1):36 illus (Win 2004)
location, 66(1):36 illus (Win 2004) Norris, Col. George comments to, quoted-WWII, 66(1):27 (Win 2004) Domestic Manners of Americans by Frances Trollope, 31(4):10 (Oct 1969) Domestic science
Davis, Katharine B. and-1890s,
43(1):5, 15-16 (Jan 1981)See also
Home economics
defined, 43(1):5 (Jan 1981) Workingman's Model Home exhibit. See Workingman's Model Home Donati's Comet
as administrator, of female academy,
1(3):22 (Jul 1939);
8(2):11, 21 (Apr 1946)
Fairbank, Nathaniel K. and, 40(3):14 (Jul 1978) as teacher, 18(2):15 (Apr 1956) Doran Family
Military Bibliography of the Civil War
authored by, 63(4):20 (Fall 2001)
local statistics from, 73(2):4 (Fall
46(1&2):23 (Jan & Apr 1984)
vote in presidential election-1844, 46(1&2):23 (Jan & Apr 1984) Dossenbach family. See also individual family members by name Dossenbach, Hermann (violinist)
Appy, Henri as mentor of,
29(1):9 (Jan 1967)
biographical sketches, 29(1):8-23 passim (Jan 1967); 42(3):1-20 with photo (Jul 1980) business enterprises
D.K.G. School of Musical Art, formation-1910s,
42(3):12 (Jul 1980);
56(3):21 (Sum 1994);
58(4):7, 8 (Fall 1996)
Dossenbach-Klingenberg School of Music, formation-1910s, 29(1):22 (Jan 1967); 42(3):12 (Jul 1980); 49(1):5 (Jan 1987); 58(4):6 (Fall 1996)See also Dossenbach-Klingenberg School of Music ice business, 42(3):18 (Jul 1980) Eastman, George and
formation of Eastman School of Music,
29(1):23, 24 (Jan 1967); 42(3):15
(Jul 1980)
musical performances for, 42(3):3 (Jul 1980) sabbatical funding, 42(3):10 (Jul 1980) theatre conductorship, 29(1):18 (Jan 1967); 42(3):15-16 (Jul 1980); 49(1):10 (Jan 1987) Hochstein, David and, 42(3):13-14 (Jul 1980) Klinzing, Ernestine quoted on, 58(4):11 (Fall 1996) as musical director
of dance orchestra, 42(3):3 (Jul
of Dossenbach Orchestra, 42(3):2-10 (Jul 1980); 49(1):9 (Jan 1987)See also Dossenbach Orchestra of park band. See Dossenbach Park Band of Rochester Orchestra, 29(1):10-11, 16-17, 18 (Jan 1967); 42(3):1, 11-16 (Jul 1980); 49(1):9-10 (Jan 1987)See also Rochester Orchestra sabbatical, 1911-1912, 29(1):13 (Jan 1967); 42(3):10-11 (Jul 1980) Rhees, Rush supports, 42(3):7, 10, 11, 12 (Jul 1980) string quartet. See Dossenbach Quartet tributes to, 29(1):18-20 (Jan 1967); 42(3):12 (Jul 1980) as violin instructor, 42(3):3, 5 (Jul 1980) Dossenbach-Klingenberg School of Music. See also D.K.G. Institute of Musical Art
becomes D.K.G. Institute of Musical Art,
49(1):5 (Jan 1987);
58(4):7 (Fall 1996)
charter, 58(4):6 (Fall 1996) facilities, 58(4):6 (Fall 1996) formation, 29(1):22 (Jan 1967); 42(3):12 (Jul 1980); 49(1):5 (Jan 1987); 58(4):6, 22 (Fall 1996) location, 58(4):6 (Fall 1996)
becomes Rochester Orchestra-1912,
29(1):16 (Jan 1967);
42(3):11-12 (Jul 1980);
49(1):9 (Jan 1987)
early years, 29(1):10-11 (Jan 1967) members
Eastman Theatre Orchestra and,
49(1):14 (Jan 1987)
growth, in numbers, 42(3):3, 6, 7 (Jul 1980) source, 42(3):6-7, 9 (Jul 1980) performances and reviews, 42(3):2-3, 6-9 (Jul 1980) soloists with, 42(3):8 (Jul 1980)
29(1):10 (Jan 1967); 42(3):18 (Jul
as official park band-early 1900s, 11(1):13 (Jan 1949) summer concerts-1901, 11(1):8 (Jan 1949)
Appy, Henri and,
29(1):8, 9 (Jan 1967)
as band director, 11(1):13 (Jan 1949); 29(1):10 (Jan 1967)See also Dossenbach Park Band death-1920s, 42(3):18 (Jul 1980) D.K.G. Institute of Musical Art and, 29(1):22 (Jan 1967)
28(2&3):36 (Apr & Jul 1966)
residential landscaping on, 51(2):9, 22 (Spr 1989) residents/residences
Woodbury, John & Alice, 51(2):9 (Spr
Douglass, Mrs. Anna Murray (1813-1882)
census record-1850,
67(3):26n.65 (Sum 2005)
death-1880s, 67(4):4, 19 (Fall 2005) domestic/family life, 67(4):19 (Fall 2005)
daughter quoted on, 67(4):4 (Fall
children, 67(3):8, 11 (Sum 2005);
67(4):4-5 (Fall 2005)
Underground Railroad and, 67(4):7
(Fall 2005)
spouse, Frederick Douglass occupations, 67(3):8, 10, 12 (Sum 2005) photographs/illustrations, 63(1):13 (Win 2001); 67(3):8 (Sum 2005) residences
Alexander Street, 67(3):20-21, 20
photo (Sum 2005); 67(4):3
(Fall 2005)
Baltimore, Maryland, 67(3):8 (Sum 2005) in/near Washington, D.C., 67(4):3, 19 with photo (Fall 2005) New Bedford, Massachusetts, 67(3):9-11 (Sum 2005) New York City, 67(3):9 (Sum 2005) South Avenue
destruction by fire, 67(4):3, 5,
15-19 (Fall 2005)
as Underground Railroad station, 67(4):7 (Fall 2005)
birthplace and residence,
67(3):20 with photo (Sum 2005);
67(4):6 (Fall 2005)
census record, as Anna-1850, 67(3):26n.65 (Sum 2005) death, 21(4):10 (Oct 1959); 67(4):6 (Fall 2005)
and burial, 67(4):6-7 (Fall 2005)
as baseball player,
62(2):7, 8 (Spr 2000);
63(1):13 (Win 2001)
birth, 67(3):11 (Sum 2005) census record-1850, 67(3):26n.65 (Sum 2005) family members
Douglass lineage, 62(2):7, 22 (Spr
2000); 63(1):13 (Win 2001)
parents. See Douglass, Mrs. Anna Murray; Douglass, Frederick (c. 1817-1895) siblings, 67(3):11 (Sum 2005) occupations, 67(4):6 (Fall 2005) parental expectations for, 67(4):5 (Fall 2005) photographs/illustrations, 62(2):8, 22 (Spr 2000); 63(1):13 (Win 2001) residences, 67(3):11, 20 (Sum 2005)
as abolitionist/suffragist,
14(2):5 (Apr 1952);
15(3):12 (Jul 1953);
37(4):7-8 (Oct 1975);
43(4):18 (Oct 1981);
46(1&2):24-25 (Jan & Apr 1984)
African American suffrage and,
67(4):9-10, 15 (Fall 2005)
American Anti-Slavery Society and, 57(3):5-6 (Sum 1995) on American church, 37(4):8 (Oct 1975) Anthony family members, relationship with, 7(2):5, 9 (Apr 1945); 15(3):1-2 (Jul 1953); 21(3):4 (Jul 1959); 67(4):10, 15 (Fall 2005) autobiography and, 67(3):11-12 (Sum 2005) Brown, John and, 46(1&2):9 illus (Jan & Apr 1984); 67(4):6, 11 (Fall 2005); 72(2):14, 15 (Fall 2010) on Dred Scott case, quoted, 46(1&2):7 (Jan & Apr 1984) flight to Canada, 72(2):15 (Fall 2010) Garrison, William Lloyd and, 21(4):7, 8 (Oct 1959); 67(3):10-11, 19 (Sum 2005) James, Rev. Thomas and, 67(3):10, 14 (Sum 2005); 72(2):8 (Fall 2010) Johnson, Henry W. and, 66(4):10-12, 14 (Fall 2004) lectures/speeches
in British Isles, 67(3):12 (Sum
Columbian Orator and, 67(3):7, 11 (Sum 2005) Emancipation Day celebrations-1840s, 66(4):10-12, 22n.29 (Fall 2004) Fifth of July address, quoted, 67(4):10 (Fall 2005) first, 67(3):10 (Sum 2005) fundraising from, 67(3):17-18 (Sum 2005) honoring Abraham Lincoln, quoted, 67(4):14 (Fall 2005) in/near Canandaigua, 66(4):6 photo caption, 10-11, 13 (Fall 2004); 67(1):4 (Win 2005) Nell, William C. and, 67(3):15 (Sum 2005) Porter family of Samuel D. and, 67(3):17 (Sum 2005) Post family and, 21(3):17-18 (Jul 1959); 22(2):10 (Apr 1960); 67(3):15-17 (Sum 2005)
quoted, at Isaac's funeral,
71(2):20 (Fall 2009)
Republican Party endorsement, 21(4):9 (Oct 1959) in shipbuilding industry, 67(3):6, 10 (Sum 2005) Smith, Gerrit and, 21(4):10 (Oct 1959); 67(3):17 (Sum 2005) Underground Railroad and, 21(4):9 (Oct 1959); 67(4):7-9 (Fall 2005) woman's rights and, 7(2):15 (Apr 1945); 10(2&3):14 (Jul 1948); 57(3):4, 6 (Sum 1995); 57(4):10 (Fall 1995); 67(4):9-10 (Fall 2005) at Woman's Rights Convention, 57(3):4, 6 (Sum 1995) as author
of My Bondage and My Freedom, Douglass engraving from,
67(3):1 (Sum 2005)
of Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, 67(3):11-12 with illus (Sum 2005)
born Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey,
67(3):3 (Sum 2005)
adoption of new surnames,
67(3):10 (Sum 2005)
childhood, 67(3):3-7 (Sum 2005) daughter's death, 21(4):10 (Oct 1959) family members, 21(4):6, 10 (Oct 1959); 56(2):17 (Spr 1994); 62(2):7, 21, 22 (Spr 2000); 63(1):13 (Win 2001); 67(4):32 photo caption (Fall 2005)
ancestral lineage, 67(3):3-4 (Sum
children, 67(3):8, 11 (Sum 2005) children, Underground Railroad and, 67(4):7 (Fall 2005) first wife. See Douglass, Mrs. Anna Murray grandson, 67(3):26n.66 (Sum 2005) second wife. See Douglass, Mrs. Helen Pitts siblings, 67(3):4 (Sum 2005)
Anthony, Susan B. quoted on,
67(4):21 (Fall 2005)
bridge named for, photograph, 72(1):cover (Spr 2010) bust of, by J.M. Mundy, 17(2):6, 8 (Apr 1955) Canada, transnational involvement with, 72(2):9-11 (Fall 2010) capital punishment, stance on, 25(4):4-5 (Oct 1963) census record-1850, 67(3):26n.65 (Sum 2005) civic honor, 22(2):2, 10 (Apr 1960) congressional candidacy-1870s, 14(2):7 (Apr 1952); 21(4):12 (Oct 1959) correspondence
with Auld, Thomas, quoted, 67(3):20
(Sum 2005)
with Griffing, Josephine, quoted, 67(4):9-10 (Fall 2005) with Porter, Samuel, 67(3):25n.56 (Sum 2005)
quoted, 67(4):7-8 (Fall 2005)
on North Star, 71(2):4
with illus (Fall 2009)
quoted, 67(4):8 (Fall 2005) on séance rappings, quoted, 71(2):10 with illus (Fall 2009) on Spiritualism, quoted, 71(2):20 with illus (Fall 2009)
Canada and, 72(2):9 (Fall 2010)
of Frederick Douglass' Paper, 21(4):10 (Oct 1959); 24(3):16 (Jul 1962); 57(3):6 (Sum 1995) on military enlistment, 67(4):12 (Fall 2005) of Monthly, 21(4):11 (Oct 1959) of The New Era, 67(4):6 (Fall 2005) of The New National Era, 67(4):15 (Fall 2005) of North Star. See North Star Smith, Gerrit, and, 21(4):10 (Oct 1959) lectures/speeches, 18(2):17 (Apr 1956); 46(1&2):13-14, 22, 28 (Jan & Apr 1984)
in British Canada, quoted,
72(2):10-11 (Fall 2010)
in Corinthian Hall, 21(4):8 (Oct 1959); 26(4):8 (Oct 1964) to Douglass Union League and Lincoln Club-1880s, 21(4):14 (Oct 1959) Independence Day address, 36(4):7 (Oct 1974) in Zion Church, 21(4):7 (Oct 1959) Lincoln, Abraham and, 67(4):29n.119 (Fall 2005)
endorsement of, 21(4):10-11 (Oct
interaction with, 21(1):10 (Jan 1959); 21(3):8 (Jul 1959); 67(4):12, 13, 29n.116 (Fall 2005) as musician, 67(3):21, 26n.66 (Sum 2005); 67(4):3 (Fall 2005) as national/international figure, 14(4):1 (Oct 1952); 21(1):3, 10 (Jan 1959)
Commission to San Domingo, role in,
21(4):12 (Oct 1959)
federal appointments, 67(4):20 (Fall 2005) National Hall of Fame, nomination to, 38(1):12 (Jan 1976) photographs/illustrations, 46(1&2):7, 9 (Jan & Apr 1984); 57(3):4 (Sum 1995); 63(1):12 (Win 2001); 67(3):1 (Sum 2005); 71(2):16 (Fall 2009); 72(2):9 (Fall 2010)
at monument unveiling-1890s, 75(1):7
(Spring 2013)
Post family and, 71(2):4, 5, 20 (Fall 2009) quoted, 67(3):3-17 passim (Sum 2005); 67(4):3-4 passim (Fall 2005)
on African American suffrage,
67(4):9-10 (Fall 2005)
on Bloomer costume, 57(3):7 (Sum 1995) on destruction of South Avenue home, 67(4):16-18 (Fall 2005) on Dred Scott case, 46(1&2):7 (Jan & Apr 1984) on Lincoln, Abraham, 67(4):13-14 (Fall 2005) on Rochester, 67(3):13, 14 (Sum 2005) on slavery, 67(3):4, 6, 8 (Sum 2005) on Woman's State Temperance Society meetings, 57(3):8, 12-13, 14, 15 (Sum 1995) religious community and, 21(4):7 (Oct 1959) residences, 21(4):7 (Oct 1959)
Alexander Street, 67(3):20-21, 20
photo (Sum 2005); 67(4):3
(Fall 2005)
Baltimore, Maryland, 67(3):6-7 (Sum 2005) change in, 21(4):11 (Oct 1959) destruction by fire-1870s, 21(4):12 (Oct 1959) in/near Washington, D.C., 67(4):3, 19 with photo (Fall 2005) New Bedford, Massachusetts, 67(3):9-11 (Sum 2005) New York City, 67(3):9 (Sum 2005) Rochester as site for, 67(3):12-14 (Sum 2005) South Avenue
destruction by fire, 67(4):3, 5,
15-19 (Fall 2005)
as Underground Railroad station, 67(4):7 (Fall 2005) school boycott, 31(2):3 (Apr 1969) Seward, William H., support for, 21(4):10 (Oct 1959) as slave, 46(1&2):5 (Jan & Apr 1984); 67(3):3-9 (Sum 2005)
bill of sale, 67(3):2 illus
(Sum 2005)
freedom quest, 67(3):6-9 (Sum 2005) manumission, 67(3):12 (Sum 2005) statue. See Frederick Douglass Monument as Union Army recruiter, 21(4):11 (Oct 1959); 23(1):18 (Jan 1961); 25(3):5 (Jul 1963); 38(1):12 (Jan 1976); 46(1&2):27, 28 (Jan & Apr 1984); 53(2):5 (Spr 1991); 67(4):5, 12-13 (Fall 2005) in Woman's State Temperance Society, 57(3):3, 7-8, 10-17 (Sum 1995) Douglass, Frederick, IV
62(2):21 (Spr 2000); 63(1):20 (Win
Mutuals of Washington and, 62(2):22 (Spr 2000)
as baseball player-1800s,
52(3):7 (Sum 1990)
birth, 67(3):11 (Sum 2005) census record-1850, 67(3):26n.65 (Sum 2005) family members
parents. See Douglass, Mrs.
Anna Murray; Douglass, Frederick
(c. 1817-1895)
siblings, 67(3):11 (Sum 2005) work at North Star, 67(3):20 (Sum 2005)
biographical details,
67(4):20 (Fall 2005)
at Frederick Douglass Monument ceremony, 21(4):16 (Oct 1959) as musician, 67(3):26n.66 (Sum 2005) photograph, 67(4):20 (Fall 2005) spouse. See Douglass, Frederick
birth, 67(3):11
(Sum 2005)
census record-1850, 67(3):26n.65 (Sum 2005) family members
parents. See Douglass, Mrs.
Anna Murray; Douglass, Frederick
(c. 1817-1895)
siblings, 67(3):11 (Sum 2005) Harper's Ferry raid and-1850s, 67(4):11 (Fall 2005) military service, 67(4):5, 12, 13 (Fall 2005) occupations spouse, 67(4):6 (Fall 2005)
67(3):19 (Sum 2005)
Douglass house fire and, 67(4):19 (Fall 2005) front page, 67(4):2 illus (Fall 2005) quoted, on Emancipation Day celebrations, 72(2):8 (Fall 2010) Douglass, Rosetta (1839-1906)
adulthood. See
Sprague, Mrs. Rosetta
birth, 67(3):11 (Sum 2005); 67(4):4 (Fall 2005) census record-1850, 67(3):26n.65 (Sum 2005) education, 67(4):4-5 (Fall 2005) family members, 21(4):6 (Oct 1959)
parents. See Douglass, Mrs.
Anna Murray; Douglass, Frederick
(c. 1817-1895)
siblings, 67(3):11 (Sum 2005) residences, 67(3):11 (Sum 2005); 67(4):4 (Fall 2005)
and neighbors' response to, 67(3):20
(Sum 2005)
Colored Voters League as part of,
21(4):15 (Oct 1959)
formation-1880s, 21(4):14 (Oct 1959); 28(4):21-22 (Oct 1966) at funeral of Frederick Douglass, 21(4):16 (Oct 1959) leadership, 21(4):14 (Oct 1959)
clause scandal,
12(1):10 (Jan 1950)
independent school board, creation of, 12(1):9 (Jan 1950) passage-1890s, 17(4):16 (Oct 1955) unexpected clause, 14(2):15 (Apr 1952)
as architect,
26(2):10 (Apr 1964)
estate sale of The Horticulturist-1850s, 45(3&4):40 (Jul & Oct 1983)
and smoking, Robert Barr quoted on,
60(1):18 (Win 1998)
work of, newspapers on-1890s, 13(1):17 (Jan 1951) Doyle, Patrick
boards. See
Draft boards
National Enrollment Act-1860s, 53(1):4 (Win 1991); 53(2):1 (Spr 1991) Selective Service Act. See Selective Service Act wartime. See specific military engagement
District 5 population and ethnic composition,
39(4):9 (Oct 1977)
death, 56(1):11
(Win 1994)
land holdings-1800s, 56(1):8 (Win 1994)
improvements, 56(1):11 (Win 1994)
Drake's Landing, 56(1):11, 31 (Win 1994) Dr. Algernon S. Crapsey: Religious Reformer by Carolyn Swanton, 42(1):1-24 with photos (Jan 1980) Drama. See Theater Dram shops Draper, Silas Drawing instruction Dreamland (resort) Dred Scott Decision
content and local response to,
15(3):8 (Jul 1953);
46(1&2):6-8 (Jan & Apr 1984)
election of 1860 and, 46(1&2):26 (Jan & Apr 1984)
charitable/social agencies, roles in-early
1900s, 23(2):2 (Apr 1961)
Central Council of United Charities,
23(2):4 (Apr 1961)
Committee of Seven, 23(2):3 (Apr 1961) Social Welfare League, 23(2):11 (Apr 1961) residence, landscaper, 51(2):22 (Spr 1989) Dress code
public, conflict over-1960s,
69(1):16-17 (Spr 2007)
Taylor Instrument Company labor force-WWII, 66(2):18 (Spr 2004) Dressler, Marie Drills, dental, 59(3):11 (Sum 1997) Drinking. See Alcohol Drive-in theaters, 18(1):13 (Jan 1956) Driving Park, 63(1):24 illus (Win 2001); 63(2):2 illus (Spr 2001)
annual fairs,
28(4):6 (Oct 1966)
baseball diamond/games, 8(3):17 (Jul 1946); 63(1):24 illus (Win 2001); 63(2):4, 5, 6, 13, 14 (Spr 2001) as center for social life, 2(3):20 (Jul 1940) formerly McCracken Street, 54(4):15 (Fall 1992) power plant near, 60(4):14, 14 photo (Fall 1998) races
auto, 12(1):5 (Jan 1950)
circuit, 3(3):23 (Jul 1941) cycling, 69(2):7 (Spr 2008) horse, 28(4):2 (Oct 1966); 63(1):24 illus (Win 2001); 63(2):2, 3 illus (Spr 2001) wheelmen's carnival-1890s, 69(2):14 (Spr 2008)
bridge. See
Driving Park Avenue Bridge
as circus location-1800s, 49(3):17 (Jul 1987) ice skating on, 8(2):9 (Apr 1946) stairs on, Henry D. Silver and, 15(4):18 (Oct 1953) transit service, 30(3):14 (Jul 1968)
Civil War campground report near,
66(3):17 (Sum 2004)
construction-1890s, 21(3):3 (Jul 1959); 27(3):20 (Jul 1965); 33(2):20 (Apr 1971); 36(1):21-22 (Jan 1974) description, 36(1):21-22 (Jan 1974) as linear park, 75(2):25 (Fall 2013) opening, 3(1):18 (Jan 1941) photograph-early 2000s, 75(2):back cover (Fall 2013) precursors to Dr. Koch's Lymph Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, 13(1):11 (Jan 1951) Dr. Samuel D. Harris National Museum of Dentistry, 59(3):11 (Sum 1997); 59(4):20 (Fall 1997) Drug abuse. See also Addicts
Bayer, origins of aspirin at,
70(1):18n.5 (Fall 2008)
infant mortality and-1800s, 45(1&2):10 (Jan & Apr 1983) Drugs. See also Drug abuse; Medicine
of 1800s, 32(4):2
(Oct 1970)
allopathic vs. homeopathic use, 70(1):4 (Fall 2008) aspirin, 70(1):4, 18n.5 (Fall 2008) Drapers compound, 39(1&2):36 (Jan & Apr 1977) laudanum, use-1840s, 39(1&2):12 (Jan & Apr 1977) overdoses, infant mortality and-1800s, 45(1&2):10 (Jan & Apr 1983) trafficking in, attempts to curb, 25(4):15, 17, 22 (Oct 1963)
Arthur's Drug Store, location and
photograph-1950s, 64(3):1 (Sum 2002)
baseball ticket sales-1800s, 63(1):9 (Win 2001) as health care providers-1900s, 64(3):7-8 (Sum 2002) Hudson Avenue, 57(1):11 (Win 1995) Keilson's Drugstore, 64(3):8 (Sum 2002) L. B. Swan Drug Store, 1(2):9 (Apr 1939) Liggetts Drugs, photograph, 61(3&4):28 (Sum & Fall 1999) Main Street, 62(1):17 (Win 2000) M./N. O. Burn, 62(1):17 (Win 2000) Northeast District-1900s, 64(3):7-8 (Sum 2002)
photographs, 64(3):1, 2 (Sum 2002)
of pioneer era, 47(1&2):13 (Jan & Apr 1985) Polish, 57(2):4, 16 (Spr 1995) Post, Coleman and Willis (apothecary), 71(2):2 (Fall 2009) of Post, Isaac, 67(3):16 (Sum 2005) products, 64(3):8 (Sum 2002) Relin's Drug Store, location and photograph, 64(3):2 caption (Sum 2002) Rexall Drugs, location and photograph, 64(3):2 (Sum 2002) in Reynolds Arcade-1800s, 62(2):6 photo (Spr 2000) Sage and Brother Book & Drug Store, 1(2):8 (Apr 1939) Southwest District, 60(2):21 (Spr 1998) Spring Street-1940s, 65(3):11 (Sum 2003) Dry cleaners
correspondence from George Eastman,
58(4):15 (Fall 1996)
relationship to/with George Eastman, 52(1):7, 22 photo caption (Win 1990)
in 1950s, 18(4):21
(Oct 1956)
funding and description, 28(2&3):40-41 (Apr & Jul 1966) location, 22(1):12 (Jan 1960)
occupation, as company officer,
43(2&3):19 (Apr & Jul 1981)
relationship to James Cunningham, 43(2&3):19 (Apr & Jul 1981)
Arnold and Van De Venter,
60(2):22 (Spr 1998)
Burke, FitzSimons, Hone & Company. See Burke, FitzSimons, Hone and Company of Campbell, Benjamin-early 1800s, 22(2):8 (Apr 1960) of Fairbank, Joshua, 45(3&4):11 (Jul & Oct 1983) of George C. Latta Bros., 45(3&4):24 (Jul & Oct 1983) of Guernsey & Bushnell Company. See Guernsey and Bushnell Company Joseph Avenue-1900s, 64(3):10 (Sum 2002) of Latta, James, 45(3&4):10 (Jul & Oct 1983) Polish, 57(2):15 (Spr 1995) Dublin, Ireland
Irish famine relief and-1800s,
68(3):12, 14, 15, 17 (Sum 2006)
Quakers in. See Society of Friends (Dublin)
47(3&4):11 (Jul & Oct 1985)
development/growth, 13(4):9 (Oct 1951); 19(4):2, 3 (Oct 1957); 29(2):1-2 (Apr 1967) location, 1(3):3 (Jul 1939) railroads impact, 29(2):2 (Apr 1967) renamed, 29(2):6 (Apr 1967) residents/residences
as Bishop of New York-1830s,
63(3):5, 6 (Sum 2001)
dedication of St. Joseph's Catholic Church,
63(3):7 (Sum 2001)
local appointments by, 44(4):2 (Oct 1982) Ducks. See Poultry Duckworth, Hattie
Confederate POW escapee and,
74(1):13, 13n.iii (Spr 2012)
illustration of-Civil War era, 74(1):14 (Spr 2012) spouse. See Duckworth, Reverend James H.
illustration of-1860s,
74(1):14 (Spr 2012)
as minister, Confederate POW escapee and, 74(1):13, 14 (Spr 2012)
quoted, 74(1):13n.iii (Spr
biographical summary,
41(4):15-16 (Oct 1979)
on Brunner-Olmsted Plan, 6(4):10 (Oct 1944) charitable/social agencies, roles in
60(3):5 (Sum 1998)
as Domestic Prelate, 60(3):4 (Sum 1998) Duffy Memorial Chapel and, 60(3):15, 24 (Sum 1998) as educator, 60(3):3, 3 photo, 4, 5 (Sum 1998) ordination, silver jubilee, 60(3):5 (Sum 1998) pastorates, 60(3):3-4 (Sum 1998) Duffy-Powers Building, 41(4):15 (Oct 1979)
as mayor
Commissioner for Community Development and-2006,
70(2):20 (Fall 2007)
management team member, Richard Vega, 69(2):29 (Spr 2008) Midtown Plaza and, 69(1):1 (Spr 2007) photograph, at grave site of Nathaniel Rochester-2009, 71(1):back cover (Spr 2009)
as builder,
31(4):17, 18 (Oct 1969)
commercial enterprises, 19(4):11 (Oct 1957)
Duffy-Powers Department Store. See
Duffy-Powers Department Store
Rochester Hotel, 34(2):16-17 (Apr 1972) Dugan and Hudson
marriage, 1(4):3
(Oct 1939)
mill enterprise-late 1700s, 1(4):7, 8, 9 (Oct 1939); 33(3):2 (Jul 1971) relation to "Indian" Allan, 33(3):2 (Jul 1971) Dumas, Alexandre
accident and lawsuit,
56(1):16 (Win 1994)
amusement park enterprise, 56(1):11 (Win 1994) operation and service, 56(1):11, 14-15, 18-19 illus (Win 1994) Dunbar, Captain (no given name)
business enterprise
salt springs, 44(1&2):30 (Jan & Apr
migration to Canada, 72(2):5 (Fall 2010)
city parks system, roles in,
75(2):11 (Fall 2013)
appointments, at Highland Park, 7(4):19
(Oct 1945); 11(1):6, 9, 11, 17,
21 (Jan 1949); 24(3):26 (Jul
1962); 50(2):9 (Apr 1988)
lilac varieties, development, 11(1):11 (Jan 1949)
alternative surname spellings,
72(2):18n.1 (Fall 2010)
illustration, 72(2):1 (Fall 2010) post-Civil War residences, 72(2):16 (Fall 2010) as runaway slave-1860s, 72(2):1-2 (Fall 2010)
in Canada, quoted, 72(2):16 (Fall
Davis, Katharine B. and,
43(1):4 (Jan 1981)
relationship with Dunkerque, France-1940s, 43(4):2 (Oct 1981) Dunn, Esther Dunn, Michael A.
business enterprises,
41(4):11 (Oct 1979)
as congressman, 14(2):21 (Apr 1952); 41(4):11, 12 (Oct 1979) residence, 28(2&3):31 (Apr & Jul 1966) DuQuesne, Fort. See Fort DuQuesne Durand Eastman Park
acquisition by parks system
donor instructions and outcomes,
61(2):13-15 (Spr 1999)
as philanthropic gift, 8(3):24 (Jul 1946); 38(1):17 (Jan 1976); 61(2):12-13 (Spr 1999); 75(2):12 (Fall 2013) design and development
DeForest, A.S. and, 51(2):18, 19 (Spr
model for, 50(2):4, 6 (Apr 1988) Slavin, Bernard H. and, 75(2):12-13 (Fall 2013)
bathhouse, construction, 11(1):18
(Jan 1949); 17(1):10 (Jan 1955)
campgrounds-1920s, 11(1):18 (Jan 1949) golf course, 61(2):9 photo (Spr 1999)
architect, 65(1):6 (Win 2003);
75(2):13 (Fall 2013)
construction, 11(1):18 (Jan 1949); 75(2):13 (Fall 2013) picnic grounds, attendance-1920s, 11(1):18 (Jan 1949) zoo. See Durand Eastman Park Zoo management, 11(1):11-12 (Jan 1949) opening day ceremony-early 1900s, 11(1):14 (Jan 1949); 75(2):12 photo (Fall 2013) photographs/illustrations, 61(2):1 (Spr 1999)
bathhouse, 61(2):3 (Spr 1999)
beach opening-1959, 61(2):13 (Spr 1999) golf course, 61(2):9 (Spr 1999) Lake Shore Boulevard, 61(2):2, 18 (Spr 1999) opening ceremony-1910s, 75(2):12 (Fall 2013)
Durand, Henry S. and,
61(2):13-14 (Spr 1999)
as park acquisition, 75(2):13 (Fall 2013) photographs/illustrations, 61(2):4, 7 (Spr 1999)
biographical details
daughter, 61(2):10 (Spr 1999)
death, 61(2):15 (Spr 1999) spouse, Henry, 61(2):8-9 (Spr 1999)See also Durand, Henry Strong wedding ceremony, 61(2):9-10 (Spr 1999)
in California, 61(2):12, 14 (Spr
local, 61(2):15 (Spr 1999) in Mexico, 61(2):7, 8-12 (Spr 1999) in Paris, 61(2):12 (Spr 1999)
biographical details
birth, 61(2):1 (Spr 1999)
childhood, 61(2):1-2 (Spr 1999) death, 61(2):15 (Spr 1999) extended family, 61(2):1-2, 4, 15 (Spr 1999) parents and siblings, 61(2):1-2 (Spr 1999) spouse, Harriet, 61(2):8-9 (Spr 1999)See also Durand, Mrs. Harriet wedding ceremony, 61(2):9-10 (Spr 1999) historical sketch, 61(2):1-18 with illus (Spr 1999) memberships
escape from, 61(2):11-12 (Spr 1999)
illness, 61(2):10 (Spr 1999) as miner, 61(2):5, 6, 8 (Spr 1999) as physician, 61(2):6-8 (Spr 1999)
Durand Eastman Park and, 61(2):12-15
(Spr 1999); 75(2):12 (Fall 2013)
in Mexico, 61(2):7-8 (Spr 1999) as physician
in Mexico, 61(2):6-8 (Spr 1999)
in U.S., 61(2):2, 3-5 (Spr 1999) veterinary care by, 61(2):8 (Spr 1999) residences
in California, 61(2):12, 14 (Spr
local, 61(2):2, 5, 12-15 (Spr 1999) in Mexico, 61(2):5-12 (Spr 1999) in Paris, 61(2):12 (Spr 1999)
adoptive parents,
61(2):10 (Spr 1999)
education, 61(2):12 (Spr 1999) residences, 61(2):12 (Spr 1999)
in Mexico, 61(2):10-12, 15 (Spr 1999)
business enterprise and lawsuits,
43(2&3):14, 15 (Apr & Jul 1981)
City Club speech, 9(4):13, 14, 24 (Oct 1947) Dusseldorf Gallery (New York City), 18(4):5 (Oct 1956)
comparative numbers,
25(3):6 (Jul 1963)
Jemison, Mary and, 68(1&2):13 (Win & Spr 2006) place of residence, 19(3):16 (Jul 1957) in Seneca County-early 1800s, 42(2):2 (Apr 1980) Trivelli, Adrian, 65(3):14 (Sum 2003) war relief funds, 25(3):20 (Jul 1963) Wolfard, Teddy, 65(3):3, 13 (Sum 2003)
under English rule,
38(4):13 (Oct 1976)
founding, 25(3):3 (Jul 1963) missionary work among Iroquois, 1600s & 1700s, 38(4):12-14, 15, 17, 18, 19 (Oct 1976) Duttenhofer, A.
as German engineer, aqueduct sketch-1820s,
5(3):11 (Jul 1943)
Study Journey through the United States of North America authored by, 37(2):4 illus (Apr 1975) Dutton, Sarah Jane Duty of Christian Freeman to Elect Christian Rulers.... (sermon) by Ezra Stiles Ely, 36(3):6 (Jul 1974) Duval, Claude Dynacolor Dynamos. See Generators Dyprose, George A.
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