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Eagle Foundry and Machine Shop
activities/events at
concerts, 18(2):17 (Apr 1956);
29(1):2 (Jan 1967)
Independence Day, 18(2):18 (Apr 1956) minstrel performance, 18(2):17 (Apr 1956) closing-1860s, 31(4):13 (Oct 1969) construction, 5(3):2 (Jul 1943); 13(4):8 (Oct 1951); 34(2):3, 5 (Apr 1972); 41(3):16 (Jul 1979) crowds at, 5(3):9 (Jul 1943) description guests location, 3(4):8 (Oct 1941) meals, 18(2):13 (Apr 1956) operations-1850s, 34(2):7-8, 9 (Apr 1972) photograph/illustration, 47(3&4):10 (Jul & Oct 1985); 62(1):24 (Win 2000) proprietors
Ensworths, 29(3):18 (Jun 1967)
Schermerhorn, A., 5(3):3 (Jul 1943) Walbridge, S.D., 31(4):10 (Oct 1969) reputation, 31(4):8 (Oct 1969) site, 32(4):7 (Oct 1970); 34(2):3 (Apr 1972)
previous use, 4(1):4, 6, 7 (Jan 1942);
5(3):2-3 (Jul 1943);
34(2):3 (Apr 1972)
subsequent use, 5(3):3 (Jul 1943); 49(2):12 photo caption (Apr 1987) Earhart, Mary Early American Literature (essay) by William E. Peck, 10(1):4 (Jan 1948) Early Catholic History in the Rochester Diocese by Alexander M. Stewart, 10(4):20 (Oct 1948) Early childhood education
Early Childhood Class for Expressive Language
and Speech, 55(2):17 (Spr 1993)
Rochester Children's Nursery and-1920s, 68(4):8 photo caption (Fall 2006) Early, Reverend James M.
Civil War actions-1860s,
63(4):7, 8-9, 24, 30-32 illus
(Fall 2001)
field hospital of, 73(2):8 (Fall
Early Rochester Illustrated by Blake McKelvey; drawings by Norman Kent, 5(3):1-23 (Jul 1943) Earth Day
activities on
anti-war march, quote-1970s,
48(3&4):15 (Jul & Oct 1986)
circus parade-1860s, 49(3):9 (Jul 1987) cutter parade, 27(1):8 (Jan 1965) Jubilee parade-1870, 20(1):16 (Jan 1958) racing, 12(1):17 (Jan 1950); 28(2&3):26 (Apr & Jul 1966) sleighing, 8(3):4, 9, 14 (Jul 1946); 28(2&3):26 (Apr & Jul 1966) winter, 3(3):22-23 (Jul 1941)
cerebral palsy, 55(2):20 (Spr 1993)
Friendly Home, 5(4):10 (Oct 1943) Red Cross House-1910s, 51(3):8 (Sum 1989) training center, for disabled, 55(2):27 (Spr 1993)
to effect zoning issues-1900s,
28(2&3):39 (Apr & Jul 1966)
Improvement Association-1910s, 6(4):11 (Oct 1944) Shade Tree Association-1800s, 28(2&3):6 (Apr & Jul 1966) central business district and, 34(2):16 (Apr 1972) city hall site and, 7(4):3 (Oct 1945) commercial activity, 43(2&3):24 (Apr & Jul 1981)
bicycle store, ad for-1800s, 69(2):9
photo (Spr 2008)
golf course, 8(3):22 (Jul 1946) hotel, 6(4):4 (Oct 1944); 55(2):30 (Spr 1993) omnibus company, 28(2&3):7, 8 (Apr & Jul 1966) race track, 8(3):15 (Jul 1946) Security Trust Building, 69(1):15 (Spr 2007) shops backing onto-1960s, 26(2):3 (Apr 1964) expressway construction and, 61(3&4):31 photo (Sum & Fall 1999) fountain, 14(1):20 (Jan 1952) historical sketch, 28(2&3):1-48 with illus (Apr & Jul 1966) improvements/maintenance, 12(1):5 (Jan 1950) landmarks, 27(3):7 (Jul 1965) location, 27(3):2 (Jul 1965) naming, 2(1):23 (Jan 1940); 13(4):10 (Oct 1951); 22(1):11 (Jan 1960); 27(3):4, 6-7 (Jul 1965); 29(3):17 (Jun 1967) observatories, 9(1):12 (Jan 1947) preservation of, 18(1):18 (Jan 1956) residents/residences
architectural styles, 22(1):10-12
(Jan 1960); 26(2):9 (Apr 1964)
Bissell family, 29(3):18 (Jun 1967) construction, 13(4):11 (Oct 1951) Eastman. See Eastman, George; George Eastman House Erickson, Aaron, 5(3):6 (Jul 1943); 27(3):7 (Jul 1965) George Eastman House. See George Eastman House Klem, Anna Maria & John-1800s, 63(3):6 photo caption (Sum 2001) landscaping, by A. S. DeForest, 51(2):22 (Spr 1989) Osburn family, 60(4):4 (Fall 1998) Pitkin family, 26(1):11 (Jan 1964)See also Pitkin-Powers House Pitkin-Powers House. See Pitkin-Powers House residential construction, 35(1):2 (Jan 1973) seminary-1890s, 43(2&3):24 (Apr & Jul 1981) Stone-Tolan House, location-1810s, 4(1):3 (Jan 1942) Warner, Hulbert Harrington, 9(1):11 (Jan 1947) Woodside. See Woodside WWI workers, 5(4):17 (Oct 1943)
art gallery, 17(2):17 (Apr 1955)
Genesee Valley Club. See Genesee Valley Club museums, 6(4):18 (Oct 1944); 18(4):16 (Oct 1956) St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 12(1):14 (Jan 1950) theological seminary, 12(1):14 (Jan 1950) traffic, 6(4):5 (Oct 1944); 36(2):15 (Apr 1974) transit service, 28(2&3):7, 8 (Apr & Jul 1966); 30(3):2, 3 (Jul 1968) trees, 22(1):10 (Jan 1960); 26(2):9 (Apr 1964); 28(2&3):4-5, 6, 12, 47 with illus (Apr & Jul 1966) vs. Euclid Avenue (Cleveland, OH), 3(3):4 (Jul 1941) zoning changes-1900s, 6(4):19 (Oct 1944); 28(2&3):39-41 (Apr & Jul 1966) East Avenue Improvement Association-1910s, 6(4):11 (Oct 1944) East Avenue Omnibus East Avenue Shade Tree Association, 28(2&3):6 (Apr & Jul 1966) East Avenue Society East Bloomfield Academy
academy, John Van Voorhis,
41(4):6 (Oct 1979)
Brooks, Micah, 41(3):8 (Jul 1979)
Dickson, John, 26(1):9 (Jan 1964) Hills, Isaac, 26(1):9 (Jan 1964) Shelton family-mid 1800s, 74(1):21 (Spr 2012) Stone family-early 1800s, 62(1):16 (Win 2000)
28(2&3):36 (Apr & Jul 1966)
resident, Elizabeth Holihan-1900s, 65(3):26 (Sum 2003) residential landscaping by A. S. DeForest, listing, 51(2):22 (Spr 1989) East Division
parades, 18(1):18
(Jan 1956)
religious observation, 18(2):18 (Apr 1956) at St. Stanislaus Kostka Church, 57(2):14 photo (Spr 1995) Eastern Widewaters Easter Seals
26(2):15 (Apr 1964)
art exhibit-1910, 17(2):18 (Apr 1955) capacity, 31(2):14 (Apr 1969) construction, 19(2):15 (Apr 1957); 35(2):15 (Apr 1973); 38(1):19 (Jan 1976) course offerings-early 1900s, 31(2):11, 15, 17 (Apr 1969) faculty/staff/students, 5(4):2 (Oct 1943)
Clark, Ernest R.-1910s, 5(4):2 (Oct
Hochstein, David, 56(3):18 (Sum 1994) Keating, Kenneth B., 41(4):19 (Oct 1979) Schenck, Ludwig, 56(3):18 (Sum 1994) Teresi, Charles C., 70(1):12 (Fall 2008) Vannuccini, Louis J.-1907, 22(4):11 (Oct 1960) opening-early 1900s, 31(2):11 (Apr 1969); 34(2):18 (Apr 1972) relocation-1960s, 31(2):21, 22 (Apr 1969) Renaissance Club, 22(4):17 (Oct 1960) sister city exchange, participation in-1970s, 43(4):8 (Oct 1981) WWII activity, roles, and programs, 55(4):6, 11-12, 14-15, 16 (Fall 1993) Eastman, A. Russell Eastman Dental Dispensary
children's needs and,
18(3):24 (Jul 1956)
construction, 35(2):14 (Apr 1973) history, 11(2):20 (Apr 1949) Eastman Dryplate Company. See Eastman Kodak Company Eastman, George (1854-1932)
art collection,
7(3):18, 19-20 (Jul 1945); 17(2):17,
19 (Apr 1955); 32(1):11 (Jan 1970);
34(4):19 (Oct 1972);
52(1):6-7, 10, 14 photo (Win 1990)
automobiles and, 12(1):5 (Jan 1950); 52(1):16, 21 (Win 1990) biographers/biographies of, 10(4):12, 18 (Oct 1948); 52(1):15, 23 (Win 1990); 58(4):10 (Fall 1996) biographical sketch/details, 21(3):9 (Jul 1959); 24(3):24 (Jul 1962); 52(1):1-24 with illus (Win 1990)
birth, 52(1):3 (Win 1990)
birthplace, removal to Rochester, 22(1):12 (Jan 1960) childhood and family members, 48(1&2):29 (Jan & Apr 1986); 52(1):3-4, 9-10, 16, 19-20, 23 (Win 1990) death, 20(4):12 (Oct 1958); 28(2&3):37 (Apr & Jul 1966)
quoted on, 34(4):24 (Oct 1972)
as business/civic leader, 11(2):17, 19, 20, 21, 23 (Apr 1949); 19(2):1, 11, 14 (Apr 1957); 22(2):18 (Apr 1960); 22(4):16 (Oct 1960); 23(3):19-20, 22 (Jul 1961); 28(2&3):29 (Apr & Jul 1966); 38(1):17-18 (Jan 1976); 52(1):7-9 (Win 1990)
Bureau of Municipal Research and,
21(1):15 (Jan 1959); 31(1):21
(Jan 1969)
Chamber of Commerce, role in, 24(3):29-30 (Jul 1962); 24(4):9, 12, 19, 20, 21, 23 (Oct 1962); 34(4):20 (Oct 1972) on city hall building proposal, 6(4):15 (Oct 1944) city manager form of government and, 11(2):19 (Apr 1949); 32(2):3 (Apr 1970); 38(1):18 (Jan 1976) city planning and, 6(4):6, 15, 17 (Oct 1944); 26(4):17 (Oct 1964) civic center proposal and, 40(2):20 (Apr 1978) East Avenue Association, role in, 28(2&3):26-27 (Apr & Jul 1966) electricity, on-site generation, 60(4):16-17 (Fall 1998) Folsom, Marion B. and, 61(1):1, 2, 3 (Win 1999) hiring practices, 28(4):7 (Oct 1966) Huntington property and, 61(2):14 (Spr 1999) labor-management relations and, 61(1):4 (Win 1999) photographic enterprises. See Eastman Kodak Company relief agencies/efforts, role in, 5(4):8-9, 10 (Oct 1943); 11(2):19 (Apr 1949); 20(4):2, 4-6 (Oct 1958); 21(1):15 (Jan 1959); 23(2):7 (Apr 1961); 24(3):35 (Jul 1962); 34(4):22 (Oct 1972) snow removal program and, 27(1):13 (Jan 1965) St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church clock and, 63(3):14-15 (Sum 2001) tenement housing and, 6(4):11 (Oct 1944); 13(4):19 (Oct 1951); 24(3):24 (Jul 1962); 27(4):7-8 (Oct 1965); 34(4):15 (Oct 1972) transit company controversy, 30(3):13 (Jul 1968) urban renewal, role in, 29(2):12 (Apr 1967) Van Zandt, Mayor and, 31(1):24 (Jan 1969) Women's City Club and, 9(4):13 (Oct 1947) correspondence
with Alexander, Arthur, quoted,
42(3):17 (Jul 1980)
to company workers regarding labor strikes-1910s, 39(4):17 (Oct 1977) with Dossenbach, Hermann, 29(1):14 (Jan 1967) with Dryden, Ellen, 58(4):15 (Fall 1996) with Durand, Henry S., 61(2):15 (Spr 1999) with Edison, Thomas A., 52(1):23 (Win 1990) local collections and researchers' use of, 52(1):23 (Win 1990) with Rhees, Rush, quoted, 42(3):15-16 (Jul 1980) with Strong, Henry A., 52(1):21 (Win 1990) with Washington, Booker T., 52(1):19 (Win 1990) on world's fair, quoted-1870s, 26(3):1 (Jul 1964)
"Bicycle Kodak" and, 69(2):10-11, 10
illus (Spr 2008)
Fenn, Albert, friendship with, 51(2):9 (Spr 1989) as host
of community and social events,
38(1):19 film script (Jan 1976);
52(1):7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 19, 22 (Win
houseguests, 52(1):15-16 (Win 1990) of musicales, 23(3):20 (Jul 1961); 28(2&3):33 (Apr & Jul 1966); 38(1):19 (Jan 1976); 42(3):3 (Jul 1980); 52(1):9 (Win 1990) of New Year's Eve parties, 28(2&3):32 (Apr & Jul 1966) of visiting governors-1910s, 34(4):17 (Oct 1972)
by British journalist, quoted,
30(1):19 (Jan 1968)
by New York Times, quoted, 42(3):15 (Jul 1980); 58(4):23 (Fall 1996)
commemorative postage stamps,
61(1):10 photo (Win 1999)
D.K.G. Institute of Musical Art. See
D.K.G. Institute of Musical Art
Dossenbach, Hermann and. See Dossenbach, Hermann Eastman School of Music. See Eastman School of Music Eastman Theatre. See Eastman Theatre musicales. See Eastman, George — as host Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra. See Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra as philanthropist, 11(1):12 (Jan 1949); 11(2):20 (Apr 1949); 21(3):9 (Jul 1959); 23(3):20 (Jul 1961); 34(2):15 (Apr 1972); 34(4):22-23 (Oct 1972); 52(1):5 (Win 1990)
of Chamber of Commerce Building,
23(3):18-19 (Jul 1961); 26(4):19
(Oct 1964); 34(2):20 (Apr 1972);
34(4):17 (Oct 1972)
city hall annex/tobacco factory and, 12(2&3):2 (Apr 1950); 31(1):23 (Jan 1969); 34(2):21 (Apr 1972); 35(2):22 (Apr 1973); 52(1):9 (Win 1990) of dental clinics, 19(2):14 (Apr 1957); 52(1):19-20 (Win 1990) of D.K.G. Institute of Musical Art, 58(4):11-12 (Fall 1996) of educational institutions, 12(1):7 (Jan 1950); 21(1):14 (Jan 1959); 23(3):19-20 (Jul 1961); 24(3):31, 36 (Jul 1962); 30(1):18, 19-20 (Jan 1968); 38(1):17 (Jan 1976); 43(4):20 (Oct 1981); 52(1):7, 18-20 (Win 1990)See also Eastman School of Music; Eastman Theatre; University of Rochester — fundraising/gifts Hochstein, David and, 56(3):19, 23 (Sum 1994); 58(4):11 (Fall 1996) local musicians and, 58(4):11 (Fall 1996) of parks system
Cobbs Hill Park and, 75(2):13
(Fall 2013)
Durand Eastman Park and, 11(1):12 (Jan 1949); 35(2):17 (Apr 1973); 61(2):12-13, 14, 15 (Spr 1999); 75(2):12 (Fall 2013) of relief agencies/efforts, 20(4):2, 4 (Oct 1958) of Rochester Symphony, 58(4):11 (Fall 1996) of YMCA, 16(1):16, 19 (Jan 1954); 16(1):20 (Jan 1954)
business enterprises. See
Eastman Kodak Company
early experimentation, 38(1):15-16 (Jan 1976); 52(1):4 (Win 1990) Edison, Thomas A. and, 12(1):20 (Jan 1950) first workshop, location, 27(3):9 (Jul 1965) inventions, 23(3):15 (Jul 1961) mentors, 52(1):22-23 (Win 1990) as photographer, 52(1):20 (Win 1990) as photographic pioneer, 11(2):12 (Apr 1949)
childhood, 52(1):2 (Win 1990);
62(1):13 (Win 2000)
with Edison, Thomas A., 51(1):26 (Win 1989); 52(1):5 (Win 1990) with family member, 52(1):22 (Win 1990) with Lomb, H., 50(1):18 (Jan 1988) with McNab, J.C., 50(1):18 (Jan 1988) with Mees, Kenneth, 51(1):26 (Win 1989) recreational pastimes, 43(2&3):22 (Apr & Jul 1981); 52(1):10, 11, 15, 16, 20 (Win 1990)
cycling, "Bicycle Kodak" and,
69(2):10-11, 10 illus (Spr 2008)
flying, first ride, 43(2&3):22 (Apr & Jul 1981) reading habits and library contents, 52(1):8, 10-11 (Win 1990)
childhood, 52(1):3 photo, 4
(Win 1990)
George Eastman House. See George Eastman House "shooting boxes," 52(1):15, 16 (Win 1990) Soule house, 28(2&3):20 (Apr & Jul 1966) Todd, George W., relationship with, 30(1):2, 3 (Jan 1968) travels, 26(3):11 (Jul 1964); 52(1):11, 15, 16, 18 (Win 1990); 61(2):15 (Spr 1999)
as abolitionist,
52(1):19 (Win 1990)
business enterprises, 52(1):3-4 (Win 1990) death, 52(1):4 (Win 1990) relationship to George Eastman, 52(1):3 (Win 1990) spouse. See Eastman, Mrs. Maria Eastman House and International Photography Museum. See George Eastman House — as museum Eastman House Museum of Photography. See George Eastman House — as museum Eastman, Joseph B.
Academy of Science and,
18(4):10 (Oct 1956)
dry plate business-early 1900s,
52(1):2 photo caption (Win 1990)
St. Bernard's Seminary-1900s, 52(4):14, 20 (Fall 1990) St. Patrick's Cathedral, 65(4):23n.11 (Fall 2003) anti-Semitism and, 74(2):15 (Fall 2012) board members
Albert Fenn, 51(2):9 (Spr 1989)
Ellwanger, George, 22(2):12 (Apr 1960) Kent, John H., 52(1):23 (Win 1990) Todd, George W., 30(1):2 (Jan 1968)
library survey, funding of, 36(4):24
(Oct 1974)
photography museum, support of, 18(4):20 (Oct 1956) sister city program and, 43(4):3, 4, 6, 7, 8 (Oct 1981) sponsors "Kodakid" evacuees-WWII, 5(1):2, 11 (Jan 1943); 55(4):6-7, 27, 31-40, 36 photo (Fall 1993) stock, gifts of, 30(1):18 (Jan 1968) UR acquisition of River Campus, 30(1):11 (Jan 1968) war bond purchase-WWII, 5(1):15 (Jan 1943) defense contracts
Vietnam War, 48(3&4):4 (Jul & Oct
World War I, 5(4):14-16 (Oct 1943) World War II, 5(1):23 (Jan 1943); 51(4):21 (Fall 1989)
world's fair exhibits, 26(3):5, 7
(Jul 1964)
capitalization, 34(4):2-3 (Oct 1972);
50(3):20-21 (Jul 1988)
location, 34(4):3 (Oct 1972); 50(3):20 (Jul 1988)
acknowledgment of-WWII, 66(1):28 (Win
Arbore, Esther-WWII, quoted, 66(2):15 (Spr 2004) Baart, Evelyn and Stanley-WWII, 66(2):14 (Spr 2004) benefits, 20(4):11 (Oct 1958); 21(1):19 (Jan 1959); 23(3):24 (Jul 1961); 25(1):24 (Jan 1963); 38(1):17 (Jan 1976); 61(1):1, 2, 4, 5-6, 13, 14, 16 (Win 1999) campaign to reduce accidents-1910s, 17(1):17 (Jan 1955) charitable activities, 55(2):4, 10 (Spr 1993) Davis, Bill-WWII, quoted, 66(2):8 (Spr 2004) disabled subcontractors, 55(2):14, 30, 31 (Spr 1993) Domagalski, Stephen-WWII, 66(2):21 (Spr 2004) employment stabilization and, 61(1):9, 11 (Win 1999) Folsom, Marion B. and, 61(1):3-4 (Win 1999) Havens, James S., 21(3):13 (Jul 1959); 41(4):10 (Oct 1979) Hertzberger, Max, 65(3):14 (Sum 2003) immigrant, 20(1):13 (Jan 1958) Kerr, Harry-WWII, quoted, 66(2):10 (Spr 2004) labor relations, 20(2):9 (Apr 1958) lay-offs-1930s, 61(1):5, 13, 14 (Win 1999) Manhattan Project contributions, 66(1):21-22 (Win 2004); 66(2):22-25 (Spr 2004) migrant applicants-1960s, 54(1):23 (Win 1992) recruiting-1920s, 30(1):20 (Jan 1968) Reichenback, Henry M., as research scientist, 8(4):21 (Oct 1946) Rochester Commerce, work on, 24(4):24 (Oct 1962) Ryan, Francis P., 55(2):10 (Spr 1993) safety award-WWII, 66(1):12 (Win 2004) scientists, 24(2):18 (Apr 1962) security program development, 9(4):15 (Oct 1947) socialist, firing of-1910s, 39(4):7 (Oct 1977) from Southwest District, 60(2):21 (Spr 1998) statistics, 3(3):12 (Jul 1941); 35(2):5, 6 (Apr 1973) suggestions from, rewards for, 66(1):25 (Win 2004) Trivelli, Adrian, 65(3):14 (Sum 2003) turnover, Rochester Plan and, 61(1):14 (Win 1999) unemployment insurance, 61(1):1, 2, 4, 5-6, 13, 14, 16 (Win 1999) unionization and, 11(2):17 (Apr 1949); 23(3):19 (Jul 1961) Valone, Nat, as WWII veteran, 66(2):13 (Spr 2004) Vázquez, Julio, 70(2):20 (Fall 2007)
Curtis, Edward P., 43(4):2 (Oct 1981)
Folsom, Marion B. See Folsom, Marion Bayard Hargrave, Thomas J., 61(1):10 photo (Win 1999) Haste, James H., 61(1):8 photo (Win 1999) Havens, James, 61(1):8 photo (Win 1999) Jones, Lewis B., 61(1):8 photo (Win 1999) Lovejoy, Frank W., 23(2):3 (Apr 1961) Management Advisory Committee-1926, 61(1):8 photo (Win 1999) Mees, Dr. C. E. Kenneth, 61(1):10 photo (Win 1999) Strong, Henry Alvah, 52(1):20 (Win 1990) Stuber, William G., 61(1):8 photo (Win 1999)
acquired from St. Patrick's Cathedral-1930s,
67(2):17 (Spr 2005)
aerial photography school. See Aerial Photography, U.S. School of cameraworks, 39(4):7 (Oct 1977); 50(3):21 (Jul 1988) construction, 13(4):20 (Oct 1951); 14(3):5 (Jun 1952); 24(2):8 (Apr 1962); 34(2):15 (Apr 1972); 35(1):2 (Jan 1973) energy, on-site generation, 46(3&4):10, 12, 18 (Jul & Oct 1984); 60(4):17 (Fall 1998) "flag-kissing" incidents-1910s, 39(4):7 (Oct 1977) Hawk-Eye Division, location, 22(1):18 (Jan 1960) headquarters, previous site usage, 44(4):2 (Oct 1982) Kodak Office Tower. See Kodak Tower Kodak Park. See Kodak Park locations, 2(3):11 (Jul 1940); 18(1):21 (Jan 1956); 27(3):9 (Jul 1965); 34(2):12, 15, 19 (Apr 1972) original-1880s, 27(3):9 (Jul 1965); 50(3):20 (Jul 1988) overseas, 55(4):27 (Fall 1993) research lab, architecture, 26(2):16 (Apr 1964) sites, previous use, 24(3):7 (Jul 1962); 44(4):2 (Oct 1982) size, comparative-1890s, 24(3):24 (Jul 1962) State Street, 13(4):20 (Oct 1951); 34(2):12, 15, 19 (Apr 1972); 38(1):16 (Jan 1976) tours, 22(1):18 (Jan 1960) Ford auto company and, news story on, 34(4):21-22 (Oct 1972) Goodwin patent, fight over, 21(1):14 (Jan 1959) growth, as leading industry, 15(2):16 (Apr 1953); 24(3):36 (Jul 1962); 35(2):8, 9 (Apr 1973); 61(3&4):4 (Sum & Fall 1999)
1890s, 24(2):8 (Apr 1962)
1900s, 3(4):22 (Oct 1941); 35(2):5-6 (Apr 1973) 1930s, 51(4):20 (Fall 1989) cinema and, 3(4):22 (Oct 1941) subway and, 36(2):6 (Apr 1974) Manhattan Project and, 66(1):21-22 (Win 2004); 66(2):22-25 (Spr 2004) motion picture industry and, 16(3):20 (Jul 1954) patents, 35(2):5 (Apr 1973) product lines, 11(2):17 (Apr 1949); 20(2):4-5 (Apr 1958)
camera development/production, 3(3):11
(Jul 1941); 38(1):16 (Jan 1976);
43(4):19 (Oct 1981);
52(1):5, 23 (Win 1990);
55(2):14, 31 (Spr 1993)
"Bicycle Kodak," 69(2):10
illus, 11 (Spr 2008)
E-awards-WWII, 66(1):27 (Win
World War II, 66(1):7-9, 14-15, 16, 17, 20, 21-22, 29 (Win 2004); 66(2):9, 10 (Spr 2004) dry plate manufacture, 8(4):19 (Oct 1946) film catalog, 36(4):30 (Oct 1974) film production/marketing, 24(2):8 (Apr 1962); 28(4):4 (Oct 1966); 38(1):16, 17 (Jan 1976); 49(1):16 (Jan 1987); 52(1):4-5 (Win 1990) kinescope recorder, 32(3):14 (Jul 1970) motion picture-related, 12(1):21 (Jan 1950); 34(2):15 (Apr 1972) Not by Books Alone film, 36(4):24 (Oct 1974) prices, of cameras-1890s, 28(4):3-4 (Oct 1966) sales, of cameras-1890s, 24(2):8 (Apr 1962) world's fair exhibits, 26(3):11-23 passim (Jul 1964) stock
city dependence on, 19(3):27 (Jul
1957); 34(2):18, 19, 21-22 (Apr
Lake Ontario facilities, 34(2):20 (Apr 1972) private well, sinking, 34(2):12 (Apr 1972)
as abolitionist,
52(1):19 (Win 1990)
business enterprise, 52(1):4, 9 (Win 1990) Kilbourn Hall and, 58(4):28 (Fall 1996) philanthropy to Dossenbach Orchestra, 42(3):5 (Jul 1980); 58(4):11 (Fall 1996) photograph, 52(1):5 (Win 1990) relationship to George Eastman, 52(1):4 (Win 1990) residence, places of, 52(1):3-4, 15, 22 (Win 1990) Eastman Philharmonic Eastman School (elementary, NC), 52(1):19 (Win 1990) Eastman School of Music
art exhibition,
32(1):7 (Jan 1970)
Board of Managers endowment, 58(4):17 (Fall 1996) enrollment-1920s, 58(4):27, 29 (Fall 1996) faculty/staff, 29(1):23 (Jan 1967)
1920s, 58(4):2 photo, 9, 17,
24-27, 29 (Fall 1996)
Dossenbach, Hermann and, 29(1):18 (Jan 1967) Hanson, Howard, 58(4):2 photo, 30 (Fall 1996) Klingenberg, Alf, 58(4):5 photo, 24, 25, 29 (Fall 1996) pastoral assistant, 44(4):30 (Oct 1982) recruitment of Jan Sibelius, 58(4):24-25 (Fall 1996) See, Arthur, 49(1):6 (Jan 1987); 58(4):29 (Fall 1996) German muscial societies and, 20(1):25-26 (Jan 1958) naming of, 58(4):17 (Fall 1996) opening, 3(1):9 (Jan 1941); 49(1):8 (Jan 1987); 58(4):27-28 (Fall 1996); 61(3&4):27 (Sum & Fall 1999) operations
finances-1920s, 58(4):29 (Fall 1996)
post WWI, 30(1):1-2 (Jan 1968) radio, collaboration with, 32(3):6, 13 (Jul 1970) Rennes-Rochester sister city program and, 43(4):4 (Oct 1981)
historical sketch, 58(4):1-32 with
illus (Fall 1996)
Sibley Music Library, gift to, 30(1):17 (Jan 1968) site
previous use, 22(1):16 (Jan 1960);
49(1):3-4, 18-22 (Jan 1987)
selection and acquisition, 49(1):4 (Jan 1987)
Baker, Nicholson, 69(1):25 (Spr 2007)
Dett, Robert N., 21(4):21 (Oct 1959) Galloway, James H., 64(1):19 (Win 2002) housing, 28(2&3):42 (Apr & Jul 1966); 30(1):6 (Jan 1968) performances, 43(4):20 (Oct 1981) from women's campus, 30(1):5-6 (Jan 1968) Eastman Theatre
12(2&3):19 (Apr 1950);
13(4):21 (Oct 1951);
22(4):16 (Oct 1960);
24(3):35 (Jul 1962);
26(2):12-13 (Apr 1964);
32(1):18 (Jan 1970);
34(2):22 (Apr 1972);
49(1):7-14, 18 photo (Jan 1987);
58(4):17, 18 photo, 19-20, 21
photo, 24 photo, 27, 28, 32 photo (Fall 1996)
cultural life and, 35(2):18 (Apr 1973); 58(4):20, 24 (Fall 1996) Eastman, George's role in, 11(2):20 (Apr 1949); 23(3):20 (Jul 1961); 24(3):35 (Jul 1962); 38(1):20 (Jan 1976); 49(1):2 photo caption, 4, 5, 8, 15-16, 17 (Jan 1987); 58(4):16, 19-20, 23, 28 (Fall 1996) faculty/staff, 49(1):10, 14 (Jan 1987) historical sketch, 49(1):1-24 with photos (Jan 1987) library, 49(1):14 (Jan 1987) location, 12(2&3):12 map (Apr 1950); 58(4):16 (Fall 1996) as movie theater, 49(1):8-9, 16 (Jan 1987); 58(4):16, 20 (Fall 1996) murals, 58(4):14 photo (Fall 1996) opening-1920s, 22(1):16 (Jan 1960); 38(1):20 (Jan 1976); 49(1):1 photo, 15-17 (Jan 1987); 58(4):28 (Fall 1996); 61(3&4):27 (Sum & Fall 1999) orchestras, 49(1):10 photo (Jan 1987)
Eastman Theatre Orchestra, 49(1):15
photo (Jan 1987)
for movies, Hermann Dossenbach and-1919, 42(3):15-16 (Jul 1980) plans for-1910s, 42(3):15-16 (Jul 1980) recruitment-1920s, 49(1):14 (Jan 1987) RPO. See Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra
materials and specifications,
49(1):10-11 (Jan 1987)
ethnic band, 22(4):16 (Oct 1960)
It's Only the Beginning (Broadway production), 66(1):27 (Win 2004) opening concert-1921, 38(1):20 (Jan 1976); 58(4):28 (Fall 1996) opera, 49(1):16 (Jan 1987) orchestral, 49(1):16-17 (Jan 1987) programs at
previous residents on, 49(1):3-4,
18-22 (Jan 1987)
selection and acquisition, 49(1):4, 7 (Jan 1987); 58(4):16, 19, 20 (Fall 1996) Eastridge High School East Rochester, NY
circus heist-1870s,
49(3):14 (Jul 1987)
housing census-early 1900s, 19(3):13 (Jul 1957) industry, 24(4):12 (Oct 1962); 41(4):18 (Oct 1979); 43(2&3):25 (Apr & Jul 1981)
WWII, 66(1):23 (Win 2004)
origins and previous names-1890s, 19(3):12-13 (Jul 1957) population figures/trends-early 1900s, 19(3):14 (Jul 1957) residents
Ferentz, Mike as golf champion-1940s,
65(1):31n1 (Win 2003)
Jones, Robert Trent, Sr., 65(1):6 (Win 2003)See also Jones, Robert Trent, Sr.
fire damage-early 1900s,
38(2&3):16 (Apr & Jul 1976)
formation-1860s, 7(3):20 (Jul 1945); 49(2):10 (Apr 1987) merger-1940s, 49(2):10, 18 (Apr 1987) trustees, 28(1):4 (Jan 1966) Eaton, Alexander
as geologist
impressions of Rochester, Asa Fitch quoted on-1820s,
72(1):4-5 (Spr 2010)
institution and reputation, 72(1):4 (Spr 2010) mineralogical survey, 4(2):8 (Apr 1942) Rochester Gorge and, 54(4):4, 9, 13 (Fall 1992) Ebers Brothers (liquor company) Economy. See also Commerce; Industry
1830s, organization,
1(3):8-9 (Jul 1939)
1860s, 23(1):12-13, 20 (Jan 1961) 1890s, 3(3):9-13 (Jul 1941) banking industry and, 49(2):1-24 passim (Apr 1987) Civil War era, 23(1):2, 9-13, 20 (Jan 1961) depressions, impact. See Depressions fiscal concerns-1800s, 2(1):11-16, 17-18 (Jan 1940) growth Industrial Revolution, impact, 1(3):9 (Jul 1939) labor, capital and production, changes in, 3(4):15 (Oct 1941) promotion, by Chamber of Commerce. See Chamber of Commerce rioting and-1960s, 29(2):21 (Apr 1967) Rochester History articles featuring, 51(1):19-20 (Win 1989) slavery and, 67(3):23n.22 (Sum 2005) stabilization, 3(4):23 (Oct 1941) war and. See specific war Eddy, Reverend (no given name), 16(2):10 (Apr 1954) Eddy and Webster
a.k.a. Central Library and Exposition Park
Branch Library, 48(1&2):21 (Jan & Apr
opening, 17(3):9 (Jul 1955); 36(4):21 (Oct 1974)
biographical details,
22(2):20 (Apr 1960)
as common council officer, 31(1):4, 14 (Jan 1969) Convention Hall and, 34(2):17 (Apr 1972) as mayor (1908-1922), 9(4):3 (Oct 1947); 24(3):25, 28, 32, 35 (Jul 1962); 31(1):13, 14-22 (Jan 1969)
Aldridge, George and, 14(2):19 (Apr
Art Commission, appointment of, 34(4):19 (Oct 1972) banquet-1910s, 22(4):13 (Oct 1960) boulevard proposal-early 1900s, 19(3):16 (Jul 1957) candidacies, 14(2):12, 19-21 (Apr 1952); 28(1):23 (Jan 1966); 38(2&3):33 (Apr & Jul 1976) Charlotte annexation and, 37(1):15-16, 17, 22 (Jan 1975) on City Hall bell, quoted, 38(2&3):14 (Apr & Jul 1976) city plan, 6(4):7 (Oct 1944) civic center proposals, 40(2):2 (Apr 1978) Convention Hall facilities and, 31(4):18 (Oct 1969) Durand, Henry S. correspondence with, 61(2):14-15 (Spr 1999) earthquake relief effort, 22(4):9 (Oct 1960) fire department, development, 17(1):15 (Jan 1955) fires, and insurance controversy over, 38(2&3):15, 16, 21, 24, 26-34, 40 (Apr & Jul 1976) Good Government movement and, 23(3):16 (Jul 1961) inauguration, 38(2&3):13 (Apr & Jul 1976) Industrial Expositions and Park, 34(4):9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 (Oct 1972) on labor strikes-1910s, quoted, 39(4):17 (Oct 1977) and "Loyalty" petition-1910s, 39(4):5 (Oct 1977) Municipal Museum and-1910s, 17(3):9 (Jul 1955) municipal water supply and, 34(3):16 (Jul 1972) playgrounds and, 11(1):16 (Jan 1949); 19(2):16, 17 (Apr 1957) police department, investigation of, 25(4):16 (Oct 1963) predecessor, 35(1):9 (Jan 1973) public library and, 23(4):2-3, 4-5, 6 (Oct 1961); 36(4):21 (Oct 1974); 48(1&2):21 (Jan & Apr 1986)
quoted, 73(1):1 (Spr 2011)
Rochester Municipal and Historical Museum and, 18(4):12, 13 (Oct 1956) subway construction and, 36(2):3 (Apr 1974); 36(2):5 (Apr 1974) temperance movement and, 37(1):13 (Jan 1975) transit services and-1910s, 30(3):12, 13-14, 16 (Jul 1968) Wilgus Plan, stance on, 6(4):6 (Oct 1944) World War I and, 5(4):11, 13 (Oct 1943) as parks system advocate, 11(1):13 (Jan 1949) photograph, 38(2&3):17 (Apr & Jul 1976); 73(1):1 (Spr 2011) as school commissioner, 31(1):14 (Jan 1969)
17(3):9 (Jul 1955)
centennial exposition, 6(2):22 (Apr
library. See Edgerton Branch Library; Exposition Park Branch Library museum, 17(3):9 (Jul 1955) victory exposition, 11(1):18 (Jan 1949) WWI ceremony, 51(3):11 (Sum 1989) German POW camp at-WWII, 56(3):14, 15, 16 (Sum 1994) Edison Electric Illuminating Company. See Edison Illuminating Company Edison Hotel
59(2):8 (Spr 1997)
formation, 7(4):10 (Oct 1945); 46(3&4):13 (Jul & Oct 1984); 50(3):19 (Jul 1988); 60(4):17 (Fall 1998) Judson Power Company and, 59(2):8 (Spr 1997) location, 60(4):17 (Fall 1998) operations, 46(3&4):13, 15, 18 (Jul & Oct 1984)
incandescent lamps, 60(4):11, 13
(Fall 1998)
wiring techniques, 60(4):10 figure caption, 13 (Fall 1998)
Eastman, George and
friendship and correspondence,
52(1):5 photo, 15, 23 (Win 1990)
on-site energy generation, collaboration, 46(3&4):10 (Jul & Oct 1984) photograph, with K. Mees, 51(1):26 (Win 1989) light bulb
Eastman film and, 38(1):16 (Jan 1976);
52(1):5 (Win 1990)
kinetoscope, development, 16(3):20 (Jul 1954)
abroad. See specific continent
comparisions with other cities,
19(1):22 (Jan 1957)
evening classes, 1(3):22 (Jul 1939); 31(2):8, 11, 18 (Apr 1969) for immigrants. See Immigrants; specific immigrant community language instruction, 20(1):19 (Jan 1958) for POWs-WWII, 56(3):7 (Sum 1994) public library and, 73(1):3, 10-11 (Spr 2011) at Westside Adult Learning Center, 60(3):18 (Sum 1998) bilingual. See Bilingual education coeducation
at St. Joseph's School-early 1900s,
63(3):15, 17-18 (Sum 2001)
Citizen Advisory Panel on Financing Public Education,
31(2):26 (Apr 1969)
Elevating the Standards of Common School Education, Committee for, 1(3):20 (Jul 1939); 33(2):11 (Apr 1971) compulsory, for disadvantaged students, 31(2):6, 15, 27 (Apr 1969) of deaf, 64(1):1-24 (Win 2002)See also Rochester School for the Deaf; Western New York Institute for Deaf Mutes of disabled citizens, 55(2):21, 26, 27, 28, 29 (Spr 1993) discrimination
in city schools. See City
schools — segregation/integration
at University of Rochester, 21(4):22-23 (Oct 1959) early childhood-1920s, 68(4):8 photo caption (Fall 2006) Eastman, George on, 19(2):11 (Apr 1957) Eastman philanthropy. See Eastman, George ethnic newspaper on-early 1900s, 22(4):16 (Oct 1960) free, for impoverished, 1(3):19 (Jul 1939) Froebelian method, 19(2):3 (Apr 1957) higher. See Colleges/universities; Higher education historical sketches/summaries, 1(3):19-23 (Jul 1939); 19(2):1-20 (Apr 1957); 24(3):14, 24, 28, 30, 31, 32, 36 (Jul 1962); 31(2):1-28 (Apr 1969); 51(4):12 illus, 22-23 (Fall 1989)
1800s, 2(1):16-17 (Jan 1940);
3(3):16-18 (Jul 1941)
of Rochester Historical Society, 31(2):1 (Apr 1969) of immigrants. See Immigrants; specific immigrant community of incarcerated, 19(2):4 (Apr 1957); 34(1):7, 21, 23, 24 (Jan 1972) laws affecting municipal budget of 1930s and, 61(1):5 (Win 1999) musical. See Music instructors; Music schools; specific school NYS Department of. See Education, NYS Department of of pioneer era, 4(2):8 (Apr 1942); 5(2):2, 16-17 (Apr 1943); 47(3&4):16 (Jul & Oct 1985); 51(4):22 (Fall 1989) as primary industry-1900s, 51(4):22-23 (Fall 1989) private. See Private schools public responsibility for, recognition of-early 1900s, 38(1):19 (Jan 1976) records, researching family history from, 52(2):7 (Spr 1990) reforms, 19(2):3, 5-8, 10-15 (Apr 1957) Rochester Public Library and, 73(1):1-28 passim (Spr 2011) schools. See City schools; Schools; specific institution social welfare and, 9(2&3):2 (Apr 1947) for special needs students. See Special education state aid
decline-WWII, 31(2):18 (Apr 1969)
emergency aid bill, 31(2):21 (Apr 1969) expansion, 31(2):15 (Apr 1969) grant-1960s, 31(2):26 (Apr 1969) local sales tax and, 31(2):19 (Apr 1969) twentieth century, 61(3&4):12-13 (Sum & Fall 1999) United States Committee on Education report, quoted-1910s, 73(1):15 (Spr 2011) US Office of Education, directives and policies-WWII, 55(4):4, 14 (Fall 1993) vacation school-1890s, 12(1):12 (Jan 1950) vocational. See Vocational education Weet, Dr. Herbert S. and, 22(2):23 (Apr 1960) world's fair exhibit on-1904, 26(3):13 (Jul 1964)
on Boys' Evening Home,
17(4):11 (Oct 1955)
busing-1960s, 29(2):20 (Apr 1967) Dow law clause scandal-circa 1900, 12(1):10 (Jan 1950) facilities/grounds, action regarding
Factory School, approval of-early 1900s,
19(2):14 (Apr 1957)
No. 26 School, replacement of, 19(2):12 (Apr 1957) playgrounds, 11(1):16 (Jan 1949); 29(2):9 (Apr 1967) school construction/openings, 31(2):4 (Apr 1969); 31(2):10-11, 12, 14 (Apr 1969); 34(2):18 (Apr 1972) Washington Grammar School, reconstruction vote-early 1900s, 19(2):12 (Apr 1957) finances
fiscal problems-1900s, 31(2):16-18,
19, 23 (Apr 1969)
investigations into, 22(2):19 (Apr 1960); 31(2):16 (Apr 1969) Noyes' controversy, 12(1):10 (Jan 1950) headquarters
construction-1870s, 31(2):5 (Apr
history, 12(2&3):15 (Apr 1950) location, 12(2&3):12 map (Apr 1950); 21(2):3 (Apr 1959); 27(3):5 (Jul 1965) marker outside, 18(1):2 (Jan 1956) site, previous use, 22(1):7 (Jan 1960); 23(3):4 (Jul 1961) as independent commission, 2(3):14 (Jul 1940) Industrial School of Rochester request to-1860s, 68(4):10 (Fall 2006) members/officers, 28(1):21 (Jan 1966)
Adler, Isaac, 22(2):19 (Apr 1960)
Andrews, Samuel G., 26(1):7 (Jan 1964); 41(3):18 (Jul 1979) Baker, Charles S., 41(4):7 (Oct 1979) Duffy, James P. B., 41(4):15 (Oct 1979) Durand, John E., 61(2):4 (Spr 1999) Forbes, George M., 14(4):18 (Oct 1952); 23(4):3 (Oct 1961); 31(2):9 (Apr 1969) Gregory, Helen E., 31(2):13 (Apr 1969) immigrants as, 20(1):15 (Jan 1958) Johnston, James, comptroller, 14(2):16 (Apr 1952) Montgomery, Helen B., 31(2):9, 12, 13 (Apr 1969) O'Reilly, Henry, 31(2):3 (Apr 1969) Padilla, Nancy, 70(2):6 (Fall 2007) Paine, Nicholas E., 26(1):15 (Jan 1964) as public library trustees, 23(4):3, 5 (Oct 1961) Republicans, 14(2):13 (Apr 1952) Reynolds, Abelard, 31(2):3 (Apr 1969) Ward, Levi A., 26(1):13 (Jan 1964); 31(2):3 (Apr 1969) Williams, Samual B., 14(2):16 (Apr 1952) women as, 23(4):2 (Oct 1961); 26(2):20 (Apr 1964) Noyes controversy-c. 1900, 12(1):10-11 (Jan 1950) philosophy/policies
censorship issues, 55(4):8-10 (Fall
educational methods, 19(2):11 (Apr 1957) equal educational opportunities, 31(2):3-4 (Apr 1969) progressive approach-1900, 23(3):16 (Jul 1961) student exclusions, 68(4):2 photo caption, 10 (Fall 2006) WWII era, 55(4):4, 5, 6, 8-10, 12 (Fall 1993)
Aldridge, George W. and, 14(2):16
(Apr 1952); 19(2):10 (Apr 1957)
independence movement, 11(2):18 (Apr 1949); 22(2):19 (Apr 1960); 31(1):1 (Jan 1969); 31(2):8-9 (Apr 1969)
art exhibit, 17(2):18 (Apr 1955)
for disabled children-1950s, 55(2):21, 27 photo (Spr 1993) health classes, 18(3):23 (Jul 1956) Homelands Exhibition, 25(3):18 (Jul 1963) kindergarten training, 42(1):5 (Jan 1980) manual training, 19(2):11 (Apr 1957) night classes, 19(2):7 (Apr 1957) Pedagogical Library, 73(1):4 (Spr 2011) reforms-early 1900s, 9(4):2 (Oct 1947); 31(2):4, 9-11, 14 (Apr 1969) science camp-1890s, 19(2):9 (Apr 1957) social center programs-early 1900s, 23(3):18 (Jul 1961); 25(3):15 (Jul 1963); 29(2):8 (Apr 1967); 31(2):12-13 (Apr 1969) at St. Mary's Industrial School-1800s, 44(4):13 (Oct 1982) textbooks, 18(2):15 (Apr 1956) visiting programs, 20(4):6 (Oct 1958) WWII era, 5(1):22, 26 (Jan 1943) social center movement and, 14(4):18 (Oct 1952) Theodora House, creation, 20(4):6 (Oct 1958) Education, NYS Department of
Downing, Augustus at,
58(4):13 (Fall 1996)
University of Rochester charter and,
58(4):13-16, 17-19, 20-22, 28 (Fall 1996)
Rochester Childfirst Network support from, 68(4):20 (Fall 2006) Edward Nier (business)
at Rochester Conservatory of Music,
58(4):3, 4 (Fall 1996)
as violin instructor, 58(4):3 (Fall 1996) 8th NY Cavalry Regiment. See New York Volunteers 8th Separate Company of NYS National Guard Eighth Ward. See also Near Northeast District
ethnic settlement,
29(2):1-8, 13-14, 16-18 (Apr 1967)
housing Socialists' strength in-1910s, 39(4):11 (Oct 1977) Sunday School, 40(4):7 (Oct 1978) supervisors
citizenship medal named for, local recipient,
61(1):18 (Win 1999)
Vulcan theory and, 9(1):10 (Jan 1947) Eiseline, Mrs.
City Club speech,
9(4):15 (Oct 1947)
civic honor, 22(2):insert (Apr 1960) residence, 28(2&3):37 (Apr & Jul 1966)
Folsom, Marion B. and,
61(1):1, 14 photo, 17 (Win 1999)
local candidacy, stance on, 41(4):19 (Oct 1979) photograph, with Rabbi Philip S. Bernstein and General Joseph T. McNarney-1940s, 74(2):8 (Fall 2012) sister cities program and, 43(4):2 (Oct 1981)
27(3):18 (Jul 1965)
housing for, 22(1):13 (Jan 1960); 27(4):20, 21 (Oct 1965); 75(2):22 (Fall 2013) population growth-mid 1900s, 26(2):19 (Apr 1964) services for
mid 1900s, 26(2):19 (Apr 1964)
early welfare agencies, 9(2&3):16 (Apr 1947) Project Reach and, 60(3):16 (Sum 1998) St. Augustine's Church and, 60(3):13, 14, 19 (Sum 1998) transportation, 55(2):10 (Spr 1993)
1824, 2(2):6-8 (Apr
1844-1853, 20(3):2 (Jul 1958) 1848, 1(2):9 (Apr 1939); 20(3):3 (Jul 1958) 1849, 20(3):4 (Jul 1958) 1850, 20(3):6 (Jul 1958) 1853, 14(2):2, 4 (Apr 1952); 20(3):7 (Jul 1958) 1853-1856, 20(3):10 (Jul 1958) 1855, 20(3):13 (Jul 1958) 1860s, 23(1):9, 12, 17, 20 (Jan 1961) 1880, 2(4):1-19 (Oct 1940) 1890, 3(3):6 (Jul 1941) 1900, 12(1):10 (Jan 1950) 1940, campaign parade incident, 44(4):25 (Oct 1982) city council
1930s, 23(3):23 (Jul 1961);
32(2):4, 6, 8 (Apr 1970)
1949, 32(2):12 (Apr 1970) 1953, 32(2):14 (Apr 1970) 1961, 32(2):19 (Apr 1970) by fair and foul means, 14(2):4 (Apr 1952) fire insurance controversy and-1909, 38(2&3):31, 32, 33 (Apr & Jul 1976) historical sketches, 2(4):1-20 (Oct 1940); 26(1):2-20 passim (Jan 1964); 28(1):1-20 (Jan 1966); 31(1):1-24 (Jan 1969); 32(2):1-28 (Apr 1970); 39(4):1-24 (Oct 1977); 41(3):1-24 (Jul 1979); 41(4):1-24 (Oct 1979) housing patterns and-1940s, 27(4):18 (Oct 1965) mayoral/city manager
1853, 14(2):4 (Apr 1952)
1860-1900, 28(1):1-20 (Jan 1966) 1870, 28(1):12 (Jan 1966) 1900-1928, 31(1):1-24 (Jan 1969) 1909, 38(2&3):33 (Apr & Jul 1976) 1928-1969, 32(2):1-28 (Apr 1970) 1930s, 23(3):23 (Jul 1961) Democratic trends, 14(2):2 (Apr 1952) pre-Civil War era, 26(1):1-20 (Jan 1964) socialist candidates, 39(4):9, 11, 19 (Oct 1977) presidential
1808, 24(1):5 (Jan 1962)
1816, 24(1):12 (Jan 1962) 1844, 14(2):4 (Apr 1952) 1856, 14(2):4 (Apr 1952) 1860, 14(2):4 (Apr 1952) 1860s, 23(1):2-3, 20 (Jan 1961); 46(1&2):26 (Jan & Apr 1984) 1880, 2(4):1-19 (Oct 1940); 2(4):1-20 (Oct 1940) 1930s, 23(3):23 (Jul 1961) black votes-1840s, 46(1&2):23 (Jan & Apr 1984) Democratic trends, 14(2):2 (Apr 1952) socialist candidates, votes received-early 1900s, 39(4):1 (Oct 1977); 39(4):20, 21 (Oct 1977) state
1830s, 14(2):4 (Apr 1952)
1853, 14(2):4 (Apr 1952) 1879, 2(4):5 (Oct 1940) 1896, 14(2):14 (Apr 1952)
of Edison Illuminating Company,
60(4):10 figure caption, 13 (Fall
as fire hazard, 60(4):13 (Fall 1998)
in Brown's Race area,
34(2):12 (Apr 1972)
consortium, 60(4):21 (Fall 1998) development-1800s, 46(3&4):13-14 (Jul & Oct 1984) historical sketch, 60(4):8, 11-26 (Fall 1998) manufacture, 43(2&3):35 (Apr & Jul 1981) mergers, 46(3&4):13, 14, 16 (Jul & Oct 1984); 60(4):14, 17, 18 (Fall 1998) production. See Electricity water rights, 19(3):10 (Jul 1957); 33(3):17 (Jul 1971); 46(3&4):10, 12, 16 (Jul & Oct 1984)See also Genesee River at world's fair-1893, 43(1):2 (Jan 1981)
historical sketch,
60(4):7-26 (Fall 1998)
on businesses, 37(2):22 (Apr 1975)
on everyday life, 60(4):9-10 (Fall 1998) industrial, 46(3&4):6, 10 (Jul & Oct 1984); 50(3):19 (Jul 1988) on residential growth, 19(3):7 (Jul 1957) on transit systems, 24(4):13 (Oct 1962); 43(1):2 (Jan 1981)
light bulb, 60(4):7-8 (Fall 1998)
lighting from. See Lighting; Street lights production and/or consumption, 46(3&4):18 (Jul & Oct 1984); 61(3&4):17, 22 illus (Sum & Fall 1999)
1930s, 19(3):24 (Jul 1957)
by canal boats, 11(3&4):22 (Jul 1949) canal locks and, 72(1):17-18, 26n.21 (Spr 2010) industrial, 46(3&4):10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18-19 (Jul & Oct 1984) oil embargo and, 60(4):21 (Fall 1998) rates, 31(1):12, 13 (Jan 1969) residential, 46(3&4):14, 15, 16, 19 (Jul & Oct 1984) turbines and, 61(3&4):3 (Sum & Fall 1999) Electric poles
founding and corporate merger,
43(2&3):5-6 (Apr & Jul 1981)
patent infringement lawsuits-early 1900s, 43(2&3):6-8, 9, 12-14 (Apr & Jul 1981) product line, 43(2&3):6, 12 (Apr & Jul 1981) Elementary schools. See Parochial schools; Private schools; Public schools Elephants
grain. See
Grain elevators
Holly pumping station and, 34(2):13 (Apr 1972) introduction, 12(2&3):5 (Apr 1950); 22(1):2, 3 (Jan 1960); 34(2):9, 10 (Apr 1972) Kimball Tobacco Company, 60(1):4, 6 (Win 1998) water powered, 34(3):8 (Jul 1972) Eliot, George Elisha House Elks Lodge
as alderman, parks system and,
28(1):19 (Jan 1966)
civic reform and-1880s, 11(1):2 (Jan 1949) Municipal Manual of Rochester-1880s authored by, 10(4):19 (Oct 1948) as newspaperman, 24(4):6 (Oct 1962) as parks commission member, High Park pavilion and, 50(2):9 (Apr 1988) Ellis, Charles
as architect,
28(2&3):11 (Apr & Jul 1966);
28(4):10-11 (Oct 1966)
Bragdon, Claude F. and, 29(4):6-7
(Oct 1967)
central business district commissions, 34(2):12-13 (Apr 1972) local organizations and, 29(4):6-7 (Oct 1967) municipal commission, 54(4):12 (Fall 1992) Arts and Crafts Society and, 17(2):16 (Apr 1955) as draftsman, 40(2):16 (Apr 1978) travel abroad, 17(2):9 (Apr 1955) Ellis Island
as school superintendent-1800s,
3(3):17 (Jul 1941);
7(4):23 (Oct 1945);
19(2):6, 7 (Apr 1957);
31(2):6, 8 (Apr 1969)
discovery of lakes on,
59(1):7 (Win 1997)
Eskimo village on, 59(1):7-8 (Win 1997) Fort Conger on. See Fort Conger Ellwanger and Barry Building
12(2&3):6 (Apr 1950)
location, 3(3):3 (Jul 1941); 27(3):8 (Jul 1965) skyscraper wars and, 22(1):3 (Jan 1960)
Neun residence and school on site of-1800s,
68(4):9 (Fall 2006)
office, location and design, 22(1):14 (Jan 1960)
biographical summary/details,
22(2):11-12 (Apr 1960);
45(3&4):33, 45 (Jul & Oct 1983)
banking, 20(1):13 (Jan 1958);
23(3):13 (Jul 1961);
25(3):7 (Jul 1963);
45(3&4):38 (Jul & Oct 1983)
horticulture. See Ellwanger, George — as nurseryman hotel, 31(4):15 (Oct 1969) newspaper, 41(4):4 (Oct 1979) transit company, 25(3):7 (Jul 1963); 45(3&4):38 (Jul & Oct 1983)
honored, posthumously, 22(2):11-12
(Apr 1960)
parks system advocate, 11(1):2 (Jan 1949) Reynolds Library, roles in, 36(4):12 (Oct 1974); 36(4):39 (Oct 1974) as nurseryman, 3(3):10 (Jul 1941); 3(4):11 (Oct 1941); 19(4):4 (Oct 1957); 20(1):8 (Jan 1958); 36(4):4 (Oct 1974)See also Mount Hope Garden and Nursery(ies)
apprenticeship, 45(3&4):33 (Jul &
Oct 1983)
Barry, Patrick and, 45(3&4):33-34 (Jul & Oct 1983) businesses, 1(3):13 (Jul 1939); 43(4):17 (Oct 1981); 45(3&4):30, 33 (Jul & Oct 1983)See also Mount Hope Garden and Nursery(ies) "Flower City" designation and, 23(3):12 (Jul 1961); 24(3):15 (Jul 1962) Holy Sepulchre Cemetery plantings by, 67(2):6-7, 27 (Spr 2005) on stock sale to California nurseries, 45(3&4):44 (Jul & Oct 1983) travel abroad, 17(2):6 (Apr 1955); 45(3&4):35-36 (Jul & Oct 1983)
German Home for Aged and, 3(1):14 (Jan
Highland Park and, 3(3):5 (Jul 1941); 7(4):18 (Oct 1945); 28(1):19 (Jan 1966); 50(2):9 (Apr 1988) Mount Hope Cemetery and, 22(1):14 (Jan 1960); 75(2):26n.5 (Fall 2013) parks commision and, 75(2):3 (Fall 2013)
biographical summary,
10(1):17-19 (Jan 1948)
family members, 22(2):12 (Apr 1960) family relationships, 10(1):18 (Jan 1948)
45(3&4):44 (Jul & Oct 1983)
family members, 22(2):12 (Apr 1960) The Rose authored by, 45(3&4):44 (Jul & Oct 1983)
biographical summary,
10(1):17-18, 19 (Jan 1948)
family members, 22(2):12 (Apr 1960) residence, 28(2&3):28, 41 (Apr & Jul 1966)
baseball club/game-1800s,
63(2):8 illus (Spr 2001)
Catholic pastor population figures/trend- early 1900s, 19(3):14 (Jul 1957) reformatory. See Elmira State Reformatory transit service to/from, 6(4):5 (Oct 1944)
Brockway, Zebulon at,
19(2):3 (Apr 1957)
law drafted by, 21(3):6 (Jul 1959)
expansions, 34(1):15 (Jan 1972) inmates, treatment, 19(2):3 (Apr 1957) rehabilitation & contract labor programs-late 1800s, 34(1):14 (Jan 1972) Elmwood Avenue
bicycle sidepath-1890s,
69(2):69(2):14 (Spr 2008)
bridge. See Elmwood Avenue Bridge as city limits-1890, 3(3):2 (Jul 1941) health facilities, 55(2):4 (Spr 1993) history, 27(3):20 (Jul 1965)
architecture and/or location,
18(2):7 (Apr 1956);
26(2):10 (Apr 1964)
as landmark, 27(3):18 (Jul 1965)
12(2&3):12 map (Apr 1950)
construction, 12(2&3):5 (Apr 1950); 22(1):3 (Jan 1960); 28(2&3):11 (Apr & Jul 1966); 34(2):10 (Apr 1972) gargoyles, 12(2&3):6 (Apr 1950) history, 12(2&3):6 (Apr 1950) location, 27(3):8 (Jul 1965); 31(1):9 (Jan 1969) occupants
advertisement for, 48(1&2):32
illus (Jan & Apr 1986)
art school, 17(2):8 (Apr 1955) bicycle pump company, 69(2):69(2):10 illus (Spr 2008)
as author, 6(2):8
(Apr 1944)
business enterprise, 7(3):7 (Jul 1945) library, contents, 7(3):7 (Jul 1945)
biographical summary,
26(1):11-12 (Jan 1964)
civic roles
appointed posts, 7(1):5 (Jan 1945);
29(3):16 (Jun 1967)
as mayor (1847-1848), 26(1):11-12 (Jan 1964) residence, site and subsequent use, 65(4):9 (Fall 2003) warehouse property, rental-1830s, 49(4):22 (Oct 1987)
biographical summary,
41(3):18, 20 (Jul 1979)
as congressman, 28(1):19 (Jan 1966)
capture-Civil War, 2(3):5 (Jul 1940);
23(1):8 (Jan 1961);
53(1):11 (Win 1991)
election of 1862, 23(1):17 (Jan 1961) Fenian Brotherhood and, 19(4):9 (Oct 1957) as host, 8(2):3 (Apr 1946) illustration, 53(1):10 (Win 1991) as lawyer, 41(3):18 (Jul 1979) local Lincoln appointment, stance on, 41(4):6 (Oct 1979)
as host, 8(2):3 (Apr
industrial school and-mid 1800s, 68(4):3, 23 (Fall 2006) recollection, 8(2):23 (Apr 1946)
arrival and place of origin,
47(3&4):19 (Jul & Oct 1985)
business enterprises, 47(3&4):9 (Jul & Oct 1985)
development, 50(3):9 (Jul 1988)
financial account, 45(3&4):16 (Jul & Oct 1983) milling, 2(1):3 (Jan 1940); 4(2):5 (Apr 1942); 4(4):17 (Oct 1942); 24(1):14 (Jan 1962); 30(2):3 (Apr 1968); 33(3):3, 6 (Jul 1971) military service-War of 1812, 4(4):17 (Oct 1942); 24(1):11 (Jan 1962)
writings on, quoted, 53(4):16, 23-27
(Fall 1991)
aqueduct reconstruction and,
37(2):7 (Apr 1975)
arrival and place of origin, 47(3&4):19 (Jul & Oct 1985) business enterprises
development, 50(3):9 (Jul 1988)
financial losses, 23(3):10 (Jul 1961); 29(3):17 (Jun 1967); 33(3):7 (Jul 1971) flood damage, litigation, 24(1):14, 15 (Jan 1962); 29(3):11-12 (Jun 1967) milling, 1(3):10 (Jul 1939); 2(1):3 (Jan 1940); 4(2):5 (Apr 1942); 12(2&3):11 (Apr 1950); 16(2):10, 19-20 (Apr 1954); 18(1):11 (Jan 1956); 29(3):9 (Jun 1967); 30(2):3 (Apr 1968); 33(3):3, 7, 9, 11-12, 16 centerfold illus (Jul 1971); 37(2):3-6, 8 (Apr 1975); 49(4):21 (Oct 1987); 51(4):7 (Fall 1989); 55(1):5, 7, illus: 22, 27 (Win 1993); 72(1):6 (Spr 2010) telegraph, 7(1):19 (Jan 1945) family members, 30(2):3 (Apr 1968); 33(3):14 (Jul 1971) land holdings, 55(3):4 (Sum 1993) military service-War of 1812, 53(4):23 (Fall 1991) residences, 1(3):2, 10 (Jul 1939); 26(2):8 (Apr 1964); 30(2):3 (Apr 1968); 33(3):7 (Jul 1971); 55(1):7 (Win 1993)See also Ely-Osgood House/Mansion shade trees and, 30(2):3 (Apr 1968) Ely, Justin
location-1820s, 2(1):5 map (Jan
1940); 37(2):3-4 (Apr 1975);
55(1):5, 7, 22 illus (Win
millwright, 59(2):18 (Spr 1997) Erie Canal and, 37(2):8 (Apr 1975) fire damage, 37(2):6 (Apr 1975) production, 37(2):5 (Apr 1975); 51(4):7 (Fall 1989) subsequent use, 37(2):22 (Apr 1975); 55(1):27 photo (Win 1993)
22(1):9 (Jan 1960);
26(2):8 (Apr 1964)
history and occupants, 12(2&3):11 (Apr 1950)
a.k.a. Kidd-Osgood House, 8(2):15, 23
(Apr 1946)
as D.A.R. headquarters, 22(1):9 (Jan 1960); 27(3):17 (Jul 1965); 29(3):17 (Jun 1967) photograph, 26(2):centerfold (Apr 1964)
business enterprise,
3(2):17 (Apr 1941); 33(3):14 (Jul
Main Street Bridge construction and, 3(2):17 (Apr 1941) relationship to Hervey Ely, 33(3):14 (Jul 1971)
arson suspected on-early 1900s,
38(2&3):18 (Apr & Jul 1976)
commercial buildings, 37(2):17 (Apr 1975)
1800s, 63(3):4 illus (Sum
property costs on-1830s, 63(3):7 (Sum 2001) social institutions
African Methodist Episcopal Society,
37(4):5 (Oct 1975)
church-early 1800s, 44(4):4 (Oct 1982) churches-early 1800s, 21(4):2 (Oct 1959); 63(3):4 illus, 7 (Sum 2001) German Catholic society, 20(1):3 (Jan 1958) theater, 16(3):5 (Jul 1954) Ely, Reverend Wesley A.
in Canada, 72(2):8
(Fall 2010)
by federal Emancipation Proclamation of 1862
application, in Kentucky, 37(4):20,
24 (Oct 1975)
colored troops and, 46(1&2):27 (Jan & Apr 1984); 67(4):12, 13 (Fall 2005) Douglass, Frederick speech following signing of, quoted, 67(4):14 (Fall 2005) military opposition to, 65(2):10-11 (Spr 2003) newspaper stances on-1860s, 23(1):17, 18, 21-22 (Jan 1961)
a.k.a. West India Day, 72(2):19n.21
(Fall 2010)
Caribana Festival and, 72(2):17 (Fall 2010) church site, 67(1):19 illus (Win 2005) Douglass Union League and, 21(4):14 (Oct 1959) origins and meaning, 72(2):8-9 (Fall 2010) in Rochester-1840s, 72(2):6, 9 (Fall 2010) speeches
by Douglass, Frederick,
66(4):10-12, 22n.29 (Fall 2004)
by Johnson, Henry W.-1800s, 66(4):10-12 (Fall 2004); 67(1):6 (Win 2005) by manumission
of Douglass, Frederick, 67(3):12 (Sum
by Rochester family, 71(1):10, 11 illus, 15-16, 19-20 (Spr 2009) in northern colonies, 67(3):23n.22 (Sum 2005) Ontario Repository and Messenger on, quoted-1840s, 66(4):11-12 (Fall 2004) Pierce, Francis Edwin and, 65(2):3-4, 10-11 (Spr 2003) by purchase, 46(1&2):4-5 (Jan & Apr 1984)
adoption-early 1800s,
16(4):3 (Oct 1954)
impact, on trade, 11(2):2 (Apr 1949); 12(4):3 (Oct 1950); 21(1):4 (Jan 1959); 23(3):2 (Jul 1961); 24(3):5 (Jul 1962); 30(2):8 (Apr 1968); 40(1):3 (Jan 1978) Emergencies Emerson, Ralph Waldo
on Brown, John, quoted,
15(3):14 (Jul 1953)
local lectures, 11(2):9 (Apr 1949); 16(1):5 (Jan 1954); 18(2):17 (Apr 1956); 26(4):7 (Oct 1964) works of/on Emerson, Thomas
business enterprises-early 1800s,
33(3):9 (Jul 1971);
55(1):6, 22 illus (Win 1993)
Civil War brigade of-1860s,
63(4):9-10, 30 illus (Fall 2001)
quoted, on Julius Armbruster, 63(4):10, 22 (Fall 2001)
background information,
41(1&2):32-33 (Jan & Apr 1979)
text, on Rochester and emigration, 41(1&2):33-39 (Jan & Apr 1979) Emigration. See Migration Emily (ship) Miss Emma Loraine
Our Lady of Good Counsel Church and,
60(3):22 (Sum 1998)
Roman Catholic Community of the 19th Ward and, 60(3):22, 23 (Sum 1998) Empire (theater). See also Wonderland Theater Empire Boulevard
bridge on-mid 1800s,
52(3):19 (Sum 1990);
62(2):23 illus caption (Spr 2000)
site, clearing of, 6(3):1 (Jul 1944) Empire State College Empire State FM School of the Air. See Rochester School of the Air Empire State Insurance Company
1890s, 40(3):4-24
(Jul 1978)
1950s, 23(3):25 (Jul 1961) agencies/assistance programs. See Employment agencies/bureaus/programs in brewing industry-1930s, 61(3&4):13 (Sum & Fall 1999) bureaus. See Employment agencies/bureaus/programs of children. See Child labor discrimination in factory index-1940s, 5(1):26 (Jan 1943) in flour industry, 59(2):19 (Spr 1997) hiring practices of immigrants. See Immigrants — employment/occupations in Near Northeast District-1830s, 29(2):2, 3 (Apr 1967) need for, 16(1):4 (Jan 1954) occupations, City Directory tracking, 63(4):24 (Fall 2001) opportunities, 28(4):7, 15 (Oct 1966)
1850s, 59(2):19 (Spr 1997)
for disabled citizens, 55(2):13, 14, 30 with photo, 31-32 (Spr 1993) part-time, 28(2&3):37 (Apr & Jul 1966) principal occupations-1820s, 51(4):7, 8 (Fall 1989) public, breaking stone-1830s, 1(3):12 (Jul 1939) of skilled workers-1890s, 34(4):3 (Oct 1972) stabilization techniques, 61(1):9-10 (Win 1999) wages and/or hours. See Labor force — wages and/or hours during wartime
Civil War, 23(1):10 (Jan 1961)
discrimination, effects on, 51(4):21 (Fall 1989) gender issues, 51(4):21 (Fall 1989) Spanish-American War, 13(2):5 (Apr 1951) WWII, 23(3):24 (Jul 1961); 65(3):17 (Sum 2003)
of Association for Retarded Children/Citizens,
55(2):30 with photo, 31-32 (Spr
central bureau for. See Rochester Public Employment Center free, 20(4):11 (Oct 1958); 22(2):22 (Apr 1960); 23(2):2 (Apr 1961); 25(1):7 (Jan 1963); 25(3):14 (Jul 1963) for immigrant workers, 25(3):14 (Jul 1963) Labor Bureau-early 1900s, 23(2):2 (Apr 1961) of labor union-1920s, 22(3):24-25 (Jul 1960) municipal, 23(2):12 (Apr 1961); 34(4):5 (Oct 1972) of North American Civic League, 22(4):10 (Oct 1960) Rochester Downtown Development Corporation, 44(4):29 (Oct 1982) of Rochester Rehabilitation Center, 55(2):13, 14 (Spr 1993) Rochester Unemployment Committee, 61(1):8 (Win 1999) of United Charities, 23(2):5 (Apr 1961) for women-1850s, 44(4):9 (Oct 1982) WPA. See Works Progress Administration
daguerreotype studios in,
62(1):11, 12, 20-21 (Win 2000)
as Gaffney Block, 62(1):20 (Win 2000)See also Gaffney Block location, 62(1):20 (Win 2000) Empress (steamboat) Encouragement of American Labor by the Protection of Our Industries (speech), 2(3):3 (Jul 1940) Encyclopedia Britannica End of the World Theory, 1(2):13 (Apr 1939)See also Millerites Energy sources. See also Fuels; specific form of energy
60(4):21 (Fall 1998)
atomic/nuclear. See Nuclear power demand-side management, 60(4):21 (Fall 1998) historical sketch, 46(3&4):1-24 with illus (Jul & Oct 1984); 60(4):1-24 with illus (Fall 1998) Engels, Frederick
publication(s), police seizure-1910s,
39(4):20 (Oct 1977)
quoting Lewis H. Morgan, 8(4):16-17 (Oct 1946)
combustion, development, production, and use,
43(2&3):4, 12, 13, 14, 19, 23, 24, 25
(Apr & Jul 1981)
lubrication, 43(2&3):29 (Apr & Jul 1981) steam. See Steam engines
Adjutant General Annual Reports of NYS resource
on, 63(4):18 (Fall 2001)
Army Corps of Engineers. See U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Fisher, Edwin A. See
Fisher, Edwin A.
Johnson, Elisha. See Johnson, Elisha Kuichling, Emil. See Kuichling, Emil McClintock, J. Y.-1890s, 36(2):8, 9 (Apr 1974) survey of Triphammer Forge/Mill site, 59(2):10-11 (Spr 1997) Tubbs, J. Nelson. See Tubbs, J. Nelson White Charter and, 34(3):13 (Jul 1972)
American colonies and
area trading posts, control of, 1(4):8
(Oct 1939)
Fort George, conditions at-1820s, 62(4):4 (Fall 2000) land agents/companies. See Land agents/companies in War of 1812, 4(4):1-24 (Oct 1942) Come Haste To the Wedding (song) and, 62(3):26 (Sum 2000) cricketers-1850s, 62(2):12-13 illus (Spr 2000) description/commentary on, 14(1):2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12 (Jan 1952) Douglass, Frederick in, 67(3):12 (Sum 2005) emancipation of slaves-1830s, 72(2):8 (Fall 2010) evacuation of children to U.S.-WWII, 55(4):21-44, 36 photo (Fall 1993) famine relief efforts-1800s, 68(3):4 (Sum 2006) golf team, at U.S. Men's Amateur-1940s, 65(1):10-11, 10 photo (Win 2003) and history of Brittany, 43(4):11 (Oct 1981) immigrants from. See English immigrants International Polar Year and, 59(1):3 (Win 1997) Irish home rule agitation, 68(3):6, 7-8, 15, 16 (Sum 2006) Johnson, Henry W. in-1870s, 67(1):12 (Win 2005) Liberian president-elect in-1870s, 67(1):10-11 (Win 2005) Native Americans and-1600s & 1700s
during American Revolution,
68(1&2):14 (Win & Spr 2006)
boundary negotiations, 1(1):14 (Jan 1939) government policies toward, 38(4):14-16 (Oct 1976) missionary work among, 38(4):13-19 (Oct 1976) reward for Indian prisoners, Mary Jemison and, 68(1&2):13 (Win & Spr 2006) periodicals, Brewster (H. Pomeroy) collection, 10(1):16 (Jan 1948) Poor Laws, local relief efforts and-1850s, 68(4):5 (Fall 2006) Rochester-made shoes sent to, 15(2):18 (Apr 1953) roller skating in, 8(3):21 (Jul 1946) unification of Canada and-1820s, 62(4):22-23 (Fall 2000) U.S. Civil War recruitment and, 66(3):9 (Sum 2004) U.S. Revolutionary War. See Revolutionary War Victoria, Queen of England, Rochester and, 72(1):5 (Spr 2010) Young Men's Christian Association and, 69(2):19 (Spr 2008) English immigrants
Bower, John,
22(2):15-16 (Apr 1960)
contributions-mid 1800s, 23(3):12 (Jul 1961) numbers, 25(3):2, 6, 19 (Jul 1963) in Pultneyville, 58(2):6 (Spr 1996) in Seneca County-early 1800s, 42(2):2 (Apr 1980) Ennis, Colonel Arthur I. Enright Brewing Company, 54(2):17 (Spr 1992) Enright, M. P.
military service and death-WWII,
55(4):13 (Fall 1993)
theatrical production-WWII, 55(4):13 (Fall 1993)
business enterprises,
29(3):3-4, 18 (Jun 1967);
30(2):3 (Apr 1968);
40(2):3, 4 (Apr 1978)See also
Ensworth Tavern
purchase of Scrantom cabin, 31(4):4 (Oct 1969) relationship to Benjamin Campbell, 30(2):3 (Apr 1968)
construction and/or location,
2(1):5 map (Jan 1940);
5(3):2 (Jul 1943);
29(3):3 (Jun 1967);
31(4):4 (Oct 1969);
33(2):6 (Apr 1971);
34(2):2 (Apr 1972);
54(3):6 (Sum 1992)
court sessions, 21(2):7 (Apr 1959); 31(4):6 (Oct 1969); 33(2):6 (Apr 1971) facilities, 31(4):4, 7 (Oct 1969) guests, 4(2):6 (Apr 1942) handbill, 30(2):7 (Apr 1968) as landmark, 27(3):8 (Jul 1965) meeting at, on formation of Monroe County-1810s, 33(2):3, 4 (Apr 1971) patrons as stagecoach depot, 34(2):2 (Apr 1972) subsequently Eagle Hotel, 13(4):8 (Oct 1951); 29(3):18 (Jun 1967); 31(4):8 (Oct 1969); 34(2):3 (Apr 1972) water conduit to, 34(3):2-3 (Jul 1972) Entertainment. See specific form Entrepreneurship In The Genesee Country:
The Cultivation of Flower City by Dan
Parks, 45(3&4):25-45 with illus,
photo (Jul & Oct 1983)
George C. Latta: Merchant at the Port of Charlotte by Joan Sullivan, 45(3&4):3-24 with illus (Jul & Oct 1983)
beautification. See
Beautification campaigns
citizen recommendation, 34(4):6 (Oct 1972) energy sources and, 46(3&4):20, 21 (Jul & Oct 1984)
nuclear power concerns, 60(4):19-20
(Fall 1998)
smoking and, 60(1):21-22 (Win 1998) Epidemics
1800s, 5(2):10, 15
(Apr 1943)
American hospital unit in France and-WWI, 51(3):25 (Sum 1989) cerebro-spinal meningitis-1870s, 45(1&2):4 (Jan & Apr 1983) cholera. See Cholera epidemics curtailment measures, 35(2):3 (Apr 1973) dysentery, municipal water supply and-1940, 34(2):19 (Apr 1972) fatalities from
at almshouse-mid 1800s,
45(1&2):20-22 (Jan & Apr 1983)
burials as public health threat, 50(4):3 (Oct 1988) cemetery planning affected by, 50(4):7 (Oct 1988) influenza-1918, 61(3&4):13 (Sum & Fall 1999) influenza. See Influenza epidemics/outbreaks measles-1840s, 45(1&2):20 (Jan & Apr 1983) polio, 18(3):26 (Jul 1956) rabies-1800s, 35(4):14 (Oct 1973) smallpox. See Smallpox tuberculosis. See Tuberculosis typhus-1830s, 50(4):7 (Oct 1988) vaccinations. See Vaccinations victims, accommodations for, 30(1):10 (Jan 1968) water-cures and, 32(4):1-24 (Oct 1970)
in Ladd family,
55(2):32, 34 (Spr 1993)
McLafferty, Henry III and-1850s, 42(2):3, 10, 15, 16, 18, 22 (Apr 1980) program/association for, 55(2):32-34 (Spr 1993)See also Epilepsy Association of Greater Rochester
director, Jean Streppa,
55(2):34 (Spr 1993)
history and services, 55(2):7, 18-19 illus, 32-34 (Spr 1993) original name, 55(2):33 (Spr 1993)
Ascension Church,
42(1):18 (Jan 1980)
Bishop William H. DeLancey-1840s, 68(3):12 (Sum 2006) Catholic Church, covenant with, 60(3):17 (Sum 1998) Christ Episcopal Church. See Christ Episcopal Church Church Home, construction, 9(2&3):16 (Apr 1947) Church of the Ascension (New York City), 42(1):15 (Jan 1980) clergy. See also specific individuals
Barrett, George W., 52(4):13 (Fall
Brown, Father Francis L., 21(4):22 (Oct 1959) Cowdery, Rev. Arthur H., 52(4):8 (Fall 1990) Ferris, David L., 52(4):7 (Fall 1990) service on Tuscarora Reservation-1820s, 62(4):4, 6 (Fall 2000) Walker, William D. See Walker, Reverend William D. congregations, 19(4):1 (Oct 1957) Deanery of Rochester, head of-1930s, 21(4):22 (Oct 1959) dioceses
book depository advertisement-1850s,
48(1&2):2 illus (Jan & Apr
Catholic Diocese, covenant with, 60(3):19-20 (Sum 1998) local, movement for, 42(1):8-9 (Jan 1980) Western New York site of, 68(3):12 (Sum 2006) evolutionary theory, criticism of, 8(4):13-14 (Oct 1946) First Methodist Episcopal Church, 22(4):11-12 (Oct 1960) heresy trial, of A. S. Crapsey-early 1900s, 42(1):17-19 (Jan 1980)See also Crapsey, Dr. Algernon Sidney liberalism in, Crapsey, Dr. Algernon S. and, 42(1):23 (Jan 1980) local origins, 29(3):12-13 (Jun 1967); 36(3):2 (Jul 1974) locations, 27(3):2 map on facing page (Jul 1965) Methodist Episcopal Chapel, location, 28(2&3):6 (Apr & Jul 1966) Methodist Episcopal Churches, 33(3):20 map (Jul 1971); 42(2):19 (Apr 1980) Mt. Hope Cemetery and, 50(4):19 (Oct 1988) of near Northeast District, 29(2):16 (Apr 1967) RCTS, and formation of, 52(4):3-22 passim (Fall 1990) St. Andrew's. See St. Andrew's (Episcopal) Church St. James, 14(4):5 (Oct 1952) St. Luke's. See St. Luke's (Episcopal) Church St. Paul's, location, 28(2&3):18 (Apr & Jul 1966) St. Philip's, 42(1):6 (Jan 1980) St. Stephen's. See St. Stephen's Episcopal Church E. P. Michaels Machine Shop. See Michaels Machine Shop E.P. Reed & Co., Inc.
European origins and marriage,
64(2):20-21 (Spr 2002)
profession, residences, and son, 64(2):21 (Spr 2002) spouse. See Epstein, May
European origins,
64(2):18, 20 (Spr 2002)
family residences, 64(2):20, 21 (Spr 2002)
business enterprises
building, dispute over, 26(4):9 (Oct
employee, 40(3):16-17 (Jul 1978) flooding of-1860s, 3(2):21 (Apr 1941) income-1860s, 23(1):10-11 (Jan 1961) market ground, purchase, 3(2):11 (Apr 1941) Union Trust Company, 64(1):5 (Win 2002) family members, 22(1):10 (Jan 1960); 40(3):3 (Jul 1978)
daughter and granddaughter, 64(1):5
(Win 2002)
debut, 40(3):18 (Jul 1978) Fairbank, Nathaniel and, 40(3):18-19 (Jul 1978) marriages, 18(2):20 (Apr 1956); 40(3):3 (Jul 1978) politics and slavery, views on, 23(1):4 (Jan 1961) residence, 5(3):6 (Jul 1943); 12(2&3):16 (Apr 1950); 22(1):10 (Jan 1960); 27(3):7 (Jul 1965); 28(2&3):3, 13, 35 (Apr & Jul 1966) spouse, 40(3):3 (Jul 1978) telescope order, 9(1):7 (Jan 1947)
Fairbank, Nathaniel and,
40(3):19 (Jul 1978)
marriage, 40(3):3 (Jul 1978) social life and residence, 5(3):6 (Jul 1943)
debut, 40(3):18
(Jul 1978)
Fairbank, Nathaniel and, 40(3):19 (Jul 1978) marriage, 40(3):3 (Jul 1978)
activity along, local,
11(3&4):11 (Jul 1949);
41(1&2):26-28 (Jan & Apr 1979)
"Big Ditch of Iniquity," 11(3&4):10
(Jul 1949)
"Clinton's Ditch/Clinton's Big Ditch," 1(3):11 (Jul 1939); 11(3&4):1, 10 (Jul 1949); 72(1):2-3 (Spr 2010) art exhibit portraying, 32(1):13 (Jan 1970) Barge Canal and, 3(4):19 (Oct 1941); 18(1):11 (Jan 1956); 37(2):23 (Apr 1975); 37(3):15 (Jul 1975); 49(4):9 (Oct 1987); 75(2):9-10 (Fall 2013) Barge Canal compared to, 72(1):15-16 (Spr 2010) basins, 49(4):11, 12, 13, 18-19 maps, 24, 26-27 (Oct 1987); 55(1):22 map (Win 1993); 56(4):2 map (Fall 1994); 72(1):8-9, 12 with map (Spr 2010)
at Albany, 62(3):11 illus (Sum
boat manufacture. See Boat yards Child's. See Child's Basin Gilbert's Basin. See Gilbert's Basin Johnson's, 11(3&4):9 (Jul 1949) breaks in, 11(3&4):20 (Jul 1949); 62(3):17 (Sum 2000); 63(3):6 (Sum 2001) bridges over, 62(3):14 (Sum 2000)
change, illustrated, 49(4):31 (Oct
in Genesee Valley Park, 61(3&4):8 (Sum & Fall 1999) lift, 27(3):5 (Jul 1965) canal/packet boats. See also Ships and boats
companies/individuals operating,
11(3&4):4, 6-7, 9 (Jul 1949);
26(1):3, 4 (Jan 1964);
41(1&2):26 (Jan & Apr 1979);
41(3):16 (Jul 1979); 49(4):12
(Oct 1987); 51(4):9 (Fall 1989);
68(1&2):3, 28n.1 (Win & Spr
contests on, 54(3):6 (Sum 1992) described, 49(4):12, 13, 15 (Oct 1987); 62(3):14, 15, 16 (Sum 2000) fugitive slaves on, 46(1&2):3 illus (Jan & Apr 1984) manufacture. See Ships and boats — manufacture operation, 11(3&4):17 (Jul 1949) photographs/illustrations, 54(3):18, 23 (Sum 1992); 62(3):1, 11, 14, 19, 22 (Sum 2000); 68(3):7 (Sum 2006) types, 11(3&4):9 (Jul 1949) use, 1(2):2 (Apr 1939) weighing of, 49(4):7 photo (Oct 1987) Charlotte branch, proposed-mid 1800s, 11(3&4):20 (Jul 1949) closing-1910s, 11(3&4):1, 22 (Jul 1949); 27(3):5 (Jul 1965); 36(2):1 (Apr 1974); 37(3):18 (Jul 1975) commemorative marker, 11(3&4):24 (Jul 1949) commercial transport on, 3(4):1 (Oct 1941); 11(3&4):11-12, 18, 20, 22 (Jul 1949); 34(2):5 (Apr 1972); 61(3&4):7 (Sum & Fall 1999); 72(1):6 (Spr 2010)
1890s, 12(1):7 (Jan 1950)
beginnings, 3(4):5 (Oct 1941) capacity, 50(3):10-11 (Jul 1988) Civil War, 11(3&4):20 (Jul 1949); 23(1):11-12 (Jan 1961) coal, 3(4):11 (Oct 1941); 12(1):7 (Jan 1950) costs, 23(1):11-12 (Jan 1961); 33(3):5, 6 (Jul 1971); 38(1):10 (Jan 1976); 47(1&2):23-24 (Jan & Apr 1985); 49(4):7 (Oct 1987); 51(4):9 (Fall 1989); 54(4):3, 5 (Fall 1992); 62(3):3 (Sum 2000); 72(1):3, 10 (Spr 2010) first local shipment-1820s, 55(1):5 (Win 1993); 72(1):6 (Spr 2010) Fish, Henry L. and, 22(2):14 (Apr 1960) flour industry and, 1(2):2 (Apr 1939); 3(4):5 (Oct 1941); 11(3&4):6, 11, 18, 19, 21 (Jul 1949); 37(2):17 (Apr 1975); 49(4):21 (Oct 1987) freight boats, daily average-1820s, 3(4):6 (Oct 1941) Genesee Valley Canal trade and, 56(4):12 (Fall 1994) loss of, 11(3&4):13 (Jul 1949); 61(3&4):9 (Sum & Fall 1999) nursery industry and, 51(4):12 (Fall 1989) shoe industry and, 51(4):15 (Fall 1989) storage sheds on canal banks, 62(3):15 (Sum 2000) value/volume/product type, 5(3):15-16 (Jul 1943); 11(3&4):6-13, 18-23 (Jul 1949); 30(4):10-11 (Oct 1968); 33(3):5, 6, 15 (Jul 1971); 49(4):8, 15 (Oct 1987); 51(4):7, 10 (Fall 1989); 55(1):5 (Win 1993) committee for, 19(4):4 (Oct 1957) competition
argument against, 72(1):2 (Spr 2010)
authorization, 21(1):5 (Jan 1959); 21(3):20 (Jul 1959); 37(3):1 (Jul 1975); 42(4):14 (Oct 1980) Canal Ring and, 14(2):8 (Apr 1952) completion, 11(2):4 (Apr 1949); 11(3&4):7 (Jul 1949); 27(3):4 (Jul 1965); 37(3):1 (Jul 1975) contractor/contracts, 11(3&4):5, 20-21 (Jul 1949); 14(2):7 (Apr 1952) costs, 12(2&3):8 (Apr 1950); 29(3):14 (Jun 1967); 37(3):11-12 (Jul 1975); 54(4):21-23 (Fall 1992); 72(1):9-10, 14, 26n.19 (Spr 2010) engineer, 37(3):10-11 (Jul 1975) engineering feats, 37(3):2-3 (Jul 1975) enlargements, 61(3&4):7, 9 (Sum & Fall 1999)
first (1830s-1860s), 37(3):7-9
(Jul 1975); 56(4):6 (Fall
1994); 72(1):9-10 (Spr 2010)
second (1890s), 72(1):14 (Spr 2010) third. See Barge Canal System Genesee River and, 29(3):9, 10 (Jun 1967) human remains discovery, 44(1&2):14 (Jan & Apr 1982) labor force and, 11(3&4):5, 10 (Jul 1949); 25(1):3 (Jan 1963) to Little Falls, 37(2):4 (Apr 1975) planning, 37(3):3, 4 (Jul 1975) reports on, 72(1):14, 26n.16, 26n.18, 26n.19 (Spr 2010) specifications, 3(4):9 (Oct 1941); 37(3):7-8 (Jul 1975); 54(4):1 (Fall 1992); 62(3):15 (Sum 2000); 72(1):3 (Spr 2010) Stop Law and, 37(3):12 (Jul 1975) traveler's account of-1820s, 62(3):15 (Sum 2000) facilities on
basins/harbors. See Erie
Canal — basins
docking, 11(3&4):7, 9 (Jul 1949) warehouse, 11(3&4):7 (Jul 1949) flooding and historical sketches, 11(3&4):1-24 (Jul 1949); 37(3):1-20 (Jul 1975); 41(1&2):1-48 (Jan & Apr 1979); 49(4):1-32 with illus (Oct 1987); 72(1):1-26 (Spr 2010) histories on, 72(1):25n.2 (Spr 2010) houses along-1820s, 62(3):15 (Sum 2000) at Hudson River-1820s, 62(3):11 illus (Sum 2000) impact, 37(3):13-14 (Jul 1975)
on area population, 1(3):2 (Jul 1939);
11(3&4):8 (Jul 1949);
12(4):4 (Oct 1950);
13(4):5 (Oct 1951);
19(3):3 (Jul 1957);
24(3):9 (Jul 1962);
26(4):3 (Oct 1964);
47(1&2):24 (Jan & Apr 1985);
72(1):4, 6 (Spr 2010)
on Carthage, 36(1):9 (Jan 1974) on Castletown settlement, 54(3):4 (Sum 1992) on economy, 2(1):19 (Jan 1940); 3(4):5 (Oct 1941); 4(2):7 (Apr 1942); 11(3&4):1-22 (Jul 1949); 12(1):7 (Jan 1950); 12(4):4-5 (Oct 1950); 18(1):3 (Jan 1956); 23(3):6 (Jul 1961); 25(1):1-2 (Jan 1963); 29(3):1 (Jun 1967); 30(4):1 (Oct 1968); 37(2):3 (Apr 1975); 37(3):11, 13-14 (Jul 1975); 38(1):10 (Jan 1976); 51(4):10 (Fall 1989); 54(4):5 (Fall 1992); 59(2):4, 16 (Spr 1997); 72(1):3 (Spr 2010) on flour industry, 11(3&4):1-22 (Jul 1949); 33(3):5, 6, 13, 14 (Jul 1971) on Genesee millsite, 1(4):23 (Oct 1939) on migration, 19(4):2 (Oct 1957); 36(3):3 (Jul 1974) national, 21(1):1 (Jan 1959) on nursery industry, 23(3):10 (Jul 1961); 45(3&4):25, 28 (Jul & Oct 1983) on railroad industry, 16(4):9 (Oct 1954); 37(2):17 (Apr 1975); 37(3):14 (Jul 1975) on shipping, 45(3&4):12 (Jul & Oct 1983); 50(3):7-8 (Jul 1988) on shoe industry, 15(2):3 (Apr 1953) on Syracuse, NY, 39(3):14-15 (Jul 1977) on tourist trade, 45(3&4):21 (Jul & Oct 1983) on travel to Canada, 72(2):3 (Fall 2010) on Utica, NY, 39(3):10, 11 (Jul 1977) at Irondequoit, NY, 11(3&4):4 (Jul 1949) knicknames, 11(3&4):1, 10 (Jul 1949) land holdings at Little Falls, 62(3):14, 22 illus (Sum 2000) locks, 49(4):8, 13, 25, 26 (Oct 1987); 72(1):10 (Spr 2010)
average number, 56(4):14 (Fall 1994)
Barge Canal construction and, 72(1):16, 17-19 (Spr 2010) campaign to close, 11(3&4):10 (Jul 1949) construction, 37(3):2, 4, 11 (Jul 1975) double/twinned, 11(3&4):13, 14, 16 (Jul 1949); 72(1):3 with photo, 10 (Spr 2010) installation, 11(3&4):7 (Jul 1949) lift, invention, 11(3&4):17-18 (Jul 1949) at Little Falls, 62(3):14 (Sum 2000) map, 72(1):15 (Spr 2010) Mohawk River and, 62(3):15 (Sum 2000) municipal drainage and, 34(3):2 (Jul 1972) municipal water supply, as source of-1800s, 39(3):19 (Jul 1977) newspaper accounts, 11(3&4):6, 7 (Jul 1949) Onondaga and Oswego Lakes and, 39(3):15 (Jul 1977) opening, 4(1):17 (Jan 1942); 11(3&4):5-6, 7-8 (Jul 1949); 21(2):1 (Apr 1959); 24(1):20, 21 (Jan 1962); 24(3):9 (Jul 1962); 33(2):8 (Apr 1971); 34(2):2 (Apr 1972); 37(3):1-2 (Jul 1975); 40(1):4 (Jan 1978); 40(3):7 (Jul 1978); 49(4):7-8 (Oct 1987); 72(1):3 (Spr 2010)
between Albany and Buffalo, 62(3):3
(Sum 2000)
animals and, 35(4):3, 8 (Oct 1973)
Canal Board and, 39(3):17 (Jul 1977) diversion of canal water, opposed, 39(3):18 (Jul 1977) improvements/maintenance/repairs, 1(3):11 (Jul 1939); 2(3):5, 9 (Jul 1940); 4(2):18 (Apr 1942); 7(1):7-9, 23 (Jan 1945); 11(3&4):14, 15, 20, 21 (Jul 1949); 23(1):11 (Jan 1961); 24(4):6 (Oct 1962); 41(3):24 (Jul 1979); 49(4):8, 9, 24 (Oct 1987); 55(1):7 (Win 1993) initial use, 11(3&4):4 (Jul 1949) patents, acquisition, 11(3&4):18 (Jul 1949) peak of, 8(3):2 (Jul 1946) success, Rochester and, 21(1):5-6 (Jan 1959) tariff policies and, 5(3):9 (Jul 1943) tolls, 2(2):21 (Apr 1940); 2(3):4, 9 (Jul 1940); 3(4):6 (Oct 1941); 11(3&4):4, 7, 13, 21 (Jul 1949); 30(4):11 (Oct 1968); 49(2):5 (Apr 1987); 72(1):10 (Spr 2010) water supply for, 11(3&4):12-13 (Jul 1949); 15(1):2 (Jan 1953)See also Genesee River — canal feeder weather and, 58(3):3 (Sum 1996) over Irondequoit Creek, 41(1&2):15 (Jan & Apr 1979) at Palmyra, NY, 11(3&4):4 (Jul 1949) passenger transport on, 2(2):2 (Apr 1940); 11(3&4):1, 4, 7, 19 (Jul 1949)
accounts of, 4(2):7 (Apr 1942);
41(1&2):1-48 (Jan & Apr 1979);
62(3):14-17 (Sum 2000)
Carthage Railroad and, 51(4):8 (Fall 1989) decline of, 61(3&4):9 (Sum & Fall 1999) fares, 4(2):7, 21 (Apr 1942); 11(3&4):4, 7, 19 (Jul 1949); 41(1&2):26 (Jan & Apr 1979); 51(4):9 (Fall 1989) fugitive slaves and, 37(4):4 (Oct 1975) geologic expedition-1820s, 54(4):4 (Fall 1992) migration and, 36(3):3 (Jul 1974) travelers, 31(4):7, 10 (Oct 1969) travel time, 49(4):8 (Oct 1987) refuse in, 8(2):9 (Apr 1946) remains, 72(1):10 (Spr 2010) re-watering proposal, 72(1):1-2, 21-23 with map (Spr 2010) at Rome, NY, 11(3&4):4 (Jul 1949) route
Canandaigua meeting on, 29(3):8 (Jun
construction changes, 37(2):7-8 (Apr 1975) extension, 2(2):21 (Apr 1940) Genesee Valley Canal and, 13(4):10 (Oct 1951) implications, 2(1):6 (Jan 1940) maps
Grasso-Zimmer Plan, 72(1):22, 26n.26
(Spr 2010)
local/regional, 27(3):3 (Jul 1965); 49(4):2, 18, 19 (Oct 1987); 56(4):2 map (Fall 1994); 72(1):7-19 passim (Spr 2010) statewide, 62(3):24-25 (Sum 2000) surveyor, 39(1&2):5 (Jan & Apr 1977) problems along, 11(3&4):10-11, 23 (Jul 1949) rerouting, Genesee Valley Park and, 75(2):9-10 (Fall 2013) in Rochester, 28(4):3, 4 (Oct 1966); 48(1&2):25-26 (Jan & Apr 1986); 61(3&4):7-8 (Sum & Fall 1999); 72(1):16-17 (Spr 2010) selection/survey, 4(1):17 (Jan 1942); 11(2):3-4 (Apr 1949); 11(3&4):2-3 (Jul 1949); 23(3):5 (Jul 1961); 24(1):12 (Jan 1962); 24(3):6-7 (Jul 1962); 29(3):8-9 (Jun 1967); 37(3):4 (Jul 1975); 38(1):9 (Jan 1976); 49(4):5, 23 (Oct 1987) stores along, 11(3&4):10 (Jul 1949) tracing, directions for, 49(4):21-30 (Oct 1987) skating on, 8(2):9 (Apr 1946) subsequent use, 37(3):18-20 (Jul 1975)
as Broad Street, 40(2):11 (Apr 1978)
as expressway, 5(3):5 (Jul 1943); 27(3):22 (Jul 1965); 38(1):6 (Jan 1976); 61(3&4):31 photo (Sum & Fall 1999) horse racing in bed of, 11(3&4):23 (Jul 1949); 12(1):17 (Jan 1950) as loading spur, 37(2):8 (Apr 1975) as subway/trolley route, 11(3&4):23-24 (Jul 1949); 13(4):22, 24 (Oct 1951); 24(3):39 (Jul 1962); 24(4):21 (Oct 1962); 30(3):16 (Jul 1968); 34(2):22 (Apr 1972); 35(2):11 (Apr 1973); 37(2):23 (Apr 1975); 48(1&2):26 (Jan & Apr 1986); 61(3&4):8 (Sum & Fall 1999); 72(1):21, 23 photo (Spr 2010) tolls. See Erie Canal — operations towpath, photographs/illustrations, 49(4):1, 21, 31 (Oct 1987); 55(1):20 (Win 1993) transit service to/from, 30(4):2-3 (Oct 1968) at Utica, NY, 11(3&4):2 (Jul 1949) waters, traveler's account of-1820s, 62(3):17 (Sum 2000) weather affecting, 15(1):2 (Jan 1953); 62(3):16-17 (Sum 2000) World Canals Conference and, 72(1):1 (Spr 2010) Erie Canal aqueducts
along Mohawk River-1820s,
62(3):14 (Sum 2000)
over Oneida and Onondaga Creeks, construction, 11(3&4):3 (Jul 1949) wooden-1820s, 62(3):14 (Sum 2000)
1st, 12(2&3):8
(Apr 1950); 38(1):10 (Jan 1976)
completion, 37(2):4 (Apr 1975)
construction/design/location-1820s, 5(3):11-12 (Jul 1943); 11(3&4):3, 5, 13-14 (Jul 1949); 21(1):6 (Jan 1959); 23(3):6 (Jul 1961); 24(3):8 (Jul 1962); 29(3):10 (Jun 1967); 37(2):3 (Apr 1975); 37(3):3, 5-6 (Jul 1975); 49(4):8, 27 (Oct 1987); 54(4):12 (Fall 1992); 55(1):4 (Win 1993); 62(4):7 (Fall 2000); 72(1):8 (Spr 2010) demise, 18(1):18 (Jan 1956); 37(3):5, 6-7 (Jul 1975) mill, 37(2):6 (Apr 1975) opening celebrations, 24(1):19 (Jan 1962); 24(3):8 (Jul 1962) remains, 12(2&3):18 (Apr 1950); 22(1):12 (Jan 1960); 26(2):9 (Apr 1964); 58(3):6 (Sum 1996); 62(3):1 illus (Sum 2000) replacement. See Erie Canal aqueducts of Genesee River — 2nd right-of-way, brawl over, 72(1):9 (Spr 2010) site, previous use, 4(1):4 (Jan 1942) traveler's account of-1820s, 41(1&2):17 (Jan & Apr 1979)
canal boat incident on-1840s, 54(3):6
(Sum 1992)
closing, 48(1&2):26 (Jan & Apr 1986) construction/design (1837-1842), 5(3):15 (Jul 1943); 11(3&4):14-15 (Jul 1949); 16(2):17 (Apr 1954); 18(1):2 (Jan 1956); 21(1):6 (Jan 1959); 23(3):10 (Jul 1961); 37(2):7-9 (Apr 1975); 37(3):3, 8-12 (Jul 1975); 49(4):8, 27 (Oct 1987); 54(4):12 (Fall 1992); 55(1):4 (Win 1993); 72(1):11 with photo (Spr 2010) cost, 37(3):9, 11, 19 (Jul 1975) description, 2(1):21 (Jan 1940)
in travel guide-1890s,
41(1&2):47, 48 (Jan & Apr 1979)
Evershed, Thomas and, 39(1&2):5 (Jan & Apr 1977) flooding and landmark declaration, 37(3):20 (Jul 1975) opening ceremony, 11(3&4):15 (Jul 1949); 37(3):12-13 (Jul 1975) site, previous owner, 49(4):13 (Oct 1987) subsequent use, 61(3&4):8 (Sum & Fall 1999)See also Broad Street Bridge; Erie Canal — subsequent use; Subway system unemployment and, 3(4):9 (Oct 1941) location, 27(3):3 (Jul 1965) map, 27(3):3 (Jul 1965) photographs/illustrations, 5(3):11, 16 (Jul 1943); 26(2):centerfold (Apr 1964); 28(4):4 (Oct 1966); 33(3):centerfold (Jul 1971); 37(2):4 (Apr 1975); 37(3):2, 10, 11, 14, 16, 19, 20 (Jul 1975); 49(4):1 (Oct 1987); 50(1):19 (Jan 1988); 55(1):22 map (Win 1993); 61(3&4):4, 27, 28 (Sum & Fall 1999); 62(3):1 (Sum 2000); 72(1):1-26 passim,covers (Spr 2010) significance, 18(1):3 (Jan 1956); 27(3):3 (Jul 1965); 37(2):1 (Apr 1975); 37(3):3 (Jul 1975) Erie Canal Industrial Park "Erie Canal-Thruway of Yesterday" art exhibit, 32(1):13 (Jan 1970) Erie County Erie River, 18(1):3 (Jan 1956) Eries baseball club (Buffalo, NY), 8(3):5 (Jul 1946) Eries baseball club (Pennsylvania) Ernest, Louis Eshelman, Teddy
Arctic expedition and,
59(1):22-23 (Win 1997)
Edward, Jeno, 59(1):6 (Win 1997)
"Essence of Rochester" exhibit-1980s, 43(4):9 (Oct 1981) Estelle (steamer)
excursions from Glen House to Charlotte,
16(4):13 (Oct 1954)
replaces Falling Waters, 16(4):13 (Oct 1954) Etheridge, Orlando Hamlet
death, 59(3):13
(Sum 1997)
in Democrat newspaper, quoted,
59(3):14 (Sum 1997)
in Historic Reynolds Arcade article, excerpt, 59(3):13 (Sum 1997) name, variants of, 59(3):13, 22n.24 (Sum 1997) as sign painter, 59(3):12-13, 14 (Sum 1997) Ethical Club, 10(2&3):19 (Jul 1948)
club entertainment,
16(3):5 (Jul 1954)
German Jewish Society. See German Jewish Society Hibernian Society. See Hibernian Society history, 11(2):15 (Apr 1949); 25(3):3, 7, 8 (Jul 1963) St. Andrew's Society. See St. Andrew's Society St. George Society. See St. George Society Turner Society. See Turner Society
annual picnics,
25(3):21 (Jul 1963)
assimilation, 25(3):1-24 (Jul 1963) city historian and, 51(1):11, 25 (Win 1989) Civil War immigrant enlistees. See Civil War — enlistees decline in-1900s, 26(2):17 (Apr 1964) homelands exhibits-1920, 17(2):20-21 (Apr 1955) influxes, sequence of, 38(1):21 (Jan 1976) mayors from, 32(2):10 (Apr 1970) in Near Northeast District, 29(2):1-8, 13-14, 16-18 (Apr 1967); 64(3):7 (Sum 2002) population figures/trends in Southwest District. See Southwest District of St. Augustine's parish. See St. Augustine's (Catholic) Church World War I, reactions to, 5(4):3 (Oct 1943) Etiology of Metropolitan Government, 19(1):16 (Jan 1957) Etnas baseball club (Detroit, MI)
aid program-post WWII,
43(4):2 (Oct 1981)
art works from, 38(1):18 (Jan 1976) auto production-1800s, 43(2&3):5 (Apr & Jul 1981) Bloomer costume in, 57(3):19 (Sum 1995) cathedrals, St. Augustine's Church and, 60(2):22 (Spr 1998) cities of. See also specific cities Durand residence in, 61(2):12, 15 (Spr 1999) golf teams, at Oak Hill
British Walker Cup Team-1940s,
65(1):10-11, 10 photo (Win 2003)
Ryder Cup play-1990s, 65(1):25-26 (Win 2003) historical sketch, 43(4):10-13 (Oct 1981) immigrants from. See also Immigrants; specific immigrant group
cottage industry of-late 1800s,
51(4):19-20 (Fall 1989)
home ports of departure-1800s, 52(2):9-10 (Spr 1990) newspapers list and advertisement for, 52(2):9, 10 with illus (Spr 1990) library interns from-mid 1900s, 23(4):15 (Oct 1961) military engagements, U.S. and. See specific engagement Morse, Samuel F.B. in, 62(1):3 (Win 2000) Nazism in. See Nazis/nazism Redemptorist Order in, 63(3):5 (Sum 2001) researching family histories in, methods and materials, 52(2):4, 5-6, 7-10, 19, 21, 23, 25-26, 27-31nn. (Spr 1990) smoking, introduction and spread, 60(1):3-4 (Win 1998) Socialist Parties-early 1900s, 39(4):2, 3-4 (Oct 1977) study in. See Study abroad travel in. See Travel abroad Evacuation
of city children, for health purposes-1880s,
45(1&2):5 (Jan & Apr 1983)
of European children-WWII, 55(4):21-44, 36 photo (Fall 1993)
American Protestantism and,
36(3):2 (Jul 1974)
characteristics-1830s, 1(3):14 (Jul 1939) English language services, 20(1):19 (Jan 1958) Evans Elevator, 59(2):17, 18 (Spr 1997) Evans, Hugh Evening Express (newspaper), 13(1):4 (Jan 1951)
on baseball-1800s,
62(2):3, 4, 8-9, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21 (Spr 2000);
63(1):12-13 (Win 2001);
63(2):3-20 passim (Spr 2001);
64(4):5-19 passim, 23 (Fall 2002)
on Civil War
Battle of Antietam, 65(2):7 (Spr
Camp Hillhouse, quoted, 66(3):6, 21 (Sum 2004) on Crooks, Colonel Samuel, quoted, 66(3):20 (Sum 2004) drilling quarters, quoted, 66(3):4 (Sum 2004) wound of Francis Edwin Pierce, 65(2):14, 15, 25n49 (Spr 2003) founding, 28(1):14 (Jan 1966) interviews
on bolters, 2(4):14 (Oct 1940)
election of 1880 and, 2(4):7, 11-15, 17-18 (Oct 1940) party support, 2(4):6-8, 12-14 (Oct 1940) as Republican newspaper, 2(4):3, 5 (Oct 1940) at state convention, 2(4):9-11 (Oct 1940)
on arson activity, quoted-early 1900s,
38(2&3):18-19 (Apr & Jul 1976)
on Boys' Evening Home, quoted, 17(4):13 (Oct 1955) on depression-1890s, 14(3):4 (Jun 1952) on fire insurance controversy-1909, 38(2&3):31 (Apr & Jul 1976) on population trends, 35(2):13 (Apr 1973) Everest, Charles
biographical details,
43(2&3):29 (Apr & Jul 1981)
business enterprises, 43(2&3):26, 29 (Apr & Jul 1981)
Evershed lineage,
39(1&2):6 (Jan & Apr 1977)
marriage and emigrant origins-early 1800s, 39(1&2):6 (Jan & Apr 1977)
as artist,
39(1&2):2-7 (Jan & Apr 1977)
Rochester Art Club and, 39(1&2):7
(Jan & Apr 1977)
watercolors & sketch (1849), reproduction, 39(1&2):illus: centerfold, 44 (Jan & Apr 1977)
birth, 39(1&2):6 (Jan & Apr 1977)
death, and eulogies to, 39(1&2):4 (Jan & Apr 1977) family members, 39(1&2):6, 15 (Jan & Apr 1977) marriage and offspring, 39(1&2):6 (Jan & Apr 1977) correspondence with Joe Caldicott-1849, 39(1&2):7-44 with illus (Jan & Apr 1977) journal, on California expedition-1849, 39(1&2):7-44 with illus (Jan & Apr 1977)
California Trail, life along,
39(1&2):30-40 (Jan & Apr 1977)
illness and death, among humans and livestock, 39(1&2):15-22, 32, 34, 36-37 (Jan & Apr 1977) Mormons and. See Mormons Native Americans and, 39(1&2):9-10, 22, 29, 34, 35, 40 (Jan & Apr 1977) notebook, physical characteristics, 39(1&2):3 (Jan & Apr 1977) Oregon Trail, life along, 39(1&2):7-21 (Jan & Apr 1977) Sacramento, arrival at, 39(1&2):41-44 (Jan & Apr 1977) Salt Lake City area, 39(1&2):21-29 (Jan & Apr 1977) shoulder injury, 39(1&2):8-9, 10, 14 (Jan & Apr 1977) Everyman Evolutionary theory
local debate/discussions on,
2(3):19 (Jul 1940);
8(4):6-21 (Oct 1946);
22(2):16 (Apr 1960);
48(1&2):6 (Jan & Apr 1986)
Ewer, Reverend Ferdinand Excavations
of Almshouse Burial Ground-1980s,
45(1&2):13-16, illus: 15, 17
(Jan & Apr 1983)
Barge Canal, equipment, 72(1):18 with photo (Spr 2010) of mastadon remains, 44(1&2):37 (Jan & Apr 1982) of mill remains-1950s, 18(1):2 (Jan 1956); 33(3):7 (Jul 1971) of Native American burials, 44(1&2):14-15, 27, 38 (Jan & Apr 1982) under Reynolds Arcade-1880s, 44(1&2):36-37 (Jan & Apr 1982) of Schneider House site, 44(1&2):31 (Jan & Apr 1982) Excelsior Farm
52(3):19, 20 (Sum 1990)
member, Jim Creighton, 52(3):14 (Sum 1990)See also Creighton, Jim Rochester visit, 8(3):5 (Jul 1946)
8(3):10 (Jul 1946); 62(2):18, 23 (Spr
players, 63(2):18 (Spr 2001)
Rochester Alerts merger, 63(1):10
(Win 2001)
commercial activity/occupants,
26(4):11 (Oct 1964)
flood of 1865, 60(4):6 photo (Fall 1998) former and subsequent names, 4(1):14 (Jan 1942); 26(4):5, 7, 16 (Oct 1964)
bicycle riding and accidents,
69(2):12 (Spr 2008)
bridge, 8(2):9 (Apr 1946); 28(4):4 (Oct 1966) buildings, 4(1):23 (Jan 1942); 13(4):8 (Oct 1951) commercial/industrial activity, 23(1):10 (Jan 1961); 27(3):10 (Jul 1965); 30(4):12 (Oct 1968); 43(2&3):37 (Apr & Jul 1981); 46(3&4):13 (Jul & Oct 1984); 49(2):18 (Apr 1987)
banking, 49(2):15 (Apr 1987)
café, 69(2):10 (Spr 2008) canal basin nearby, 72(1):8 (Spr 2010) casket factory, 40(1):20 (Jan 1978) central business district and, 34(2):1-24 passim (Apr 1972) circus-1800s, 49(3):17 (Jul 1987) Clinton House, 60(1):4 (Win 1998) coppersmith-pioneer era, 30(2):4 (Apr 1968) frame shops and hotels, 18(1):3 (Jan 1956) furniture factory, 40(1):19, 20 (Jan 1978) hotel, 4(1):19-20 (Jan 1942); 13(4):8 (Oct 1951); 54(3):7 (Sum 1992)
illustration, 68(4):1 (Fall 2006)
restaurant-1940s, 65(3):12 (Sum 2003) saloon, 4(1):13 (Jan 1942) sash and door factory, 40(1):17 (Jan 1978) shoe company, 15(2):20 (Apr 1953) theater, 1(2):3 (Apr 1939) warehouse near, 56(4):12 (Fall 1994)
1865, 58(3):4 (Sum 1996)
jail, 33(2):17 (Apr 1971) as landmark, 27(3):9-10 (Jul 1965) military drilling quarters on-1860s, 66(3):4 (Sum 2004) municipal services power company, 60(4):17 (Fall 1998) relief agency, Blood Clinic-WWII, 5(1):13 (Jan 1943) residents/residences social institutions, 27(3):10 (Jul 1965)
civic center, 40(2):20 (Apr 1978)
Concert Hall, 16(3):2 (Jul 1954) industrial school. See Industrial School of Rochester museum, 18(4):3, 4 (Oct 1956); 62(1):12 illus (Win 2000) street lights
72(1):9 (Spr 2010)
scenic view, 28(4):4 (Oct 1966) turning bridge, 8(2):9 (Apr 1946)
boat, 19(3):7 (Jul
1957); 72(1):20-21 (Spr 2010)
to Canada, 75(1):3 (Spring 2013)
travel brochure, 75(1):21 photo
(Spring 2013)
train, 11(1):7 (Jan 1949); 28(4):2, 5 (Oct 1966)
to baseball competitions, 63(2):5 (Spr
to Portage area-1870s, 68(1&2):23-25 (Win & Spr 2006) to world's fairs, 8(3):24 (Jul 1946)
of anarchist, commemoration-1890s,
20(1):22 (Jan 1958)
of Barron, Octavius-1830s, 4(1):16-17 (Jan 1942) of Brown, John, 7(2):9 (Apr 1945); 15(3):14-15 (Jul 1953) by Cossacks-early 1900s, 64(2):9-10 (Spr 2002) of Henry, Charles B., 59(1):20-21 (Win 1997) of jail inmates-1800s, 34(1):6, 12 (Jan 1972)
14(2):12, 16 (Apr 1952); 31(1):1 (Jan
1969); 34(3):13 (Jul 1972)
cessation of, 63(4):12 (Fall 2001) chief engineer controversy, 34(3):11 (Jul 1972) creation-1870s, 34(3):9 (Jul 1972); 63(4):12 (Fall 2001) duties, 14(2):10 (Apr 1952); 63(4):12 (Fall 2001) members
Aldridge, George, 14(2):10, 13 (Apr
Aldridge, George, Jr., 63(4):13, 25 (Fall 2001) Armbruster, Julius, 63(4):11, 12-13, 25 (Fall 2001) immigrants as, 20(1):15 (Jan 1958); 63(4):12 (Fall 2001) political dominance, 18(3):14, 16 (Jul 1956) municipal water supply and, 34(3):9, 12, 13 (Jul 1972) public works, management of, 40(2):10 (Apr 1978) Weller, Earl quoted on, 63(4):11 (Fall 2001)
art. See Art
at Exposition Park. See Exposition Park fair. See specific fair homelands. See Homelands Exhibitions Rochester Child Welfare-1910s, 45(1&2):2 illus (Jan & Apr 1983) Exports. See also Commerce; Trade
to Australia,
15(2):18 (Apr 1953)
Canadian trade, 3(4):5 (Oct 1941); 30(2):11 (Apr 1968)See also Canada flour-1800s. See Flour industry — shipping/trade freight, to Pennsylvania coal fields, 3(4):12 (Oct 1941) fresh fruit, 3(4):15 (Oct 1941) to Germany, 15(2):18 (Apr 1953) pioneer era, 23(3):6 (Jul 1961); 30(2):14 (Apr 1968); 33(2):4 (Apr 1971) value, 1(3):12 (Jul 1939); 11(3&4):13, 20 (Jul 1949) via Irondequoit Bay/Creek-1790s, 41(1&2):6-7 (Jan & Apr 1979) via Lake Ontario
1950s, 16(4):20 (Oct 1954)
early 1800s, 41(1&2):21 (Jan & Apr 1979); 45(3&4):4 (Jul & Oct 1983); 75(1):3 (Spring 2013)
acquisition by parks system,
11(1):15 (Jan 1949);
75(2):12 (Fall 2013)
activities/events/facilities, 75(2):13-14 (Fall 2013)
art exhibit hall, 18(4):17 (Oct 1956)
band concerts-early 1900s, 22(4):12 (Oct 1960) Homelands Exhibit, 17(2):20-21 (Apr 1955); 25(3):18 (Jul 1963) library. See Exposition Park Branch Library museum, collections, 11(1):15 (Jan 1949); 17(3):11 (Jul 1955); 23(4):3, 4 (Oct 1961) World War I era, 5(4):11, 20 (Oct 1943) zoo, 34(4):11 (Oct 1972); 75(2):13 photo, 14 (Fall 2013) proposed uses for, 11(1):15 (Jan 1949) remodeling-1910s, 34(4):13 (Oct 1972) renamed Edgerton Park, 5(4):11 (Oct 1943); 11(1):15 (Jan 1949); 18(4):16 (Oct 1956); 24(3):28 (Jul 1962); 75(2):13 (Fall 2013) site, State Industrial School and, 23(4):3 (Oct 1961); 31(1):17 (Jan 1969); 34(4):11 (Oct 1972); 75(2):13 (Fall 2013)
a.k.a. Edgerton Branch Library,
48(1&2):21 (Jan & Apr 1986)
collection, 73(1):6 (Spr 2011)
and site, 73(1):1 (Spr 2011)
patrons and usage, 73(1):4 (Spr 2011) photograph, 73(1):2 (Spr 2011)
at Convention Hall. See
Convention Hall
at Exposition Park. See Exposition Park industrial. See Industrial Expositions world's fair. See World's fairs Express (newspaper). See also Buffalo Express; Evening Express; Post Express
23(1):9-10 (Jan 1961)
circus advertisement, payment for-1870s, 49(3):14 (Jul 1987) editor, 23(1):21 (Jan 1961) labor strike-1860s, 23(1):13 (Jan 1961) Lincoln assassination and-1860s, 23(1):23 (Jan 1961) political alignments/stances reporter, Charles Wolcott Balestier, 10(1):24 (Jan 1948) Expressways/highways
arterial plan, proposed-1950s,
75(2):21 map (Fall 2013)
Inner Loop, 19(3):23 (Jul 1957); 27(4):23 (Oct 1965); 61(3&4):31 photo (Sum & Fall 1999) Route 104, parks system and, 75(2):22 (Fall 2013) state aid for, 19(3):23, 29 (Jul 1957) I-490. See also Inner Loop Expressway
construction. See
Expressways/highways — construction
Inner Loop juncture, 18(1):17 (Jan 1956); 36(2):20-21 (Apr 1974) landscaping, 18(1):17 (Jan 1956) naming, 27(3):22 (Jul 1965) opening, 28(2&3):45 (Apr & Jul 1966); 30(3):22 (Jul 1968) rail passenger service and, 30(4):24 (Oct 1968) route, 30(3):21 (Jul 1968); 38(1):6 (Jan 1976) sites, previous usage, 49(4):14, 15 (Oct 1987) traffic time, 36(2):7 (Apr 1974) parkways. See Parkway system pioneer era, description, 30(2):12-13 (Apr 1968) rail passenger service and, 30(4):24 (Oct 1968) Regional Planning Board and, 19(3):22 (Jul 1957) snow accumulation, 27(1):24 (Jan 1965) southern, projected, 27(3):22 (Jul 1965) suburban expansion and, 38(1):22 (Jan 1976); 49(2):18 (Apr 1987) superintendent of highways, 33(2):12 (Apr 1971) transit services and, 19(3):19 (Jul 1957) vistas from, 26(2):2, 4 (Apr 1964)
local manufacture,
18(2):5 (Apr 1956); 28(4):3 (Oct
1966); 38(1):14 (Jan 1976)See
also Bausch and Lomb
WWII, 66(1):17 (Win 2004)
Ezra Jones Machine Shop and Foundry
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