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City Club presentation,
9(4):4 (Oct 1947)
formation-early 1900s, 19(2):16 (Apr 1957) oversight, 14(4):23 (Oct 1952)
at industrial school,
68(4):8 (Fall 2006)
multiple-early 1900s, 18(3):21 (Jul 1956); 35(2):3 (Apr 1973) Salk vaccine-1950s, 18(3):26 (Jul 1956) smallpox
1800s, 18(3):12, 13, 17 (Jul 1956)
1900s, 18(3):21 (Jul 1956); 35(2):3 (Apr 1973) in Mexico-1910s, 61(2):7 (Spr 1999)
advertisement (lithograph),
43(2&3):27 illus (Apr & Jul
corporate reorganizations/alignments, 43(2&3):29, 30-31 (Apr & Jul 1981) founding, 43(2&3):26 (Apr & Jul 1981) naphtha explosion-1880s. See Naphtha explosion (1880s) product lines, 35(2):8 (Apr 1973); 43(2&3):26, 29 (Apr & Jul 1981) refinery locations, 43(2&3):26, 30 (Apr & Jul 1981) Vagrants. See Homeless Vail, Mrs. Charles D. Vaisey-Bristol
City Club speech,
9(4):18 (Oct 1947)
city planning, role in, 6(4):20 (Oct 1944) as UR president, 3(1):7, 17 (Jan 1941); 9(4):18 (Oct 1947)
City Club speech,
9(4):21 (Oct 1947)
city planning and housing, roles in, 6(4):20, 21 (Oct 1944); 27(4):14, 15 (Oct 1965) de Valera, Eamon, 3(1):9 (Jan 1941) Valkenbury, Van, 39(1&2):40 (Jan & Apr 1977) Vallentine and Gill Map, 49(4):29 (Oct 1987)
background information,
39(1&2):2-3 (Jan & Apr 1977)
reproduction, 39(1&2):centerfold illus (Jan & Apr 1977)
as legislative leader,
21(2):15 (Apr 1959)
local support for, 2(2):4, 6 (Apr 1940) O'Reilly, Henry and, 7(1):3, 16 (Jan 1945) as president
appointee, local, 41(1&2):42 (Jan &
Apr 1979)
election, 1(3):11 (Jul 1939) pardon, granting of, 34(1):5 (Jan 1972) speech, local, 4(1):20 (Jan 1942)
city historian's visit,
19(1):1, 10 (Jan 1957)
cultural institutions, 19(1):22 (Jan 1957)
art galleries, 19(1):19 (Jan 1957)
libraries, 19(1):20 (Jan 1957) Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, 19(1):21 (Jan 1957) Stanley Park, 19(1):23 (Jan 1957) van de Capelle, Jan
33(1):9 (Jan 1971)
railroad holdings and negotiations, 33(1):1, 6, 8-9 (Jan 1971) stock war-1800s, 49(2):10 (Apr 1987)
biographical details,
33(1):12-13 (Jan 1971)
circuit race-1880s, 3(3):23 (Jul 1941) origins of East Rochester and-1890s, 19(3):13 (Jul 1957) railroad holdings and negotiations, 30(4):13-15, 17 (Oct 1968); 33(1):1, 9, 11-16, 18-22 (Jan 1971)See also Vanderbilt-Andrews Syndicate visit-1870s, 33(1):19 (Jan 1971)
as author
Rochester History contributions,
35(3):5 (Jul 1973)
of Thurlow Weed in Rochester, 2(2):1-24 (Apr 1940) on Weed, Thurlow, 6(2):23 (Apr 1944); 10(4):9 (Oct 1948); 51(1):12 (Win 1989) Vandeventer's Tavern (Batavia, NY), 31(4):2 (Oct 1969) Van Dorn, Mr. (no given name)
60(1):1 illus, 3 illus, 15 illus (Win 1998)
Green, Seth quoted on, 60(1):18 (Win 1998)
Italian league proposal-early 1900s,
22(4):8 (Oct 1960)
as public school teacher, 22(4):11 (Oct 1960) Van Sice, John
as attorney
for Anthony, Susan B., 7(2):13-14, 18
(Apr 1945); 57(4):20 (Fall 1995)
for union member-1890s, 22(3):10 (Jul 1960) biographical summary, 41(4):6 (Oct 1979) as congressman portrait, 41(4):5 photo (Oct 1979) residence, 28(2&3):11 (Apr & Jul 1966)
death, 32(2):2
(Apr 1970)
as mayor (1922-1926), 31(1):22-24 (Jan 1969)
on dogs, quoted, 69(2):11 photo
caption (Spr 2008)
public library and, 23(4):2-3, 4-5 (Oct 1961) subway construction, 36(2):11 (Apr 1974) Variety shows. See Theater — vaudeville/variety Varillat, Henri, 29(1):22 (Jan 1967) Varnum, Jonas P. Vassar College
baseball club/game-1800s,
62(2):9 (Spr 2000)
team photograph, 64(4):6 (Fall 2002)
faculty/staff, Lucy M. Salmon, 43(1):4, 5 (Jan 1981) founder, 8(4):10 (Oct 1946) specimen cabinet, purchase, 8(4):10 (Oct 1946) students/graduates
Crapsey, Adelaide, 21(3):6 (Jul 1959)
Davis, Katharine B., 43(1):4, 5 (Jan 1981) Rogers, Mrs. Clinton, 8(2):12 (Apr 1946) Vatican Council II
44(4):29-30 (Oct 1982)
local impact, 44(4):29-30 (Oct 1982) St. Augustine's Church and, 60(3):8 (Sum 1998) Vaughan, Captain (no given name)
as policeman, Front Street beat,
55(3):11, 14 (Sum 1993)
son's accident-1820s, 16(2):4 (Apr 1954) Vaughan lineage, 55(3):14 (Sum 1993) Vaughn, Charles
Central Park design-1850s,
50(2):7 (Apr 1988);
75(2):3 (Fall 2013)
Rochester parks system, plan, 50(2):7 (Apr 1988)
as editor
on denominational control of UR-1890s,
33(4):12-13, 16 (Oct 1971)
on writings of David Jayne Hill, 33(4):17-18 (Oct 1971)
of early 1800s,
30(2):3 (Apr 1968); 45(3&4):27 (Jul
& Oct 1983)
promotion of, 45(3&4):25, 42 (Jul & Oct 1983) Vegetables. See also Horticulturists; Nursery industry; Seed industry
cholera and,
45(3&4):48 illus (Jul & Oct 1983)
gardens. See Vegetable gardens marketing, 61(3&4):17, 26 photo (Sum & Fall 1999)See also Farmers' market; Public markets preservation and storage, 45(3&4):27 (Jul & Oct 1983) seed, improvement, 45(3&4):42 (Jul & Oct 1983) Vehicles. See specific type, i.e. Automobiles Vella, Salvatore Venereal disease
description/commentary on,
14(1):3, 8, 10, 11, 12 (Jan 1952)
Piazza San Marco, as ideal city center, 69(1):10 (Spr 2007) Verein, Turn
asylum, Bemis, James D. at-1850s,
66(4):8 (Fall 2004)
as birthplace of Henry W. Johnson-1820s, 66(4):3-4 (Fall 2004) insurance industry, regulation, 38(2&3):36 (Apr & Jul 1976) residents
as NYS immigrants, 36(3):3 (Jul 1974)
Quakers in Ferrisburg, anti-slavery movement and-1800s, 66(4):19n.8 (Fall 2004) Scrantom family, 27(1):2 (Jan 1965) Verspelle, Isaac Vesuvius, U.S.S.
Agent Orange and,
48(3&4):32 (Jul & Oct 1986)
band, concerts-1940s, 11(1):21-22 (Jan 1949) burials, in Rapids Cemetery, 54(3):8 (Sum 1992) cemetery sites and memorials, 67(2):17 photo, 18 (Spr 2005) Foreign Service, 56(2):15 (Spr 1994) housing
agencies/committees for, 27(4):16, 17
(Oct 1965)
projects, 27(4):17, 20 (Oct 1965); 75(2):22 (Fall 2013) shortage, 11(2):24 (Apr 1949) Memorial Day parades, Vietnam veterans and, 48(3&4):27, 29-30, 37, 41 (Jul & Oct 1986) Polish Army Veterans Association of America, Post No. 27, 57(2):5 (Spr 1995) Quinby Post, Quinby family and-1890s, 13(2):9 (Apr 1951) Rochester History articles for, 51(1):9 (Win 1989) War Memorial and, 51(1):9 (Win 1989) Veterans Memorial and Executive Council
aboriginal remains near,
44(1&2):13 (Jan & Apr 1982)
construction, 27(3):20 (Jul 1965) dedication-1930s, 3(1):18 (Jan 1941) location, 12(2&3):12 map (Apr 1950) parks system and, 75(2):17 (Fall 2013) postcard depicting, 75(2):15 illus (Fall 2013) view of/from, 12(2&3):24 (Apr 1950); 26(2):7 (Apr 1964)
director, Tom Cray,
48(3&4):33, 47 (Jul & Oct 1986)
Vietnam War and, 48(3&4):33, 36 (Jul & Oct 1986) Vice
crusade against,
25(4):14 (Oct 1963)
Police Department squad, 25(4):14, 23 (Oct 1963) prevention committee-1840s, 26(1):13 (Jan 1964) Women's Committee on, 14(4):11 (Oct 1952)
arrival, in America,
45(3&4):40 (Jul & Oct 1983)
as bank trustee, 25(3):7 (Jul 1963) biographical summary, 21(3):23-24 (Jul 1959) birth-1810s, 45(3&4):39 (Jul & Oct 1983) building lots, 28(2&3):10, 18 (Apr & Jul 1966) burial site, 50(4):16 (Oct 1988) business enterprises
nursery/seed, 27(3):15 (Jul 1965);
28(2&3):9, 18 with illus
(Apr & Jul 1966); 28(4):7 (Oct
1966); 45(3&4):40 (Jul & Oct
1983)See also Vick Seed
publishing, 45(3&4):39, 40 (Jul & Oct 1983)
advertising costs,
45(3&4):40 (Jul & Oct 1983)
family members, roles in, 45(3&4):40 (Jul & Oct 1983) opening, description-1870, 45(3&4):40 (Jul & Oct 1983) sale-1920, 45(3&4):44 (Jul & Oct 1983) Victoria, BC, 19(1):1 (Jan 1957) Victoria Loftus Novelty Company, 16(3):8 (Jul 1954) Victoria, Queen of England
brotherhood meetings at,
14(4):23 (Oct 1952)
as motion picture house, 16(3):23, 24 (Jul 1954) opening, 16(3):18 (Jul 1954)
antislavery rally in-1840s,
67(1):4 (Win 2005)
Guernsey & Bushnell Company and, 45(3&4):11 (Jul & Oct 1983) Harris (George) history of-1880s, 44(1&2):7 (Jan & Apr 1982) Iroquois trails to/from, 44(1&2):30, 31 (Jan & Apr 1982) rail service to/from, 19(3):14 (Jul 1957) Seneca settlement at, 44(1&2):41 (Jan & Apr 1982) St. Patrick's Church, architects, 60(2):22 (Spr 1998) Victory Book Campaigns, 55(4):12 (Fall 1993) Victory celebrations-WWII, 55(4):17 photo (Fall 1993) Victory Corps, High School, 55(4):14 (Fall 1993) Victory Exposition-1919, 11(1):18 (Jan 1949) Victory Farm Cadet service-WWII, 55(4):11 (Fall 1993) Victory Fund Committee
World War I
Crapsey, Dr. Algernon S. and,
42(1):22 (Jan 1980)
of Eastman, George, 52(1):9 (Win 1990) on magazine cover, 51(3):4 illus (Sum 1989) photographs, 51(3):6 (Sum 1989)
of Lynch, Marion Schwab, 66(2):9 (Spr
of Schafer family of Sam and Kate, 64(3):20, 25 (Sum 2002) of students, 55(4):11 (Fall 1993) Victory parades. See Military celebrations/ceremonies Videography
orphans, adoption and death-Vietnam War,
48(3&4):26, 38 (Jul & Oct 1986)
South. See South Vietnam war. See Vietnam War
48(3&4):3, 7, 14, 19, 22, 23, 26, 27 (Jul & Oct 1986)
draft, 48(3&4):22 (Jul & Oct 1986)
dodgers/objectors, 48(3&4):12, 37,
41, 44-45 (Jul & Oct 1986)
ailments following, 48(3&4):30-33
(Jul & Oct 1986)
MIAs/POWs, 48(3&4):24-25 photo, 26-29 (Jul & Oct 1986) post-discharge attitudes, quoted, 48(3&4):21, 36, 40-42 (Jul & Oct 1986) soldiers' experiences in, quoted, 48(3&4):4, 5, 30, 32, 35-45 (Jul & Oct 1986) memorial. See Vietnam War Memorial opposition to, 40(2):18 (Apr 1978) prisoners of war (POWs), 48(3&4):26-29 (Jul & Oct 1986) protest, 51(1):8 photo (Win 1989) veterans, 48(3&4):4-5, 9, 10, 14, 19, 21, 27-45 (Jul & Oct 1986)
48(3&4):2, 29 (Jul & Oct 1986)
Vietnam veteran on, quoted, 48(3&4):37 (Jul & Oct 1986)
background information,
39(1&2):2-3 (Jan & Apr 1977)
reproduction, 39(1&2):centerfold illus (Jan & Apr 1977) Vigilant Society
2(1):7 (Jan 1940); 33(2):7 (Apr 1971)
purpose-1820s, 5(2):7 (Apr 1943); 33(2):7 (Apr 1971)
Council of Social Agencies, role at,
20(4):27 (Oct 1958)
at Rochester Family Society, Inc., 23(2):17 (Apr 1961) Village Incorporation Committee Villages. See Pioneers — settlement(s); Suburban towns/villages; Towns; specific village Village watch. See Night watch Vincent brothers (no given names)
2(3):15 (Jul 1940);
7(4):8 (Oct 1945);
27(3):19 (Jul 1965);
29(2):4 (Apr 1967);
33(2):20 (Apr 1971);
34(2):19 (Apr 1972)
circuses and,
49(3):5 (Jul 1987)
Coughlin, Father Charles E. and-1930s, 74(2):15 (Fall 2012) during labor strikes. See Labor strikes Vietnam War and, 48(3&4):1 photo, 10-11, 15, 19, 20-21 (Jul & Oct 1986) Violins
Civil War era
Confederate POWs in, 73(2):8-9, 9
illus, 11 (Fall 2011)
field hospital, 73(2):8 (Fall 2011) Harper's Ferry raid. See Harper's Ferry, VA local regiment in, 63(4):6-7 (Fall 2001) Union troops along North Anna River, photograph, 73(2):10 (Fall 2011) former slave's return, 72(2):16 (Fall 2010) Fort Eustis, soldiers at-1840s, 8(1):2-3, 4 (Jan 1946) Jemison family members in-1750s, 68(1&2):6, 8 (Win & Spr 2006) Rapidan River, 73(2):23n.9 (Fall 2011) residents slave holdings-early 1800s, 71(1):11 (Spr 2009)
at Ontario Beach Park,
75(1):7 (Spring 2013)
postcard depicting, 75(1):8 (Spring
"A Vision" (poem), 37(4):30-31 (Oct 1975) A Vision Unfolding: The Al Sigl Center's First 25 Years, 1968-1993 by Kathy A. Johncox, 55(2):1-36 with illus (Spr 1993) Visiting Nurse Association
8(2):16 (Apr 1946); 28(2&3):41 (Apr
& Jul 1966)
Reynolds Audio-Visual Department and, 36(4):27 (Oct 1974)
to Camp Fitz-John Porter-1860s,
66(3):15-16 (Sum 2004)
municipal delegations, court house and-1890s, 33(2):20 (Apr 1971) musicians, 29(1):1-24 passim (Jan 1967); 42(3):6-7, 13 (Jul 1980) traffic flow-1810s, 29(3):3 (Jun 1967) travel accounts of. See Travelers' accounts The Visual Arts in Metropolitan Rochester by Blake McKelvey, 32(1):1-24 (Jan 1970) Visually impaired persons
employment of-WWII,
66(2):12 (Spr 2004)
life expectancy, 18(3):16-17, 27 (Jul 1956) public health and, 18(3):20-21 (Jul 1956) records
health department as site of-1800s,
45(1&2):10, 11 (Jan & Apr 1983)
origins, 45(1&2):3 (Jan & Apr 1983) researching family history from, 52(2):5, 6, 15, 16 (Spr 1990) Vocal music
choral societies,
19(1):21 (Jan 1957)
Apollo Club, 3(3):20 (Jul 1941)
Beethoven Singing Society, 20(1):21-22 (Jan 1958) Echo Singing Society, 57(2):6 (Spr 1995) Festival Chorus, formation-1914, 29(1):23 (Jan 1967) German, 20(1):4, 6, 16, 19, 21, 25 (Jan 1958) Germania, 20(1):4 (Jan 1958) Harmonic Society. See Harmonic Society Liederkranz, 29(1):10 (Jan 1967) Liedertafel, 20(1):16 (Jan 1958); 29(1):10 (Jan 1967) Maennerchor, 3(3):20 (Jul 1941); 20(1):6, 16, 25 (Jan 1958); 29(1):10 (Jan 1967) Maennerchor Liedertafel, 20(1):19, 21 (Jan 1958) Mendelssohn Society, 3(3):20 (Jul 1941) Oratorio Society, 29(1):10 (Jan 1967) Philharmonic Society, 3(3):20 (Jul 1941) Rochester Oratorio Society, 3(3):20 (Jul 1941) of German POWs-WWII, 56(3):11-12, 13 (Sum 1994) historical sketch, 1825-1925, 29(1):1-24 (Jan 1967) as informal entertainment, at McLafferty home-1850s, 42(2):6 (Apr 1980) instructor schools, popularity, 1(2):3 (Apr 1939) of Shakers-1820s, 62(4):26 (Fall 2000) soloists, 18(2):17 (Apr 1956)See also specific individual of Tuscarora-1820s, 62(4):6 (Fall 2000)
for farmers and nursery/seedsmen,
45(3&4):36 (Jul & Oct 1983)
immigrant programs, 28(4):19 (Oct 1966) at Industrial School of Rochester/Rochester Children's Nursery, 68(4):15-16 (Fall 2006)
photographs, 68(4):6, 7, 14, 15, 16
(Fall 2006)
promotion of, 31(2):9, 10 (Apr 1969); 34(4):3 (Oct 1972) rehabilitative. See Rochester Rehabilitation Center, Inc. as school district expense, 35(2):20 (Apr 1973) at St. Mary's Industrial School-1800s, 44(4):13 (Oct 1982) training courses
at East High School, 31(2):11 (Apr
in elementary schools, 31(2):14 (Apr 1969) at Factory School, 31(2):10 (Apr 1969) introduced-1885, 31(2):7 (Apr 1969) at Mechanics Institute, 31(2):8 (Apr 1969) open enrollment, 31(2):10 (Apr 1969) at School No. 26, 31(2):11 (Apr 1969)
Bird, Verne A. and,
5(1):20 (Jan 1943)
classes, 5(1):3 (Jan 1943)
in public high schools, 55(4):5-6, 11
(Fall 1993)
Vogle, G. C.
65(4):22 (Fall 2003)
as archives volunteer for Rochester Diocese, 67(2):27 (Spr 2005) as cemetery director-late 1900s, 67(2):8 (Spr 2005) Holy Sepulchre Cemetery authored by, 67(2):1-28 (Spr 2005) occupation-early 2000s, 63(3):22 (Sum 2001)
66(1):29 (Win 2004)
product lines
subsidiary acquisitions, and name change,
43(2&3):37 (Apr & Jul 1981)
during World War II, 66(1):29 (Win 2004) Voices From the Spirit World, Being Communications From Many Spirits By the Hand of Isaac Post, Medium by Isaac Post - 1850s, 21(3):18 (Jul 1959) Volunteer military companies. See Military units Volunteer Motor Service, Women's. See Women's Volunteer Motor Service Volunteer nurses corps
in Spanish-American War
Polish Grey Samaritans, 57(1):13, 15,
15 photo, 24 photo (Win 1995)
chair, Mrs. William J. Baker,
20(4):9 (Oct 1958)
formation-1920s, 20(4):9 (Oct 1958) merger, of member agencies, 20(4):26 (Oct 1958)
Barge Canal construction approved by,
72(1):15 (Spr 2010)
ethnic backgrounds, 25(3):7 (Jul 1963) registration drives. See Voter registration drives responsibility of, 14(2):2, 3 (Apr 1952) women, first inclusion of-1910s, 31(1):20 (Jan 1969)See also Woman's suffrage
21(1):12-13 (Jan 1959); 28(4):22 (Oct
1966); 41(1&2):46 (Jan & Apr 1979)
manufacture, 14(2):15 (Apr 1952); 26(3):6 (Jul 1964); 35(2):8 (Apr 1973) renovation-1890s, 14(2):15 (Apr 1952) trust, formation, 12(1):7 (Jan 1950)
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