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NACW (National Association of Colored Women)
as composer of My Lady Nicotine (song),
60(1):8 (Win 1998)
as newspaper columnist, 32(1):11 (Jan 1970) Namias, June Nanook of the North
anti-slavery meeting in, Frederick Douglass
at, 67(3):11 (Sum 2005)
"Jim Crow" laws, 37(4):18 (Oct 1975) as vacation site - 1890s, 65(1):4 (Win 2003) Naphtha explosion (1880s)
deaths and injuries,
43(2&3):30 (Apr & Jul 1981)
description, 17(1):6 (Jan 1955); 43(2&3):28-30 (Apr & Jul 1981); 50(3):15 (Jul 1988) newspaper clipping, illustration, 43(2&3):28 (Apr & Jul 1981) Naramore, C. Raymond Nares, Commander George
edited by June Namias-1990s,
68(1&2):28n.2 (Win & Spr 2006)
first edition-1820s, 68(1&2):27 (Win & Spr 2006)
biographical summary,
28(1):3-4 (Jan 1966)
as mayor (1861-1862), 25(4):5 (Oct 1963); 28(1):3-4 (Jan 1966); 46(1&2):16 (Jan & Apr 1984)
11(1):22 (Jan 1949);
56(1):32 illus (Win 1994)
subsequent uses, 56(1):31 (Win 1994) Nathanson's Hall
Anthony, Susan B. and
at Baltimore convention-1906,
57(4):11, 12, 13, 24, 28 photo (Fall 1995)
as member/officer, 57(4):22 (Fall 1995)
military service records
archiving, 52(2):16 (Spr 1990)
locating, 63(4):4, 18-19 (Fall 2001) types of information found in, 63(4):4, 6, 26-27 illus (Fall 2001)
21(4):22 (Oct 1959)
black employment figures, State War Council and-WWII, 66(2):13 (Spr 2004) local chapter, formation-1910s, 21(4):21 (Oct 1959); 25(3):23 (Jul 1963) president, Dr. Charles T. Lunsford, retirement, 21(4):24 (Oct 1959) united action committee, 25(4):25 (Oct 1963)
52(3):4-5 (Sum 1990)
function and rules-1800s, 52(3):2 illus caption, 5, 8-11 passim, 14, 17, 20 (Sum 1990); 62(2):11, 14, 16, 17, 20 (Spr 2000); 63(2):7 (Spr 2001) Philadelphia convention, 62(2):5 photo caption (Spr 2000) replacement organization-1870s, 63(1):15 (Win 2001) teams, 63(1):8 photo (Win 2001); 63(2):4 illus, 5 (Spr 2001) National Bank of Rochester
currency issue-1800s,
49(2):22n.18 (Apr 1987)
predecessor and successor banks, 49(2):11, 22n.18 (Apr 1987) National Baseball Library (Cooperstown, NY), 62(2):22 (Spr 2000); 63(1):20 (Win 2001); 63(2):21 (Spr 2001) National Basketball Association (NBA)
All-Star/All-NBA team members,
58(1):6 (Win 1996)
Board of Governors, sale of local franchise and, 58(1):17 (Win 1996) formation, 58(1):7 (Win 1996) player acquisitions, 58(1):10 (Win 1996) Rochester Royals in, historical sketch, 58(1):8-18 (Win 1996) rules changes, 58(1):9 (Win 1996) shot-clock, 58(1):8-9 (Win 1996)
fire protection methods and,
38(2&3):2, 30 (Apr & Jul 1976)
local inspections, findings and recommendations, 38(2&3):11, 15, 31-32 (Apr & Jul 1976)
municipal response, 38(2&3):11, 13,
24 (Apr & Jul 1976)
National Broadcasting Company, 32(3):5 (Jul 1970) National Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers National Cash Register Company National Conference for Good City Government-early 1900s, 31(1):4 (Jan 1969) National Congress of Christians and Jews, 19(1):13 (Jan 1957) National Council of Bishops National Education Association National Federation of Church Women, 14(4):26 (Oct 1952) National Flower and Garden Show National Health Advisory Council
becomes Temperance house-early 1800s,
54(2):6 (Spr 1992)
costs, comparative, 26(3):4 (Jul 1964) daguerreotype studio in, 62(1):7, 21 (Win 2000) demolition, 34(2):11 (Apr 1972) formerly Morton House, 31(4):12 (Oct 1969)See also Morton House historical summary, 5(3):9 (Jul 1943) illustration, 5(3):8 (Jul 1943) lease, expiration, 31(4):14 (Oct 1969) location, 57(4):4 (Fall 1995) relocation, 31(4):16 (Oct 1969) renovation, 31(4):15 (Oct 1969) site, Powers' acquisition, 5(3):9 (Jul 1943)
amateurs and,
63(2):12 (Spr 2001)
championship awards, 63(2):12, 19 (Spr 2001) formation-1800s, 63(2):11(Spr 2001) International Association and, 64(4):3 (Fall 2002) member teams, 8(3):18 (Jul 1946); 64(4):3-22 passim (Fall 2002)
Chicago White Stockings, 63(2):14
photo caption (Spr 2001)
St. Louis Brown Stockings, 63(2):19 (Spr 2001) scandal of 1877, 64(4):21 (Fall 2002) National Observer (Albany, NY), 2(2):21 (Apr 1940) National parks
funding and construction styles-Great
Depression, 75(2):15-16 (Fall 2013)
Yosemite, Olmsted legacy, 50(2):7 (Apr 1988)
Federal Building and,
40(2):21 (Apr 1978)
St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church on-1970s, 63(3):18 (Sum 2001) Nationals (retail store)
62(2):19 (Spr 2000)
national association and, 63(1):22 (Win 2001) players, 63(1):10 (Win 2001)
from Rochester, 62(2):21 (Spr 2000)
motion picture showings,
16(3):22 (Jul 1954)
People's Sunday Evenings and, 14(4):22 (Oct 1952) productions, 16(3):14, 19 (Jul 1954) rivalry with other theaters, 16(3):12 (Jul 1954)
Chicago convention, Mary Gannett at-early
1900s, 17(4):21 (Oct 1955)
as Woman Suffrage Party of Monroe County, 17(4):14-18 (Oct 1955)
indexing project,
35(3):2-3 (Jul 1973)
museum work, 17(3):13 (Jul 1955) parks system and-Great Depression, 75(2):16-17 (Fall 2013) teen services, 20(4):14 (Oct 1958)
advocacy group, Iroquois League,
68(1&2):27 (Win & Spr 2006)
alcohol consumption/production
Hotbread, Billy, 62(3):20 (Sum 2000)
Jemison family and, 68(1&2):13, 17, 19, 29n.25 (Win & Spr 2006) Red Jacket, 62(3):22 (Sum 2000) in Utica, NY-1820s, 62(3):15 (Sum 2000) artifacts
discovery, 19(2):9 (Apr 1957);
44(1&2):11-15, 20, 24-31 passim,
38-39, 41-42, 42 illus (Jan & Apr 1982)
museum display, 62(1):12 (Win 2000)
in Letchworth State Park,
68(1&2):21 (Win & Spr 2006)
in Buffalo, NY as visitors-1820s, 62(3):21-22 (Sum 2000) burials, 44(1&2):13-15, 26, 27, 29, 31, 38 (Jan & Apr 1982) chiefs
Brant, Joseph. See Brant,
Cornplanter. See Cornplanter Hotbread, 62(3):20 (Sum 2000) Iroquois. See Iroquois Confederacy Mohawk Nation, 1(1):3 (Jan 1939) Mt. Pleasant, Chief John, 44(1&2):40 (Jan & Apr 1982) Red Jacket. See Red Jacket Strong, speech excerpt, quoted, 62(3):26-27 (Sum 2000) Tall Chief. See Tall Chief Tuscarora Nation, 44(1&2):40 (Jan & Apr 1982) experts on Haudenosaunee. See Iroquois Confederacy historical sketches, 1(1):1-24 (Jan 1939); 38(4):1-24 (Oct 1976); 44(1&2):1-44 with illus (Jan & Apr 1982) hostilities/war activity
attack on James Gordon-1780, 41(3):3
(Jul 1979)
French and Indian War. See French and Indian War of Geronimo, Francis Edwin Pierce and, 65(2):18, 27n61 (Spr 2003) Jemison, Mary and, 68(1&2):5-6, 13 (Win & Spr 2006) Revolutionary War, 68(1&2):14-15 (Win & Spr 2006) threatened-1700s, 1(4):8 (Oct 1939) Iroquois. See Iroquois Confederacy land/treaty negotiations, 3(4):3 (Oct 1941); 45(3&4):4 (Jul & Oct 1983)
at Buffalo Creek-1780s, 1(4):1 (Oct
at Canandaigua, NY-1790s, 4(3):14 (Jul 1942) historical sketch, 1(1):1-24 (Jan 1939) Porter, Secretary of War P. B. and-1820s, 41(3):8 (Jul 1979) missionaries and, 38(4):1-24 (Oct 1976) in Montana, Frederick Kislingbury and, 59(1):4 (Win 1997) Moulthrop, Samuel Parker and. See Moulthrop, Samuel Parker published works/research on, 10(4):20 (Oct 1948) river rescue-1800s, 54(3):14 (Sum 1992) Seneca. See Seneca nation settlements/camps, 44(1&2):4, 11, 17, 20-32 passim, 38-40, 42 (Jan & Apr 1982)
near Avon, NY-1820s, 62(3):20 (Sum
near Caughnawaga-1820s, 62(3):12 (Sum 2000) San Carlos Indian Reservation [Arizona], Francis Edwin Pierce at, 65(2):17-18 (Spr 2003) St. Regis Reservation-1820s, 62(4):14 (Fall 2000) Tonawanda Reservation-1820s, 62(3):21, 22 (Sum 2000) Tuscarora Reservation-1820s, 62(4):4 (Fall 2000) at UR River Campus site, 30(1):9 (Jan 1968) trails, 54(3):4 (Sum 1992)
along St. Lawrence River, 62(4):12
(Fall 2000)
in Utica, NY-1820s, 62(3):15 (Sum 2000) wagon train encounters-1840s, 39(1&2):9-10, 22, 29, 34, 35, 40 (Jan & Apr 1977) Williamsburg, NY, attend fair at-1790s, 47(1&2):10 (Jan & Apr 1985) Natural gas
appliances, demonstrations,
60(4):9 (Fall 1998)
Bloomfield pipeline, failure of, 60(4):7 (Fall 1998) Chamber of Commerce and, 24(4):7, 8 (Oct 1962) displacement of whale oil, 58(2):20 (Spr 1996) impact, on everyday life, 60(4):9-10 (Fall 1998) industry mergers, 46(3&4):11, 13, 14 (Jul & Oct 1984)See also specific companies lighting from. See Lighting; Street lights plants. See also Gas companies/plants; specific plant/company
Civil War tax on, 60(4):5-6 (Fall
mid 1800s,
52(2):15 (Spr 1990)
Chamber of Commerce and. See Chamber of Commerce — program support/sponsorship citizenship classes, 34(4):21 (Oct 1972) Jewish Community Council committee on, 74(2):14 (Fall 2012) naturalized citizens
early 1800s,
51(4):8 (Fall 1989)
access to, settlement patterns and, 45(3&4):4 (Jul & Oct 1983) lack of, 23(3):15 (Jul 1961)
71(2):25 (Fall 2009)
Family History: More Than Genealogy authored by, 52(2):1-32 with illus (Spr 1990) professional credits, 52(2):31 (Spr 1990) Naval Consulting Board Navy Relief Society Naylor, Harriett J.
as philomath, The Historical Almanac of
Rochester: 1941 and, 3(1):7-18 (Jan
as research secretary, 51(1):8 (Win 1989)
60(2):11 (Spr 1998)
Catholic community and, 2(3):16 (Jul 1940) instructional quality, 60(2):15 (Spr 1998) Selye mansion, use of, 18(1):18 (Jan 1956) Sisters, and Moore-Clarke-Lake View House, 32(4):14 (Oct 1970)
26(2):14 (Apr 1964)
Art Center, 32(1):17 (Jan 1970) curriculum, 44(4):23 (Oct 1982)
teacher training, 60(2):29n.77
(Spr 1998)
Kettell, Rev. George F., 44(4):23
(Oct 1982)
Otto, Dr. Virginia, 43(4):7 (Oct 1981) Urbanic, Kathleen, 57(2):20 (Spr 1995) opening, 11(2):23 (Apr 1949) Rennes-Rochester sister city exchange-1970s, 43(4):6, 9 (Oct 1981) Nazareth Normal School, 60(2):29n.77 (Spr 1998) Nazis/nazism
Bernstein, Rabbi Philip S. and,
74(2):5-9 with photos (Fall 2012)
Coughlin, Father Charles E. and, 74(2):15, 16 illus, 18 (Fall 2012) emigration/immigration policies and, 74(2):11-12 (Fall 2012) local response to, 74(2):1, 8-13 (Fall 2012)
The Jewish Ledger articles on,
74(2):9, 11 photo (Fall 2012)
petition condemning-1930s, 74(2):10 (Fall 2012) propaganda NBL. See National Basketball League Ne-aga Wa-a-gren (Iroquois trail), 44(1&2):29 (Jan & Apr 1982) Neander, Johannes A. W.
background information,
39(1&2):centerfold illus (Jan &
Apr 1977)
reproduction, 39(1&2):centerfold illus (Jan & Apr 1977)
civic leaders,
29(2):10 (Apr 1967)
commercial/industrial activity, 29(2):2, 3-4, 5, 6, 7, 11-12, 14-15, 23 (Apr 1967) Demonstration City project, 29(2):23 (Apr 1967) disease, prevalence-1800s, 45(1&2):3 (Jan & Apr 1983) ethnic alienation within, 29(2):6 (Apr 1967) ethnic settlement, 29(2):1-8, 13-14, 16-18 (Apr 1967); 57(1):4 (Win 1995); 70(2):13, 19 (Fall 2007) FIGHT, formation and impact of, 29(2):22-23 (Apr 1967) geographic area, 70(2):13 (Fall 2007) geopolitical configuration, 29(2):1 (Apr 1967) historical sketch, 29(2):1-23 (Apr 1967) housing, 29(2):1, 11-14, 20 (Apr 1967)
1800s, 29(2):2, 3, 4 (Apr 1967)
c.1900, 29(2):5 (Apr 1967) inventory/survey conducted, 29(2):13 (Apr 1967) public, protest against-1940s, 29(2):14 (Apr 1967) rent discrimination, 29(2):13 (Apr 1967) shortages, 29(2):12 (Apr 1967) slum conditions, investigation, 29(2):13 (Apr 1967) urban renewal, 18(1):22 (Jan 1956); 29(2):14, 18 (Apr 1967) map, 64(2):6 (Spr 2002) population figures/trends
1800s, 29(2):1-4 (Apr 1967)
1890s to early 1900s, 29(2):5, 6, 7 (Apr 1967) migration from, 29(2):6, 11, 12 (Apr 1967) post WWII, 29(2):13, 17-18 (Apr 1967) railroads and, 29(2):2, 3, 4-6 (Apr 1967)See also Auburn and Rochester Railroad; New York Central Railroad; Rome, Watertown, and Ogdensburg Railroad religious institutions, 29(2):2, 4, 5, 6, 7-8, 16-17, 19, 21-22, 23 (Apr 1967) Schafer family, of Sam and Kate in-1900s, 64(2):19-21 (Spr 2002)
photograph, 64(2):1-2 (Spr 2002)
Toy Resource Center and-early 2000s, 73(1):17 with photo (Spr 2011) urban renewal, 29(2):14, 18 (Apr 1967)
Kansas-Nebraska bill,
15(3):3 (Jul 1953)
Roys family members in, 58(2):19 (Spr 1996) territorial organization. See Kansas-Nebraska Act; Missouri Compromise wheat production, 3(3):10 (Jul 1941) The Negro in American Life
Baden-Ormond. See
Baden-Ormond district
limits, 11(2):15 (Apr 1949) Pinnacle Hill Neighborhood Association, 32(3):10 (Jul 1970) United Charities and-early 1900s, 23(2):5 (Apr 1961) Neighborhood Organizations, Department of
associations/clubs. See
Neighborhood associations/clubs
Baden-Ormond. See Baden-Ormond district industrial impact on-WWII, 66(1):12-13 (Win 2004) of Montreal, Canada-1820s, 62(4):22 (Fall 2000) Mount Allegro. See Mount Allegro northeast. See Near Northeast District Polish, 57(1):3 (Win 1995) "The Rapids." . See "Rapids, The" southwest. See Lincoln Park; Southwest District subdivisions. See Subdivisions
art classes,
32(1):10 (Jan 1970)
assistance programs youth programs, 20(4):24 (Oct 1958)
as abolitionist,
67(3):15 (Sum 2005)
newspapers, contributions to, 21(4):7 (Oct 1959); 67(3):19 (Sum 2005) relationship with Frederick Douglass and William Lloyd Garrison, 67(3):19 (Sum 2005) Nelson, Charles Nesbit, Reverend Dr. (no given name) Net fishing
American colony-1600s. See
New Netherland
description/commentary on, 14(1):4-5, 8, 12 (Jan 1952) immigrants from. See Dutch community; Dutch immigrants International Polar Year and, 59(1):3 (Win 1997)
business activity and residence-1800s,
68(4):9 (Fall 2006)
industrial school site and, 68(4):9 (Fall 2006) Neutrality Acts Neutras
baseball club/game-1800s,
63(1):16 (Win 2001)
Irish famine relief and-1800s, 68(3):12, 13 (Sum 2006) migrant population, 70(2):7 (Fall 2007)
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church in,
67(3):10 (Sum 2005)
anti-slavery meeting in, Frederick Douglass at, 67(3):11 (Sum 2005) anti-slavery movement, 37(4):7-12 (Oct 1975) baseball games in-1800s, 64(4):14 (Fall 2002) residents
Douglass family, 67(3):9-11 (Sum
2005); 67(4):4 (Fall 2005)
James, Reverend Thomas, 67(3):10 (Sum 2005); 72(2):8 (Fall 2010) Johnson, Mary and Nathan, 67(3):9 (Sum 2005) whaling industry, Roys family in, 58(2):10, 15 illus, 16 (Spr 1996) New Brunswick, NJ
book list distributed at,
73(1):10 with photo (Spr 2011)
cessation, 9(4):7 (Oct 1947); 9(4):23 (Oct 1947) of Chamber of Commerce. See Chamber of Commerce — program support/sponsorship of City Club, 9(4):5, 6 (Oct 1947); 22(4):10 (Oct 1960); 23(3):21 (Jul 1961) origins, 34(4):21 (Oct 1972) Newcomer, Tobias
banking industry and,
49(2):14-15 (Apr 1987)
cooperation with, 23(3):23 (Jul 1961) local projects, 6(4):18 (Oct 1944); 20(4):13 (Oct 1958); 38(1):20 (Jan 1976); 41(4):14 (Oct 1979) local Socialist Party and, 39(4):21 (Oct 1977) old-age security program-1930, 20(4):14 (Oct 1958) park-based, 75(2):15-17 (Fall 2013) reactions to, 14(2):23 (Apr 1952); 23(3):24 (Jul 1961); 24(2):11 (Apr 1962)
City Club speeches, 9(4):14, 15, 17, 20
(Oct 1947)
of Kelly, George B., 41(4):16 (Oct 1979) of Wadsworth, James W. Jr., 41(4):15 (Oct 1979) Newell, Frank G.
anti-slavery movement,
37(4):7-20 (Oct 1975)
as colony, 3(3):2 (Jul 1941) migrants from
Genesee Country, 11(2):2 (Apr 1949)
Rochester, 1(3):3 (Jul 1939) Seneca County-early 1800s, 42(2):2 (Apr 1980) weather, 15(1):3-4, 7 (Jan 1953) New England House (hotel)
31(4):14 (Oct 1969)
opening, central business district and, 34(2):11 (Apr 1972) renamed Whitcomb House, 31(4):14 (Oct 1969); 34(2):11 (Apr 1972)See also Whitcomb House The New Era (Washington, D.C. newspaper)
45(3&4):32 (Jul & Oct 1983)
publishers, 45(3&4):31 (Jul & Oct 1983) sale, 45(3&4):32 (Jul & Oct 1983)
baseball club/game-1800s,
63(2):5, 14 (Spr 2001)
Durand, Henry S. in, 61(2):2 (Spr 1999) Lallement, Pierre in, 69(2):4 (Spr 2008) New Industries Bureau, 24(4):23 (Oct 1962) New Jersey
Eastman Kodak Company,
35(2):5 (Apr 1973)
industry, 15(4):19 (Oct 1953) League of American Wheelmen member, book by, 69(2):18 (Spr 2008)
governor's home-1820,
62(3):6 illus (Sum 2000)
Native Americans and
Dutch clergy work among, 38(4):12-14
(Oct 1976)
Dutch West India Company and, 38(4):12, 13 (Oct 1976)
Irish famine relief and-1800s,
68(3):5 (Sum 2006)
Irish repeal campaign and-1840s, 68(3):6 (Sum 2006) Silver, Henry Dayton on, 15(4):14 (Oct 1953) train excursion to-1880s, 8(3):23-24 (Jul 1946)
closing, 31(4):22
(Oct 1969)
convention activity, 31(4):16 (Oct 1969) location, 31(4):15 (Oct 1969); 34(2):11 (Apr 1972) opening, 27(3):12 (Jul 1965) site, 27(3):12 (Jul 1965) subsequent names, 27(3):12 (Jul 1965); 31(4):21 (Oct 1969)See also Mills Hotel; Milner Hotel travel handbook description of-1890s, 41(1&2):47 (Jan & Apr 1979) Newport Beach, RI Newport House/Hotel, 56(1):3 photo, 31 (Win 1994)
activities at,
8(3):8, 12, 13 (Jul 1946); 56(1):7,
12, 23-24 (Win 1994)
attendance rates, 56(1):9 (Win 1994) described, 56(1):7 (Win 1994) former names, 56(1):7 (Win 1994) owners, 56(1):7, 12 (Win 1994) site, 8(3):3 (Jul 1946) New Regulator seed drill
abolitionist. See also
Frederick Douglass' Paper;
North Star
business, 52(2):3 illus (Spr
circus, 49(3):11-12, 19 (Jul 1987) Civil War recruitment ads, quoted, 66(3):9 (Sum 2004) heating options, 46(3&4):8 (Jul & Oct 1984) land companies-mid 1800s, 47(3&4):18 (Jul & Oct 1985) researching family history from, 52(2):3 illus caption, 8 (Spr 1990) anti-Irish nativism and-1840s, 68(3):6 (Sum 2006) Antimasonic, 2(2):21 (Apr 1940)
Rochester Antimasonic Enquirer. See
Anti-Masonic Enquirer
aqueduct construction coverage, 37(3):12 (Jul 1975) on banking on black suffrage, protest regarding-1910s, 21(4):18 (Oct 1959) on Bloomer costume, quoted, 57(3):18, 19, 20 (Sum 1995) book reviews-early 1900s, 48(1&2):12 (Jan & Apr 1986) on bookstore/art gallery-1940s, 65(3):9 (Sum 2003) on "Bowery" activities, 26(4):14 (Oct 1964) The Boys Evening Home Journal, 14(4):5 (Oct 1952) on canal construction, 37(3):8-9 (Jul 1975) cartoons, 12(1):22-23 (Jan 1950) Catholic, 60(2):5 (Spr 1998) on Charlotte, NY circulation
Civil War era, 23(1):9-10 (Jan 1961)
Eastman, George and, 52(1):10 (Win 1990) suburban and rural, 19(3):10, 24 (Jul 1957)
on antislavery amendment-1860s,
23(1):21-22 (Jan 1961)
circulation, 23(1):9-10 (Jan 1961) coverage, 2(3):5 (Jul 1940) on military draft, 53(2):4-5 (Spr 1991) news source, 23(1):2 (Jan 1961) political stances and alliances, 23(1):2, 3, 5, 7-8, 17-23 (Jan 1961) daily
on city annexation-early 1900s,
35(1):12 (Jan 1973)
first, in Rochester. See Advertiser mergers-early 1900s, 11(2):22 (Apr 1949) Democratic Gazette, James Cochran and, 41(3):4 (Jul 1979) on Dossenbach Orchestra performances, 42(3):3, 6-7, 9 (Jul 1980) on drama, 16(3):15 (Jul 1954) drugstores as source for-1900s, 64(3):8 (Sum 2002) on Eastman Theatre, quoted, 49(1):10-11 (Jan 1987) editors
anti-smoking campaign and, 60(1):11
(Win 1998)
canal enlargement, stance on, 37(3):8 (Jul 1975) Dogberry, Obediah, 36(3):8 (Jul 1974) uncollected subscriptions and, 36(3):18 (Jul 1974)
emergence-1800s, 23(3):15 (Jul 1961)
German, 5(4):14 (Oct 1943); 20(1):5, 20-21 (Jan 1958); 64(3):8 (Sum 2002)
editor, 31(3):7 (Jul 1969)
local sources, 64(3):8 (Sum 2002) Polish, 57(1):12, 17 (Win 1995); 57(2):5, 12 (Spr 1995) suppression-WWI, 39(4):8 (Oct 1977) switch to English, mid-1900s, 25(3):21 (Jul 1963) Yiddish, 64(3):8 (Sum 2002) "Father of the press of western New York," 47(1&2):18 (Jan & Apr 1985) on fires
arson arrests, 38(2&3):18 (Apr &
Jul 1976)
Douglass residence-1870s, 67(4):15-19 (Fall 2005) at Fee Building, quoted, 38(2&3):14 (Apr & Jul 1976) insurance industry and, 38(2&3):23, 32 (Apr & Jul 1976) Sibley fire, 38(2&3):15 (Apr & Jul 1976)
daily. See Advertiser
Jewish-1920s, 74(2):9 (Fall 2012) weekly-1810s, 23(3):4 (Jul 1961)See also Gazette freethought. See Liberal Advocate fundraising, for University of Rochester, 33(4):22 (Oct 1971) on Genesee Valley Canal, 56(4):3, 5, 7, 8-9 (Fall 1994) on golf, quoted, 65(1):13, 16, 18, 25, 28, 35n53 (Win 2003) growth historical sketch-1890s, 13(1):1-23 (Jan 1951) index to, 63(4):5 (Fall 2001) on intemperance, quoted-1800s, 54(2):4, 6 (Spr 1992) inter-press relations-1890s, 13(1):22-23 (Jan 1951) Irish famine relief and-1800s, 68(3):4-5, 15-16, 17 (Sum 2006)
quoted, 68(3):4, 13 (Sum 2006)
Italian. See Newspapers — ethnic/foreign language Journal American, Meyer Jacobstein and, 41(4):12 (Oct 1979) labor strikes and-1910s, 39(4):17 (Oct 1977) location, 18(1):11-12 (Jan 1956) on Manchester train wreck, 56(2):18, 22 (Spr 1994) on McIntyre's Beach House, quoted, 75(1):14 (Spring 2013) mergers, 22(2):9 (Apr 1960)
of dailies-early 1900s, 11(2):22 (Apr
of Democrat and Chronicle, 41(3):24 (Jul 1979) Italian, 22(4):18 (Oct 1960) on millennium, 61(3&4):3 (Sum & Fall 1999) on naphtha explosion, excerpt-1880s, 43(2&3):28 illus (Apr & Jul 1981) newsstands, 37(2):20 (Apr 1975) nuclear power notices in, 60(4):20 (Fall 1998) on Petrel (schooner), 58(2):7 (Spr 1996) pioneer era, 11(2):4, 5 (Apr 1949); 29(3):13-14 (Jun 1967); 34(2):4 (Apr 1972); 47(1&2):11, 13, 18, 24, 28 (Jan & Apr 1985) pioneers recorded in-1850s, 47(3&4):18 (Jul & Oct 1985) on Plymouth Towers-1960s, 26(2):1 (Apr 1964) Polish. See Newspapers — ethnic/foreign language on Polish community, 57(1):3 (Win 1995)
crime in, 57(2):16 (Spr 1995)
loss of ethnicity in, 57(2):17 (Spr 1995) Warsaw Street, 57(2):15, 17 (Spr 1995) on railroads
crossings and track elevation,
33(1):7, 9-10, 16, 17 (Jan 1971)
traffic delays-1800s, 33(1):2 (Jan 1971) train accidents, 33(1):5 (Jan 1971)
baseball game attendance, 62(2):5, 18
(Spr 2000); 64(4):5-6 (Fall 2002)
box scores reports, 62(2):2 illus (Spr 2000); 63(1):5 (Win 2001) at Driving Park, 63(2):2 illus caption (Spr 2001) Italian community and, 22(4):4, 7 (Oct 1960) on Rochester Plan, 61(1):7 (Win 1999) on Rochester Royals, 58(1):5, 8, 11, 14, 15 (Win 1996) Sanford Herald, 54(1):24 (Win 1992) on Schafer, Sam-1970s, 64(2):4 (Spr 2002) school-based
city schools, 31(2):12, 14 (Apr 1969)
John Marshall High School Yale University, writer for, 61(2):2 (Spr 1999) on smoking, 60(1):11-18 (Win 1998) socialist, suppression-1910s, 39(4):8 (Oct 1977) on southern tier lumber, 56(4):14 (Fall 1994) Spanish-American War and, 13(2):1 (Apr 1951)
on army camp conditions, 13(2):12
(Apr 1951)
on sinking of U.S.S. Maine, 13(2):2-3 (Apr 1951) on Spanish ambassador's local stop, 13(2):3-4 (Apr 1951) sportswriters. See Sportswriters on St. Augustine's Church, quoted, 60(2):22 (Spr 1998) on street car service, 30(3):13 (Jul 1968) student, 31(2):12, 14 (Apr 1969)
armed services receive-WWII, 55(4):13
(Fall 1993)
Campus (UR). See Campus Clarion (Marshall High). See Clarion on thirteenth amendment-1860s, 23(1):21-22 (Jan 1961) on UR acquisition of River Campus, 30(1):6, 15 (Jan 1968) on U.S. Constitution, 57(3):6 (Sum 1995) Vietnam War and, 48(3&4):4, 5, 9, 13, 17-18, 21-22 (Jul & Oct 1986) War of 1812 and, 4(4):9 (Oct 1942) weekly
quoted, 57(3):12-13 (Sum 1995)
attitudes toward, 39(4):5 (Oct 1977)
Paderewski address on, 57(1):16, 22 (Win 1995) on Polish recruiting, 57(1):13 (Win 1995)
carriers' parade, 55(4):6 (Fall 1993)
on Cobbs Hill POW camp, 56(3):5 (Sum 1994) defense stamp drive, 55(4):6 (Fall 1993) on Italian versus German POWs, 56(3):9-10 (Sum 1994) public school censorship and-WWII, 55(4):9 (Fall 1993) on snow removal by POWs, 56(3):16 (Sum 1994) on WWII child evacuees, quoted, 55(4):24-35 (Fall 1993) Newton, Aaron Newton, T. New Windsor, NY
baseball game-1800s,
52(3):19 (Sum 1990);
62(2):23 illus caption (Spr 2000)
traditions, 1(2):20 (Apr 1939); 3(3):22 (Jul 1941); 18(2):18 (Apr 1956) New York (side-wheeler)
16(4):9 (Oct 1954)
rapids run-1860s, 16(4):11 (Oct 1954) size and value-1850s, 16(4):10 (Oct 1954)
bridge over Upper Falls near Portage,
56(4):24 photo (Fall 1994)
bridges over Genesee River
Camp Fitz-John Porter near,
66(3):14-17 (Sum 2004)
Letchworth Gorge, photograph, 68(1&2):22 (Win & Spr 2006) near Cottage Street, 66(3):10 photo (Sum 2004) factory site, purchase of, 40(1):17 (Jan 1978) Genesee Valley Canal and, 56(4):15-16 (Fall 1994) Jemison grave site tour via-1870s, 68(1&2):23 (Win & Spr 2006) labor disputes/negotiations, 30(4):19 (Oct 1968) officers/directors, 30(4):13 (Oct 1968) operation and service, 19(3):4, 6 (Jul 1957); 23(1):12 (Jan 1961); 30(4):9, 12, 13-14, 16, 17, 22-23 (Oct 1968); 33(3):15 (Jul 1971)
to baseball games-1800s, 63(1):11
(Win 2001)
cessation of passenger service, 14(1):4 (Jan 1952) excursion trains, 11(1):7 (Jan 1949)
to Portage and Jemison grave site-1870s,
68(1&2):23-25 (Win & Spr 2006)
subway and, 36(2):5, 13 (Apr 1974) theater specials, 28(4):5 (Oct 1966)
Furman, William, 68(1&2):23 (Win &
Spr 2006)
Marsh, Frank, 68(1&2):23 (Win & Spr 2006) White, G. C., 36(2):19 (Apr 1974) station/depot, 30(4):16, 21, 22 (Oct 1968)
construction, 27(3):10 (Jul 1965)
tracks, raising of-early 1900s, 58(3):10 (Sum 1996) world's fair and-early 1900s, 26(3):12 (Jul 1964) New York Bank
31(3):2, 3 (Jul 1969)
instructor, 31(3):6 (Jul 1969) reports, 31(3):10 (Jul 1969) scholarships, 31(3):4 (Jul 1969) secretary, Zenas Freeman, 31(3):5-6, 20 (Jul 1969) New York Central Railroad
accidents. See
accidents/fatalities, 30(4):11, 15, 21 (Oct 1968); 33(1):5, 6 (Jan 1971); 35(4):5-6 (Oct 1973); 59(4):14-16 (Fall 1997) Andrews syndicate and, 31(1):12 (Jan 1969) branch lines
electrification, local, 24(4):13-14
(Oct 1962)
Niagara Falls, 41(3):16 (Jul 1979) West Shore line, 61(2):6 photo (Spr 1999)
rates, 3(4):12 (Oct 1941);
24(4):10, 11 (Oct 1962)
service, 11(3&4):19 (Jul 1949) yards, 3(4):12 (Oct 1941); 34(2):12 (Apr 1972) directors/trustees/personnel, 11(3&4):20 (Jul 1949); 30(4):7, 8 (Oct 1968); 33(1):11 (Jan 1971)
Field, Joseph-mid 1800s, 26(1):12
(Jan 1964)
Fisher, Charles H., 33(1):11 (Jan 1971) Gould, Jacob-mid 1800s, 26(1):5 (Jan 1964) O'Brien, Joseph J., 41(4):18 (Oct 1979) Ostertag, Harold C., 41(4):20 (Oct 1979) Parker, Frederick Ely, 17(3):2 (Jul 1955) Tichenor, Henry J., 59(4):14 (Fall 1997) Vanderbilt, Cornelius. See Vanderbilt, Commodore Cornelius Whitney, George J., 24(4):3 (Oct 1962) headquarters, moved to Rochester, 12(1):6-7 (Jan 1950) labor disputes/negotiations, 30(4):19, 21 (Oct 1968) litigation, switching case, 24(4):22 (Oct 1962) mergers/acquisitions, 19(3):14, 21 (Jul 1957); 30(4):7, 14, 17, 19, 20, 23, 25 (Oct 1968); 33(1):4 (Jan 1971)
Buffalo & Rochester Railway, 26(1):12
(Jan 1964)
Rochester Railway and Light Company/RG&E, 60(4):14 (Fall 1998) in Near Northeast District
elevated tracks and underpasses,
29(2):5 (Apr 1967)
facilities, relocation-1870s, 29(2):4-5 (Apr 1967) Genesee Gorge spur, 29(2):5-6 (Apr 1967) land development and-1800s, 29(2):3 (Apr 1967)
boardwalk construction-1880s, 75(1):7
(Spring 2013)
quoted, on Ontario Beach Improvement Company, 75(1):24 (Spring 2013)
civic problems with, 7(4):13 (Oct 1945)
consolidation of lines-1850s, 4(2):21 (Apr 1942) Erie Canal and, 16(4):9 (Oct 1954) Lake Ontario Steamboat Company, 16(4):9 (Oct 1954) lumber yards and, 40(1):17 (Jan 1978) Rochester to Charlotte, 75(1):4 (Spring 2013) route map, 27(3):3 (Jul 1965) utility right of ways, 19(3):16 (Jul 1957) stockholder, Henry Dayton Silver, 15(4):12 (Oct 1953) subway construction/operation and, 36(2):5, 6, 13 (Apr 1974) tracks, 13(4):15 (Oct 1951)
accidental jumping of-early 1900s,
17(1):15 (Jan 1955)
airplane flight along-1911, 61(3&4):10 (Sum & Fall 1999) connections, with other lines, 5(3):10 (Jul 1943); 13(4):18 (Oct 1951) doubling, 30(4):7, 24 (Oct 1968); 33(1):3, 6-7 (Jan 1971) elevation-late 1800s, 6(4):2 (Oct 1944); 11(2):13 (Apr 1949); 17(1):11 (Jan 1955); 26(1):17 (Jan 1964); 27(3):11 (Jul 1965); 28(4):13-14 (Oct 1966); 30(4):15, 21 (Oct 1968); 33(1):1-24 (Jan 1971); 34(2):11 (Apr 1972) in Frankfort, 50(3):10 (Jul 1988) industry along, 12(2&3):9 (Apr 1950); 13(4):23 (Oct 1951) opening, 27(1):4 (Jan 1965) world's fairs and, 26(3):12, 21 (Jul 1964)
Brighton facilities,
35(1):3 (Jan 1973)
first (Mill Street, 1854-1883), 5(3):17-19 (Jul 1943)
Civil War activity, 23(1):6 (Jan
commercial activity nearby, 34(2):8 (Apr 1972) construction, 30(4):8 (Oct 1968) inadequacies and abandonment, 34(2):19, 20 (Apr 1972) location, 28(1):7 (Jan 1966); 40(1):19 (Jan 1978) relocation, 27(3):9 (Jul 1965); 28(1):8 (Jan 1966) photographs/illustrations, 5(3):17 () (Jul 1943); 29(4):centerfold (Oct 1967); 30(4):centerfold (Oct 1968) reconstruction, 14(1):9 (Jan 1952) second (St. Paul Street, 1883-1913), 18(1):14-16 (Jan 1956); 27(3):11 (Jul 1965); 34(2):11-12 (Apr 1972)
construction, 11(2):13 (Apr 1949)
as division headquarters, 30(4):21 (Oct 1968) fire-fighters' arrival-early 1900s, 38(2&3):21 (Apr & Jul 1976) inadequacies, 34(2):20 (Apr 1972) location, 26(4):17 (Oct 1964) move to, 13(4):16 (Oct 1951) replacement plans-early 1900s, 26(4):17 (Oct 1964) Spanish ambassador at-1890s, 13(2):3-4 (Apr 1951) Spanish-American War activity, 13(2):5, 8, 13 (Apr 1951) Wilgus Plan and, 30(4):22 (Oct 1968)
architect, C. F. Bragdon as, 21(3):5
(Jul 1959); 26(2):12 (Apr 1964);
29(2):10 (Apr 1967);
29(4):1, 10 with illus, 11-12
(Oct 1967)
construction/design, 22(1):17 (Jan 1960); 29(2):10 (Apr 1967); 30(4):22 (Oct 1968) location, 26(4):17, 19 (Oct 1964) proposal, response to, 6(4):5 (Oct 1944) sale, 29(2):11 (Apr 1967); 30(4):25 (Oct 1968)
anti-cruelty movement, origins in,
35(4):3 (Oct 1973)
Aqueduct Commission, engineer-1890s, 39(3):18 (Jul 1977) Arctic expedition rescuees in, 59(1):17 illus, 19 illus (Win 1997) baseball clubs/games-1800s, 62(2):3 illus, 4 10, 11, 14, 17, 19 (Spr 2000); 63(1):5 (Win 2001); 63(2):22 (Spr 2001)See also specific team as burial site of archbishop, 67(2):12 (Spr 2005) child abuse, 35(4):9 (Oct 1973) cholera epidemics and, 18(3):4 (Jul 1956) Civil War
artillery units and, 66(3):18, 19
(Sum 2004)
draft riots-1860s, 53(2):5-7 (Spr 1991)
local militia and, 63(4):25 (Fall
dog pound revenue, 35(4):13 (Oct 1973) famine relief mayors, 43(1):17 (Jan 1981) Moulthrop, Samuel P. visit to-1880s, 19(2):4 (Apr 1957) municipal water supply
contamination, 39(3):4 (Jul 1977)
provision of, 39(3):3 (Jul 1977) publications on, 39(3):1 (Jul 1977) politics
Barge Canal, Tammany support for,
37(3):15 (Jul 1975)
Socialist Party leftist manifesto-1910s, 39(4):18 (Oct 1977) Tweed Ring, 40(2):10 (Apr 1978) railroad construction projects, 33(1):15, 21 (Jan 1971) residents
Douglass, Frederick and Anna, 67(3):9
(Sum 2005)
Harvey, Jacob, 68(3):4 (Sum 2006) Shelton, William Henry, 74(1):21 (Spr 2012) Whitney, Edward Tompkins, 62(1):13 (Win 2000) Silver, Henry Dayton and, 15(4):3 (Oct 1953) snowfall/storms
Astor Library, 36(4):10 (Oct 1974)
Broadway Museum of P. T. Barnum, 62(1):18 (Win 2000) city hall, 62(3):5 (Sum 2000) daguerrean studios, 62(1):4, 5, 11 (Win 2000) Home Hotel, Washington Gibbons at-1800s, 62(1):5 (Win 2000) Jumel Mansion, curator and publication on-early 1900s, 74(1):21 (Spr 2012) medical, 70(1):1 (Fall 2008) Players Club, local member, 61(2):3 (Spr 1999) Salmagundi Club in, 74(1):21 (Spr 2012) St. Ann's Church-1800s, 64(1):4 (Win 2002) St. Paul's Church, 62(3):5 (Sum 2000) symphony orchestra, member, 58(4):4 (Fall 1996) traveler's account of-1820s, 62(3):4-5 (Sum 2000) trunk sewer use, 27(1):13 (Jan 1965) Underground Railroad and, 67(4):9 (Fall 2005); 72(2):18n.6 (Fall 2010) Upstate New York and, 21(1):2 (Jan 1959) weather, 15(1):3 (Jan 1953) New York City Custom House
on baseball
competition-1800s, 63(2):5 (Spr 2001)
quoted-1800s, 62(2):5, 16 (Spr 2000); 64(4):20 (Fall 2002) Sutton, Ezra biographical sketch and photograph, 63(1):6 (Win 2001)
on denominational control of UR-1890s,
33(4):11-12, 14, 16 (Oct 1971)
editor Henry C. Vedder, 33(4):12 (Oct 1971)See also Vedder, Henry C. Hill, David Jayne and, 33(4):11-12, 14, 16, 17-18 (Oct 1971)
Douglass, Frederick quoted on,
67(3):18 (Sum 2005)
editor-1880s, 68(3):15 (Sum 2006) Irish famine relief and-1800s, 68(3):15-16, 17 (Sum 2006) as transcontinental automobile trip sponsor, 12(1):3 (Jan 1950) New York Journal (newspaper) New York Mail (newspaper)
46(3&4):3 (Jul & Oct 1984); 59(2):24
(Spr 1997)
production, 50(3):14 (Jul 1988) at Upper Falls-c.1860 (engraving), 50(3):3 illus (Jul 1988) New York Prison Association New York State
agricultural successes-mid 1800s,
45(3&4):17 (Jul & Oct 1983)
aid, to education. See Education colonial era
currency, value in pounds-1780s,
1(1):8-9 (Jan 1939)
forts, clergy/missionaries at, 38(4):12, 16 (Oct 1976) governors, 38(4):6, 15 (Oct 1976) Iroquois Confederacy and. See Iroquois Confederacy upstate land rights, ownership disputes-1700s, 1(1):3 (Jan 1939) eastern region of, map-early 1800s, 62(3):28 (Sum 2000) Erie Canal route across, 62(3):24-25 map (Sum 2000) geology, 54(4):6, 7, 11, 16 (Fall 1992); 55(1):3, 8-9 (Win 1993) government. See New York State government historical markers, 66(3):3, 8 photo (Sum 2004)See also Historical markers Irish famine relief committee-1840s, 68(3):5 (Sum 2006) lawsuit against, by mill owners', 56(4):9 (Fall 1994) maps
eastern region-early 1800s, 62(3):28
(Sum 2000)
northeastern region-1820s, 62(4):28 (Fall 2000) Underground Railroad routes, 67(4):1 (Fall 2005) western region-early 1800s, 4(4):7 (Oct 1942); 62(3):24-25 (Sum 2000) Military Tract, Revolutionary War veterans and, 42(2):1 (Apr 1980) military volunteers. See New York State National Guard; New York Volunteers northeastern region of-1820s, 62(4):28 map (Fall 2000) nursery industry, census data, mid-1800s, 45(3&4):37 (Jul & Oct 1983) Orphan Asylum Fund, Industrial School of Rochester and-1860s, 68(4):21 (Fall 2006) port collectors. See Port of Genesee/Rochester; Port of New York Redemptorist Bishop of-1830s, 63(3):5 (Sum 2001) regents. See Regents, New York State Board of Scrantom family origins, 27(1):2 (Jan 1965) slavery in, 67(3):23n.22 (Sum 2005)
abolition of, 67(4):10 (Fall 2005);
71(1):10-11 with illus, 16, 20
(Spr 2009); 72(2):6 (Fall 2010)
population figures-early 1800s, 71(1):11 (Spr 2009) traveler's account of-1820s, 62(3):1-28 (Sum 2000); 62(4):1-14, 24-28 (Fall 2000) upstate regions of
traveler's account of-1820s,
62(3):1-28 (Sum 2000);
62(4):1-14, 24-28 (Fall 2000)
writings on, 10(4):2 (Oct 1948) western region of
as "burnt/burned-over district"-1800s,
1(3):14 (Jul 1939); 43(4):18 (Oct
description-1800, 11(2):1 (Apr 1949) land compromise-1786, 1(1):3 (Jan 1939) land/treaty negotiations, 1(1):4 (Jan 1939) maps-early 1800s, 4(4):7 (Oct 1942); 62(3):24-25 s (Sum 2000) population-1800, 11(2):2 (Apr 1949) settlers, geographic origins, 62(3):19 (Sum 2000) state taxes, schools and, 62(3):19 (Sum 2000)
34(1):18 (Jan 1972)
construction and design, 34(1):17-18 (Jan 1972) formerly State Industrial School, 34(1):17-18 (Jan 1972) operation, 34(1):18-20 (Jan 1972)
schooling, 34(1):18, 19 (Jan 1972)
vacation release, 34(1):20 (Jan 1972) work assignments, 34(1):18, 19 (Jan 1972) work release, 34(1):19 (Jan 1972) WWII and, 34(1):19 (Jan 1972) as successor to Western House of Refuge, 19(2):17 (Apr 1957) water supply, 34(4):11 (Oct 1972) New York State Archeological Association
local chapter,
55(2):29 (Spr 1993)See also
Association for Retarded Citizens
officers, 55(2):29 (Spr 1993) New York State Baseball League New York State Board of Certification of Nurses New York State Board of Inspectors of Nurses' Training Schools
25(1):14 (Jan 1963)
horse car drivers' strike and-1880s, 30(3):6 (Jul 1968) investigation, of clothing industry strike-1890s, 14(3):21-22 (Jun 1952); 22(3):9, 13, 19, 20-21 (Jul 1960) shoe industry lockout and-late 1800s, 25(1):18-19 (Jan 1963) New York State Board of Women Managers New York State Cerebral Palsy
black suffrage, 23(1):3 (Jan 1961)See
also Suffrage
"popular sovereignty," 35(1):7-8 (Jan 1973) on railroad finance, 33(1):20 (Jan 1971)
anti-federal committee-1700s, 41(3):2
(Jul 1979)
attendee-1846, 41(3):12 (Jul 1979) reform, 46(1&2):23 (Jan & Apr 1984) on municipal governments, 43(4):20 (Oct 1981) New York State Department of Parks and Recreation New York State Excise Commission
baseball competitions at-1800s,
63(2):5 (Spr 2001)
governing authority, Camp Hillhouse and-1860s, 66(3):11 (Sum 2004) nursery/seed exhibits, 45(3&4):34, 36, 38 (Jul & Oct 1983) in Rochester
abolition of slavery. See
assembly. See New York State Legislature boards/commsisions/departments. See specific entity budget, expenditure policy-1830s, 1(3):13 (Jul 1939) censuses. See also Population figures/trends constitutional conventions. See New York State Constitution executive branch
cabinet members, 41(3):9 (Jul 1979)
governors. See specific governor gubernatorial candidates, 14(2):10, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23 (Apr 1952) health services/organizations
Association for Retarded Children, Inc.,
55(2):29 (Spr 1993)
Cerebral Palsy, 55(2):20 (Spr 1993) Department of Public Welfare, 20(4):15 (Oct 1958) Drug and Alcohol Education Program, 55(2):14 (Spr 1993) Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disability (OMRDD), 55(2):34 (Spr 1993) State Hospital. See State Hospital Insurance Department
constabulary proposal, 25(4):10 (Oct
judges, 41(3):13 (Jul 1979) Supreme Court. See Supreme Court lieutenant governors, 43(2&3):2 (Apr & Jul 1981)
Selden, Henry R., 22(2):9 (Apr 1960)
regents. See Regents, New York State Board of relief work projects, local funding, 20(4):13 (Oct 1958) retirement system, public library and, 23(4):6 (Oct 1961) State Highway Plan, city streets and-early 1900s, 36(2):2 (Apr 1974) unemployment insurance
compulsory concept, 61(1):12 (Win
legislation for, 61(1):16-17 (Win 1999) Social Security Act of 1935 and, 61(1):16 (Win 1999) New York State Historical Association
19(2):15 (Apr 1957)
34(1):16 (Jan 1972)
State Agricultural and Industrial School,
34(1):18 (Jan 1972)
Western House of Refuge, 19(2):4 (Apr 1957); 34(1):1, 15 (Jan 1972) Mt. Hope Cemetery and, 50(4):18 (Oct 1988) as prison, proposal-early 1900s, 23(4):2-3 (Oct 1961) reformatory objectives site
locations, 6(4):7 (Oct 1944);
60(2):10 (Spr 1998)
municipal acquisition and use-1900s, 11(1):15 (Jan 1949); 23(4):3 (Oct 1961); 34(4):10, 11-12 (Oct 1972); 48(1&2):12 (Jan & Apr 1986) subsequent use-early 1900s, 24(3):28, 32 (Jul 1962); 75(2):13-14 (Fall 2013)
abolition of slavery. See
alien labor, prohibition against hiring of, 14(3):7 (Jun 1952) Antimasonic Party and, 2(2):20-21 (Apr 1940) anti-monopoly legislation, 38(2&3):27 (Apr & Jul 1976) aqueduct construction, 11(3&4):3, 14 (Jul 1949); 37(2):7 (Apr 1975); 37(3):8 (Jul 1975) assembly
Document, on aqueduct-1830s,
37(3):6, 8 (Jul 1975)
elections, Erie Canal enlargement and, 37(3):9 (Jul 1975) Irish famine relief and-1840s, 68(3):5 (Sum 2006) members, 21(3):16, 17, 24 (Jul 1959); 22(2):2-3, 5, 14 (Apr 1960); 26(1):2-18 passim (Jan 1966); 28(1):22 (Jan 1966); 31(1):5 (Jan 1969); 40(2):3 (Apr 1978); 41(3):1-24 passim (Jul 1979); 41(4):1-24 passim (Oct 1979) Rhees, Rush and, 58(4):16 (Fall 1996) building inspectors, appointment, 27(4):3 (Oct 1965) canal construction and, 11(3&4):3, 14 (Jul 1949)
Barge Canal, 37(3):15 (Jul 1975)
Erie Canal, 21(1):5 (Jan 1959); 42(4):14 (Oct 1980); 72(1):2, 3, 14, 25n.4, 26n.19 (Spr 2010) Stop Law and, 37(3):12 (Jul 1975) survey appropriations, 37(3):4 (Jul 1975) Charlotte annexation and-1910s, 37(1):17-18 (Jan 1975) charters
ASPCA, 35(4):2 (Oct 1973)
bank, 2(2):5-6 (Apr 1940); 49(2):3-19 passim (Apr 1987) to City of Rochester. See City charters Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, 67(2):16 (Spr 2005) to Rochesterville. See Rochester, Village of transportation, 30(3):2-3, 8 (Jul 1968); 30(4):3, 4, 5, 17 (Oct 1968) Committee on Railroads, local petition to, 1832-1852, 45(3&4):20 (Jul & Oct 1983) constitutional amendments. See New York State Constitution education legislation
1850, 31(2):4 (Apr 1969)
1920s, war service records and, 51(1):8 (Win 1989) on colleges, 41(3):3 (Jul 1979) directives and policies-WWII, 55(4):4 (Fall 1993) equal pay legislation-1940s, 66(2):19 (Spr 2004) Fairbank, Nathaniel K. on, 40(3):13 (Jul 1978) funding, of local projects
buildings, 19(3):23 (Jul 1957)
health-related, 55(2):5, 13, 34 (Spr 1993) highways, 19(3):29 (Jul 1957) subsidizes library services-mid 1900s, 23(4):17 (Oct 1961) Genesee Valley Canal and Higbie-Armstrong bill, 12(1):5 (Jan 1950) incorporation legislation
Academy of the Sacred Heart-mid 1800s,
65(4):10 (Fall 2003)
business organization and-1830s, 45(3&4):14 (Jul & Oct 1983) Inland Lock Navigation Company, 37(3):4 (Jul 1975) Irish famine relief and-1840s, 68(3):5, 11(Sum 2006) labor union, legislation and, 22(3):30 (Jul 1960) land/treaty negotiations-l700s, 1(1):1-24 (Jan 1939) library trustees, authorization-1910s, 23(4):3 (Oct 1961) mayoral elections, required by-mid 1800s, 26(1):8 (Jan 1964) members, 14(2):2 (Apr 1952); 41(3):3-18 (Jul 1979); 41(4):7-23 (Oct 1979)See also New York State Legislature — assembly Merritt Committee investigations-early 1900s, 38(2&3):37-38, 46nn.94, 97 (Apr & Jul 1976) military regiments proportioned by-Civil War, 63(4):20 (Fall 2001) and mineral rights on UR River Campus, 30(1):10 (Jan 1968) Monroe County, and formation of-early 1800s, 23(3):5 (Jul 1961); 33(2):2-5 (Apr 1971); 47(1&2):23 (Jan & Apr 1985)
petition, 42(4):14 (Oct 1980)
Old-Age Security Act (1930), 20(4):14, 21 (Oct 1958) Parole Commission, formation, 43(1):18 (Jan 1981) penal/correctional legislation
on commitment of young offenders-1850s,
34(1):13 (Jan 1972)
on prison-made goods, 34(1):21 (Jan 1972) State Commission of Correction, 34(1):20 (Jan 1972) State Prison Commission-1870s. See State Prison Commission on Western House of Refuge-1840s, 34(1):6 (Jan 1972) Personal Liberty bill-1850s, 15(3):11 (Jul 1953) petitions to, 29(3):5, 8, 11 (Jun 1967)
for bank charter, 29(3):8, 11 (Jun
to form new county, 29(3):5, 8, 11 (Jun 1967) for Main Street Bridge, 3(2):4 (Apr 1941) Rochester, Col. Nathaniel and, 29(3):11 (Jun 1967) for village charter, 29(3):5 (Jun 1967) poor, legislation affecting, 33(2):7 (Apr 1971) property rights for women, 57(4):10 (Fall 1995) Public Service Commission, rate reduction-1930s, 39(3):13 (Jul 1977) Public Welfare Law-1929, 20(4):15 (Oct 1958) railroad legislation, 30(4):2, 18 (Oct 1968) senators, 21(3):16 (Jul 1959); 32(2):14 (Apr 1970)
Andrews, Samuel G., position with,
26(1):7 (Jan 1964)
Genesee Valley Canal and, 56(4):7 (Fall 1994) Parsons, Cornelius R., 22(2):15 (Apr 1960) Schermerhorn, Abraham M., position with, 26(1):5 (Jan 1964) Thatcher, John B., 43(1):5 (Jan 1981) taxation of state property, 37(3):12 (Jul 1975) Urban Cultural Park system, 59(2):9-10 (Spr 1997) urban government and-mid 1900s, 19(3):2 (Jul 1957) U.S. congressional districts, and formation of, 41(3):1 (Jul 1979); 41(4):2 (Oct 1979)See also U.S. Congress Van Buren, Martin as leader of, 21(2):15 (Apr 1959) voting restrictions
for Albany, 39(3):6, 9 (Jul 1977)
for Syracuse, 39(3):15, 17 (Jul 1977) for Utica, 39(3):10, 11, 14 (Jul 1977) woman's suffrage and, 57(4):10-11 (Fall 1995) New York State Motor Federation
7th Division, member,
26(1):16 (Jan 1964)
54th Regiment. See 54th Regiment, NYS Militia/National Guard 101st Separate Company, formation-1890s, 13(2):7 (Apr 1951) 108th Separate Company, formation-1890s, 13(2):7 (Apr 1951) flour bag bombing of-early 1900s, 61(3&4):10-11 (Sum & Fall 1999) official musical organization, 29(1):10 (Jan 1967) race riots and-1960s, 64(3):27 (Sum 2002) readiness, during labor strikes-1890s, 14(3):9 (Jun 1952) snow removal-1940s, 56(3):14 (Sum 1994) Spanish-American War and, 13(2):3, 4-5, 7, 8 (Apr 1951)
draft registration preparations-1910s,
39(4):8-9 (Oct 1977)
as escort for POWs-WWII, 56(3):6 (Sum 1994) Warner, John Adams at, 42(3):8 (Jul 1980); 56(3):18 (Sum 1994); 58(4):8 (Fall 1996)
30(4):23 (Oct 1968)
bankruptcy, 36(2):15 (Apr 1974) controlling interests, 30(3):16, 17-18 (Jul 1968) operation, service, and fares, 30(3):13, 17 (Jul 1968) subway operation, 30(3):18 (Jul 1968); 36(2):12, 13 (Apr 1974)
Rodenbeck, Adolph J., 31(1):7 (Jan
1969)See also Rodenbeck,
Adolph J.
Selden, Samuel L., 22(2):9 (Apr 1960)See also Selden, Samuel Lee
employment of communists, stance on,
31(2):20 (Apr 1969)
nature study section-early 1900s, 19(2):15 (Apr 1957) salary increase campaign, 31(2):18 (Apr 1969) New York State Volunteers (military units). See New York State National Guard; New York Volunteers New York State Woman's Suffrage Association, 10(2&3):17 (Jul 1948)
on children's evacuation, quoted-WWII,
55(4):25-26, 29-30, 31 (Fall 1993)
Douglass, Frederick quoted in, 67(4):20 (Fall 2005) on Hochstein, David, quoted, 56(3):21, 22 (Sum 1994) interview with George Eastman, quoted-1920, 42(3):15 (Jul 1980) on Manchester train wreck, quoted, 56(2):18 (Spr 1994) on political bolters, 2(4):14 (Oct 1940) public library holdings, 23(4):13 (Oct 1961) on urban government-mid 1900s, 19(3):2 (Jul 1957)
fruit and produce prices in-1850s,
45(3&4):39 (Jul & Oct 1983)
on local relief efforts-Spanish-American War, 13(2):10 (Apr 1951) New York, U.S.S.
1st Regiment
Battery L. See Reynold's
Battery L, First New York Light Artillery
Battery M, formation and commander-1860s, 66(3):22n.7 (Sum 2004)
deaths, 13(2):11, 17 (Apr 1951)
flour bag bombing, 61(3&4):10-11 (Sum & Fall 1999) mustering out and homecoming, 13(2):12-13 (Apr 1951) recruits failing physical exam, roster of, 13(2):20 (Apr 1951) rosters, 13(2):18-19, 20 (Apr 1951) 7th Battery, enlistees and action-Spanish-American War, 13(2):9, 14, 21 (Apr 1951) 8th Cavalry Regiment (Irish Brigade)
at Camp Hillhouse-1860s, 66(3):7 (Sum
commander, 66(3):7 (Sum 2004)
departure, 66(3):10-11 (Sum 2004) recruitment and training, 66(3):7-9 (Sum 2004)
Civil War service, 2(3):5-6 (Jul 1940);
23(1):5-6, 8, 15-16 (Jan 1961);
28(1):3 (Jan 1966);
41(1&2):44, 45n.3 (Jan & Apr
1979); 53(1):9-11 (Win 1991);
53(2):4 (Spr 1991);
65(2):4 (Spr 2003);
66(3):4-5, 14 (Sum 2004)
formation-1860s, 66(3):4 (Sum 2004) known as quarters, 66(3):4 (Sum 2004) success of, 19(4):8 (Oct 1957)
at Camp Genesee-1860s, 66(3):17-19,
21 (Sum 2004)
Civil War service, 66(3):21 (Sum 2004) commander-1860s, 66(3):19 (Sum 2004) member arrest, Lt. Charles A. Vedder, 66(3):18 (Sum 2004) 22nd Cavalry regiment, at Camp Hillhouse-1860s, 66(3):7 (Sum 2004) 54th Regiment. See 54th Regiment, NYS Militia/National Guard 94th Regiment
Civil War service, 19(4):8 (Oct 1957)
formation-1860s, 66(3):7 (Sum 2004)
Irish Brigade (Civil War)
Civil War service, 23(1):15 (Jan
1961); 24(3):16 (Jul 1962);
53(1):11 (Win 1991);
65(2):3 (Spr 2003);
66(3):21 (Sum 2004)
at Antietam, 65(2):5-7, 21
illus (Spr 2003)
at Camp Fitz-John Porter, 66(3):14, 15-16 (Sum 2004) at Chancellorsville, 65(2):11 (Spr 2003) at Fredericksburg, 65(2):7-10, 19 illus (Spr 2003) at Gettysburg, 65(2):11-14, 20 illus (Spr 2003) at Morton's Ford, 65(2):14 (Spr 2003) at Petersburg and Appomattox, 65(2):15-16 (Spr 2003) at Spotsylvania, 65(2):15 (Spr 2003)
at Antietam, 65(2):6-7, 21
illus (Spr 2003)
founding-1860s, 65(2):5 (Spr 2003) at Fredericksburg, 65(2):7-10, 19 illus (Spr 2003) members, 65(2):5, 6 (Spr 2003) Company I, members-Civil War, 63(4):21 (Fall 2001) founding-1860s, 65(2):4, 5 (Spr 2003) historical sketch of, 65(2):1-28 (Spr 2003) members, 20(1):6 (Jan 1958); 63(4):21 (Fall 2001); 66(3):14, 16 (Sum 2004) officers, 65(2):5, 11, 17 (Spr 2003)
at Gettysburg, 65(2):12-13, 20
illus, 26n51 (Spr 2003)
at Harper's Ferry, 66(3):23n.12 (Sum 2004) at Petersburg, Captain Morris Brown in, 65(2):26n51 (Spr 2003) 140th Regiment
Civil War service, 2(3):6 (Jul 1940);
23(1):15, 16 (Jan 1961);
23(3):12 (Jul 1961);
24(3):16 (Jul 1962);
25(3):5 (Jul 1963);
53(1):11, 19 (Win 1991);
66(3):21 (Sum 2004)
known as "Rochester Regiment," 19(4):8 (Oct 1957) living history organization, 63(4):21 (Fall 2001) members, 19(4):7, 8 (Oct 1957); 20(1):6 (Jan 1958); 63(4):21, 22 (Fall 2001) regimental history of, 63(4):20 (Fall 2001)
Armbruster, Julius in-1860s, 63(4):4,
13, 28-29 illus (Fall 2001)
Civil War actions, 63(4):6-7, 9-10, 30 illus (Fall 2001) Company E
Armbruster, Julius in, 63(4):4,
6, 7, 10, 28-29 illus (Fall 2001)
national origins of, 63(4):7 (Fall 2001) recruiter for, Captain Peter Imo, 63(4):7 (Fall 2001) research sources for, 63(4):4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 22 (Fall 2001) Adjutant General Annual Reports resource on, 63(4):3-4, 15, 18 (Fall 2001) artillery units
Civil War, 58(2):6 (Spr 1996);
66(3):17-19, 22n.7 (Sum 2004)
18th Independent "Black Horse" Artillery Battery,
66(3):14, 16, 21 (Sum 2004)
Battery D, First New York Light Artillery, 73(2):7 (Fall 2011) Battery G, First New York Light Artillery, 73(2):2 (Fall 2011) Battery L. See Reynold's Battery L, First New York Light Artillery Battery M, First New York Light Artillery, 66(3):22n.7 (Sum 2004) NYS resource on, 63(4):15n.3, 18n.3 (Fall 2001) size and mission, 66(3):18 (Sum 2004)
casualties/fatalities, 63(4):7, 25
(Fall 2001); 65(2):8-9, 12,
13-14, 25n49 (Spr 2003);
66(3):3, 21, 24n.38 (Sum 2004)
funding, 53(1):16 (Win 1991) newspapers on, 53(1):14, 16 (Win 1991) recruitment, 23(1):5, 7, 15 (Jan 1961); 53(1):17 (Win 1991); 66(3):4 (Sum 2004) regiment formation, 63(4):20 (Fall 2001) Rochester Light Guard, 2(3):5 (Jul 1940) Irish Brigade. See New York Volunteers — 8th Cavalry Regiment regiments, composition and size, 65(2):22n6 (Spr 2003) Reynold's Battery L. See Reynold's Battery L, First New York Light Artillery "Rochester Regiment"
Adjutant General annual reports, as research source,
63(4):3-4, 15, 18 (Fall 2001)
census data, 63(4):5 (Fall 2001) living history organizations, 63(4):20-21 (Fall 2001) texts, 63(4):3-4, 6, 15, 19-20, 21, 22, 23-25 (Fall 2001)
34(3):20 (Jul 1972)
county water authority acquires, 34(3):21 (Jul 1972) operation and service, 19(3):21 (Jul 1957) service complaints, 34(3):21 (Jul 1972) Niagara (ship)
Clarke, Archibald S. and,
41(3):9 (Jul 1979)
Guernsey & Bushnell Company and, 45(3&4):16 (Jul & Oct 1983) national Socialist convention, representation at-1910s, 39(4):6 (Oct 1977)
Barge Canal construction and,
72(1):18 (Spr 2010)
Erie Canal locks over, 72(1):3 with photo (Spr 2010)
deer carried over-1820s,
62(4):6 (Fall 2000)
park dedication-1880s, 11(1):3 (Jan 1949) Patch, Sam's jumps, 53(3):5-10 (Sum 1991) sulphur springs near-1820s, 62(4):3 (Fall 2000) suspension bridge at
photograph, 72(2):inside cover
(Fall 2010)
traveler's account of
bridge across rapids at-1820s,
62(3):19 illus (Sum 2000)
Civil War company from, 63(4):6 (Fall 2001) Evershed, Thomas surveys, 39(1&2):5 (Jan & Apr 1977) painting of, Rochester display, 7(3):17 (Jul 1945) power company, Thomas Evershed and, 39(1&2):5 (Jan & Apr 1977) Rennes-Rochester sister city program and, 43(4):4 (Oct 1981) residents
Canadian, post-September 11, 2001,
72(2):17 (Fall 2010)
rail service, 23(1):12 (Jan 1961); 30(4):7, 13 (Oct 1968) traveler's account, quoted-1830s, 1(2):12-13 (Apr 1939) Niagara Frontier
general, 21(1):2
(Jan 1959)
Rochester as transnational community on, 72(2):1-24 (Fall 2010)
American-Canadian social intercourse-1800s,
72(2):4 (Fall 2010)
historical perspective, 72(2):2 (Fall 2010) War of 1812 and, 4(4):5 (Oct 1942)
British land speculators,
1(1):4 (Jan 1939)
land negotiations with Iroquois, 1(1):4 (Jan 1939) members and business dealings, 45(3&4):9 (Jul & Oct 1983) Niagara River
age, 44(1&2):37
(Jan & Apr 1982)
black rock crossing, 62(3):22 (Sum 2000) bridges across
1820s, 62(3):19 illus (Sum
Lewiston-Queenston Suspension Bridge-1850s, 72(2):3, 4 photo (Fall 2010)
rail service and, 3(4):12 (Oct
burning sulphur springs in, 62(4):3 (Fall 2000) commercial transport on-1810s, 4(4):6 (Oct 1942) gorge, geology, 54(4):7, 8 (Fall 1992) slave crossing, 37(4):4 (Oct 1975) traveler's account of-1820s, 62(3):22 (Sum 2000); 62(4):3-4 (Fall 2000) War of 1812 and, 4(4):10 (Oct 1942); 24(1):10, 11 (Jan 1962) whirlpool, 62(4):3 (Fall 2000)
8(3):10, 11 (Jul 1946); 52(3):9,
16-20 passim (Sum 1990); 62(2):18 (Spr
2000); 63(1):4, 11 (Win 2001)
formation-1850s, 52(3):3 (Sum 1990) home base, 8(3):5 (Jul 1946) members, 52(3):16 (Sum 1990)
as professional golfer
PGA championship-1980, 65(1):18-20
(Win 2003)
photographs, 65(1):1, 19 (Win 2003) in U.S. Men's Open-1960s, 65(1):15-16 (Win 2003)
academic appointment,
52(4):9 (Fall 1990)
City Club speech, 9(4):24 (Oct 1947) on POAU Manifesto-1940s, 52(4):9 (Fall 1990)
of Crapsey, Dr. & Mrs. Algernon S.,
42(1):5 (Jan 1980)
evening courses, in city schools, 31(2):8, 10, 11, 18 (Apr 1969) for immigrants, 25(3):15 (Jul 1963)
4(1):14 (Jan 1942);
11(2):5 (Apr 1949);
25(4):2-4 (Oct 1963);
33(2):16 (Apr 1971)
books and reports, 25(4):3, 4 (Oct 1963) cholera epidemic and-1840s, 26(1):13 (Jan 1964) costs, 2(1):14 (Jan 1940); 5(2):5, 7, 14 (Apr 1943); 33(2):7 (Apr 1971) reorganization, 25(4):4 (Oct 1963) vigilant society and, 2(1):7 (Jan 1940); 33(2):7 (Apr 1971) volunteer system, 30(2):6 (Apr 1968); 47(3&4):11 (Jul & Oct 1985) Nineteenth (XIX) Corps, Army of the Potomac (Civil War)
Castletown settlement-pioneer era,
54(3):3, 18 (Sum 1992)
discrimination/prejudice in, 60(3):6-7 (Sum 1998) industry, 43(2&3):26 (Apr & Jul 1981) religious institutions
neighborhood ministries, 60(3):8-9,
13-14 (Sum 1998)
Our Lady of Good Counsel Church, 60(3):22-24 (Sum 1998) Roman Catholic Community of, 60(3):22-24 (Sum 1998) St. Augustine's Church, historical sketch, 60(2):1-32 with illus (Spr 1998); 60(3):1-32 with illus (Sum 1998) St. Monica's Church. See St. Monica's (Catholic) Church
annual house tours, 60(3):21 (Sum
characteristics-1960s, 60(3):6 (Sum 1998) community association, 60(3):8 (Sum 1998) immigrants, 60(2):16, 18 (Spr 1998) Kadar, Bob, 66(2):6-7 (Spr 2004) migration patterns, 60(3):6-7, 10 (Sum 1998) senior citizens, programs for, 60(3):13 (Sum 1998) Young, James and Alice H., 60(3):6 (Sum 1998)
biographical details,
22(2):22-23 (Apr 1960)
City Club, roles in, 9(4):12, 14, 15 (Oct 1947) civic honor (posthumous), 22(2):21, 22 (Apr 1960) Inter-Faith Goodwill Committee and-1930s, 52(4):7 (Fall 1990) POAU and-1940s, 52(4):8 (Fall 1990)
military service-Civil War,
20(1):6 (Jan 1958);
23(1):5 (Jan 1961);
53(1):9 (Win 1991)
as newspaper editor, 20(1):5, 21 (Jan 1958); 23(1):5 (Jan 1961); 53(1):9 (Win 1991)
about, 71(1):26 (Spr
as co-author of "We Called Her Anna": Nathaniel Rochester and Slavery in the Genesee Country, 71(1):1-28 (Spr 2009) photograph, at grave site of Nathaniel Rochester-2009, 71(1):back cover (Spr 2009) Nordenfeldt rapid fire gun (cannon)
naval reservists at-Spanish-American War,
13(2):8, 23 (Apr 1951)
soldier's correspondence on-WWII, 8(1):3 (Jan 1946) North Adams, MA
25(3):14 (Jul 1963)
formation-1910s, 14(4):21 (Oct 1952); 22(4):10 (Oct 1960); 25(3):14 (Jul 1963) Northampton, NY
church, 14(4):21
(Oct 1952)
Iroquois trail along/crossing, 44(1&2):21 (Jan & Apr 1982) name changes and development, 27(3):14 (Jul 1965); 35(1):3 (Jan 1973)
American Women's Hospitals and,
51(3):27 (Sum 1989)
Confederate POW escapees in Eastman holdings, 52(1):15, 16, 19 (Win 1990) residents
Duckworth, ReverendJames H., 74(1):13n.iii
(Spr 2012)
Handcock, Tom-Civil War. See Handcock, Tom Harris, Mrs. (no given name) and daughter-Civil War, 74(1):6 (Spr 2012) Hart, Colonel Thomas, 24(1):3 (Jan 1962); 71(1):5 (Spr 2009) Hooper, Larkin C., 73(2):20-21 (Fall 2011) Hooper & Watson feuding families-mid 1800s, 74(1):6, 7n.ii, 24n.11 (Spr 2012) Hooper, W. R., correspondence quoted-1890, 74(1):6n.i (Spr 2012) Kitchen, Widow (no given name)-Civil War, 74(1):16, 17 illus (Spr 2012) Rochester, Nathaniel-1700s, 24(1):3 (Jan 1962); 71(1):5 (Spr 2009) slave holdings-early 1800s, 71(1):11 (Spr 2009) State Constitutional Convention delegate-1860s, 74(1):13n.iii (Spr 2012) North Dakota Northeast District. See Near Northeast District North East Electric Company, 24(4):23 (Oct 1962); 43(4):19 (Oct 1981)See also Rochester Coil Company
buy-out, 35(2):7
(Apr 1973)
history and product lines, 35(2):6, 7 (Apr 1973); 43(2&3):34-35 (Apr & Jul 1981) labor force, 20(1):13 (Jan 1958) photograph-1920s, 43(2&3):36 (Apr & Jul 1981) Northern Whigs Northgate Plaza North, Levi
landscape architect and design,
75(2):4-5 (Fall 2013)
Moulthrop, Samuel P. at, 19(2):6 (Apr 1957) naming of, 11(1):5 (Jan 1949); 50(2):19 (Apr 1988)See also Seneca Park
circulation, 2(3):3
(Jul 1940); 67(3):18 (Sum 2005)
of international postage hike-1840s,
72(2):10 illus (Fall 2010)
on Seward's Seminary and Rosetta Douglass, 67(4):5 (Fall 2005) of woman's rights convention, 67(4):9 (Fall 2005) Douglass correspondence on, quoted, 67(3):16 (Sum 2005) editors/publishers, 2(3):2-3 (Jul 1940); 67(3):19 (Sum 2005)
Douglass, Frederick, 7(2):5 (Apr 1945);
10(2&3):4, 5 (Jul 1948);
15(3):1 (Jul 1953);
21(1):10 (Jan 1959);
21(3):8, 23 (Jul 1959);
21(4):7 (Oct 1959);
24(3):16 (Jul 1962);
38(1):12 (Jan 1976)
Vick, James, 21(3):23 (Jul 1959) employees, 21(4):7 (Oct 1959); 67(3):19, 20 (Sum 2005) founding, 67(3):18 (Sum 2005) handbill advertising, 67(4):28n.104 (Fall 2005) illustrations, 46(1&2):20 (Jan & Apr 1984) location, Buffalo/Main Street, 57(3):4 (Sum 1995) merger, 21(4):10 (Oct 1959) naming of, 67(4):7 (Fall 2005)
renamed Frederick Douglass' Paper,
67(3):18 (Sum 2005)
publication sites
Buffalo/Main Street, described,
67(3):20 (Sum 2005)
church, 21(4):7 (Oct 1959); 67(1):19 photo (Win 2005) Rochester as home of, 67(3):12-13 (Sum 2005) North St. Paul Street. See St. Paul Street North Street. See also North Avenue
arrest on,
29(2):19 (Apr 1967)
barbershop-mid 1800s, 67(4):27n.95 (Fall 2005) horse-car service, 27(3):14 (Jul 1965) Liberty Pole site, 26(2):5 (Apr 1964) medical practice, 70(1):12 (Fall 2008) mission-early 1900s, 22(4):12 (Oct 1960) name changes and development, 27(3):14 (Jul 1965) nursery, 45(3&4):33 (Jul & Oct 1983) photograph, of Charles C. Zoller and store front, 50(1):3 (Jan 1988) playground, 29(2):9 (Apr 1967) Polish community and, 57(1):6 (Win 1995) railroad crossing improvements, 29(2):5 (Apr 1967) residents/residences, 7(2):10 (Apr 1945); 29(2):2 (Apr 1967) North Water Street. See Water Street Northwestern Lyceum Bureau
business enterprises-early 1800s
Carthage Bridge, 54(4):14 (Fall 1992)
mills, 54(4):15 (Fall 1992) Strong Company partnership, 6(3):3 (Jul 1944)
Headen family and-1860s,
73(2):21 (Fall 2011);
74(1):23n.4 (Spr 2012)
post-Civil War note regarding-1890, 74(1):6n.i (Spr 2012) residence, Confederate POWs and, 74(1):3 (Spr 2012)
baseball stadium,
24(3):33 (Jul 1962); 34(4):24 (Oct
1972)See also Red Wing Stadium;
Silver Stadium
as boundary of Northeast District, 70(2):13 (Fall 2007) branch library, 57(2):9 (Spr 1995) farms on-1880s, 64(1):10 (Win 2002) Iroquois trail along/crossing, 44(1&2):21 (Jan & Apr 1982) name, origin, 36(1):10 (Jan 1974) nursery, 45(3&4):33 (Jul & Oct 1983); 57(1):6 (Win 1995) pioneer cemetery near, 50(4):6 (Oct 1988) Polish community and, 57(1):3, 4, 5 map, 6 (Win 1995) Notebaert, Father A. A. Notes
bank. See
of Allan, Ebenezer "Indian," 1(4):6, 7
(Oct 1939)
of McLafferty, Henry III and-1850s, 42(2):6, 13, 21 (Apr 1980)
background information,
41(1&2):8-9 (Jan & Apr 1979)
excerpt, on local surrounds, 41(1&2):9-12 (Jan & Apr 1979) Notre Dame Cathedral (Paris), 14(1):2 (Jan 1952) Notre Dame Club of Rochester, 44(4):27 (Oct 1982) Notre Dame, School Sisters of. See School Sisters of Notre Dame Nott, Abner K.
Broad Street Extension Association and,
6(4):16 (Oct 1944)
brotherhood membership, 24(3):29 (Jul 1962) city planning and, 6(4):15 (Oct 1944) People's Sunday Evenings program, role in, 14(4):22 (Oct 1952) social gospel and, 14(4):24 (Oct 1952)
decommissioning, 60(4):21 (Fall 1998)
information center, 60(4):19-20 (Fall 1998) RG&E, 60(4):19-23 (Fall 1998)See also Robert E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant; Rochester Gas and Electric Company waste disposal, 60(4):21 (Fall 1998)
archeological discovery-1880s,
44(1&2):37 (Jan & Apr 1982)
Brooks, Micah and, 41(3):9 (Jul 1979) railroad service to/from, 30(4):12-13 (Oct 1968) Nurse Practice Act of 1903
horticultural. See
Nursery industry
infant, furnishings-mid 1800s, 18(2):11 (Apr 1956)
45(3&4):37 (Jul & Oct 1983)
advertisements, in Genesee Farmer. See Genesee Farmer brokers and, 45(3&4):37 (Jul & Oct 1983) catalogues
Monroe Garden & Nursery-1833,
45(3&4):28 (Jul & Oct 1983)
Mount Hope Garden & Nurseries, 45(3&4):31 (Jul & Oct 1983) climatic advantages, 15(1):6-7 (Jan 1953); 23(3):10 (Jul 1961); 51(4):10 (Fall 1989) decline, 14(3):4 (Jun 1952); 45(3&4):45 (Jul & Oct 1983); 51(4):12 (Fall 1989); 61(3&4):4 (Sum & Fall 1999) development as leading industry-1800s, 3(3):4, 10 (Jul 1941); 3(4):14-15 (Oct 1941); 11(2):7, 11, 16 (Apr 1949); 18(1):16 (Jan 1956); 19(3):5 (Jul 1957); 23(3):13 (Jul 1961); 38(1):13-14 (Jan 1976); 43(4):16-17 (Oct 1981); 51(4):10, 12 (Fall 1989) "Flower City" designation and, 23(3):12 (Jul 1961) French agency, local, 45(3&4):37 (Jul & Oct 1983) historical sketch, 45(3&4):25-45 with illus (Jul & Oct 1983) immigrants in, 20(1):7, 8 (Jan 1958) labor issues, race-based, 46(1&2):36-37 (Jan & Apr 1984) nursery/seedsmen. See Horticulturists nursery tracts
annexation, by city-1870s, 2(3):11 (Jul
1940); 3(4):14 (Oct 1941)
subdivision of-1890s, 3(3):4, 10 (Jul 1941) stock
classification, 45(3&4):28 (Jul &
Oct 1983)
exports, 11(3&4):18 (Jul 1949) labeling and packaging, 45(3&4):28, 31 (Jul & Oct 1983) outside suppliers, 45(3&4):25, 28, 37 (Jul & Oct 1983) prices-1840s, 45(3&4):31 (Jul & Oct 1983) world's fair exhibit-1900, 26(3):11 (Jul 1964) Nursery schools. See also Day care
of Anthony, Susan B.,
57(4):12 (Fall 1995)
Army vs. Navy Nurse Corps, 51(3):29n.21 (Sum 1989) associations
of public health nurses, formation-1910s,
18(3):22 (Jul 1956);
23(2):8 (Apr 1961)
of visiting nurses, 8(2):16 (Apr 1946); 28(2&3):41 (Apr & Jul 1966)
c. 1900, 12(1):18 (Jan 1950)
WWI, 57(1):13, 15, 15 photo, 24 photo (Win 1995) WWII, 57(2):12 (Spr 1995) school assignments-early 1900s, 19(2):12 (Apr 1957) training
homeopathic. See Lee Private
state oversight, 70(1):6, 10 (Fall 2008)
at Lee Private Hospital, 70(1):10
(Fall 2008)
association headquarters, 8(2):16 (Apr
1946); 28(2&3):41 (Apr & Jul
social agencies, cooperation with-1900s, 23(2):16 (Apr 1961)
and diet at Industrial School of Rochester,
68(4):10, 13 photo caption, 17
(Fall 2006)
of model family diet-1890s, 43(1):11-15 (Jan 1981) Voit versus Atwater standards of, 43(1):11-12 (Jan 1981) The N.Y. Central Elevates Its Tracks Under Municipal Pressure by Joseph W. Barnes, 33(1):1-24 (Jan 1971) NYLA. See New York Library Association Nylic Association (of NYC)
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