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Jack (no surname given)
and murder of John Jemison-1810s,
68(1&2):19 (Win & Spr 2006)
suicide of-1810s, 68(1&2):19 (Win & Spr 2006)
Cherokee and,
74(1):23n.9 (Spr 2012)
election, 1(3):4 (Jul 1939); 14(2):3 (Apr 1952)
support, local, 2(2):6, 11, 15, 17 (Apr
O'Reilly, Henry and, 7(1):3, 15, 16 (Jan 1945) party affiliation, 2(3):3 (Jul 1940) re-election, 7(1):6 (Jan 1945) Rochester, Col. Nathaniel and, 24(1):22 (Jan 1962) Jackson, Joseph
46(1&2):23 (Jan & Apr 1984)
vote in presidential election-1844, 46(1&2):23 (Jan & Apr 1984)
47(3&4):11 (Jul & Oct 1985)
industrial activity
Howell, W. W.-1800s, 49(4):12 (Oct
subsequently Capron Street-1980s, 49(4):12 (Oct 1987)
Post family and, with quote,
71(2):5 (Fall 2009)
as slave, autobiography of, 67(3):19 (Sum 2005); 71(2):5 (Fall 2009) son of, 67(3):19 (Sum 2005)
as conductor,
20(1):22 (Jan 1958)
Tuesday Musicale and, 29(1):20 (Jan 1967)
citation from, 29(1):19 (Jan 1967)
banking industry, roles in,
41(4):12 (Oct 1979);
49(2):15 (Apr 1987)
on Rochester Plan, quoted, 61(1):12
(Win 1999)
childhood and education, 29(2):10
(Apr 1967)
after retirement from Congress,
21(1):21 (Jan 1959)
Social Welfare League, role in-1920s, 23(2):11 (Apr 1961) transit service controversy-1910s, 30(3):13 (Jul 1968) unemployment sub-committee chairmanship-1930s, 20(4):11 (Oct 1958) fair standards code, 21(1):18 (Jan 1959) as labor-relations consultant, 22(3):22-23, 25 (Jul 1960) portrait, 41(4):13 photo (Oct 1979) professorship, 17(4):12 (Oct 1955) quotes
election debate and, 9(4):19 (Oct 1947)
questions to speakers, 9(4):18 (Oct 1947) as speaker, 9(4):10, 15 (Oct 1947) Jail ministry Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts
defense contracts and award-WWII,
5(1):24 (Jan 1943)
diversification, 61(3&4):7 (Sum & Fall 1999)
and sale-mid 1900s, 43(2&3):23 (Apr
& Jul 1981)
incorporation-1880s, 40(1):20 (Jan 1978) labor force, 40(1):20-21 (Jan 1978) location, 28(4):7 (Oct 1966) officers, 43(2&3):19 (Apr & Jul 1981) product lines, 11(2):12, 16 (Apr 1949); 43(2&3):19, 20 photo, 22 (Apr & Jul 1981); 52(1):21 (Win 1990)
Hearse Model W-1-1932, 61(3&4):7
photo (Sum & Fall 1999)
at Department of Public Welfare,
20(4):27 (Oct 1958)
at Family Welfare Society-1900s, 20(4):27 (Oct 1958); 23(2):12, 13 (Apr 1961)
as abolitionist,
21(4):3-4 (Oct 1959); 37(4):6-20 (Oct
1975); 72(2):8 (Fall 2010)
Douglass, Frederick and, 67(3):10, 14
(Sum 2005); 72(2):8 (Fall 2010)
Fugitive Slave Acts, resistance to, 37(4):10-17 (Oct 1975) "Jim Crow" laws, resistance to, 37(4):17-20 (Oct 1975) biographical details/sketch, 21(4):2 (Oct 1959); 37(4):1-2 (Oct 1975); 67(3):10 (Sum 2005); 72(2):7-8 (Fall 2010)
burial site, 71(1):22 (Spr 2009)
education, 37(4):4-5 (Oct 1975); 67(3):14 (Sum 2005) family, 37(4):3, 29 (Oct 1975)
in Massachusetts, Frederick Douglass and,
67(3):10, 14, 23n.27 (Sum
Montauk, work with-1600s, 38(4):13 (Oct 1976) at refugee slave camp-Civil War, 37(4):21-28 (Oct 1975) as slave, 21(4):2 (Oct 1959); 37(4):3-4 (Oct 1975) on status of blacks, quoted-1880s, 46(1&2):35 (Jan & Apr 1984)
Rennes: Its Past, Its Present, Its Future
authored by, 27(2):1-20 with photos
(Apr 1965); 43(4):5 (Oct 1981)
Rennes-Rochester sister city program and, 27(2):20 (Apr 1965); 43(4):3, 5, 6 (Oct 1981)
Clock of the Nations and,
69(1):13 photo caption (Spr 2007)
soldier's correspondence from-WWII, 8(1):24 (Jan 1946) Jason, U.S.S.
commercial/industrial activity
basket weaving, 20(1):11 (Jan 1958)
cooperage, 40(1):16 (Jan 1978) during World War II, 66(1):20 (Win 2004) J.C. Milne Company (Portland, OR) Jeffries, J. J.
kidnapping and murder of,
68(1&2):6-7, 8 (Win & Spr 2006)
advice to Mary, quoted, 68(1&2):7
(Win & Spr 2006)
drawing of Mary Jemison by,
68(1&2):1, 32 (Win & Spr 2006)
Jemison, Mary and, 68(1&2):26 (Win & Spr 2006) occupations-early 2000s, 68(1&2):26 (Win & Spr 2006)
68(1&2):27 (Win & Spr 2006)
dress of, 68(1&2):20 (Win & Spr 2006) father, 68(1&2):13 (Win & Spr 2006) murder of, 68(1&2):17-18, 27 (Win & Spr 2006)
68(1&2):26 (Win & Spr 2006)
death, 68(1&2):19 (Win & Spr 2006) father, 68(1&2):13 (Win & Spr 2006) mother's land transfer and, 68(1&2):19 (Win & Spr 2006) murder of, 68(1&2):19 (Win & Spr 2006) murder of brothers by, 68(1&2):17-18 (Win & Spr 2006)
biographical sketch,
68(1&2):1-32 (Win & Spr 2006)
biography, Life of Mary Jemison, 10(4):8 (Oct 1948)
excerpt, 44(1&2):12-13 (Jan & Apr
death-1830s, 68(1&2):19 (Win & Spr 2006)
original burial site, 68(1&2):21,
30n.33 (Win & Spr 2006)
re-interment ceremony and site, 68(1&2):21-22 (Win & Spr 2006)
tour visiting-1870s,
68(1&2):23-25 (Win & Spr 2006)
adoptive parents and siblings,
68(1&2):9, 10, 12-13, 16, 17 (Win & Spr 2006)
children's descendants,
68(1&2):18, 19, 20, 21, 23 photo, 25, 26 (Win & Spr
daughter by Sheninjee, 68(1&2):10 (Win & Spr 2006) son by Sheninjee. See Jemison, Thomas (son of Mary Jemison) sons and daughters by Hiokatoo, 68(1&2):13, 15, 17-19, 20 (Win & Spr 2006) spouses
Jemison quoted from
on bed sheet experience,
68(1&2):6 (Win & Spr 2006)
on death of first child, 68(1&2):10 (Win & Spr 2006) on effects of white culture and alcohol on Native Americans, 68(1&2):13, 29n.25 (Win & Spr 2006) on kidnapping, 68(1&2):5 (Win & Spr 2006) on mother's advice during kidnapping, 68(1&2):7 (Win & Spr 2006) on near drowning, 68(1&2):12 (Win & Spr 2006) on post-kidnapping encounter with whites, 68(1&2):10 (Win & Spr 2006) on post-revolution offer of freedom and son Thomas, 68(1&2):16 (Win & Spr 2006) on recollections of natural parents and siblings, 68(1&2):5 (Win & Spr 2006) on Seneca predecessors at Gardeau Flats, 68(1&2):15 (Win & Spr 2006) on son John, 68(1&2):19 (Win & Spr 2006) text based on, 68(1&2):28n.2 (Win & Spr 2006)
adoption by Seneca, 68(1&2):9 (Win
& Spr 2006)
Native American raids preceding, 68(1&2):5-6 (Win & Spr 2006) O'Reilly, Henry and, 6(2):3 (Apr 1944) physical appearance
in drawing by G. Peter Jemison,
68(1&2):1, 32 (Win & Spr 2006)
hair color, 68(1&2):4, 28n.2 (Win & Spr 2006) in old age, 68(1&2):3-5 (Win & Spr 2006)
distribution, 68(1&2):19 (Win & Spr
land grant, 68(1&2):16-17 (Win & Spr 2006) land tract, 47(1&2):15 (Jan & Apr 1985) swindling of, 68(1&2):18 (Win & Spr 2006) time line for, 68(1&2):26-28 (Win & Spr 2006) tour boat named for, 68(1&2):3, 28n.1 (Win & Spr 2006)
68(1&2):26 (Win & Spr 2006)
father, 68(1&2):13 (Win & Spr 2006) mother's land transfer and, 68(1&2):19 (Win & Spr 2006)
68(1&2):27 (Win & Spr 2006)
brother's murder and, 68(1&2):18 (Win & Spr 2006) father, 68(1&2):13 (Win & Spr 2006) spouse and son, 68(1&2):19 (Win & Spr 2006)
Jemison, George as nephew of,
68(1&2):18 (Win & Spr 2006)
kidnapping and murder of, 68(1&2):6-7, 8 (Win & Spr 2006) Native American raids and, 68(1&2):5-6 (Win & Spr 2006)
altercation with George Jemison,
68(1&2):18 (Win & Spr 2006)
birth and travels, 68(1&2):11-12, 13, 19, 26 (Win & Spr 2006) and mother's offer of freedom, 68(1&2):16 (Win & Spr 2006) murder of, 68(1&2):17, 27 (Win & Spr 2006) son, 68(1&2):20 (Win & Spr 2006)
family and Seneca traditions,
68(1&2):20 (Win & Spr 2006)
photograph, 68(1&2):23 (Win & Spr 2006) quoted, on Seneca, 68(1&2):20 (Win & Spr 2006)
as Last Council Fire-1870s,
68(1&2):21 (Win & Spr 2006)
Jenkins, Charles
as former slave, business and profession-mid
1800s, 46(1&2):4-5 (Jan & Apr 1984);
72(2):12 (Fall 2010)
Jennings, E. B.
relationship to Winston Churchill,
18(1):7 (Jan 1956);
24(3):13 (Jul 1962)
residence, 24(3):13 (Jul 1962) Rochester connection, 21(3):2 (Jul 1959)
European, Carroll family and,
42(4):3 (Oct 1980)
French, among Iroquois, 1600s & 1700s, 38(4):2-12, 15, 19 (Oct 1976); 44(1&2):40 (Jan & Apr 1982) Genesee Country mission, founding, 14(1):2 (Jan 1952) Spanish, among Guarani of Paraguay-1600s, 38(4):10 (Oct 1976)
Crapsey, Dr. Algernon S.'s beliefs on,
42(1):9, 16, 21 (Jan 1980)
image in Montreal church-1820s, 62(4):22 (Fall 2000) statue of, in St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, 63(3):14 (Sum 2001)
baseball gilding,
62(2):6 (Spr 2000)
baseball ticket sales-1800s, 63(1):9 (Win 2001) location-1800s, 37(2):14 (Apr 1975) Whitney, Edward Tompkins, 62(1):10 (Win 2000)
baseball-inspired styles-1800s,
64(4):7 (Fall 2002)
manufacture, 43(2&3):38 (Apr & Jul 1981) peddler-1850s, 42(2):19 (Apr 1980) of Selden, George B., 43(2&3):14 (Apr & Jul 1981)
acceptance, 2(3):16
(Jul 1940)
anti-Semitism and. See Anti-Semitism The Birds & Worms Hotel and, 56(1):21 (Win 1994) Boys' Evening Home and, 17(4):11 (Oct 1955) businesses, race rioting and-1960s, 29(2):21 (Apr 1967) Christmas and, 64(3):13-14 (Sum 2002) clothing industry, role in, 20(1):9-10 (Jan 1958)
strike arbitration in, 51(1):19 (Win
dietary observances, 64(3):8, 12 (Sum 2002) freedom of speech and press, suppression-WWI, 39(4):8 (Oct 1977) German, 20(1):3-4, 9, 10, 20, 26 (Jan 1958) in Germany, Sam Schafer and-1910s, 64(2):12 (Spr 2002) housing, 27(4):5 (Oct 1965) immigrants. See Jewish immigrants as infidels, 36(3):6 (Jul 1974) Irish famine relief and-1800s, 68(3):16 (Sum 2006) Jewish immigrants/refugees, response to library stations and, 73(1):3 (Spr 2011) mohel-1900s, 64(2):21 (Spr 2002) photographs
Beth Israel home site, 1880s-1970s,
74(2):3 (Fall 2012)
Frankfurt, Germany-1940s, 74(2):front cover (Fall 2012) Jewish Young Men's and Women's Association, 74(2):14 (Fall 2012) Temple B'rith Kodesh-1910s, 74(2):6 (Fall 2012)
pogroms, 64(2):8, 9 (Spr 2002);
64(3):13 (Sum 2002)
Russian conscriptions-1910s, 64(2):10 (Spr 2002) Schafer family memoir, 64(2):1-24 (Spr 2002); 64(3):1-32 (Sum 2002) shochet-1900s, 64(2):21 (Spr 2002) Socialists, support for-1910s, 39(4):11 (Oct 1977) social services within, 20(4):5, 25 (Oct 1958); 23(2):12-13, 17 (Apr 1961); 23(3):21 (Jul 1961) Spinoza Literary Society and-1800s, 48(1&2):7 (Jan & Apr 1986) stained glass windows, 74(2):cover pages (Fall 2012) synagogues. See Synagogues tensions among, 20(1):10 (Jan 1958) during WWII, 20(1):26 (Jan 1958) Yiddish language of
anti-Semitic radio broadcasts and-1930s,
74(2):15 (Fall 2012)
immigrant refugees and-1930s & 1940s, 74(2):17-18 (Fall 2012)
community affidavit, 74(2):13 (Fall
of 1800s & early 1900s, local response to,
74(2):2-3 (Fall 2012)
anti-Semitism and. See Anti-Semitism attitudes toward Christians, 64(3):13 (Sum 2002) draft and-WWI, 39(4):9 (Oct 1977) employment
in clothing industry, 20(1):9-10 (Jan
1958); 22(3):2, 6 (Jul 1960);
74(2):13-14 (Fall 2010)
union locals, 29(2):16 (Apr 1967) working conditions, 25(3):14 (Jul 1963) living conditions, 25(3):14 (Jul 1963); 25(4):12 (Oct 1963) of Near Northeast District
migration from, 29(2):11 (Apr 1967)
orthodox versus reform, 29(2):6, 7 (Apr 1967) settlement in, 29(2):2, 5 (Apr 1967) synagogues, 29(2):2, 6, 7, 8, 10, 16 (Apr 1967) union locals, 29(2):16 (Apr 1967)
1800s, 74(2):1-2 (Fall 2012)
1930s & 1940s, 74(2):11, 17, 18 (Fall 2012) comparative numbers, 25(3):6 (Jul 1963) as refugees from Nazism, 74(2):1, 12-18 (Fall 2012)
anti-Semitism and, 74(2):15, 18 (Fall
community affidavit and, 74(2):12-13 (Fall 2012) education and, 74(2):13-14 (Fall 2012) employment and, 74(2):12, 13-14, 15, 16-17 (Fall 2012) interfaith support for, 74(2):1, 8, 15-18 (Fall 2012) Jewish Refugee Service and, 5(1):2 (Jan 1943) Open Door programs and-1940s, 74(2):16-17 (Fall 2012) support groups, 74(2):14, 17-18 (Fall 2012) U.S. immigration policy and, 74(2):1, 11-12 (Fall 2012) U.S. visas granted, 74(2):11 (Fall 2012)
Bernstein, Philip S. at-early 1900s,
74(2):4 (Fall 2012)
Wise, Rabbi Stephen S. at-early 1900s, 74(2):4 (Fall 2012)
editors, A. I. Klineman and H. Grossman,
74(2):9 (Fall 2012)
founding and focus-1920s, 74(2):9 (Fall 2012) Jewish refugees and, 74(2):11, 17-18 (Fall 2012) on Nazis/Nazism
consolidation of orthodox and reform
agencies-1940s, 20(4):25 (Oct 1958)
director, David Crystal-1940s, 23(2):17 (Apr 1961) Jewish refugees from Nazism and, 74(2):17-18 (Fall 2012) Jewish Welfare Board
immigrant refugees and-1930s & 1940s,
74(2):17-18 (Fall 2012)
affidavit committee, 74(2):12 (Fall
Jitney buses, 3(1):8 (Jan 1941); 30(3):11, 17 (Jul 1968) Jiu-Jitsu Jobs. See Employment Joe Camel, 60(1):3, 22 (Win 1998) Jogues, Father Isaac (Jesuit) Johncox, Kathy A.
A Vision Unfolding: The Al Sigl Center's
First 25 Years, 1968-1993 authored by,
55(2):1-36 with illus (Spr 1993)
68(1&2):20 (Win & Spr 2006)
in Mt. Morris-1870s, 68(1&2):20 (Win & Spr 2006) on Seneca, quoted, 68(1&2):20 (Win & Spr 2006)
55(4):8 (Fall 1993)
McMahon, Richard at, 55(4):8 (Fall 1993) newspaper (Clarion), excerpts/commentary-WWII, 55(4):6, 8, 14, 15 (Fall 1993) students/graduates, 55(4):8 (Fall 1993) WWII activity, roles, and programs, 55(4):6, 10-16 passim (Fall 1993) yearbook (John Quill), quoted-1940s, 55(4):14 (Fall 1993) Johnson, President Andrew (1808-1875)
impeachment trial, Freeman Clarke and,
41(3):21 (Jul 1979)
newspaper on Lincoln assassination and, 23(1):24 (Jan 1961) on race relations, 46(1&2):36 (Jan & Apr 1984) Rochesterian meets with, 46(1&2):24-25 (Jan & Apr 1984) Selye, Lewis and, 41(3):24 (Jul 1979) on voting qualifications, 46(1&2):24 (Jan & Apr 1984)
construction-early 1800s,
4(1):10 (Jan 1942);
22(2):6 (Apr 1960);
23(3):4 (Jul 1961);
29(3):9 (Jun 1967);
36(1):3 (Jan 1974);
37(2):2 (Apr 1975);
37(3):5 (Jul 1975);
47(1&2):23 (Jan & Apr 1985);
55(1):5 (Win 1993);
55(3):4 (Sum 1993);
61(3&4):17 (Sum & Fall 1999);
72(1):5-6 (Spr 2010)
destruction, 29(3):10 (Jun 1967) flood gate proposal, 58(3):6 (Sum 1996) lawsuit, over flood damage-1810s, 29(3):12 (Jun 1967) operations, 51(4):8 (Fall 1989) photograph, 55(1):20 (Win 1993)
construction, 2(1):4
(Jan 1940); 4(1):10 (Jan 1942);
22(2):6 (Apr 1960);
29(3):9 (Jun 1967);
30(2):2 (Apr 1968);
33(3):3 (Jul 1971);
37(2):2-3 (Apr 1975);
37(3):5 (Jul 1975);
48(1&2):25 (Jan & Apr 1986);
55(1):4-5 (Win 1993);
55(3):4 (Sum 1993);
59(2):18 (Spr 1997);
72(1):5 (Spr 2010)
industrial activity, 33(3):6 (Jul 1971); 40(1):7 (Jan 1978); 46(3&4):4 (Jul & Oct 1984); 55(1):5, 6, 7 (Win 1993)
mill construction, 59(2):18 (Spr
location, maps showing, 49(4):2 (Oct 1987); 55(1):21 (Win 1993); 72(1):5 (Spr 2010) opening-1810s, 40(1):3 (Jan 1978) operations, 51(4):8 (Fall 1989); 55(1):6 (Win 1993)
Sibley fire and-early 1900s,
38(2&3):11 (Apr & Jul 1976)
water power, production and consumption-1800s, 46(3&4):4 (Jul & Oct 1984) public library and, 12(2&3):8 (Apr 1950)
biographical details,
22(2):6 (Apr 1960);
26(1):6 (Jan 1964);
29(3):15-16 (Jun 1967)
on Canaltown annexation, 37(2):4 (Apr 1975) as cartographer, maps, 27(3):facing page 2 (Jul 1965); 33(3):20 (Jul 1971); 50(2):22 (Apr 1988); 59(2):12-13 (Spr 1997) civic honor (posthumous), 22(2):6 (Apr 1960) departure, 26(1):3 (Jan 1964) as developer, 37(2):2-3 (Apr 1975); 50(3):9 (Jul 1988)See also Johnson Tract
Carthage, role in founding,
47(1&2):23 (Jan & Apr 1985)
court house site, 33(2):6 (Apr 1971) Court Street and, 27(3):13-14 (Jul 1965) Independence Day celebration-1810s, 4(1):11 (Jan 1942); 36(1):3 (Jan 1974) land holdings/development, 2(1):4 (Jan 1940); 33(2):6 (Apr 1971); 47(1&2):23 (Jan & Apr 1985); 55(1):4 (Win 1993) land purchase-1810s, 2(1):4 (Jan 1940); 4(1):10 (Jan 1942) mill enterprise, fire damage, 37(2):5 (Apr 1975) newspaper ad, 29(3):14 (Jun 1967) partnership, 36(1):3 (Jan 1974) street plan, 13(4):3 (Oct 1951); 37(2):3 (Apr 1975) Washington Square and, 2(1):24 (Jan 1940); 50(2):22 (Apr 1988)
canal construction, 30(4):2 (Oct
court house site selection, 37(2):3 (Apr 1975) dam. See Johnson and Seymour Dam lawsuit against, flood damage-1810s, 29(3):11-12 (Jun 1967) Main Street Bridge construction, 3(2):5 (Apr 1941); 21(2):13 (Apr 1959); 33(2):8 (Apr 1971); 55(3):4 (Sum 1993) municipal water system proposals, 21(2):16 (Apr 1959); 26(1):6 (Jan 1964); 34(3):1, 3, 5 (Jul 1972); 37(2):7 (Apr 1975); 39(3):19 (Jul 1977) raceway. See Johnson and Seymour Race railroad construction, 22(2):6 (Apr 1960); 30(4):2, 3 (Oct 1968); 37(2):6 (Apr 1975); 51(4):8 (Fall 1989) rivalry with Nathaniel Rochester, 24(1):14 (Jan 1962); 47(1&2):26 (Jan & Apr 1985) as mayor-1838, 1(3):10 (Jul 1939); 26(1):6 (Jan 1964); 37(2):7 (Apr 1975)
city hall, stance on, 40(2):6-7 (Apr
election, 34(3):3 (Jul 1972) fire insurance rates and, 34(3):4 (Jul 1972); 39(3):20 (Jul 1977) Mt. Hope Cemetery and, 50(4):9, 17 (Oct 1988) municipal water supply and, 34(3):4 (Jul 1972); 39(3):19-20 (Jul 1977) photograph, 47(3&4):24 (Jul & Oct 1985) public works initiative, 23(3):9 (Jul 1961) schooner attack and, 49(2):21n.13 (Apr 1987) on water rates, quoted, 5(2):13 (Apr 1943) photograph, 56(4):11 (Fall 1994) residence
biographical essay on
business holdings, 66(4):10 (Fall 2004); 67(1):7 (Win 2005)
site photographs, 66(4):2, 5, 8 (Fall
childhood employment, 66(4):6 (Fall 2004) death, 67(1):14 (Win 2005) Douglass, Frederick and, 66(4):10-12, 14 (Fall 2004) education, 66(4):8-9 (Fall 2004) as entrepreneur, 66(4):5-10 (Fall 2004) family
American, 66(4):3-4, 7, 18n.2-3,
19n.6 (Fall 2004);
67(1):13, 14 (Win 2005)
Liberian, 67(1):14 (Win 2005)
early interest in law, 66(4):14 (Fall
activities prior to departure for,
67(1):5-8 (Win 2005)
farewell speech, 67(1):7-8 (Win
desire to be, 66(4):14-15, 17-18 (Fall 2004) farms in, 67(1):9, 14 (Win 2005) imprisonment, 67(1):13 (Win 2005) letters from, quoted, 67(1):8-10 (Win 2005) residence, 66(4):10 (Fall 2004); 67(1):2 photo (Win 2005) as skater, 66(4):17-18 (Fall 2004) Johnson, Lucille, 29(1):22 (Jan 1967) Johnson, Martin and Osa Johnson, Mary
City Club address,
9(4):16, 20 (Oct 1947); 21(4):23 (Oct
as college president, 21(4):23 (Oct 1959) seminary studies, 21(4):21 (Oct 1959)
birth, 66(4):4
(Fall 2004)
death, 67(1):14 (Win 2005) family, 66(4):4, 18n.2-3, 19n.6 (Fall 2004) marriage notice, 66(4):24 photo caption (Fall 2004)
Facts and Figures authored by,
20(4):23 (Oct 1958)
Rochester Council of Social Agencies and, 36(4):27 (Oct 1974)
biographical details,
10(1):21-22 (Jan 1948)
as history editor, 6(2):19 (Apr 1944) Phaeton Rogers authored by, 10(4):5 (Oct 1948) as Society of the Genesee officer, 3(3):20 (Jul 1941) Johnson Square
emancipation celebration in-1820s,
72(2):6 (Fall 2010)
subsequent name, 72(2):18n.12 (Fall 2010)See also Washington Square Park
a.k.a. East Rochester,
2(1):4 (Jan 1940)
annexation, by city-1820s, 33(2):8 (Apr 1971); 37(2):4 (Apr 1975) Erie Canal, impact growth and development, 37(2):1-24 (Apr 1975)
1840-1890, 37(2):9-18 (Apr 1975)
1890-1900, 37(2):18-22 (Apr 1975) commercial/industrial, 37(2):3, 5-8, 11-15, 19-22 (Apr 1975) decline, 37(2):22 (Apr 1975) early settlement, 37(2):2-8 (Apr 1975) location, 37(2):1 (Apr 1975) ordinances
building codes, 37(2):9 (Apr 1975)
fire escape requirements, 37(2):21 (Apr 1975) mill race coverings, 37(2):18 (Apr 1975) street surface improvements, 37(2):18 (Apr 1975) resident, Elisha Ely, 33(2):5 (Apr 1971) restoration proposal, 37(2):1, 23 (Apr 1975) streets, improvements, 37(2):6, 17-18 (Apr 1975)
as Indian agent/superintendent-mid 1700s,
13(3):16-19, 21 (Jul 1951)
military activity-French & Indian War, 13(3):19-20 (Jul 1951) mission activity and-1860s, 38(4):19 (Oct 1976)
in Geneva, NY,
4(3):13 (Jul 1942)
pioneer settlements, and development of-late 1700s, 4(3):3-4, 8 (Jul 1942); 47(1&2):8-9, 10, 11 (Jan & Apr 1985)
Williamsburg, NY, 4(3):12 (Jul 1942)
as Board of Contract and Supply member,
31(1):4 (Jan 1969)
Citizens Political Reform Association and, 42(1):7 (Jan 1980) as city comptroller, 18(3):18 (Jul 1956); 31(1):4, 5 (Jan 1969)
actions, 14(2):17 (Apr 1952)
appointment, 14(2):16 (Apr 1952) municipal accounting procedures and, 31(1):6 (Jan 1969) fire insurance controversy, roles in-early 1900s
criticism of police and civic leaders,
38(2&3):25-26 (Apr & Jul 1976)
grand jury testimony, quoted, 38(2&3):25 (Apr & Jul 1976) indictment, 38(2&3):27, 40 (Apr & Jul 1976) meeting with civic leaders, 38(2&3):31 (Apr & Jul 1976) warning on rates, quoted, 38(2&3):19-20 (Apr & Jul 1976) as Good Government Club member, 7(4):24 (Oct 1945) as mayoral nominee-early 1900s, 14(2):17-18 (Apr 1952); 31(1):8 (Jan 1969) party politics, 31(1):7 (Jan 1969) photograph, 38(2&3):29 (Apr & Jul 1976) Roosevelt, Theodore, visit to-1890s, 14(2):13 (Apr 1952)
46(1&2):23 (Jan & Apr 1984)
vote in presidential election-1844, 46(1&2):23 (Jan & Apr 1984)
19(3):1, 29 (Jul 1957); 20(2):19 (Apr
formation-1950s, 19(3):1, 29 (Jul 1957); 20(2):19 (Apr 1958); 33(2):23 (Apr 1971) Jolly Jobbernowls (comics)
construction and/or architecture,
5(3):7 (Jul 1943);
18(2):7 (Apr 1956);
22(1):9 (Jan 1960);
26(2):8 (Apr 1964)
location, 1(3):2 (Jul 1939); 12(2&3):10, 12 map (Apr 1950); 26(1):4 (Jan 1964); 27(3):16-17 (Jul 1965) occupants/owners, 5(3):7-8 (Jul 1943); 12(2&3):10 (Apr 1950); 22(1):9 (Jan 1960)
church, 8(2):23 (Apr 1946)
Clarke, Freeman, 5(3):7 (Jul 1943); 49(2):8 (Apr 1987) Ives, Mrs. , 5(3):8 (Jul 1943); 8(2):17 (Apr 1946) Landmark Society, 26(2):8 (Apr 1964) Stewart, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick, 62(1):2 (Win 2000) Washington Club, 5(3):8 (Jul 1943) as UR facility, 18(1):7-8 (Jan 1956); 38(1):11 (Jan 1976)
relationship to Louis Thomas de Joncaire,
13(3):19 (Jul 1951)
as Seneca leader-1700s, 13(3):18, 19-20 (Jul 1951)
origins and capture by Seneca-1690s,
13(3):10 (Jul 1951)
relationship to Chabert Joncaire, 13(3):19 (Jul 1951) as Seneca leader-1700s, 13(3):10-15, 16, 19 (Jul 1951)
grave site statue,
50(4):20 photo (Oct 1988)
Rochester Water Works Company charter and-1850s, 34(3):4 (Jul 1972)
business enterprises
boat-building-1800s, 49(4):12, 13
(Oct 1987)
machine shop and foundry, photograph, 54(4):41 (Fall 1992) Jones, Harry
city planning, role in,
24(3):38 (Jul 1962)
housing initiatives, 22(2):24 (Apr 1960); 27(4):12-16 passim (Oct 1965); 29(2):13 (Apr 1967) League of Women Voters, role in, 10(2&3):22 (Jul 1948); 27(4):12 (Oct 1965)
44(1&2):7, 8 (Jan & Apr 1982)
capture by and relationship with Seneca, 44(1&2):7 (Jan & Apr 1982) as Indian interpreter, 4(3):21 (Jul 1942) relationship to John H. Jones, 1(4):7 (Oct 1939)
NYS abolition of slavery and-1820s,
46(1&2):19 (Jan & Apr 1984)
occupation, 46(1&2):19 (Jan & Apr 1984)
diary entry on original mill site,
excerpt-1790s, 1(4):7-8 (Oct 1939)
as Indian trader, 1(4):7 (Oct 1939) relationship to Horatio Jones, 1(4):7 (Oct 1939)
as golf course architect,
65(1):3, 6 (Win 2003)
Country Club of Rochester design,
65(1):13 (Win 2003)
Durand Eastman Park, 75(2):13 (Fall 2013) Oak Hill design, 65(1):12 (Win 2003)
as mayor and progressive urban reformer,
17(4):14-15 (Oct 1955)
as speaker at Plymouth Church, 14(4):4 (Oct 1952)
arrival and place of origin,
47(3&4):18 (Jul & Oct 1985)
business enterprises-1800s, 29(3):19 (Jun 1967); 49(4):12 (Oct 1987) residence, 49(4):12 (Oct 1987)
baseball games-1800s,
8(3):5, 10 (Jul 1946);
52(3):6 (Sum 1990);
62(2):4 (Spr 2000);
63(1):3, 5, 7, 11 (Win 2001)
City Council and, 63(1):10 (Win 2001)
landscape design firm, 50(2):6 (Apr 1988) as military parade ground-1860s, 66(3):4 (Sum 2004) Jordan, Thomas
46(1&2):23 (Jan & Apr 1984)
vote in presidential election-1844, 46(1&2):23 (Jan & Apr 1984)
art show, 32(1):22
(Jan 1970)
commerical/industrial activity, 64(2):19-20, 21, 23 photo caption (Spr 2002); 64(3):3-10, 14-18 (Sum 2002)See also S. Schafer Fish Market memoir photographs, 64(2):1-2, 22-23 (Spr 2002); 64(3):1-2 (Sum 2002) police station, photograph, 64(2):22 (Spr 2002) race riot-1960s, 29(2):21 (Apr 1967); 64(3):27-28 (Sum 2002) repaving, Socialists and, 39(4):14 (Oct 1977) residents
Epstein family of David and May-1900s,
64(2):21 (Spr 2002)
ethnic diversity-1900s, 64(3):7 (Sum 2002) Oratz, May, 64(2):20 (Spr 2002) Schafer family of Sam and Kate-1900s, 64(2):19-21 (Spr 2002) tenements Josephine Joseph Wickoff and [Company] (Romulusville, NY) Josiah Bissell House. See Bissell House Journal (newspaper)
errata in Rochester: An Emerging Metropolis,
24(2):3 (Apr 1962)
public library, donation to-1930s, 23(4):13 (Oct 1961) on subway, 36(2):12 (Apr 1974)
during 1890s,
13(1):1-23 (Jan 1951)
sensationalism in, 13(1):9-11 (Jan 1951) yellow, Spanish-American War and, 13(1):6-9, 22 (Jan 1951) Journal, of Mary S. Gapper O'Brien (1820s). See also O'Brien, Mrs. Mary S.
background information,
41(1&2):19-20 (Jan & Apr 1979)
excerpt, describing Rochester and canal passage, 41(1&2):20-23 (Jan & Apr 1979)
of Benzing, Sister Albina,
60(2):6-7, 8 (Spr 1998)
of Chapin, Mrs. Esther Maria (née Ward), 30(2):3-4 (Apr 1968) Civil War era, 63(4):22 (Fall 2001) of Clinton, DeWitt, 72(1):3, 25n.3 (Spr 2010) of Cooper, Thomas, discovery, 1(4):20 (Oct 1939) dental daybook
of Benzing, Sister Albina, 60(2):8 (Spr
of Evershed, Thomas-1849, 39(1&2):1-44 with illus (Jan & Apr 1977) of Fairbank, Nathaniel K.-1850s, 40(3):1-24 (Jul 1978) of Gould, George B., 59(3):14, 15 (Sum 1997) of McLafferty, Henry, Jr.-1850s, 42(2):1-28 (Apr 1980) of O'Brien, Mary S. Gapper-1820s, 41(1&2):20-23 (Jan & Apr 1979) of Paine, Cyrus, 1(2):3, 8-11 (Apr 1939) of Scrantom, Edwin, 4(1):1-24 (Jan 1942) of Silver, Henry D., 15(4):1-28 (Oct 1953) of O'Brien, Mary S. Gapper-1820s, 41(1&2):19-20 (Jan & Apr 1979) researching family history from, 52(2):6 (Spr 1990) of Richards, Caroline Cowles-1800s, 10(4):4 (Oct 1948) of Seiser, August-1860s, 63(4):22 (Fall 2001) Social Center movement noted in-early 1900s, 23(3):18 (Jul 1961) of young girl-1822 Judaism, Reform
with Lot Kamehameha and Alexander
Liholiho-1850, 62(1):6 photo (Win
quoted on King Kamehameha IV, 62(1):6 (Win 2000)
Bradstreet, Nehemiah service to,
41(1&2):45 (Jan & Apr 1979)
Cooper, William, 41(3):4 (Jul 1979) court facilities, 33(2):6, 7, 12 (Apr 1971) Coxe, Arthur C. See Coxe, Arthur C. Ellicott, Benjamin, 41(3):10 (Jul 1979) Ely, Elisha, 33(2):5 (Apr 1971) Gardiner, Addison, 1(3):10 (Jul 1939) Gibbons, Washington, 62(1):5 (Win 2000) Hayden, Moses, 41(3):5 (Jul 1979) Hough, Charles M., 43(2&3):13-14 (Apr & Jul 1981) Noyes, Walter C., 43(2&3):14 (Apr & Jul 1981) of Ontario County. See Ontario County pioneer era, 29(3):18, 19 (Jun 1967) political appointments, 14(2):4 (Apr 1952) Selden, Samuel L., 22(2):9 (Apr 1960) Strong, Elisha B., 33(2):5 (Apr 1971) Sutherland, Arthur-1930s, 64(1):18 (Win 2002)
business enterprise, power company-1890s,
50(3):19 (Jul 1988)
relationship to Junius Judson, 50(3):19 (Jul 1988)
business enterprises,
59(2):8 (Spr 1997)
location, 50(3):19 (Jul 1988);
54(4):42 map (Fall 1992)
photograph, 54(4):41 (Fall 1992) product line-mid 1800s, 50(3):19 (Jul 1988) family, 59(2):8 (Spr 1997) patents, 59(2):8 (Spr 1997) relationship to James Judson, 50(3):19 (Jul 1988)
Edison Electric Illuminating Company and,
59(2):8 (Spr 1997)
formation, 50(3):19 (Jul 1988) incorporation, 59(2):8 (Spr 1997) owners/managers, 59(2):8-9 (Spr 1997) water rights, RG&E and, 59(2):9 (Spr 1997) Judson Steam Governor Company, 59(2):8 (Spr 1997) Julien, Paul Jumbo (the elephant), 24(3):22 (Jul 1962) Junction Lock (of Barge Canal) Junior Chamber of Commerce, 24(4):17, 19 (Oct 1962)
5(1):12 (Jan 1943)
in North Adams (MA)-WWII, 64(3):24 (Sum 2002) sister city exchange and-1960s, 43(4):4 (Oct 1981) Justices of the Peace
election in Romulus, NY-1850s,
42(2):17 (Apr 1980)
first-1820s, 33(2):7 (Apr 1971) office space-1840s, 33(2):12 (Apr 1971) pioneer era, 47(3&4):7 (Jul & Oct 1985) reliance on-1800s, 33(2):16 (Apr 1971) responsibilities, 25(4):3 (Oct 1963) Juvenile delinquency/delinquents
correctional institutions for. See
Correctional institutions; specific
courts for, 33(2):20, 21 (Apr 1971)See also Children's Court homes for, 9(2&3):7 (Apr 1947); 26(1):19 (Jan 1964) Juvenile Reform Society officer, 26(1):11 (Jan 1964) Minneapolis, MN, 19(1):14 (Jan 1957) outbreaks, 25(4):12, 18 (Oct 1963) Portland, WA, 19(1):15 (Jan 1957) Rauschenbusch committee recommendations, 14(4):13 (Oct 1952) during World War lII, 66(1):10 (Win 2004) Youth Problems, Committee on-1930s, 20(4):18 (Oct 1958) J. W. Hatch and Company
founding, 15(2):4
(Apr 1953)
location, 15(2):8 (Apr 1953) operations J.Y.M.A. building
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