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national controversy,
36(3):5 (Jul 1974)
packet company of, 11(3&4):10 (Jul 1949); 36(3):5 (Jul 1974) religious persecution and, 36(3):18 (Jul 1974) Sabbath observance, union for, 36(3):6 (Jul 1974)
closings, campaign to close locks,
11(3&4):10 (Jul 1949)
evening religious programs, theater locales, 25(3):14 (Jul 1963); 25(4):12 (Oct 1963) laws. See Sabbath laws observance, 22(2):7 (Apr 1960)
breaking of, 36(3):4 (Jul 1974)
by commercial companies, 1(3):16 (Jul 1939); 22(2):7 (Apr 1960) Jewish traditions, 64(3):11-12 (Sum 2002) resorts and, 19(3):7, 16 (Jul 1957) on whaling expedition, 58(2):11 (Spr 1996) schools. See Sabbath schools traditions-mid 1800s, 18(2):12-13 (Apr 1956)
a.k.a. blue laws
controversies over, 1(3):16 (Jul 1939) enforcement, 11(3&4):10 (Jul 1949); 25(4):8, 12, 15 (Oct 1963); 26(4):18 (Oct 1964); 31(1):6, 11, 18 (Jan 1969) interpretations, 31(1):18 (Jan 1969) violations, 31(1):11 (Jan 1969)
at Brick Church,
19(2):18 (Apr 1957)
in county penitentiary, 24(3):19 (Jul 1962) formation, 9(2&3):2 (Apr 1947) founders social outreach-late 1800s, 23(3):17 (Jul 1961) student, Thomas James, 72(2):7 (Fall 2010)
as author
of essays for Rochester Historical Society,
58(4):10 (Fall 1996)
of Music in Rochester from 1909 to 1924, 10(4):21 (Oct 1948) of A Retrospect of Music in Rochester, Henri Appy profile, 29(1):9 (Jan 1967) Sackets Harbor, NY
baseball clubs/games-1800s,
63(1):17 (Win 2001)
commerce to/from-1810s, 4(4):6 (Oct 1942) distance from Ogdensburg by boat-1820s, 62(4):12 (Fall 2000) military post at-1820s, 62(4):10-11, 23 (Fall 2000) population-1820s, 62(4):10 (Fall 2000) residents, Dr. and Mrs. Snowdon-1820s, 62(4):9 (Fall 2000) steamboat travel to-1820s, 62(4):8-10 (Fall 2000) traveler's account of-1820s, 62(4):10 (Fall 2000) War of 1812 and, 4(4):8, 16 (Oct 1942) Sackett, Viola
Evershed (Thomas) description of-1840s,
39(1&2):41 (Jan & Apr 1977)
Green, Seth in, 6(3):21 (Jul 1944) Sacred Heart Cathedral/Church Sacred Heart, Society of. See Society of the Sacred Heart Sacred music Safety education
acquisition, by Sheraton Hotel Corporation,
31(4):21 (Oct 1969)
competition, 28(2&3):42-43 (Apr & Jul 1966) construction, 31(4):21 (Oct 1969); 34(2):22 (Apr 1972); 35(2):15 (Apr 1973) location, 34(2):22 (Apr 1972) remodeling plan, 9(4):13 (Oct 1947) site, television convention, 32(3):6, 8-10 (Jul 1970) Sage family
meeting with William H. Vanderbilt-1870s,
33(1):19 (Jan 1971)
spouse, 9(2&3):15-16 (Apr 1947) on traffic congestion-1870s, 33(1):2 (Jan 1971) Sailer, William P. "Sailors' Farewell" (dance), 58(2):3 (Spr 1996) "Sailors' Return" (dance), 58(2):3 (Spr 1996) De Saint-Ange, I. (nursery agent)
church bells named for-1850s,
63(3):10 (Sum 2001)
Neumann, Rev. John Nepumucene, 63(3):11 (Sum 2001) O'Brien, Father John H. and, 60(2):20 (Spr 1998)
as artist, sketches by,
61(2):1 illus, 2 illus (Spr
Henry Strong Durand (1861-1929) authored by, 61(2):1-18 with illus (Spr 1999) Sales tax revenues Salisbury, Hortense (nun)
church on-1900s,
57(1):11, 22 photo (Win 1995)
Polish settlement on, 57(1):4, 6 (Win 1995) renamed, 57(1):6 (Win 1995)
association of,
31(1):6 (Jan 1969)
baseball player as-1870s, 64(4):22 (Fall 2002) committee of 100, child abuse and, 35(4):13 (Oct 1973) Salor, Nicholas
canal shipments,
37(3):13 (Jul 1975)
imports, comparative, 11(3&4):11 (Jul 1949) manufacture, 44(1&2):30 (Jan & Apr 1982) snow removal, use in, 27(1):18-19 (Jan 1965) Saluda River (South Carolina) Salvation Army Sam Patch (tour boat) Sam Patch in France
Anti-Slavery Movement and,
37(4):6 (Oct 1975)
arrival and place of origin, 47(3&4):19 (Jul & Oct 1985) Erie Canal, oration at completion, 11(3&4):6 (Jul 1949) Rochester Colonization Society, role in, 21(4):3 (Oct 1959) Rochesterville, description of-1810s, 29(3):3 (Jun 1967) Sanborn, Frank Sandbar House, 56(1):13, 31 (Win 1994) Sandburg, Carl Sanderl, John B.
biographical summary,
41(4):11 (Oct 1979)
incumbency record, James W. Wadsworth, Jr. and, 41(4):14 (Oct 1979)
charitable/social agencies, positions with,
23(2):2 (Apr 1961)
Family Welfare Society-1930s,
23(2):13, 14 (Apr 1961)
Social Welfare League-1920s, 23(2):9, 10 (Apr 1961) Sandringham Road Sands, David Sandusky Lake Sandwick, Victoria. See Schmitt, Victoria Sandwick Sandy Creek, NY
agriculture and history,
54(1):4-6 (Win 1992)
photographs, 54(1):2, 3 (Win 1992) residents
Gibson, John, 54(1):6 (Win 1992)
Mathis, Alice Branson. See Mathis, Alice Branson as migrants, 54(1):4, 24 (Win 1992) migrate to Rochester, 54(1):22-24, 27nn., 31nn. (Win 1992) Sanford, Gen. Henry, 54(1):5 (Win 1992) Scurry, Dennis and Ruby, 54(1):31n.65 (Win 1992)
correspondence, quoted-1890,
54(1):5 (Win 1992)
and founding of Sanford, FL-late 1800s, 54(1):5 (Win 1992)
baseball club/game-1800s,
63(2):16 (Spr 2001)
Bureau of Government Research, 19(1):13 (Jan 1957) Civic Center, 19(1):18 (Jan 1957) Cow Palace, 19(1):17 (Jan 1957) culture, 19(1):17-18 (Jan 1957) Eastman Kodak sales headquarters, plan for, 19(1):9 (Jan 1957) Federal Reserve Banks, 19(1):6 (Jan 1957) Golden Gate Park, 19(1):18 (Jan 1957) municipal agencies, 19(1):15 (Jan 1957) museums
Academy of Science Museum, 19(1):17
(Jan 1957)
art, 19(1):18 (Jan 1957) De Young Museum, 19(1):18 (Jan 1957) George Eastman House of Photography, 19(1):18 (Jan 1957) San Francisco Museum of Art, 19(1):18 (Jan 1957) one-way streets, 19(1):5 (Jan 1957) restaurants Spanish missions, 19(1):4 (Jan 1957) Union Square War Memorial Building, 19(1):18 (Jan 1957) world's fairs, 26(3):1, 10, 13-14, 21 (Jul 1964)
in Clifton Springs, NY,
56(2):9, 20 (Spr 1994)
Hochstein, David at, 56(3):20 (Sum 1994) Iola. See Iola Sanitarium Knorr, 61(2):15 (Spr 1999) Sanitation
c.1900, 12(1):11
(Jan 1950)
division of, duties-1910s, 27(1):13 (Jan 1965) food-related
fresh water, 18(3):2 (Jul 1956)
garbage collection, 18(3):12-14, 19, 21, 23 (Jul 1956) garbage disposal, 18(3):2, 7, 9-11 (Jul 1956) Industrial School of Rochester and, 68(4):6 photo caption, 7 photo caption, 11 (Fall 2006) inspection, 18(3):12-13 (Jul 1956) meat markets, 18(3):11 (Jul 1956) milk, 18(3):12, 13 (Jul 1956); 62(4):14 (Fall 2000) slaughterhouses, 18(3):5, 12, 14, 23 (Jul 1956) lack of, disease, infant mortality and-1800s, 45(1&2):3-9 (Jan & Apr 1983)See also Water supply — contamination pioneer era, 21(2):6 (Apr 1959) regulations, 18(3):2 (Jul 1956) scientific applications, 11(2):18 (Apr 1949) survey, 18(3):21 (Jul 1956) waste elimination and
"necessaries," 18(3):2-3, 5, 13 (Jul
sewers in. See Sewers slaughterhouses, 18(3):5, 12, 14, 23 (Jul 1956) water closets, 18(3):12, 14 (Jul 1956) San Souci, NY
letters to, United Charities and-early 1900s,
23(2):4 (Apr 1961)
painting by Thomas Nast, 60(1):20 (Win 1998) Santee River (South Carolina)
62(4):21 (Fall 2000)
traveler's account of-1820s, 62(3):5 (Sum 2000); 62(4):25 (Fall 2000) as vaction spot-1800s, 8(3):4 (Jul 1946)
location and Capt. William B. Lyttle's visit
to-WWII, 66(1):28 (Win 2004)
owners, 21(3):12-13 (Jul 1959) product line, 11(2):12 (Apr 1949); 21(3):12-13 (Jul 1959); 41(4):6, 7 (Oct 1979) world's fair exhibit-1930s, 26(3):18 (Jul 1964) Satterlee, LeRoy Sauer, Frederick
as author of Fog Magic and The Light
At Tern Rock, 73(1):7 with illus
(Spr 2011)
death, 73(1):7 (Spr 2011) at public library, 23(4):5, 13 (Oct 1961); 73(1):7-8 (Spr 2011)
Divinity School, role at,
52(4):9, 10, 11 (Fall 1990)
Inter-Faith Goodwill Committee and, 52(4):9 (Fall 1990) public library, role in, 23(4):17 (Oct 1961) Savannah River Savoy Hotel, 18(1):10 (Jan 1956) Sawmills. See also Lumber industry; specific mill
first. See Allan, Ebenezer "Indian" Genesee River and, 2(1):5 (Jan 1940); 3(4):6 (Oct 1941); 18(1):3 (Jan 1956) on Irondequoit Bay-1837, 56(1):5 (Win 1994) millers' resourcefulness, 40(1):7 (Jan 1978) millraising, 3(4):3 (Oct 1941) production schematic, 46(3&4):11 illus (Jul & Oct 1984) sites-1800s, 34(2):2 (Apr 1972); 37(2):2, 3, 5 (Apr 1975); 40(1):2-3, 8-9 (Jan 1978); 46(3&4):4 (Jul & Oct 1984) SCAD. See State Commission Against Discrimination Scales Scampers. See Square Dances Scandinavian immigrants Scarlet fever, 18(3):15, 19-20, 26 (Jul 1956)
"Slavery in the Genesee Country (also known as
Ontario County), 1789-1827" authored by, quoted,
71(1):11, 14, 16 (Spr 2009)
acting ability,
64(3):27 (Sum 2002)
childhood experiences, 64(3):3, 17, 18, 19, 21-22 (Sum 2002) siblings, 64(3):3 (Sum 2002)
courtship and marriage,
64(2):17-18 (Spr 2002)
family, 64(3):1-27 passim (Sum 2002)
children, 64(2):19, 21 (Spr 2002);
64(3):3 (Sum 2002)
European origins, 64(2):18 (Spr 2002) extended, photographs, 64(2):24 (Spr 2002); 64(3):24 (Sum 2002) grandchildren, 64(3):29-31 (Sum 2002) parents, photographs, 64(2):3, 24 (Spr 2002) siblings. See Epstein, May; Oratz, Isaac spouse. See Schafer, Sam residences WWII and, 64(3):22, 23 (Sum 2002)
birth, 64(2):19 (Spr
childhood experiences, 64(3):3, 4, 7, 14, 17, 18, 21-22 (Sum 2002) parents, 64(2):19 (Spr 2002) siblings, 64(3):3 (Sum 2002) Schafer, Max Schafer, Sam, 64(2):1-24 (Spr 2002); 64(3):1-32 (Sum 2002)
assaults on
birth, 64(2):4 (Spr 2002) courtship and marriage, 64(2):17-18 (Spr 2002) European origins, 64(2):3-14 (Spr 2002) family
aunts and uncles, 64(2):12, 15, 18,
19-20 (Spr 2002)
children, 64(2):19, 21 (Spr 2002); 64(3):3 (Sum 2002) grandchildren, 64(3):29-31 (Sum 2002) parents and siblings, 64(2):8, 10-11 (Spr 2002); 64(3):13 (Sum 2002) parents in-law, photograph, 64(2):3 (Spr 2002) spouse. See Schafer, Kate (née Oratz) photographs, 64(2):1-2 (Spr 2002) residences
Harvard Street, 64(3):6 (Sum 2002)
Hollenbeck Street, 64(3):18-20 (Sum 2002) Joseph Avenue, 64(2):19, 21 (Spr 2002) in Utica, 64(2):15, 19 (Spr 2002)
in Germany, 64(2):11-14 (Spr 2002)
in Rochester, 64(2):14-15 (Spr 2002) in Utica, NY, 64(2):15-19 (Spr 2002)
award presentation-1940s,
5(1):24 (Jan 1943)
Rochester Ordnance District, position with-1940s, 5(1):24 (Jan 1943) Schenck, Henry, 29(1):5 (Jan 1967) Schenck, Ludwig
as conductor,
42(3):9 (Jul 1980); 58(4):4 (Fall
at D.K.G. Institute of Musical Art, 58(4):8 (Fall 1996) as musician, 29(1):5, 22 (Jan 1967); 56(3):18, 19 (Sum 1994); 58(4):4 (Fall 1996)
citation from Tuesday Musicale,
29(1):19 (Jan 1967)
honored by Organist's Guild, 29(1):19 (Jan 1967)
62(3):12 (Sum 2000)
DeForest (A. S.) landscaping, listing, 51(2):23 (Spr 1989) electrical apparatus industry, 35(2):5 (Apr 1973) mayoral election-1910s, 39(4):2 (Oct 1977) population figures-1820s, 62(3):12 (Sum 2000) realty company, 51(2):6 (Spr 1989) resident, Jacob Gould, 22(2):7 (Apr 1960) Selye fire engines, resolution on, 59(2):8 (Spr 1997) traveler's account of-1820s, 62(3):12 (Sum 2000) travel to/from water rates, versus other municipalities-1930, 39(3):13 (Jul 1977)
biographical summary/details,
26(1):2, 5 (Jan 1964);
41(3):16 (Jul 1979)
business enterprise, 5(3):3 (Jul 1943); 30(4):2, 3 (Oct 1968) as congressman, 20(3):6 (Jul 1958) as mayor (1837), 26(1):5 (Jan 1964); 31(4):8 (Oct 1969) Schlafer (hotel), 56(1):31 (Win 1994) Schlegel, Charles P.
headquarters and local division locations,
43(2&3):38 (Apr & Jul 1981)
origins and product lines, 43(2&3):37-38 (Apr & Jul 1981) relocation, 20(2):7 (Apr 1958) world's fair exhibit-1930s, 26(3):18 (Jul 1964) WWII production, 66(1):6 (Win 2004) Schley, W. S. Schlueter, Joan
as architectural authority,
12(2&3):22 (Apr 1950)
as author
of Cobblestone Architecture,
6(2):23 (Apr 1944); 10(4):20 (Oct
of Greek Revival Architecture in the Rochester Area, 10(4):20 (Oct 1948) professions, residence, and relationship with Wolfard's-1940s, 65(3):15-16 (Sum 2003) sketches of historic homes, 26(2):centerfold illus (Apr 1964)
about, 71(1):26 (Spr
as author
of Building an Urban Faith Community: Centennial History of St.
Augustine's Church
religious affiliation, 60(2):26n (Spr 1998) at Rochester Museum and Science Center, 54(1):31 (Win 1992); 60(2):26 (Spr 1998); 67(3):21 (Sum 2005); 67(4):24 (Fall 2005) School commissioners School for American Crafts
local. See
Rochester School for the Deaf;
Western New York Institute for Deaf Mutes
national sites, 64(1):3, 4, 6, 18, 19, 20 (Win 2002) School lunch program, 31(2):18 (Apr 1969) School No. 1
1(3):20 (Jul 1939)
evening classes, 1(3):22 (Jul 1939) original location, 1(3):19 (Jul 1939) origins, 5(2):2 (Apr 1943) subsequent names
Central High School, 31(2):4 (Apr
Rochester Free Academy, 5(2):20 (Apr 1943); 31(2):4 (Apr 1969)
location, 66(3):4
(Sum 2004)
military unit quartered at-1860s, 66(3):4 (Sum 2004) subsequent use-early 1900s, 22(4):11 (Oct 1960)
adult civic clubs at,
14(4):19 (Oct 1952)
as library station-1910s, 73(1):3 (Spr 2011) New Citizens'Banquets at, 9(4):6 (Oct 1947) photograph, 64(2):23 (Spr 2002) public housing and, 29(2):14 (Apr 1967) school nurse, assignment of-early 1900s, 19(2):12 (Apr 1957) size, comparative-1910s, 19(2):19 (Apr 1957) social center at-early 1900s, 14(4):18 (Oct 1952) students
Hochstein, David, 56(3):18 (Sum 1994)
immigrant, 22(4):11 (Oct 1960) Lempert, Ruth, 64(2):23 photo caption (Spr 2002) O'Rorke, Col. Patrick, 23(1):16 (Jan 1961)
Harris (George) lectures-1880s,
44(1&2):5 (Jan & Apr 1982)
location, 19(2):7 (Apr 1957); 20(1):3 (Jan 1958) night school program-late 1800s, 19(2):7 (Apr 1957) students
amateur/pro baseball games at-1800s,
63(1):12-13, 16 (Win 2001)
dental clinic-early 1900s, 19(2):14 (Apr 1957) playground library-1920s, 73(1):16 (Spr 2011) as social center, 14(4):19 (Oct 1952)
disabled children's program-1950s,
55(2):27 photo caption (Spr 1993)
location, 55(2):27 photo caption (Spr 1993) principal, Samuel P. Moulthrop-1880s, 19(2):4 (Apr 1957)
as library station-1910s,
73(1):3 (Spr 2011)
playground construction-1900, 19(2):13 (Apr 1957) size, comparative-1910s, 19(2):19 (Apr 1957) students
day care program at-WWII,
66(2):22 (Spr 2004)
student, Richard Domagalski-WWII, quoted, 66(2):21-22 (Spr 2004)
Sylvanus A. Ellis School-1900s,
19(2):15 (Apr 1957)
Washington Grammar School, 1890s-1910s, 19(2):5 (Apr 1957) Washington Junior High School-1910s, 19(2):15 (Apr 1957)
Boy Scout troop-1910s, 19(2):16 (Apr
drill corps, 19(2):7 (Apr 1957) teacher training at-1890s, 19(2):7, 11 (Apr 1957) vocational courses, 19(2):14 (Apr 1957)
manual training equipment, 19(2):11
(Apr 1957)
movable desks, 19(2):13 (Apr 1957) overcrowding, 19(2):12 (Apr 1957) playground, 19(2):13 (Apr 1957)
school nurse, assignment of-early 1900s,
19(2):12 (Apr 1957)
swimming instructor, appointment of-1910, 19(2):12 (Apr 1957)
dental clinic-early 1900s, 19(2):14
(Apr 1957)
hearing tests, 19(2):19 (Apr 1957) medical examinations, financing, 19(2):12 (Apr 1957) Iroquois League founding at-early 1900s, 68(1&2):25 (Win & Spr 2006) as library station-1910s, 73(1):3 (Spr 2011) locations, 29(2):9 (Apr 1967); 31(2):14 (Apr 1969) principal, Samuel P. Moulthrop. See Moulthrop, Samuel Parker size, 19(2):5, 19 (Apr 1957) as social center, 14(4):19 (Oct 1952); 28(4):19 (Oct 1966) students
enrollment figures-1913, 19(2):14
(Apr 1957)
removal to Syvanus A. Ellis School-1910s, 19(2):15 (Apr 1957) retarded, 19(2):12 (Apr 1957) transfer, 19(2):5 (Apr 1957) tree planting project-1890s, 19(2):6 (Apr 1957) truant, 19(2):12 (Apr 1957) as Washington Minute Men, 19(2):20 (Apr 1957) School of Civilian Protection Services School of the Arts
anti-smoking campaigns in
late 1800s, 60(1):12 (Win 1998)
charter, Genesee Community Charter School, 72(1):23 (Spr 2010) city. See City schools; specific school by number, e.g. School No. 1 Civil War recruitment meeting at, 65(2):18 photo (Spr 2003) commissioner responsibilities-1820s, 62(3):19 (Sum 2000) for deaf evening/night. See Night schools flag display, Grand Army of the Republic and-1890s, 73(2):5n.9 (Fall 2011) of higher education. See Colleges/universities; specific institution industrial-circa 1900, 12(1):13 (Jan 1950)See also Industrial School(s) Irish famine relief and-1840s, 68(3):8 (Sum 2006) nursery. See Nursery schools parochial. See Parochial schools Polish, 57(2):6, 16-17 (Spr 1995)See also St. Stanislaus School post Civil War era, 2(3):17 (Jul 1940) preparatory, of M. G. Peck, student at-1850s, 65(2):4 (Spr 2003) private or semi-private. See Private schools public. See City schools; Public schools reform. See Reformatories smoking in-late 1800s, 60(1):12 (Win 1998) as social centers-early 1900s, 14(4):18, 19 (Oct 1952) "Sunday." . See Churches; Sabbath schools tax assessment
52(4):23 (Fall 1990)
Freiss, Mary Caroline and, 52(4):22 (Fall 1990) local activity-1800s, 52(4):26 (Fall 1990) parish work-1800s, 63(3):11 (Sum 2001) parochial instruction by-mid 1800s, 63(3):9, 15 (Sum 2001) Winton Province, Sister Virginia Mullaly and-early 2000s, 63(3):22 (Sum 2001) School Visitors, Board of Schrader, Frank, 29(1):22 (Jan 1967) Schreiber, Georges Schuetzen Park Schumacher, F. C. Schwalbach, Casper Schwarz, Morris, 22(3):3 (Jul 1960) Schweickardt, George B.
cholera, explanations of,
36(3):12 (Jul 1974)
in higher education, 33(4):1 (Oct 1971) historical sketch, 8(4):1-24 (Oct 1946) lectures, discontinued, 11(2):15 (Apr 1949) literary clubs and, 48(1&2):6, 7, 8 (Jan & Apr 1986) museum. See Rochester Museum and Science Center scientific inquiry, popularity, 11(2):15, 24 (Apr 1949) Scientific Socialism, introduction, 2(3):19 (Jul 1940) Spiritualism and, 71(2):7, 14 (Fall 2009) theology, conflict with, 8(4):7-17 (Oct 1946); 31(3):17, 21 (Jul 1969)
ball park near-1800s,
64(4):4 (Fall 2002)
farmer's market, 12(1):11 (Jan 1950) pioneer cemetery, 50(4):5 (Oct 1988) tenements, congestion, 13(4):18 (Oct 1951) Scotch-Irish immigrants/settlers. See also Irish immigrants; Scottish immigrants
Clock of the Nations and,
69(1):13 photo caption (Spr 2007)
Douglass, Frederick in, 67(3):12 (Sum 2005); 67(4):6 (Fall 2005) Durand family in, 61(2):1 (Spr 1999) famine in-1800s
American relief efforts, 68(3):3, 5,
11, 12, 13 (Sum 2006)
Scottish relief efforts, 68(3):4 (Sum 2006) immigrants. See Scottish immigrants imports from, clothing industry and, 22(3):4 (Jul 1960) ship manufacture, 59(1):15 (Win 1997)
Rochester in World War Two: High Schools
and the War Effort authored by,
55(4):1-20 with photos (Fall 1993)
association sponsors Mt. Hope Cemetery
section, 50(4):18 (Oct 1988)
comparative numbers, 25(3):6 (Jul 1963) Durand family, 61(2):1 (Spr 1999) Ross, Donald, 65(1):5 (Win 2003) Scottsville, NY
bike path to/from-1890s,
19(3):8 (Jul 1957)
opening day, 69(2):13 photo (Spr
Iroquois trails to/from, 44(1&2):21 (Jan & Apr 1982) mills, 56(4):12 (Fall 1994) population figures/trends-early 1900s, 19(3):14 (Jul 1957) residents
Hanford, Abraham-1810s, 30(2):11 (Apr
Schmidt, Carl F., 65(3):15-16 (Sum 2003) Tone, William-1810s, 30(2):11 (Apr 1968)
as author
of Guy Mannering, 15(4):23
(Oct 1953)
of Lady of the Lake, Frederick Douglass and, 67(3):10 (Sum 2005)
canal transport of lumber and timber,
56(4):14-15 (Fall 1994)
measurements and tonnage, 56(4):14-15 (Fall 1994)
commercial surroundings,
24(3):5 (Jul 1962);
34(2):2 (Apr 1972)
construction and/or location, 5(3):4 (Jul 1943); 23(3):3 (Jul 1961); 24(1):9 (Jan 1962); 24(3):2-3, 5 (Jul 1962) illustration, 5(3):3 () (Jul 1943) occupation-1810s, 5(3):2 (Jul 1943); 24(3):40 (Jul 1962); 49(2):3 (Apr 1987) purchase, by Ensworths, 29(3):3 (Jun 1967); 31(4):4 (Oct 1969) Scrantom, Edwin on, 5(3):4 (Jul 1943) subsequent site usage, 5(3):2-4 (Jul 1943)
as hotel site, 2(3):19 (Jul 1940);
4(1):4 (Jan 1942)
as Powers Building/Block, 2(3):19 (Jul 1940); 3(4):4 (Oct 1941); 4(1):4 (Jan 1942); 23(3):3 (Jul 1961); 24(3):1, 8, 26, 40 (Jul 1962); 31(4):4 (Oct 1969) as tavern site, 29(3):3 (Jun 1967); 54(3):6 (Sum 1992) Scrantom, Edwin
4(1):3-7 (Jan 1942); 6(2):12 (Apr 1944);
24(3):2-3 (Jul 1962)
as author/publisher, 4(1):1-2 (Jan 1942); 27(1):3 (Jan 1965)
Anti-Masonic Almanacs-1820s,
3(1):20 (Jan 1941)
on apprenticeship, 4(1):18-19 (Jan 1942) on Child's Basin, quoted, 49(4):6, 26 (Oct 1987) on currency of 1830s-quoted, 49(2):6-7 (Apr 1987) on daguerreotypes, quoted, 62(1):3 (Win 2000) diary, 27(1):3 (Jan 1965) on Erie Canal, quoted, 11(3&4):11 (Jul 1949); 41(1&2):26-28 (Jan & Apr 1979); 49(4):3 (Oct 1987) on family's arrival-1810s, 4(1):3-7 (Jan 1942) History of Monroe County, New York, consultant on, 6(2):13 (Apr 1944) on Mercer, Thomas, quoted, 62(1):12 (Win 2000) on mills, quoted, 30(2):5-6 (Apr 1968); 50(3):5 (Jul 1988) Old Citizen Letters, excerpts, 4(1):3-24 (Jan 1942); 62(1):12 (Win 2000)See also Old Citizen Letters by Edwin Scrantom reminiscences, 54(3):16 illus caption (Sum 1992) of The Rochester Gem, 4(1):2 (Jan 1942) on Rochesterville, construction, 50(3):8-9 (Jul 1988) on schooling, 4(1):19 (Jan 1942) on Scrantom cabin, 5(3):4 (Jul 1943) traveler's account, reprinted, 41(1&2):29 (Jan & Apr 1979) weather accounts, 27(1):2-4 (Jan 1965)
death-1880s, 4(1):2 (Jan 1942)
education, 4(1):19 (Jan 1942); 41(1&2):23 (Jan & Apr 1979) family
children, death of, 18(3):7 (Jul
cottage industry, 51(4):19 (Fall 1989) mother's reminiscences, 50(4):5 (Oct 1988)
apprenticeship, 4(1):18-19 (Jan 1942);
30(2):4-5 (Apr 1968)
auctions, 18(2):12 (Apr 1956); 31(4):13-14 (Oct 1969) publishing. See Scrantom, Edwin — as author/publisher engravings display and-1850s, 17(2):4 (Apr 1955) as industrial school officer-1860s, 68(4):14 (Fall 2006) Pioneer Society meeting and-1840s, 47(3&4):19 (Jul & Oct 1985) Steward, Austin and, 72(2):18n.15 (Fall 2010) Scrantom, Hamlet
arrival and settlement-1810s,
1(3):1-2 (Jul 1939);
3(2):2 (Apr 1941);
3(4):4 (Oct 1941);
4(1):2-9 (Jan 1942);
11(2):3 (Apr 1949);
23(3):3 (Jul 1961);
24(1):9 (Jan 1962);
24(3):1-2 (Jul 1962);
27(1):1 (Jan 1965);
27(1):2 (Jan 1965);
29(3):14-15 (Jun 1967);
37(2):2 (Apr 1975);
49(2):3 (Apr 1987);
54(3):16-17 (Sum 1992)
first school, role in, 4(2):5 (Apr 1942); 41(1&2):23 (Jan & Apr 1979) as miller, 23(3):4 (Jul 1961); 24(3):2 (Jul 1962); 33(3):2-3 (Jul 1971) offspring, 4(1):2, 3 (Jan 1942)See also Scrantom, Edwin; Scrantom, Hamlet D. residences
cabin. See Scrantom cabin
first, temporary, 24(3):2 (Jul 1962) frame, 5(3):2 (Jul 1943) frame house, 23(3):3 (Jul 1961) King Farm, 4(1):8 (Jan 1942) on village, quoted-1810s, 23(3):3 (Jul 1961) War of 1812 and
arrival and family lineage,
29(3):15 (Jun 1967)See also
Scrantom, Edwin;
Scrantom, Hamlet
biographical details, 26(1):19-20 (Jan 1964) as mayor (1860-1861), 26(1):20 (Jan 1964) photograph, 47(3&4):24 (Jul & Oct 1985)
industrial school and,
68(4):3 (Fall 2006)
marriage, 41(1&2):23, 26 (Jan & Apr 1979) spouse. See Scrantom, Edwin Scribers, Jacob Scriven, Brian
as immigrants, employment and residences,
54(1):31n.65 (Win 1992)
Mathis, Alice and-1970s, 54(1):24, 28n.17 (Win 1992) Sea Breeze Amusement Park. See Sea Breeze, NY Sea Breeze House/Hotel, 56(1):1 illus, 31 (Win 1994)
accommodations, improvements,
8(3):13 (Jul 1946)
described, 56(1):11 (Win 1994) destruction by fire-1885, 56(1):13 (Win 1994) former name, 56(1):8 (Win 1994) Native American mounds near, 44(1&2):30 (Jan & Apr 1982) and Pavilion, 56(1):31 (Win 1994) picnicing at, 8(3):8-9 (Jul 1946) rail service to, 56(1):11 (Win 1994)
amusement park,
28(4):6 (Oct 1966); 56(1):17 (Win
bicycle sidepath route to, 69(2):15 photo (Spr 2008) bike path to/from-1890s, 19(3):8 (Jul 1957) boat landings, 56(1):33 photo (Win 1994) Bradstreet home/farm near, 41(1&2):41, 44, 46n.6 (Jan & Apr 1979) celebrations, 8(3):12 (Jul 1946) French Army at, 13(3):9 (Jul 1951) Native American mounds, 44(1&2):30 (Jan & Apr 1982) as resort, 16(4):13 (Oct 1954); 56(1):31 (Win 1994)
amusement park expansion, 56(1):17
(Win 1994)
behavior concerns at, 56(1):15 (Win 1994) decline, 56(1):23-24 (Win 1994) founding-1870s, 19(3):7 (Jul 1957) founding, Rochester and Lake Ontario Railroad and, 75(1):22 (Spring 2013) impact of 1930s on, 56(1):22 (Win 1994) lodging, 8(3):13 (Jul 1946); 44(1&2):30 (Jan & Apr 1982); 56(1):8, 10 (Win 1994) Natatorium. See Natatorium transit service to/from, 19(3):7-8 (Jul 1957); 56(1):10-11, 13, 17, 20 (Win 1994); 75(1):22 (Spring 2013)
excursions, 8(3):23 (Jul 1946)
photograph, 50(1):15 (Jan 1988) rail service, 12(1):6 (Jan 1950); 56(1):11, 14-15, 17 (Win 1994) wreck involving, 12(1):6 (Jan 1950)
22(3):3 (Jul 1960);
25(1):3 (Jan 1963)
Guild of the Lily, 42(1):22 (Jan
wages and hours, 25(1):2 (Jan 1963)
Fox sisters and. See
Fish, Mrs. Leah;
Fox, Kate;
Fox, Margaret(ta)
Post family and, 71(2):10 with illus, 21 with illus (Fall 2009) Searing, Dr. Anna H. Searl, Henry Seasons. See specific season Seattle Art Museum, 19(1):19 (Jan 1957) Seattle Philharmonic Society, 42(3):17 (Jul 1980) Seattle, WA
boat tours,
19(1):4 (Jan 1957)
Bureau of Safety Building, 19(1):9 (Jan 1957) Fuller art collection, 19(1):19 (Jan 1957) McKelvey, Blake at, 19(1):1 (Jan 1957) municipal agencies, 19(1):12 (Jan 1957) museums, 19(1):19, 20 (Jan 1957) New Bulletin, publication, 19(1):12 (Jan 1957) philharmonic society, 42(3):17 (Jul 1980) symphony, 19(1):22 (Jan 1957) world's fair-1960s, 26(3):21 (Jul 1964) Seaver, James E.
contract with Daniel W. Barrister,
68(1&2):3 (Win & Spr 2006)
interview with Mary Jemison, 68(1&2):3-5 (Win & Spr 2006)
right of, as political issue,
14(2):5 (Apr 1952)
of Southern Democrats, 14(2):6 (Apr 1952) of southern states, 2(3):4 (Jul 1940); 23(1):3 (Jan 1961)
Boys Brigade,
14(4):5 (Oct 1952)
Cook (Rev. Joseph) lecture, 8(4):15-16 (Oct 1946) pastor, Rev. Frederick L. Anderson-1890s, 33(4):20 (Oct 1971) The Second Mrs. Tangueray Second Reformed Church, 40(4):7 (Oct 1978) Second Separate Naval Division Second Ward
maps politics
election of 1880, 2(4):9 (Oct 1940)
Italians and, 22(4):17 (Oct 1960) Tippecanoe Club, campaign-1840s, 1(3):5-6 (Jul 1939)
industrial war production and-WWII,
66(1):14 (Win 2004);
66(1):23-24 (Win 2004);
66(2):9 (Spr 2004)
Manhattan Project and, 66(2):25 (Spr
Security Trust Building, 26(2):1 (Apr 1964)
28(2&3):46 (Apr & Jul 1966);
37(2):21, 22 (Apr 1975)
demolition threat, 37(2):23 (Apr 1975) location-1960s, 69(1):15 (Spr 2007) remodeling, 37(2):22 (Apr 1975) Sedgwick, Catherine Maria
as concert manager-early 1900s,
49(1):10 (Jan 1987)
D.K.G. Institute of Musical Art, position with, 49(1):6 (Jan 1987) at Eastman School of Music, 58(4):29 (Fall 1996) interview with, 58(4):11 (Fall 1996) on Klingenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Alf, quoted, 58(4):11 (Fall 1996) tribute, to local musicians, 29(1):19 (Jan 1967)
Harris Seeds, 45(3&4):42 (Jul & Oct
illustrations, 45(3&4):39, 25, 26 (Jul & Oct 1983) Monroe Garden & Nursery-1833, 45(3&4):28 (Jul & Oct 1983) popularity, 45(3&4):39 (Jul & Oct 1983) Rochester Seed Store and Horticultural Repository, 45(3&4):29 (Jul & Oct 1983) Vick Seed Company, 45(3&4):40 (Jul & Oct 1983)
Crosman Seeds. See Crosman
Harris Seeds. See Harris Seed Company Kedie & Houghton Seed Store, 45(3&4):30 (Jul & Oct 1983) Livingston Flower Mill, 45(3&4):30 (Jul & Oct 1983) in Reynolds Arcade, 45(3&4):30 (Jul & Oct 1983) Vick Seed Company. See Vick Seed Company development-1800s, 43(4):16-17 (Oct 1981); 51(4):10 (Fall 1989) Genesee Farmer and. See Genesee Farmer historical sketch, 45(3&4):25-45 with illus/photo (Jul & Oct 1983) Irish famine relief solicitations-1840s, 68(3):4 (Sum 2006) peddlers. See Seed peddlers Reynolds, William Abelard and, 22(2):5 (Apr 1960) seed drill, 45(3&4):47 illus (Jul & Oct 1983) seed stock
germination percentages, testing-1890s,
45(3&4):42 (Jul & Oct 1983)
package, labeling, 45(3&4):42 (Jul & Oct 1983) prices-1850s, 42(2):16-17 (Apr 1980) raising, benefits, 45(3&4):27 (Jul & Oct 1983) supply-WWI, 45(3&4):42 (Jul & Oct 1983) Seedsmen. See Horticulturists See, Genevieve, 29(1):22 (Jan 1967) Seeger, A.
in baseball,
62(2):7-8 (Spr 2000)
in Canandaigua, NY, 66(4):8-9, 21n.21 (Fall 2004) in churches, 1(3):18 (Jul 1939) in education
Canandaigua, NY, 66(4):8-9 (Fall
city schools. See City schools — facilities; City schools — segregation/integration in Connecticut-early 1800s, 37(4):17, 20 (Oct 1975) in Near Northeast District, 29(2):18, 21-22 (Apr 1967) in Oak Ridge, TN, Rochesterians' and, 66(2):24 (Spr 2004) Selden auto. See Selden, George B., Sr.; Selden Motor Vehicle Company Selden Building
43(2&3):10 (Apr & Jul 1981)
Selden lineage, 43(2&3):23 (Apr & Jul 1981) Selden Motor Vehicle Company and, 43(2&3):23 (Apr & Jul 1981)
biographical summary/details,
21(3):20 (Jul 1959);
24(3):20 (Jul 1962);
43(2&3):2 (Apr & Jul 1981)
biography, 10(4):12 (Oct 1948) burial site, 50(4):11, 16 (Oct 1988) as Eastman mentor, 52(1):22 (Win 1990) as inventor-late 1800s, 12(1):2 (Jan 1950); 43(2&3):2, 4, 13, 29 (Apr & Jul 1981)
auto/engine patent, 8(2):14 (Apr 1946);
11(2):11-12 (Apr 1949);
12(1):2 (Jan 1950);
21(1):13 (Jan 1959);
23(3):15 (Jul 1961);
24(3):20 (Jul 1962);
43(2&3):5-15 (Apr & Jul 1981);
50(4):11, 16 (Oct 1988)
license agreements, 43(2&3):6, 8 (Apr & Jul 1981) litigation, 43(2&3):2, 6-8, 9, 12-14, 39 (Apr & Jul 1981) Selden Motor Vehicle Company and. See Selden Motor Vehicle Company Rochester Historical Society, contributions, 6(2):21 (Apr 1944)
horseless carriage, invention of,
28(4):22 (Oct 1966)
photograph, 43(2&3):10 (Apr & Jul 1981) Selden lineage, 43(2&3):23 (Apr & Jul 1981) Selden Motor Vehicle Company and, 43(2&3):23 (Apr & Jul 1981)
as Anthony (Susan B.) attorney,
57(4):20 (Fall 1995)
civic honor (posthumous), 22(2):9 (Apr 1960) daughter, marriage, 12(1):19 (Jan 1950) Eastwood murder trial-1850s, 54(3):7 (Sum 1992) Hahnemann Hospital and, 9(2&3):21 (Apr 1947) political and judicial appointments, 10(2&3):12 (Jul 1948); 20(3):12 (Jul 1958); 22(2):9-10 (Apr 1960); 43(2&3):2 (Apr & Jul 1981) residence and neighbor, 9(1):5 (Jan 1947) Selden lineage, 22(2):9 (Apr 1960); 43(2&3):2 (Apr & Jul 1981) woman's rights movement and, 10(2&3):12 (Jul 1948)
founding and reorganization,
43(2&3):23 (Apr & Jul 1981)
product lines and performance, 43(2&3):12, 23, photos: 10, 21 (Apr & Jul 1981)
as baseball player, teammates-1800s,
52(3):5 (Sum 1990)
biographical details, 22(2):9 (Apr 1960) civic honor (posthumous), 22(2):9 (Apr 1960) library, 7(3):8 (Jul 1945) partners with Erasmus Darwin Smith, 21(3):22 (Jul 1959) telegraph investment, 7(1):19 (Jan 1945)
draft board members, women as,
51(3):8, 9 photo, 10 (Sum 1989)
passage and response to-1917, 39(4):8-9 (Oct 1977) Sellers, Edward Selye Citizens Corps
as alderman, Dewey Avenue and-1890s,
13(2):6 (Apr 1951)
book resources, quoted on-early 1900s, 23(4):2 (Oct 1961)
biographical summary,
41(3):22, 24 (Jul 1979)
business enterprises, 41(3):24 (Jul 1979)
fire engine factory. See Lewis
Selye and Co. Fire Engine and Hose Factory
location, 59(2):8 (Spr 1997) manufacturing, 34(3):4 (Jul 1972); 41(3):22 (Jul 1979); 59(2):8 (Spr 1997) Mt. Hope Cemetery association and, 50(4):18 (Oct 1988) politics, roles in
as congressman, 14(2):7 (Apr 1952)
as journalist, 14(2):8 (Apr 1952) political affiliation, 41(4):2 (Oct 1979) as political boss, 2(3):3 (Jul 1940); 2(4):4 (Oct 1940) presidential endorsement-1880, 2(4):9 (Oct 1940) at State convention, 2(4):10 (Oct 1940)
telescope mount, 9(1):7 (Jan 1947)
2(3):22-24 (Jul 1940); 28(1):17 (Jan
works on, by William F. Peck, 6(2):14 (Apr 1944); 10(4):14 (Oct 1948); 44(1&2):1, 5 (Jan & Apr 1982)
excerpt, 29(1):3
(Jan 1967); 44(1&2):9-32 (Jan & Apr
on German immigrants, 20(1):24 (Jan 1958) Harris (George) contributions, 44(1&2):1, 5, 33 (Jan & Apr 1982) A Semi-Centennial Review of Family Service of Rochester, Inc. by Blake McKelvey, 23(2):1-20 (Apr 1961) Seminaries
Anthony, Susan B. at,
57(4):3 (Fall 1995)
consortium, formation, 52(4):3-22 (Fall 1990) preparatory, Bishop Bernard J. McQuaid at, 67(2):3 (Spr 2005) Rochester Theological Seminary. See Rochester Theological Seminary Seward's Seminary, Rosetta Douglass at, 67(4):5 (Fall 2005) St. Bernard's Seminary, architecture, 26(2):14 (Apr 1964) Semlinger, John H. Seneca Avenue Seneca Canal
Civil War regiment from
activity at Gettysburg, 65(2):12-13,
20 illus (Spr 2003)
Harper's Ferry POWs, 66(3):23n.12 (Sum 2004) geography and soil composition-1800s, 42(2):2 (Apr 1980) historian, 59(4):20 (Fall 1997) residents, McLafferty family, 42(2):1-28 (Apr 1980) as Union Council member-1850s, 66(4):14 (Fall 2004)
Bloomer costume in,
57(3):5, 18 (Sum 1995)
newspaper. See The Lily rail service to/from, 30(4):4-5 (Oct 1968) Redemptorist priests and-1800s, 63(3):11 (Sum 2001) resident, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, 23(1):4 (Jan 1961) visitors
McLafferty, Henry III visits-1850s,
42(2):17 (Apr 1980)
Silver, Henry Dayton, 15(4):11, 19 (Oct 1953) unidentified female-1820s, 62(3):18 (Sum 2000)
art show and ball-1920s, 17(2):21
(Apr 1955)
City Club meetings, 9(4):18 (Oct 1947) conventions, 31(4):18, 19, 21 (Oct 1969); 34(2):17 (Apr 1972) labor negotiations-1920s, 22(3):25-26 (Jul 1960) Moulthrop luncheon-1920s, 19(2):20 (Apr 1957) construction and/or location-early 1900s, 13(4):20 (Oct 1951); 31(4):17 (Oct 1969); 34(2):17 (Apr 1972); 35(2):15 (Apr 1973) as landmark, 27(3):13 (Jul 1965) opening, 27(3):13 (Jul 1965)
Friends' settlement near,
4(3):6 (Jul 1942)
military camp-WWII, 5(1):29 (Jan 1943) settlement-1790s, 47(1&2):3-4 (Jan & Apr 1985) sloop launching-1790s, 41(3):4 (Jul 1979) traveler's account of-1820s, 62(3):18 (Sum 2000) view at Geneva, NY-1840s, 62(4):5 illus (Fall 2000) Seneca Memorial to Congress
68(1&2):11, 14 photo captions (Win & Spr 2006)
Council House
locations, Jemison remains and,
68(1&2):21, 25 with photo (Win & Spr 2006)
tourists at, 68(1&2):23-24 with photo (Win & Spr 2006) experts on
Harris, George as. See Harris,
George Henry
Morgan, Lewis Henry as. See Morgan, Lewis Henry Parker, Arthur C. as. See Parker, Arthur Caswell fur traders, 45(3&4):3 (Jul & Oct 1983); 68(1&2):9, 11, 12 (Win & Spr 2006) Genesee Country, naming, 38(1):7 (Jan 1976) historical sketches, 1(1):1-24 (Jan 1939); 13(3):1-24 (Jul 1951)
Denonville Expedition and. See
Denonville Expedition
French and Indian War, 13(3):17-20 (Jul 1951) inter-tribal, 44(1&2):40 (Jan & Apr 1982) kidnapping, of Mary Jemison, 13(3):18 (Jul 1951) Lachine massacre-1680s, 13(3):9 (Jul 1951) Ohio Valley, 3(4):3 (Oct 1941) Revolutionary War, 43(4):14-15 (Oct 1981); 44(1&2):41 (Jan & Apr 1982); 68(1&2):14-15 (Win & Spr 2006)See also Sullivan Expedition (1779) Iroquois Confederacy, and founding of, 1(1):5 (Jan 1939); 44(1&2):16-17, 39 (Jan & Apr 1982)See also Iroquois Confederacy land/treaty negotiations
commemoration-1930s, 1(1):1 (Jan 1939);
51(1):4 (Win 1989)
historical sketch, 1(1):1-24 (Jan 1939) Jemison, Mary and, 68(1&2):16 (Win & Spr 2006) Last Council Fire-1870s, 68(1&2):20-21 (Win & Spr 2006) mill tract cession. See Mill Tract with Phelps & Gorham Associates. See Phelps and Gorham Purchase; Phelps and Gorham Treaty
descendants, 1(1):16 (Jan 1939)
Handsome Lake, Seneca Sachem, 17(3):7 (Jul 1955) Jemison family. See Jemison, Mary non-native, 13(3):17 (Jul 1951)See also Jemison, Mary Parker family, 6(2):9 (Apr 1944); 17(3):2 (Jul 1955)
baptisms and deaths, 38(4):10 (Oct
Jesuits, 38(4):3-4, 10 (Oct 1976) mission sites, map-1600s/1700s, 13(3):12-13 (Jul 1951) photographs/illustrations
corn picking/grinding, 68(1&2):11,
14 (Win & Spr 2006)
at Gonandagan State Historical Site, 68(1&2):31 (Win & Spr 2006) Jemison, Mary, 68(1&2):1, 24, 32 (Win & Spr 2006) Jemison, Thomas, 68(1&2):23 (Win & Spr 2006) at Last Council Fire-1870s, 68(1&2):25 (Win & Spr 2006) reservations, 44(1&2):41 (Jan & Apr 1982)See also Tonawanda Reservation settlements/camps, 6(3):4 (Jul 1944); 38(1):7 (Jan 1976)
castles and mission sites, map-1880s,
13(3):12-13 (Jul 1951)
and customs, George Harris on, quoted, 44(1&2):9-32, 39-42 (Jan & Apr 1982)See also Harris, George Henry Genesee River and, 24(3):4 (Jul 1962) land use, 1(1):6 (Jan 1939) location, 24(3):4 (Jul 1962) region occupied by, 68(1&2):3 (Win & Spr 2006)
Barton family and, 45(3&4):8 (Jul &
Oct 1983)
Green, Seth and, 6(3):4-5 (Jul 1944) Harris, George, 44(1&2):1, 2-4, 7 (Jan & Apr 1982) Jemison, Mary. See Jemison, Mary trails, 44(1&2):2, 10-11, 18-32, 22-23 map, 41 (Jan & Apr 1982)
acreage, acquisition,
11(1):5, 6, 8, 12 (Jan 1949);
64(1):10 (Win 2002)
Children's Day-early 1900s, 11(1):13
(Jan 1949)
Columbus Day celebration-early 1900s, 22(4):8 (Oct 1960) German Day celebrations, 20(1):23, 25 (Jan 1958) of Moulthrop, Samuel P.-1890s, 19(2):6 (Apr 1957) music festival-early 1900s, 11(1):13 (Jan 1949) pony rides, 11(1):13 (Jan 1949) skating parties, 11(1):7 (Jan 1949) trout pond, 11(1):7, 13, 14 (Jan 1949) artifact discovery-1890s, 19(2):9 (Apr 1957) bridges to Maplewood Park. See also Veterans Memorial Bridge
Seneca Park bridge-1890, 50(2):19
(Apr 1988)
bandstand, 11(1):13 (Jan 1949);
75(2):9 (Fall 2013)
baseball field, 11(1):7 (Jan 1949) bobsled run, 11(1):14 (Jan 1949) housing, 75(2):19, 22 (Fall 2013) pavilion, 50(2):20 photo (Apr 1988) refectory, 50(2):20 (Apr 1988) Reform Park era, 75(2):9 (Fall 2013) roadways, 75(2):28n.35 (Fall 2013) swimming pool, 11(1):14 (Jan 1949); 17(1):10 (Jan 1955); 50(2):20 photo (Apr 1988)
construction, 75(2):17 (Fall
zoo. See Seneca Park Zoo naming of, 11(1):5 (Jan 1949); 50(2):19 (Apr 1988)See also North Park parkway, 11(1):8 (Jan 1949); 50(2):21 (Apr 1988) photographs/illustrations
bandstand, 75(2):5 (Fall 2013)
horse-drawn water wagon, 50(1):20 (Jan 1988) postcard, 75(2):5,cover (Fall 2013) swan boat on Trout Pond, 50(2):19 (Apr 1988); 75(2):5 (Fall 2013) swimming pool and pavilion, 50(2):20 (Apr 1988) sewage contamination, 19(3):10 (Jul 1957) transportation services to/from Veterans Memorial Bridge, view of, 26(2):7 (Apr 1964)
60(2):22 (Spr 1998)
exhibits and habitats-early 1900s, 11(1):15 (Jan 1949) history, 11(1):8, 15, 22 (Jan 1949); 75(2):9 (Fall 2013) parking area, 75(2):19 (Fall 2013) popularity-1890s, 8(3):24 (Jul 1946) postcard depicting, 75(2):9 (Fall 2013) roadways, 75(2):28n.35 (Fall 2013) superintendents, 11(1):22 (Jan 1949) Seneca Turnpike Company Senior Citizens Housing Company, Inc.
Mckenna, Charlie as champion of-1940s,
65(1):31n1 (Win 2003)
at Oak Hill Country Club, Arnold Palmer in-1984, 65(1):20 (Win 2003) Sericulture
as author of North Star Country: Upstate
New York and the Crusade for African American Freedom,
72(2):18n.3 (Fall 2010)
of East Avenue residences,
28(2&3):25-26 (Apr & Jul 1966)
hotel, traveler's description-1830s, 41(1&2):34 (Jan & Apr 1979) indentured, 52(2):10 (Spr 1990)
slaves as, 71(1):11, 12-13 illus
(Spr 2009)
surnames, tradition of, 8(2):22 (Apr 1946) Third Ward, 8(2):22 (Apr 1946)
historical reviews,
24(3):1-40 (Jul 1962);
29(3):1-20 (Jun 1967)
tall ships celebrating-1984, 61(3&4):15 photo (Sum & Fall 1999) A Sesquicentennial Review of Rochester's History by Blake McKelvey, 24(3):1-40 (Jul 1962) Session, Mr. (of Utah, no given name) Seton, Mrs. Elizabeth Bayley
Baden Street. See
Baden Street Settlement House
development, 16(1):21 (Jan 1954) Genesee. See Genesee Settlement House Lewis Street. See Lewis Street Settlement House Near Northeast District, 29(2):8, 9, 14, 16, 17 (Apr 1967) rental housing, construction-1960s, 27(4):26 (Oct 1965) St. Mary's Street College Settlement (Philadelphia, PA), 43(1):16 (Jan 1981) Settlements. See Pioneers; specific settlement Settlers. See Pioneers Sevcik, Otakar
origins, Millerites and,
67(3):25n.63 (Sum 2005)See
also Millerites
Sprague, Rosetta Douglass and, 67(4):5 (Fall 2005)
Baden Street Settlement. See
Baden Street Settlement House
ethnic composition/settlement, 27(4):10, 19 (Oct 1965); 29(2):1-8, 13-14, 16-18 (Apr 1967) FIGHT and, 29(2):22-23 (Apr 1967) housing
conditions/projects, 27(4):10, 11
(Oct 1965); 29(2):14 (Apr 1967)See
also Hanover Houses
inventory/survey of, 29(2):13 (Apr 1967) race riots-1960s, 27(4):24-25 (Oct 1965) residents-mid 1800s, 67(3):25n.63, 26n.65 (Sum 2005) urban renewal-1950s, 29(2):14 (Apr 1967) Severance and Carr Saloon
as contaminant,
5(2):18, 19 (Apr 1943); 19(3):9, 10
(Jul 1957); 39(3):4, 8 (Jul 1977);
45(1&2):3, 4 (Jan & Apr 1983);
59(4):13 (Fall 1997)
disposal. See Sewage disposal treatment. See Sewage treatment
in 1890's, 3(3):7
(Jul 1941)
contamination from. See Sewage electricity and, 60(4):9 (Fall 1998) regulation, 5(2):6, 22 (Apr 1943) text on, 21(3):18 (Jul 1959) Sewage treatment
Albany filtration system-1800s,
39(3):8-9 (Jul 1977)
plants, construction-1900s, 35(2):15 (Apr 1973) by reduction plants, 18(3):23 (Jul 1956) at world's fair-1890s, 43(1):2 (Jan 1981)
marriage. See
Gould, Mrs. Sarah T.
as school principal, 1(3):22 (Jul 1939) as student, 1(3):22 (Jul 1939)
location, 1(3):22
(Jul 1939)
principals, 1(3):22 (Jul 1939) student, Rosetta Douglass, 67(4):5 (Fall 2005)
Chesebro relatives,
66(4):16 (Fall 2004)
Frederick Douglass' support for, 21(4):10 (Oct 1959) as governor, 1(3):13 (Jul 1939)
economic recovery and, 1(3):13 (Jul
election-1830s, 7(1):8 (Jan 1945) local appointee-1840s, 41(1&2):42 (Jan & Apr 1979) on secession of south, 2(3):4 (Jul 1940) as Secretary of State, local appointee-1860s, 21(3):22 (Jul 1959) as senator, Whigs and, 20(3):4 (Jul 1958) speech/visit-1850s, 2(3):3 (Jul 1940); 15(3):11 (Jul 1953); 21(1):7 (Jan 1959); 26(4):8 (Oct 1964); 51(1):9 illus caption (Win 1989) Weed, Thurlow and, 2(2):8 (Apr 1940)
charitable work,
42(1):20 (Jan 1980)
Crapsey family and, 42(1):20 (Jan 1980) political philosophy, 40(4):19 (Oct 1978) as YMCA officer, 16(1):6, 7 (Jan 1954)
city. See
Municipal sewer system
open, 5(2):19 (Apr 1943); 13(4):16 (Oct 1951) storm, construction-1900s, 58(3):6, 10 (Sum 1996) suburban. See Suburban towns/villages workers, unionization, 25(1):18 (Jan 1963)
clothing inventory-pioneer era,
30(2):3 (Apr 1968)
at Industrial School of Rochester patterns, for Bloomer costume, 57(3):18 (Sum 1995) of summer dress, materials and cost-1890s, 43(1):10 (Jan 1981) vocational training for, 44(4):13 (Oct 1982) women's employment and, 51(4):18-20 (Fall 1989); 57(1):9 (Win 1995) Sewing machines
Civil War, use in,
23(1):11 (Jan 1961)
clothing industry, use in, 22(3):3, 4, 5 (Jul 1960); 51(4):17 (Fall 1989) introduction, 23(3):12 (Jul 1961); 25(1):3 (Jan 1963) invention, women and, 57(4):14 (Fall 1995) newspaper editorial on, quoted, 4(2):14-15 (Apr 1942) shoe industry, use in, 3(4):13 (Oct 1941); 15(2):5, 7-8 (Apr 1953); 51(4):16 (Fall 1989) Singer. See Singer sewing machines tobacco industry, use in, 60(1):4 (Win 1998) Sex discrimination. See Gender discrimination/issues Sex education Sexton, Larry
as fish commissioner of NYS,
6(3):16-17 (Jul 1944)
as governor
Bradstreet, Mayor Nehemiah and,
41(1&2):40, 43 (Jan & Apr 1979)
candidacy-1860s, 23(1):17, 19 (Jan 1961) newspaper on, 14(2):6 (Apr 1952) on political graft, quoted, 2(4):6 (Oct 1940)
as guidance services coordinator (city
schools), 31(2):20 (Apr 1969)
school superintendent, 31(2):21-23 (Apr 1969) television and
business enterprise,
30(4):4 (Oct 1968)
as civil engineer-1840s
Cayuga and Susquehanna Railroad and,
59(4):12, 23n.17 (Fall 1997)
Ithaca and Owego Railroad and, 59(4):11 (Fall 1997) Tichenor, William and, 59(4):11-12 (Fall 1997)
business enterprises
dam. See Johnson and Seymour
lawsuit, over flood damage-1810s, 29(3):12 (Jun 1967) partnership, 4(1):10 (Jan 1942) raceway. See Johnson and Seymour race Shadboldt stove
amateur productions,
16(3):7 (Jul 1954)
formation, membership, and activities-1800s, 48(1&2):6 (Jan & Apr 1986)
authorship controversy,
10(1):4 (Jan 1948)
clubs. See Shakespeare Boat Club; Shakespeare Clubs; Shakespeare Society Mantell, Robert's portrayal of, 3(3):24 (Jul 1941) works
Last Council Fire and-1870s,
68(1&2):20 (Win & Spr 2006)
Seneca Council House and, 68(1&2):21 (Win & Spr 2006)
business enterprise,
20(1):11 (Jan 1958);
22(3):5 (Jul 1960);
50(3):21 (Jul 1988);
51(4):19 (Fall 1989)See also
Rochester Button Company
residence, 28(2&3):34 (Apr & Jul 1966) Shapero, Isadore
black suffrage and,
46(1&2):23 (Jan & Apr 1984)
emancipation celebration (NYS) and-1820s, 46(1&2):19 (Jan & Apr 1984) occupation, 46(1&2):23 (Jan & Apr 1984)
at Anthony (Susan B.) funeral,
7(2):24 (Apr 1945)
Douglass (Frederick) funeral and, 67(4):21 (Fall 2005) and final illness of Susan B. Anthony, 57(4):12, 17 (Fall 1995) National Women's Committee, role on-1910s, 51(3):5 (Sum 1989) speech-1890s, 7(2):18 (Apr 1945) woman's suffrage and, 57(4):14, 15 (Fall 1995)
23(1):3 (Jan 1961)
as religious leader, 23(3):14 (Jul 1961) on Rochester's future, 2(3):23 (Jul 1940) sermon, 40(3):14 (Jul 1978) on slavery, 23(1):3 (Jan 1961)
hostilities of-mid 1700s,
68(1&2):12 (Win & Spr 2006)
kidnapping and murder of Jemison family,
68(1&2):6-9 (Win & Spr 2006)
Tecumseh, as baseball club namesake, 64(4):9 illus (Fall 2002) Shaw, Stephen E.
brotherhood membership,
24(3):29 (Jul 1962)
departure, 14(4):24 (Oct 1952) as editor of Rochester Song Book, 10(4):2 (Oct 1948) League of Civic Clubs and, 14(4):19 (Oct 1952) political orientation, 39(4):1 (Oct 1977) political songs, 39(4):1, 2, 3, 12 (Oct 1977) on socialism, 31(1):19 (Jan 1969)
quoted, 39(4):3 (Oct 1977)
NYS Teachers Association, position with,
31(2):18 (Apr 1969)
as school principal, 31(2):20 (Apr 1969)
as health officer
on children's evacuation, 45(1&2):5
(Jan & Apr 1983)
tenement investigation-1880s, 27(4):3 (Oct 1965)
as Bishop
photograph with Dr. Bartlett,
52(4):17 (Fall 1990)
Puerto Rican community and, 70(2):13-14 (Fall 2007) RCTS, and formation of, 52(4):14 (Fall 1990) resignation, 52(4):17 (Fall 1990) St. Bernard's Seminary and, 52(4):12, 13, 16-17 (Fall 1990)
burial site, 67(2):12 (Spr 2005)
professional credits, 52(4):12 (Fall 1990)
as academy principal,
1(2):4 (Apr 1939)
marriage. See Nott, Mrs. Urania philosophy of education, 1(2):5 (Apr 1939)
animal. See
Animal shelters; Humane Society of
Rochester and Monroe County
children. See Orphanages; Relief agencies/efforts homeless. See Homeless; People's Rescue Mission
as alderman, abolitionist convention
and-1860s, 46(1&2):16, 17 (Jan & Apr
business enterprise, 3(2):13-14 (Apr 1941)
as author and illustrator
of A Hard Road to Travel Out of Dixie
paintings, 74(1):covers (Spr 2012) sketches, 73(2):12-13, 20, 25 (Fall 2011); 74(1):5-25 passim (Spr 2012)
birth, 73(2):1 (Fall 2011)
death, 74(1):21 (Spr 2012) post-Civil War accomplishments, 74(1):21 (Spr 2012) photographs/illustrations of, 73(2):front cover, 20 (Fall 2011); 74(1):inside front cover, 2, 22 (Spr 2012) residences, 73(2):1 (Fall 2011); 74(1):21 (Spr 2012) Shenandoah Valley, VA Shepley, Rutan and Cooledge
31(4):23 (Oct 1969)
chain, 28(2&3):43 (Apr & Jul 1966) formerly Sagamore Hotel, 31(4):21 (Oct 1969) subcontractors, disabled, 55(2):30 (Spr 1993)
Allen, Nathaniel,
41(3):10 (Jul 1979)
duties-1830s, 25(4):3-4 (Oct 1963) Halsey, Silas, 41(3):6 (Jul 1979)
economic panic and,
14(3):1 (Jun 1952)
newspapers on, quoted, 13(1):22-23 (Jan 1951) repeal, 14(3):2-4 (Jun 1952) Shewman, Walter R. Shilling, Donovan
commercial transport-early 1800s,
30(2):9 (Apr 1968)
manufacture, 46(3&4):6 illus (Jul & Oct 1984) trade-early 1800s, 45(3&4):4 (Jul & Oct 1983)
by boat,
11(3&4):4 (Jul 1949)
Charlotte as port for, 75(1):2-4
(Spring 2013)See also Port
of Genesee/Rochester (Charlotte, NY)
impact of railroad on, 58(2):5 (Spr 1996) Pultneyville and, 58(2):4-5 (Spr 1996) companies/lines. See Shipping companies/lines Genesee River. See Genesee River Great Lakes. See Great Lakes; specific lake importance, 36(2):19 (Apr 1974) needs, 11(3&4):9, 13, 22 (Jul 1949) patterns, Nathaniel K. Fairbank on-1850s, 40(3):3, 7-9, 23 (Jul 1978) through Charlotte. See Charlotte, NY via canal. See specific canal via rafts, 30(2):8-10 (Apr 1968) via rail. See Railroads via roadways, 30(2):12-13 (Apr 1968) via water. See specific waterway or body of water
investment, 16(4):11 (Oct 1954)
lake excursions, 16(4):11 (Oct 1954) Lake Ontario Steamboat Company, 16(4):7, 9-11 (Oct 1954) Lake Ontario & St. Lawrence Steamboat Company, 16(4):10 (Oct 1954) Rochester & Lake Ontario Navigation Company, 16(4):12 (Oct 1954) sale, 16(4):11 (Oct 1954) of Great Lakes, 16(4):7-13 passim, 19 (Oct 1954) local impact, 16(4):1 (Oct 1954) monopoly attempt, 11(3&4):12 (Jul 1949) operation, 11(3&4):12, 13 (Jul 1949) packet. See Packet lines
alphabetical listing,
59(1):16 (Win 1997)See also
specific vessel not appearing below
Acusnet (whaling ship),
58(2):6 (Spr 1996)
Alert, 59(1):15, 16, 18 (Win 1997) Alexander, launching-1790s, 41(3):4 (Jul 1979) Ann of Wheatland, 56(4):10 (Fall 1994) Arcadia, 68(3):4 (Sum 2006) Athenian (side-wheeler), 16(4):11, 12 (Oct 1954) Bayfax (steamer)-1949, 61(3&4):10 photo (Sum & Fall 1999) Bay State (side-wheeler), 16(4):9, 11 (Oct 1954) Bay View (steamer), 16(4):14 (Oct 1954) Bear, 59(1):1 illus, 8 illus, 11 illus, 15, 16, 17 (Win 1997) Bellona (steamboat)-1820s, 62(3):4 (Sum 2000) "Big Ship"-1820s, 62(4):11 (Fall 2000) Black Eagle, 58(2):15 illus (Spr 1996) Bysantium (whaling ship), 58(2):20 (Spr 1996) Caroline, attack on-1830s, 49(2):21n.13 (Apr 1987) Catalpa (tugboat), 59(1):16 (Win 1997) City of Syracuse, 68(1&2):28n.1 (Win & Spr 2006) The Coburg (steamboat), 45(3&4):13 (Jul & Oct 1983) Colonial Belle (excursion boat), 72(1):20 (Spr 2010) Constellation, U.S.S., 68(3):16, 17 (Sum 2006) Contract (side-wheeler), 16(4):9 (Oct 1954) Corinthian (steamboat), 16(4):11 (Oct 1954) Crescent (whaling ship), 58(2):9 (Spr 1996) Damascus (steamboat), 56(1):18-19 illus (Win 1994) Devil's Thumb, 59(1):6 illus (Win 1997) DeWitt Clinton (packet boat), 16(2):6-8 (Apr 1954); 41(1&2):40 (Jan & Apr 1979) E.H. Whitney, 56(4):15 (Fall 1994) Elmstead, 37(4):12-13 (Oct 1975) Emily, death on, 41(3):13 (Jul 1979) Emma (whaling ship), 58(2):20 (Spr 1996) Empress (steamboat), 16(4):11 (Oct 1954) Enterprise (schooner), 58(2):5 (Spr 1996) Erie Canal Packet (packet boat), 5(3):13-15 with illus (Jul 1943) Estelle (steamer), 16(4):13 (Oct 1954) Europe, 68(3):12 (Sum 2006) Fairchild, 16(4):10 (Oct 1954) Falling Waters (steamer), 16(4):13 (Oct 1954) Fashion, 16(4):10 (Oct 1954) Flour City (steamer), 16(4):13 (Oct 1954) Flower City (steamer), 8(3):23 (Jul 1946) Frontenac, S.S., 45(3&4):1 illus, 2 illus caption (Jul & Oct 1983) Glen Edith (steamer), 16(4):14 (Oct 1954) Hannibal (whaling ship), 58(2):12 (Spr 1996) Harvey Tucker (canal boat), 56(4):1, 2, 24 photos (Fall 1994) Henry Clay, 68(3):12 (Sum 2006) Hibernia, 68(3):4 (Sum 2006) Inga (whaling ship), 58(2):10 (Spr 1996) of Irondequoit Bay, 56(1):8, 15, 18-19 illus (Win 1994) Iskareen (yacht), 16(4):19 (Oct 1954) Island Queen (steamer), 16(4):14 (Oct 1954) Jamestown, U.S.S., 68(3):5 (Sum 2006) Jeanette, 16(4):6 (Oct 1954) Jemima (schooner), 16(4):3 (Oct 1954); 44(1&2):24-25 (Jan & Apr 1982) Jennings (steamer), 16(4):14 (Oct 1954); 56(1):10, 18-19 illus (Win 1994) Kingston (steamer), 16(4):15, 17, 18, 19 (Oct 1954) Lady of the Lake-1800s, 16(4):8 (Oct 1954); 62(4):10 (Fall 2000) Lake Ontario (steamboat)-1820s, 62(4):9 (Fall 2000) Lancaster, 58(2):15 illus (Spr 1996) Loch Garry, 59(1):16, 18 (Win 1997) Lookout (steamboat), 56(1):18-19 illus (Win 1994) Lunan (steamer), 16(4):19 (Oct 1954) Lusitania. See Lusitania Macedonian, U.S.S., 68(3):5 (Sum 2006) Maple Leaf (steamboat), 16(4):9, 10, 11 (Oct 1954) Mary Jemison (tour boat), 67(3):21 (Sum 2005); 68(1&2):2 photo, 3, 26, 28, 28n.1 (Win & Spr 2006); 72(1):21 (Spr 2010) Morning Star (steamer), 58(2):3 (Spr 1996) Nancy, H.M.S., 45(3&4):2 illus (Jul & Oct 1983) Neptune, 59(1):10, 14, 18 (Win 1997) New York (side-wheeler), 16(4):9, 10, 11 (Oct 1954) New York, U.S.S., 13(2):24 (Apr 1951) N. H. Galusha (steamer), 56(1):10, 18-19 illus (Win 1994) Niagara (steamboat)-1860s, 16(4):11 (Oct 1954) Niagara (ship), destruction-1840s, 16(4):9 (Oct 1954) Norseman, 16(4):12 (Oct 1954) Northerner (side-wheeler), 16(4):11 (Oct 1954) Oneca (canal boat), 11(3&4):16 (Jul 1949); 37(3):12 (Jul 1975) Oneida Chief (canal boat-1820s), 62(3):16 (Sum 2000) Ontario. See Ontario (ships) Petrel (schooner), 58(2):7 (Spr 1996) Philadelphia (steamboat)-1820s, 62(3):4 (Sum 2000) Poverty of Scottsville, 56(4):10 (Fall 1994) Princess Royale, 75(1):3 (Spring 2013) Progress-1820s, 62(4):23 (Fall 2000) Proteus, 59(1):5, 6, 10, 14 (Win 1997) Reindeer (whaling ship), 58(2):4 illus, 17 (Spr 1996) Rose Lummis (tour boat), 72(1):20 (Spr 2010) Sam Patch (paddle boat), 61(3&4):32 photo (Sum & Fall 1999) Sam Patch (tour boat), 67(3):21 (Sum 2005); 72(1):20 with photo (Spr 2010) Sarah Sands, 68(3):4 (Sum 2006) Savannah, Civil War activity, 41(3):20 (Jul 1979) Seneca Chief (canal boat), 37(3):1-2 (Jul 1975); 49(4):7-8 (Oct 1987); 72(1):3 (Spr 2010) Shoveahead, cargo-early 1800s, 30(2):11 (Apr 1968) Sileno (whaling ship), 58(2):18 (Spr 1996) Somers, death on-1840s, 41(3):9 (Jul 1979) Spirit of Ontario (ferry), 72(2):17 (Fall 2010) Staperaider (whaling ship), 58(2):18 (Spr 1996) Superior (packet boat), 11(3&4):10 (Jul 1949); 49(4):12 (Oct 1987); 72(1):12 (Spr 2010) Superior (schooner), 53(3):6-8 (Sum 1991) Superior (whaling ship), 58(2):9 (Spr 1996) The Swallow, 45(3&4):13 (Jul & Oct 1983) Swanton (schooner), 30(2):15 (Apr 1968) Thetis, 59(1):1 illus, 5, 7 illus, 10 illus, 16, 18 (Win 1997) Thomas Roys (whaling ship), 58(2):2 illus (Spr 1996) Toronto. See Toronto Triumph, 49(4):13 (Oct 1987) Union (schooner), 58(2):18 (Spr 1996) United States (steamer), 16(4):7 (Oct 1954) Vesuvius, U.S.S., 13(2):9 (Apr 1951) Vigilant (whaling ship), 58(2):18 (Spr 1996) Volendam, 55(4):30 (Fall 1993) Walk-in-the-Water, 49(4):12 (Oct 1987) Washington, 58(2):15 illus (Spr 1996) Webster, 56(1):10, 19 illus (Win 1994) Widgeon II, 16(4):19 (Oct 1954) William F. Safford (whaling ship), 58(2):12 (Spr 1996) Woodworth (steamboat), 56(1):18-19 illus (Win 1994) W.W. Wooster, 56(4):10 (Fall 1994) Yantic, 59(1):10 (Win 1997) Young Lion of the West. See Young Lion of the West (canal boat) boating. See Boating boatmen. See Boatmen canal boats
at Albany-early 1800s, 62(3):11
illus (Sum 2000)
at aqueduct opening, 37(3):12 (Jul 1975) on Erie Canal. See Erie Canal experimental, 11(3&4):22 (Jul 1949) on Genesee Valley Canal, 56(4):10, 12, 14-15 (Fall 1994); 56(4):10, 12, 15 (Fall 1994) Harvey Tucker, 56(4):1, 2, 24 photos (Fall 1994) manufacture. See Ships and boats — manufacture Northumberland, 11(3&4):16 (Jul 1949); 37(3):12 (Jul 1975); 54(3):6 (Sum 1992) Oneca, 11(3&4):16 (Jul 1949); 37(3):12 (Jul 1975) Oneida Chief, 62(3):16 (Sum 2000) of Philip and John Garbutt, 56(4):12 (Fall 1994) power sources-1900, 61(3&4):8 (Sum & Fall 1999) Seneca Chief, 37(3):1-2 (Jul 1975); 49(4):7-8 (Oct 1987); 72(1):3 (Spr 2010) Young Lion of the West. See Young Lion of the West (canal boat)
Douglass, Frederick and, 67(3):6 (Sum
McMahon, Patrick and, 62(1):21 (Win 2000) process, 67(3):6 (Sum 2005) designed for Irondequoit Bay, 56(1):10 (Win 1994) Durhams Genesee River boat traffic. See Genesee River historical sketch, 16(4):1-19 passim (Oct 1954) Hudson River boat traffic-1820s, 62(3):10, illus: 4, 5, 8, 9, 10 (Sum 2000) ice boats, 12(1):17 (Jan 1950) immigrant travel via, 52(2):9-11, 12 (Spr 1990) lakers, manufacture and design-1800s, 49(4):15 (Oct 1987) manufacture. See also Boat yards; specific yard
as ancillary industry, 33(3):10 (Jul
1971); 38(1):12 (Jan 1976)
canal/packet boats, 3(4):6 (Oct 1941); 23(3):7 (Jul 1961); 24(3):9 (Jul 1962); 34(2):5 (Apr 1972); 40(1):5 (Jan 1978); 72(1):12-13 (Spr 2010) "firsts" in, 30(2):11, 15 (Apr 1968); 44(1&2):24-25 (Jan & Apr 1982); 58(2):5 (Spr 1996) Genesee Valley Canal and, 56(4):14-15, 22-23 (Fall 1994) by individuals, 30(2):11, 15 (Apr 1968); 47(3&4):7 (Jul & Oct 1985) lakers-1800s, 49(4):15 (Oct 1987) lumber used in, 58(2):5 (Spr 1996) as major industry, 3(4):6 (Oct 1941); 11(3&4):12 (Jul 1949); 23(3):7 (Jul 1961); 30(2):15 (Apr 1968); 58(2):5 (Spr 1996); 72(1):12-13 with photo (Spr 2010) in Pultneyville, 58(2):5 (Spr 1996) revival-1860s, 11(3&4):20 (Jul 1949); 40(1):16 (Jan 1978) sailing vessels, 1(4):11 (Oct 1939) sawmills and, 40(1):10 (Jan 1978) schooners, 3(4):6 (Oct 1941); 58(2):5 (Spr 1996) in Scotland-1800s, 59(1):15 (Win 1997) steam vessels, 49(4):13, 15 (Oct 1987) in West, service and-1840s, 39(1&2):14, 20, 29 (Jan & Apr 1977) World War II and, 66(1):7, 21 (Win 2004)
Alert, 59(1):15, 16, 18 (Win
Arctic expedition of Adolphus W. Greely-1880s, 59(1):5-24 (Win 1997) Bear, 59(1):1 illus, 8 illus, 11 illus, 15, 16, 17 (Win 1997) "Big Ship" and-1820s, 62(4):11 (Fall 2000) Civil War, 41(3):20 (Jul 1979) Loch Garry, 59(1):16, 18 (Win 1997) Lusitania. See Lusitania Neptune, 59(1):10, 14, 18 (Win 1997) Proteus, 59(1):5, 6, 10, 14 (Win 1997) Spanish-American War-1898, 13(2):9 (Apr 1951) Thetis, 59(1):1 illus, 5, 7 illus, 10 illus, 16, 18 (Win 1997) War of 1812, 4(4):1-3, 8, 9-12, 16-20 (Oct 1942) WWII, 55(4):30 (Fall 1993) Yantic, 59(1):10 (Win 1997) motors for packet boats
basins serving, 11(3&4):9 (Jul
The Charlotte, 45(3&4):13 (Jul & Oct 1983) companies. See Packet lines competition for freight vs. passengers, 11(3&4):7 (Jul 1949) decline, 11(3&4):17 (Jul 1949) DeWitt Clinton, 16(2):6-8 (Apr 1954); 41(1&2):40 (Jan & Apr 1979) on Erie Canal. See Erie Canal Erie Canal Packet, 5(3):13-15 with illus (Jul 1943) features, 11(3&4):10, 17 (Jul 1949) freight shipments, 11(3&4):6-7 (Jul 1949) manufacture. See Ships and boats — manufacture passenger fares, 11(3&4):4, 7, 19 (Jul 1949) Sabbath use, 1(3):16 (Jul 1939) Superior, 11(3&4):10 (Jul 1949); 49(4):12 (Oct 1987) Triumph, 49(4):13 (Oct 1987) Walk-in-the-Water, 49(4):12 (Oct 1987) Young Lion of the West, 11(3&4):8 (Jul 1949) photographs/illustrations
barges, on Genesee River,
61(3&4):10 (Sum & Fall 1999)
Bayfax (steamer)-1949, 61(3&4):10 (Sum & Fall 1999) Bear, 59(1):1, 8, 11 (Win 1997) Beaver, 45(3&4):18 (Jul & Oct 1983) canal boats, 54(3):23 (Sum 1992); 62(4):10 (Fall 2000)See also Erie Canal Frontenac, S.S., 45(3&4):1 (Jul & Oct 1983) on Genesee River, 61(3&4):10 (Sum & Fall 1999); 62(4):1 (Fall 2000) Harvey Tucker (canal boat), 56(4):1 (Fall 1994) on Hudson River-1820s, 62(3):4, 5, 8, 9, 13 (Sum 2000); 62(4):27 (Fall 2000) on Lake Erie-1820s, 62(3):19 (Sum 2000) Mary Jemison (tour boat), 68(1&2):2 (Win & Spr 2006) Nancy, H.M.S., 45(3&4):2 (Jul & Oct 1983) Ontario, S.S., 50(1):12-13 (Jan 1988) Sam Patch (paddle boat), 61(3&4):32 photo (Sum & Fall 1999) Sam Patch (tour boat), 72(1):20 with photo (Spr 2010) tall ships-1984, 61(3&4):15 (Sum & Fall 1999) Thetis, 59(1):1, 7, 10 (Win 1997) whaling expeditions, 58(2):1, 2, 4, 13 (Spr 1996) sailing vessels/schooners, 3(4):4 (Oct 1941); 45(3&4):12 (Jul & Oct 1983)
along Hudson River-early 1800s,
62(3):illus: 4, 5, 8, 13 (Sum 2000)
at Buffalo-1820s, 62(3):19 illus (Sum 2000) construction, 1(4):11 (Oct 1939) Cuyler family and, 58(2):6 (Spr 1996) demise, 45(3&4):13 (Jul & Oct 1983) description, 45(3&4):12 (Jul & Oct 1983) Devil's Thumb, 59(1):6 illus (Win 1997) Fairchild, 16(4):10 (Oct 1954) Fashion, 16(4):10 (Oct 1954) first-1820s, 16(4):6 (Oct 1954) Genesee port and, 1(3):12 (Jul 1939) on Genesee River-1830s, 62(4):1 illus (Fall 2000) Guernsey & Bushnell Company fleet, 45(3&4):13 (Jul & Oct 1983) Jeanette, 16(4):6 (Oct 1954) Jemima, 16(4):3 (Oct 1954); 44(1&2):24-25 (Jan & Apr 1982) Nancy, H.M.S., 45(3&4):2 illus (Jul & Oct 1983) Petrel, 58(2):7 (Spr 1996) refitting of whaling ships, 59(1):15 (Win 1997) on St. Lawrence River-1820s, 62(4):12-15 (Fall 2000) The Swallow, 45(3&4):13 (Jul & Oct 1983) Swanton, 30(2):15 (Apr 1968) tall ships-1984, 61(3&4):15 photo (Sum & Fall 1999) traffic-pioneer era, 33(2):4 (Apr 1971) travel on-1820s, 62(4):9, 12-15 (Fall 2000) Union, 58(2):18 (Spr 1996) whaling expeditions, 58(2):1 illus, 2 illus, 3, 4 illus, 5, 6-7, 9, 10, 12, 17, 18, 20 (Spr 1996) Widgeon II, 16(4):19 (Oct 1954) side-wheelers
Athenian, 16(4):11, 12 (Oct
Bay State, 16(4):9, 11 (Oct 1954) Contract, 16(4):9 (Oct 1954) New York, 16(4):9, 10, 11 (Oct 1954) Northerner, 16(4):11 (Oct 1954)
Albany, NY and-1820s, 62(3):10 (Sum
arrival of first, 3(4):4 (Oct 1941); 29(3):10 (Jun 1967) baseball games and, 62(2):4-5, 19 (Spr 2000); 63(1):9 (Win 2001) Bayfax-1949, 61(3&4):10 photo (Sum & Fall 1999) Bay View, 16(4):14 (Oct 1954) Bellona, 62(3):4 (Sum 2000) cargoes and excursions, 75(1):2-3 (Spring 2013) The Coburg, 45(3&4):13 (Jul & Oct 1983) Corinthian, 16(4):11 (Oct 1954) Damascus, 56(1):18-19 illus (Win 1994) Empress, 16(4):11 (Oct 1954) on Erie Canal, 11(3&4):17, 20, 21, 22 (Jul 1949) Estelle, 16(4):13 (Oct 1954) Falling Waters, 16(4):13 (Oct 1954) Flour City, 16(4):13 (Oct 1954) Flower City, 8(3):23 (Jul 1946) Frontenac, S.S., 45(3&4):1 illus, 2 illus caption (Jul & Oct 1983) on Genesee River-1830s, 62(4):1 illus (Fall 2000) Glen Edith, 16(4):14 (Oct 1954) of Irondequoit Bay, 56(1):8, 15, 18-19 illus, 23 (Win 1994) Island Queen, 16(4):14 (Oct 1954) Jennings, 16(4):14 (Oct 1954); 56(1):10, 18-19 illus (Win 1994) Kingston, 16(4):15, 17, 18, 19 (Oct 1954) Lake Ontario-1820s, 62(4):9 (Fall 2000) Lake Ontario resort basin and, 75(1):22 (Spring 2013) lake operation, 1(3):12 (Jul 1939); 3(4):4 (Oct 1941); 23(1):12 (Jan 1961) Lookout, 56(1):18-19 illus (Win 1994) Lunan, 16(4):19 (Oct 1954) Maple Leaf, 16(4):9, 10, 11 (Oct 1954) N. H. Galusha, 56(1):10, 18-19 illus (Win 1994) passenger fare, 41(1&2):35 (Jan & Apr 1979) Philadelphia, 62(3):4 (Sum 2000) at Prescott, Ontario-1820s, 62(4):12 (Fall 2000) Progress-1820s, 62(4):23 (Fall 2000) supplant sailing vessels, 45(3&4):13 (Jul & Oct 1983) tourist trade and, 45(3&4):21 (Jul & Oct 1983) traffic-pioneer era, 33(2):4 (Apr 1971) travel on, 62(3):4-9, 8 illus (Sum 2000); 62(4):8-10, 11-12 (Fall 2000) travel on, traveler's account, 41(1&2):34, 35 (Jan & Apr 1979) United States, 16(4):7 (Oct 1954) Webster, 56(1):10, 19 illus (Win 1994) Woodworth, 56(1):18-19 illus (Win 1994) travel on, account of-1820s, 62(3):4-9, 16 (Sum 2000); 62(4):8-10, 11-15, 17-18, 23-25 (Fall 2000) tugboat, Catalpa, 59(1):16 (Win 1997) wrecks. See Shipwrecks yachts, 16(4):19 (Oct 1954)
on Irondequoit Bay,
16(4):3 (Oct 1954)
at Oswego, NY-1810s, 47(3&4):7 (Jul & Oct 1985) at Stony Point-1830s, 16(4):7 (Oct 1954) Shirt manufacturer, 60(1):21 (Win 1998) Shley, W. S. See Schley, W. S. The Shoe and Leather Reporter, 15(2):17, 21, 23-24 (Apr 1953) Shoe Council, 15(2):13, 17 (Apr 1953) Shoe Cutters Assembly
1930s, 61(1):5, 13 (Win 1999)
comparison, with clothing industry,
22(3):1, 5 (Jul 1960)
competitors, 51(4):16 (Fall 1989) depression, impact-1890s, 14(3):4, 5 (Jun 1952); 24(2):8 (Apr 1962); 34(4):3 (Oct 1972) historical sketch, 15(2):1-28 (Apr 1953)
county penitentiary-1860s, 34(1):10
(Jan 1972)
Hough & Ford. See Hough and Ford mechanization, 25(1):17 (Jan 1963); 51(4):16-17 (Fall 1989) Gould, Jacob in, 22(2):7 (Apr 1960) labor force
apprentices, 51(4):15 (Fall 1989)
cottage industry, 51(4):15 (Fall 1989) immigrants, contributions, 20(1):7-9 (Jan 1958); 21(1):11 (Jan 1959); 22(4):19 (Oct 1960); 23(3):12 (Jul 1961); 24(2):7 (Apr 1962); 34(4):2 (Oct 1972) Shoe Council, 15(2):13, 17 (Apr 1953) size, 51(4):16 (Fall 1989) skilled workers, bids for, 25(1):21 (Jan 1963) strikes, 3(4):17 (Oct 1941); 14(3):8 (Jun 1952); 51(1):19 (Win 1989) treatment, 25(1):18 (Jan 1963) unions. See Shoe Cutters Assembly; Shoemakers District Assembly; Shoemakers Union; Shoe Manufacturers Association wage rates, 25(1):12, 18 (Jan 1963) walkouts-1890s, 14(3):22-23 (Jun 1952) work conditions, 41(1&2):41-42 (Jan & Apr 1979); 51(4):15, 16 (Fall 1989) workers' parade, 25(1):17 (Jan 1963)
Canaltown, 37(2):14, 20 (Apr 1975)
Front Street, 55(3):6, photos: 8, 22 (Sum 1993) retail-1860s, 26(4):11 (Oct 1964) St. Paul Street-late 1800s, 34(2):18-19 (Apr 1972) Water Street-mid 1800s, 34(2):8 (Apr 1972)
A.J. Johnson and Co., 30(4):centerfold
(Oct 1968)
Front Street retailers, 55(3):8, 22 (Sum 1993) Stein's Shoes-1900s, 64(3):2 (Sum 2002)
early 1900s, 61(3&4):4 (Sum & Fall
Civil War era, 23(1):2, 10 (Jan 1961) defense contracts, 51(4):16 (Fall 1989) markets, 51(4):16 (Fall 1989) methods, 51(4):16 (Fall 1989)
boots, cost-1850s, 40(3):18 (Jul
cycling footwear, 69(2):10 with illus (Spr 2008) women's and children's shoes, 2(3):10 (Jul 1940); 3(4):13 (Oct 1941)
Hudson Avenue-1910s, 57(1):11 (Win
Joseph Avenue, photograph-1900s, 64(3):2 (Sum 2002) location-1860s, 26(4):11 (Oct 1964) Malcrest Shoes, 69(1):15 (Spr 2007) Polish, 57(2):4 (Spr 1995) shops-pioneer era, 47(1&2):14 (Jan & Apr 1985) State Street, advertisement-1890s, 69(2):10 illus (Spr 2008) trade publication, 15(2):17, 21, 23-24 (Apr 1953) vocational training for-1800s, 44(4):13 (Oct 1982) wholesale merchants, 25(1):2 (Jan 1963) Shoemakers District Assembly
labor parade, participation,
25(1):11-12 (Jan 1963)
represented at Rochester Assembly meeting, 25(1):5 (Jan 1963) strike attempt, 25(1):5 (Jan 1963)
labor negotiations,
25(1):17-18 (Jan 1963)
manifesto, 25(1):11 (Jan 1963) president, A. H. Wheeler, 15(2):14 (Apr 1953) reorganization, 25(1):11 (Jan 1963) weekly subsidies, 25(1):12 (Jan 1963)
62(2):11 (Spr 2000)
of Confederate POW escapee prices-1911, 56(2):22 (Spr 1994) production. See Shoe industry "Shon"
Jemison, Mary and,
68(1&2):19, 21 (Win & Spr 2006)
parents, birthplace, and youth, 68(1&2):19 (Win & Spr 2006) Shop One
art in, 69(1):10
(Spr 2007)
competition with downtown business district, 38(1):22 (Jan 1976) construction/development
1950s, 49(2):18 (Apr 1987)
Gruen, Victor and, 69(1):7, 20 (Spr 2007) Midtown Plaza. See Midtown Plaza post-Midtown Plaza, 69(1):20 (Spr 2007) POWs-MIAs display at-1970s, 48(3&4):27 (Jul & Oct 1986) retailers shift to-mid 1940s, 26(4):20 (Oct 1964) Shore Acres Shortsville, NY, 56(2):9 (Spr 1994)
36(4):28 (Oct 1974)
Rochester Family Society, Inc., role in-1940s, 23(2):15, 16 (Apr 1961) as YMCA officer, 16(1):24 (Jan 1954) Shylock Association
biographers of,
58(4):24-25 (Fall 1996)
Klingenberg, Alf and, 58(4):5, 24, 25 (Fall 1996) recruitment by Eastman School of Music, 58(4):24-25 (Fall 1996)
Armbruster, Julius on,
63(4):25 (Fall 2001)
occupant, architect offices, 51(2):6 (Spr 1989) restoration, post-fire, 51(4):2 illus caption (Fall 1989)
of Harper, architects,
60(2):22 (Spr 1998)
of Hiram. See Hiram Sibley Building of Wilmot, Thomas C.-1950s, 69(1):1 (Spr 2007)
construction site,
32(4):7 (Oct 1970)
as editor, 2(2):4 (Apr 1940) newspaper ad-1820s, 30(2):19 (Apr 1968) rivalry with Thurlow Weed, 2(2):4 (Apr 1940)
38(2&3):2, 11 (Apr & Jul 1976)
newspapers on, 38(2&3):15 (Apr & Jul 1976) photograph, 38(2&3):12 (Apr & Jul 1976) relocation. See Sibley, Lindsay, and Curr Company snow removal and, 27(1):10 (Jan 1965)
as civic leader,
28(2&3):34, 47 (Apr & Jul 1966)
Federation of Churches and, 38(1):21 (Jan 1976) Watson, Hildegarde and, 65(3):26 (Sum 2003)
8(4):9 (Oct 1946)
Douglass (Frederick) bust, unveiling-1870s, 17(2):8 (Apr 1955) music library in, 58(4):6 (Fall 1996)See also Sibley Music Library opening, 2(3):17 (Jul 1940)
biographical summary,
21(3):21 (Jul 1959)
as civic leader, 22(2):18 (Apr 1960)
Chamber of Commerce, role in, 9(4):15
(Oct 1947); 24(4):19 (Oct 1962)
charitable/social agencies, role in, 23(2):2, 4, 6, 9 (Apr 1961) D.K.G. Institute of Musical Art and, 58(4):8 (Fall 1996) Rochester Patriotic and Community Fund and-1910s, 20(4):4 (Oct 1958) UR River Campus and, 30(1):4 (Jan 1968) war efforts, 24(4):19 (Oct 1962) YMCA, roles in, 16(1):23, 24 (Jan 1954) death, 21(3):2 (Jul 1959) Harper Sibley Building, architects, 60(2):22 (Spr 1998) as international representative-WWII, 23(3):24-25 (Jul 1961) residence, 28(2&3):34, 43 (Apr & Jul 1966) at Western Union, 21(3):21 (Jul 1959) Sibley, Hiram (1807-1888)
art collection,
7(3):8, 10-11, 15, 22 (Jul 1945);
17(2):6 (Apr 1955); 38(1):18 (Jan
Academy of Art exhibition, 7(3):15 (Jul
1945); 17(2):6 (Apr 1955)
Powers purchase of-1870s, 17(2):7 (Apr 1955)
burial site, 50(4):16 (Oct 1988)
Sibley lineage, 21(3):21 (Jul 1959); 38(1):18 (Jan 1976); 65(3):24 (Sum 2003) business enterprises
farm, 45(3&4):43 (Jul & Oct 1983)
Gaffney Block, 34(2):10 (Apr 1972) mining, 8(4):9 (Oct 1946) patents, 38(1):15 (Jan 1976) seed, 45(3&4):43 (Jul & Oct 1983) telegraph, 2(3):11 (Jul 1940); 3(4):14 (Oct 1941); 21(1):10 (Jan 1959); 21(3):16, 21 (Jul 1959); 22(2):9 (Apr 1960); 23(1):11 (Jan 1961); 24(3):13 (Jul 1962); 33(3):12 (Jul 1971); 35(3):6 (Jul 1973); 38(1):15 (Jan 1976); 59(4):9 (Fall 1997)See also Western Union Telegraph Company as civic leader, 28(2&3):15 (Apr & Jul 1966) memorial to, 28(2&3):31 (Apr & Jul 1966) politics and, 20(3):3 (Jul 1958) residence, 27(3):7, 12 (Jul 1965); 28(2&3):7, 12 with illus (Apr & Jul 1966)
art collection,
7(3):22-23 (Jul 1945)
loan of-1910s, 34(4):19 (Oct 1972)
telegraph, 23(3):15 (Jul 1961)
Dossenbach sabbatical and-1910s, 42(3):10 (Jul 1980) as hospital board member and benefactor, 70(1):4 (Fall 2008) residence, 28(2&3):13, 30, 43 (Apr & Jul 1966) spouse. See Sibley, Mrs. Margaret theater and, 16(3):9 (Jul 1954) UR River Campus and Sibley, Levi W.
business enterprise,
41(1&2):26 (Jan & Apr 1979)
mulberry trees and, 45(3&4):32 (Jul & Oct 1983) Steward, Austin and, 72(2):18n.15 (Fall 2010)
26(2):12 (Apr 1964)
baseball uniform production, 63(2):6 (Spr 2001) contractor, 22(2):20 (Apr 1960); 31(1):14 (Jan 1969); 34(2):17 (Apr 1972) customers-1940s, 65(3):6 (Sum 2003) documentary film, funding of, 38(1):2 (Jan 1976) employees fire. See Sibley fire-1904 holiday decorations, 64(3):12-13 (Sum 2002) illustration, 51(4):1 (Fall 1989) kinetoscopes, 12(1):20 (Jan 1950); 16(3):20-21 (Jul 1954); 34(2):15 (Apr 1972); 38(1):17 (Jan 1976) locations
1900s, construction/relocation to,
13(4):20 (Oct 1951); 16(3):18
(Jul 1954); 27(3):6, 13 (Jul
1965); 34(2):16 (Apr 1972);
35(2):14 (Apr 1973)
original site, 12(1):20 (Jan 1950); 28(4):2 (Oct 1966); 34(2):15 (Apr 1972) previous site usage, 60(4):4 (Fall 1998) St. Augustine's Church/School and, 60(2):12 (Spr 1998) St. Joseph's Park and-1970s, 63(3):20 (Sum 2001) store openings
club membership and reading,
10(1):8 (Jan 1948)
Italian community and, 22(4):10 (Oct 1960) New York City and, 28(2&3):13 (Apr & Jul 1966) philanthropy
Dossenbach Orchestra and, 42(3):5
(Jul 1980)
Rochester Homeopathic Hospital and, 9(2&3):21 (Apr 1947)
donor, 58(4):6
(Fall 1996)
formation-early 1900s, 42(3):5 (Jul 1980) location, 58(4):6 (Fall 1996) purchase-1950s, 55(2):12 (Spr 1993) removal to Eastman School of Music-1920s, 58(4):28 (Fall 1996)
design and house construction-1870s,
13(4):11 (Oct 1951)
location, 28(2&3):14 (Apr & Jul 1966) meeting, on coeducation at UR, 17(4):19 (Oct 1955) residents/residences on, 7(2):19 (Apr 1945)
as library trustee,
36(4):39 (Oct 1974)
residence, 28(2&3):10, 34 (Apr & Jul 1966) YMCA fundraising and, 16(1):11 (Jan 1954) Sibley Tower. See Sibley, Lindsay, and Curr Company Sibley, Dr. Wallace Sicilian immigrants The Sidepaths of Monroe County. See also Cycling
bicyclists and,
19(3):8 (Jul 1957); 69(2):4, 11,
12-13 (Spr 2008)
Denver, 19(1):5 (Jan 1957) extensions, 31(1):13 (Jan 1969) improvements/maintenance, 35(2):17 (Apr 1973)
snow removal, responsibility for,
27(1):6, 10 (Jan 1965)
wooden, 57(1):8 (Win 1995)
European tour, by Blake McKelvey,
14(1):1-20 (Jan 1952)
U.S. western cities, by Blake McKelvey, 19(1):3-10 (Jan 1957)
burial site,
67(2):26 (Spr 2005)
center named for, 55(2):6 (Spr 1993)See also Al Sigl Center founds multiple sclerosis agency, 55(2):23 (Spr 1993) laryngectomy and speech therapy, 55(2):16 (Spr 1993) photograph, 55(2):1 (Spr 1993) as radio personality, 32(3):7, 9 (Jul 1970) Sign language instruction-1800s, 64(1):11-16 (Win 2002) Signs and signboards
billboards. See
Chamber of Commerce, protest over, 34(4):9, 10, 16, 17 (Oct 1972) dental, 59(3):12-13, 12 photo (Sum 1997) painters
engraving-mid 1800s,
50(3):3 illus (Jul 1988)
photograph, 46(3&4):3 (Jul & Oct 1984); 59(2):24 (Spr 1997) The Silk Culturist
as Confederate POW and escapee,
73(2):16-21, 22 (Fall 2011);
74(1):4-5, 7, 7n.ii, 15, 23n.5
(Spr 2012)
photograph, 73(2):16, 18n.i (Fall 2011)
dental applications,
59(3):11 (Sum 1997)
deposits, rights to, 30(1):10 (Jan 1968) mining, by Henry S. Durand, 61(2):5, 6, 8 (Spr 1999) standard, newspapers on-1890s, 13(1):2-6 passim (Jan 1951)
birth, 15(4):2
(Oct 1953)
daily activity, diary accounts of, 15(4):2-28 passim (Oct 1953) Silver lineage, 15(4):2 (Oct 1953); 28(4):9 (Oct 1966)
daily activity, diary accounts of,
15(4):2-28 passim (Oct 1953)
family members, 15(4):2 (Oct 1953) residences, 28(4):9 (Oct 1966) spouse. See Silver, Henry Dayton
birth and family members,
15(4):2 (Oct 1953)
daily activity, diary accounts of, 15(4):6, 9, 18, 21, 26 (Oct 1953) Silver, Harvey O.
birth and family members,
15(4):2 (Oct 1953)
daily activity, diary accounts of, 15(4):2, 6, 9, 16, 21, 23, 27 (Oct 1953) Silver, Henry Dayton
biographical information
birthplace, 15(4):1 (Oct 1953)
offspring, 15(4):2 (Oct 1953) Silver lineage, 15(4):3, 4 (Oct 1953) spouse. See Silver, Mrs. Elizabeth "Lizzie" diary, 28(4):9 (Oct 1966)
excerpt, 1906-1914, 15(4):1-28 (Oct
travels, 15(4):2, 3, 11, 15, 19 (Oct 1953)
birth and family members,
15(4):2 (Oct 1953)
daily activity, diary accounts of, 15(4):9, 10, 14, 19, 22, 23, 27 (Oct 1953) Rochester History, contributions, 15(4):1-2 (Oct 1953); 35(3):15 (Jul 1973)
birth, 15(4):2,
22 (Oct 1953)
childhood outing, 15(4):27 (Oct 1953) family members, 15(4):2 (Oct 1953) Silver Street
commercial/industrial activity near
preservation district of, 57(4):18 (Fall 1995)
correspondence/memorandum, excerpt,
1(1):22-23 (Jan 1939)
land/treaty negotiations-late 1700s, 1(1):10, 12, 13, 14 (Jan 1939) Sodus Bay settlement and, 1(1):16 (Jan 1939)
as baseball player-1800s,
64(4):8 (Fall 2002)
billiards enterprise-1800s, 64(4):22 (Fall 2002) managerial roles in baseball-1800s, 64(4):14, 15, 16, 17 (Fall 2002) Simons, Dr. Hans Singer, Isaac Merritt Single persons
Catholics, church ministry to,
60(3):16 (Sum 1998)
mothers, in Southwest District, 60(3):16 (Sum 1998)
as artist,
17(2):3-4 (Apr 1955); 62(1):21 (Win
death, 18(3):8 (Jul 1956) as instructor, 18(3):8 (Jul 1956)
as award recipient,
43(4):5, 7 (Oct 1981)
city historian and, 51(1):11 (Win 1989) as host-1970s, 43(4):7, 9 (Oct 1981) ISCOR and, 43(4):6 (Oct 1981) origins, 43(4):1, 2 (Oct 1981) participants, 43(4):5, 6, 7 (Oct 1981)
conference delegates-1970s, 43(4):7
(Oct 1981)
Krakow, Poland. See Krakow, Poland Rennes, France. See Rennes, France tours, 43(4):4, 5, 6 (Oct 1981)
child care,
25(2):3 (Apr 1963)
hospital movement-1850s, 5(2):19 (Apr 1943)See also St. Mary's Hospital novices, entry-1870s, 44(4):14 (Oct 1982) St. Augustine's Church and, 60(2):23 (Spr 1998)
44(4):8-9, 11, 14, 19, 21 (Oct 1982)
convent, 44(4):8-25 passim (Oct 1982) deaths-1870s, 44(4):11 (Oct 1982) founding-1850s, 44(4):6, 8 (Oct 1982) Industrial School and, 9(2&3):14 (Apr 1947) members, 44(4):6, 8, 9, 13 (Oct 1982)
Hanss, Marietta, 60(3):9 (Sum 1998)
convent, 60(2):15
(Spr 1998); 60(3):2 photo, 3,
4, 17, 18 (Sum 1998)
influenza outbreak of 1918 and, 60(2):21 (Spr 1998) members, 60(2):6-8 (Spr 1998); 60(3):3 photo, 10, 17, 18-19, 19 photo, (Spr 1998) orphanage-1860s, 44(4):11 (Oct 1982) parochial education and, 3(3):17-18 (Jul 1941); 60(2):4 (Spr 1998) at St. Stanislaus School, 57(1):9 (Win 1995); 57(2):6 (Spr 1995) Sixteenth Ward
at Battle of Winchester,
63(4):8-9, 30-31 illus (Fall 2001)
local regiment in, 63(4):6-7 (Fall 2001) 61st Alabama Infantry Skaneateles Lake
as Syracuse water supply-1800s,
39(3):16, 17, 18 (Jul 1977)
traveler's account of-1820s, 62(3):18 (Sum 2000) water usage, control-late 1800s, 39(3):17 (Jul 1977) Skating rinks. See Ice skating Skeates, S.
background information,
41(1&2):29 (Jan & Apr 1979)
excerpt, describing Rochester, 41(1&2):31-32 (Jan & Apr 1979)
background information,
41(1&2):12 (Jan & Apr 1979)
excerpt, on Rochester, 41(1&2):12-15 (Jan & Apr 1979); 49(4):3-4 (Oct 1987) Sketches of Rochester (by Henry O'Reilly - 1838), 6(2):3-5, 7, 9 (Apr 1944); 7(1):1, 12-13 (Jan 1945); 10(4):14 (Oct 1948); 40(2):6 (Apr 1978)
alternate titles,
6(2):4 (Apr 1944); 21(3):16 (Jul
1959); 51(1):12 photo caption
(Win 1989)
illustrations from, 59(2):10, 14 (Spr 1997); 68(4):2 cover photo caption (Fall 2006) jailer's commendation-1830s, 34(1):4 (Jan 1972) on Mt. Hope Cemetery design, 50(4):9, 18 (Oct 1988) publication, 6(2):5 (Apr 1944); 7(1):1, 12-13 (Jan 1945) source material, 6(2):4 (Apr 1944); 54(4):4 (Fall 1992) speech of Jonathan Child, quoted in, 21(2):23-24 (Apr 1959) Upper Falls, on height of, 54(4):21 (Fall 1992) Skiing Skyline
changes-mid 1900s,
26(2):2, 4-5 (Apr 1964)
Liberty Pole. See Liberty Pole Mercury. See Mercury, Statue of view from Genesee River, 61(3&4):17, 23, 32 photos (Sum & Fall 1999) Wings of Progress. See Wings of Progress
of late 1800s,
22(1):2-3, 18 (Jan 1960)
construction, 37(2):20 (Apr 1975) height, wars over, 3(3):3 (Jul 1941); 12(2&3):5-6 (Apr 1950); 22(1):3-4 (Jan 1960); 26(2):13 (Apr 1964); 34(2):10, 14-15, 19, 22-23 (Apr 1972) as national first, 26(2):11 (Apr 1964) tenants, source of-1950s, 14(1):8 (Jan 1952)
as biographer of Rush Rhees,
10(4):1, 11 (Oct 1948);
49(1):23n.9 (Oct 1948);
58(4):10 (Fall 1996)
on Browning Club, quoted, 10(1):5-6 (Jan 1948) civic honor, 22(2):insert (Apr 1960) club membership as library trustee, 36(4):39 (Oct 1974) New Citizens' Banquet proposal, 9(4):5 (Oct 1947) as professor, 9(4):5 (Oct 1947)
18(3):12 (Jul 1956)
regulations, 18(3):5 (Jul 1956) western meat packers, 18(3):14 (Jul 1956) Slavery
abolition of. See
Abolitionist movement;
Emancipation of slaves
anti-slavery songs, 37(4):30-31 (Oct 1975) childbearing forced under, 67(3):23n.19 (Sum 2005) debate Dred Scott Decision and, 46(1&2):6-8 (Jan & Apr 1984) in Genesee Country, 71(1):11, 14, 23-24 (Spr 2009) Harper's Ferry raid, 15(3):11-14 (Jul 1953) legalization-colonial era, 67(3):23n.22 (Sum 2005) legislation, 46(1&2):4, 19, 38n.6 (Jan & Apr 1984)
Missouri Compromise, 46(1&2):5, 6
(Jan & Apr 1984)
political elections and-1860s, 23(1):3, 9 (Jan 1961) purported spirit communication on, with quotes stances on
congressmen's, 41(3):17-18 (Jul 1979)
newspapers-1860s, 23(1):17, 18 (Jan 1961) Ontario Repository and Messenger, quoted, 66(4):11-12 (Fall 2004) of political parties, 20(3):2, 9-10, 11, 14 (Jul 1958) priest's, 44(4):9 (Oct 1982)
Civil War. See Civil War
in new territories, 15(3):3-7, 9, 12 (Jul 1953); 46(1&2):5 (Jan & Apr 1984) underground railroad. See Underground railroad
African culture and,
67(3):22n.6 (Sum 2005)
American Colonization Society and, 67(1):3 (Win 2005) Civil War and
Confederate POW escapees and,
73(2):17-18, 19 (Fall 2011)
as fugitives during, 37(4):20-28 (Oct 1975) military service, 73(2):11 (Fall 2011) education, 37(4):4 (Oct 1975) emancipation. See Emancipation of slaves families, dispersion, 37(4):3, 27 (Oct 1975) fugitive, 15(3):2 (Jul 1953); 21(4):2-3 (Oct 1959); 27(3):18 (Jul 1965); 37(4):4, 13-17 (Oct 1975); 46(1&2):4 (Jan & Apr 1984); 67(4):11 (Fall 2005)
in Canandaigua, 66(4):16 (Fall 2004)
challenges and punishments, 67(3):8 (Sum 2005) during Civil War, 37(4):20-28 (Oct 1975) Favor Street school and, 72(2):8 (Fall 2010) Jemison, Mary and, 68(1&2):15 (Win & Spr 2006) "Jerry Rescue"-1850s, 72(2):20n.47 (Fall 2010) passage through Rochester to Canada, 72(2):4, 10, 11-14, 15-16 (Fall 2010) historical sketch, 37(4):1-32 passim (Oct 1975) as indentured servants, 71(1):11, 12-13 illus, 16 (Spr 2009) insurrections, 46(1&2):3 (Jan & Apr 1984) Jacobs, Harriet, 67(3):19 (Sum 2005); 71(2):5 (Fall 2009) Johnson, Henry W.'s parents as, 66(4):6 (Fall 2004) manumission. See Emancipation of slaves Northrup, Solomon, 46(1&2):4 (Jan & Apr 1984) owners
Carroll, Major Charles as, 42(4):4,
13 (Oct 1980)
Dorsey, Daniel, 66(4):21n., 22 (Fall 2004) Fitzhugh, Col. William as, 42(4):13 (Oct 1980) Howell, Nathaniel W., 66(4):24 photo caption (Fall 2004) Rochester, Nathaniel, biographical sketch, 71(1):1-28 (Spr 2009) Scott, Dred, court case, 46(1&2):6-8 (Jan & Apr 1984) singing of slave ship mutiny, 37(4):12-13 (Oct 1975) territory, as political issue, 14(2):5 (Apr 1952) Thomas, Rev. James, biography of, 37(4):1-32 (Oct 1975) transatlantic trade in, 67(3):22n.6 (Sum 2005) treatment of, 67(3):5 (Sum 2005)
Douglass, Frederick quoted on,
67(3):4, 5, 6 (Sum 2005)
city parks system, roles in,
11(1):11, 17, 21 (Jan 1949);
75(2):11 (Fall 2013)
at Durand Eastman Park, 75(2):12-13
(Fall 2013)
burial site,
67(2):27 (Spr 2005)
city parks system, roles in, 11(1):11-12, 20, 21 (Jan 1949); 75(2):11, 16 (Fall 2013) family member, 75(2):11, 16 (Fall 2013)
11(1):14 (Jan 1949)
as children's recreation, 18(2):16 (Apr 1956) sleighing, diary excerpts on-1850s, 42(2):5-6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 17 (Apr 1980) Sleepers' City: The Sesquicentennial of Mt. Hope Cemetery by W. Stephen Thomas and Ruth Rosenberg-Naparsteck, 50(4):1-24 with illus, photos (Oct 1988) The Sleeping Giant: The Story of the Mt. Morris Dam by Ruth Rosenberg-Naparsteck, 58(3):1-16 with illus (Sum 1996) Sleepy Hollow (neighborhood)
on city streets,
27(1):8 (Jan 1965)
Dalzell accident-1850s, 59(2):20 (Spr 1997) diary excerpts on-1850s, 42(2):5-6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 17 (Apr 1980) popularity, 2(3):20 (Jul 1940); 27(1):2 (Jan 1965) routes, clearing, 27(1):14 (Jan 1965)
commercial transport via-early 1800s,
30(2):17 (Apr 1968)
pioneer migration via, 30(2):12 (Apr 1968) use, by horsecar lines, 30(3):4 (Jul 1968) Sloat and Sheppard Circus
23(1):4 (Jan 1961); 46(1&2):13
illus, 14, 17 (Jan & Apr 1984)
Chamber of Commerce-early 1900s, 34(4):5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 16 (Oct 1972); 43(4):19 (Oct 1981) "City of Homes," 35(2):19 (Apr 1973) "City of Many Industries," 11(3&4):22 (Jul 1949) depression-1930s, 34(4):24 (Oct 1972) "Education for adults at home through life," 73(1):5 (Spr 2011) "Failure is Impossible," 57(4):13 (Fall 1995) "Home of Quality Products," 23(3):21 (Jul 1961) Meliora, 30(1):24 (Jan 1968) "Midtown, A Happy Place," 69(1):18 (Spr 2007) political, 2(4):2 (Oct 1940) "Rochester Made Means Quality," 22(3):16 (Jul 1960) UR fundraising campaign-1920s, 30(1):12, 13, 16 (Jan 1968) wartime Slums/slum lords. See Housing — slum conditions Sly, Evander (Canandaigua, NY) Smith, Captain (no given name)
as governor
candidacy, 14(2):22, 23 (Apr 1952)
Italian community and, 22(4):18 (Oct 1960) Jacobstein, Meyer and, 41(4):12 (Oct 1979) Whitley, James L. and, 41(4):14 (Oct 1979) Warner, John A. and, 42(3):8 (Jul 1980); 56(3):18 (Sum 1994); 58(4):8 (Fall 1996) Smith, Arthur C.
biographical summary,
21(3):21 (Jul 1959)
residence, 28(2&3):13 (Apr & Jul 1966) as writer, 10(1):19-21 (Jan 1948); 28(2&3):13 (Apr & Jul 1966) Smith, A. W. Smith, C. Walter
biographical summary,
28(1):11-12 (Jan 1966)
as mayor (1869-1870), 7(4):2 (Oct 1945); 28(1):12 (Jan 1966) photograph, 47(3&4):24 (Jul & Oct 1985)
biographical details,
26(1):8 (Jan 1964)
as mayor (1840-1842), 26(1):8 (Jan 1964) photograph, 47(3&4):24 (Jul & Oct 1985)
biographical summary,
21(3):22 (Jul 1959)
Democrat, 20(3):3 (Jul 1958) mill enterprise-early 1800s, 33(3):6 (Jul 1971)
biographical summary,
21(3):22 (Jul 1959)
club presentation-1850s, 48(1&2):5 (Jan & Apr 1986) political activity, 20(3):6, 9, 12 (Jul 1958)
as abolitionist,
15(3):12 (Jul 1953); 37(4):7 (Oct
1975); 67(3):17 (Sum 2005)
Douglass, Frederick and, 67(3):17 (Sum 2005) as dress reform convention sponsor, 18(2):7 (Apr 1956) newspaper enterprise, merger, 21(4):10 (Oct 1959) O'Reilly, Henry and, 6(2):7 (Apr 1944) U.S. president, nomination of, 21(4):10 (Oct 1959) Smith, Henry Smith, Henry P. III
28(2&3):9 (Apr & Jul 1966)
as sheriff, abolitionist convention and-1860s, 46(1&2):15 (Jan & Apr 1984)
child, death-1840s,
45(1&2):21 (Jan & Apr 1983)
circus performer-1840s, 49(3):4, 19 (Jul 1987) surveyor-1790s, 4(3):14 (Jul 1942)
marriages-early 1800s,
53(4):40 (Fall 1991)
Mormonism, as founder of, 10(4):4 (Oct 1948); 21(1):8 (Jan 1959)
club memberships and roles,
10(2&3):15, 16 (Jul 1948)
Ladies Hospital Relief Association, role in, 10(2&3):13 (Jul 1948) Women's Taxpayers Association, role in, 7(2):16 (Apr 1945); 10(2&3):13 (Jul 1948) Smith, Preston
demolition and subsequent site usage,
34(2):16 (Apr 1972)
occupants, 48(1&2):29 (Jan & Apr 1986); 66(3):4 (Sum 2004); 71(2):2 (Fall 2009) rival, 4(1):23 (Jan 1942)
29(3):18 (Jun 1967)
residences, 28(2&3):3 (Apr & Jul 1966) sister's visit-1810s, 29(3):4-5 (Jun 1967); 30(2):3 (Apr 1968)
arrival and place of origin,
47(3&4):19 (Jul & Oct 1985)
business enterprises, 34(2):2 (Apr 1972); 50(3):9 (Jul 1988)
arcade, 18(4):3, 4 (Oct 1956)
factory/mill, 33(3):6 (Jul 1971) photograph, 46(3&4):3 (Jul & Oct 1984) structure, replacement, 34(2):3 (Apr 1972) village trustees and, 40(2):4 (Apr 1978) residence. See Woodside Smith, S. Melancton
founding, 54(4):4
(Fall 1992)
Morgan, Lewis Henry and, 8(4):4 (Oct 1946) museum curator, 18(4):14 (Oct 1956) whaling artifacts, 58(2):10 illus, 21 (Spr 1996)
auto fatality near-1940s,
44(4):26 (Oct 1982)
boat yard near, 49(4):12 (Oct 1987); 72(1):13 (Spr 2010) industry, 33(3):18 (Jul 1971); 60(4):7 (Fall 1998)
as art critic-mid 1900s,
32(1):13, 20 (Jan 1970);
65(3):9 (Sum 2003)
as author
of A Century of Service: Rochester General Hospital,
10(4):18 (Oct 1948)
of Reminiscences of the Third Ward, 8(2):1-24 (Apr 1946); 10(4):16 (Oct 1948); 18(1):9 (Jan 1956) Rochester History, contributions, 35(3):5 (Jul 1973)
as author
of An Elegant but Salubrious Village,
10(4):3 (Oct 1948)
of The Misses Elliot of Geneva, 10(4):3 (Oct 1948) Smoking Smoot, Rick Smut machine Snakes
bite remedy-1800s,
55(3):16 (Sum 1993)See also
Gruber, Peter
prevalence-pioneer era, 24(3):25 (Jul 1962); 36(1):3-4 (Jan 1974); 47(3&4):17 (Jul & Oct 1985) "Rattlesnake" Pete and. See Gruber, Peter sighting-1850s, 42(2):23 (Apr 1980)
as professional golfer
career wins of, Kathy Whitworth and,
65(1):20, 21 (Win 2003)
at Times-Union Open (1940s), 65(1):8 (Win 2003)
1810s, 4(1):5-6
(Jan 1942); 27(1):1, 2 (Jan 1965)
1830s, 15(1):6 (Jan 1953); 27(1):3 (Jan 1965) 1840s, 27(1):3 (Jan 1965) 1850s, 27(1):4 (Jan 1965) 1865, flooding of Genesee River and, 58(3):3-5, 4 photo, 8-9 photo (Sum 1996); 68(4):12 (Fall 2006) 1890s, 27(1):7-8 (Jan 1965) early 1900s, 3(1):8 (Jan 1941); 15(1):16 (Jan 1953); 27(1):8, 11 (Jan 1965) 1910s, 17(1):20 (Jan 1955); 27(1):12 (Jan 1965) 1940s, 27(1):16 (Jan 1965); 56(3):14-16 (Sum 1994) 1950s, 27(1):19-20 (Jan 1965) 1960s, 27(1):22, 24 (Jan 1965) annual accumulations-1900s, 27(1):9, 21, 22 (Jan 1965) bridge collapse-1850s, 33(2):15 (Apr 1971) deaths related to
radar, failure, 27(1):24 (Jan 1965)
fire-fighting during, 38(2&3):14 (Apr & Jul 1976) historical sketch, 27(1):1-24 (Jan 1965) impact, 51(1):24 photo caption (Win 1989)
on business, 27(1):9, 17 (Jan 1965)
on public utilities, 27(1):7 (Jan 1965) on transportation, 27(1):2, 7-12, 15-17, 19, 22, 24 (Jan 1965) response to
change in, 27(1):1-2 (Jan 1965)
chemical warfare, 27(1):18-24 (Jan 1965) sleigh routes, use, 27(1):14 (Jan 1965) snow removal, 27(1):11, 17-19 (Jan 1965)
1800s, 27(1):4, 5-6, 7 (Jan 1965)
appropriations-1950, 27(1):19 (Jan 1965) automobile owners and, 27(1):11 (Jan 1965) Bureau of Municipal Research proposal, 27(1):14 (Jan 1965) costs, 27(1):7, 14, 15, 16, 20, 22 (Jan 1965) electrical wires and, 17(1):20 (Jan 1955) equipment, 27(1):14-23 (Jan 1965)See also Snowplows ordinances, 27(1):4, 5, 17, 20 (Jan 1965) plans, 27(1):19 (Jan 1965) P.O.W.s and, 27(1):16 (Jan 1965); 56(3):14-16 (Sum 1994) prison inmates and-1940s, 34(1):22 (Jan 1972) private contractors, 27(1):9, 17 (Jan 1965) public works response, 27(1):12-13 (Jan 1965) on railroads, 27(1):9 (Jan 1965) salt, use in, 27(1):18-19, 22 (Jan 1965) sidewalks, responsibility for, 27(1):6, 10 (Jan 1965) snowplows and. See Snowplows Temmerman experiment, 27(1):18-19 (Jan 1965) Snowplows
27(1):16 (Jan 1965)
Champion blades, 27(1):15 (Jan 1965) introduction, 28(2&3):32 (Apr & Jul 1966) use, 27(1):14-22 (Jan 1965)
by horse car lines-1860s, 30(3):5
(Jul 1968)
Snowstorms and Snow Fighting-The Rochester Experience, by Blake McKelvey, 27(1):1-24 (Jan 1965) Snow, Wanda
biographical summary,
22(2):19-20 (Apr 1960);
24(3):38 (Jul 1962)
as Bureau of Municipal Research director, 9(4):10 (Oct 1947); 22(3):25 (Jul 1960); 24(3):38 (Jul 1962) charitable/social agencies, roles in-early 1900s, 23(2):2 (Apr 1961)
Family Welfare Society-1930s,
23(2):11, 13 (Apr 1961)
Rochester Family Society, Inc., 23(2):15 (Apr 1961) Social Welfare League-1920s, 23(2):10 (Apr 1961) city-manager movement and, 23(3):22 (Jul 1961); 31(1):23 (Jan 1969) civic honor (posthumous), 22(2):19 (Apr 1960) as labor manager, 22(3):25 (Jul 1960) mayoral candidacy, 31(1):24 (Jan 1969); 32(2):5 (Apr 1970); 36(2):12 (Apr 1974) as radio programmer, 32(3):6 (Jul 1970) Rochester Since 1915 and, 26(2):17 (Apr 1964) Soapbox derbies, 11(1):22 (Jan 1949) Soap manufacture
51(4):6 (Fall 1989)
site-1800s, 46(3&4):4 (Jul & Oct 1984) soap and candle factory-1820s, 55(3):4 (Sum 1993) Soccer
first publicized match,
8(3):22 (Jul 1946)
park permits, registrations, 11(1):18 (Jan 1949) popularity, 11(2):20 (Apr 1949) Social agencies. See Relief agencies/efforts; Social Agencies, Council of; Social welfare Social Agencies, Council of
Central Planning Commitee, 20(4):15,
16-17 (Oct 1958)
Delegate Assembly, 20(4):16 (Oct 1958) reorganization-1930s, 20(4):15, 16 (Oct 1958)
Character Building Division, 20(4):7,
8 (Oct 1958)
Children's Division, 20(4):7, 27 (Oct 1958) Family Division, 20(4):7, 18, 27 (Oct 1958) Health Division, 20(4):7 (Oct 1958) Neighborhood Services, Department of, 20(4):19 (Oct 1958) housing initiatives, 27(4):12, 17 (Oct 1965) member agencies
Family Welfare Society, 20(4):12 (Oct
Industrial Workshop, 20(4):12 (Oct 1958) Infant's Summer Hospital, 20(4):7 (Oct 1958) League for the Hard of Hearing, 55(2):15 (Spr 1993) limitations-1930s, 20(4):15, 16 (Oct 1958) Men's Social Department of the Salvation Army, 20(4):7 (Oct 1958) Rochester Girls Home, 20(4):7 (Oct 1958) Strong Memorial Hospital, 20(4):7 (Oct 1958) officers/staff
Adler, Isaac, 20(4):7 (Oct 1958);
22(2):19 (Apr 1960)
Creighton, Charlotte S., 20(4):27 (Oct 1958) Foery, Father Walter A., 20(4):12 (Oct 1958) Folsom, Marion B., 20(4):15 (Oct 1958); 21(1):19 (Jan 1959); 61(1):3 (Win 1999) Kuolt, Oscar W., 22(2):24 (Apr 1960); 27(4):12 (Oct 1965) Storandt, Kenneth, 27(4):14 (Oct 1965) Vigneron, Virginia, 20(4):27 (Oct 1958) programs and leadership, 19(3):31 (Jul 1957)
art classes, 32(1):10 (Jan 1970)
banquet-1949, 20(4):26-27 (Oct 1958) film discussions, 36(4):27 (Oct 1974) Great Depression and, 20(4):11-12 (Oct 1958) health services, coordination, 18(3):22 (Jul 1956) housing. See Social Agencies, Council of — housing initiatives in-service training, 11(1):23 (Jan 1949) neighborhood, experimental-1940s, 23(2):17 (Apr 1961) retirement party attendees-1951, 20(4):27 (Oct 1958) Rochester Children's Nursery student/family profile-1920s, 68(4):17 (Fall 2006) social institutions, integration of, 20(4):7-10 (Oct 1958) social work and, 24(3):36 (Jul 1962) surveys, 18(1):12 (Jan 1956); 19(1):13 (Jan 1957); 23(3):26 (Jul 1961) in welfare, 12(1):23 (Jan 1950) transportation committees, 55(2):10 (Spr 1993) Social Betterment Association
budget cuts-1910s,
9(4):5 (Oct 1947)
controversy, 9(4):4 (Oct 1947); 11(1):16 (Jan 1949); 31(1):18 (Jan 1969) directors, 11(1):16 (Jan 1949); 24(3):29 (Jul 1962) films, promotion, 16(3):23 (Jul 1954) neighborhood impact, 18(1):23 (Jan 1956) origins and/or programs, 9(4):2 (Oct 1947); 11(2):20-21 (Apr 1949); 24(3):29 (Jul 1962); 31(2):12-13 (Apr 1969) public schools and, 23(3):18 (Jul 1961); 29(2):8 (Apr 1967) termination, 9(4):4 (Oct 1947); 11(2):21 (Apr 1949)
experiment in,
14(4):3-4, 16 (Oct 1952)
Jews and, 14(4):9 (Oct 1952)
labor movement and, 14(4):7 (Oct 1952) Salvation Army and, 14(4):8 (Oct 1952) temperance advocates and, 14(4):10 (Oct 1952) Social Democratic Party
mid 1800s,
18(2):19-20 (Apr 1956)
balls/dances. See Dances celebrations. See Celebrations ethnic. See specific ethnic group holiday. See Holidays; specific holiday picnics. See Picnics Social institutions and societies. See also specific entity
failure, Bell essay on-1960, quoted,
39(4):12-13 (Oct 1977)
Jackson, Philip and, 14(4):4 (Oct 1952) Labor Lyceum and, 29(2):8 (Apr 1967) lecture on-1910s, 31(1):19 (Jan 1969) local, historic sketch, 39(4):1-24 (Oct 1977) newspapers on-early 1900s, 39(4):1-2, 5-6, 7, 10 (Oct 1977) political parties. See Socialist Party Prudential Committee and, 40(4):18 (Oct 1978) Viennese Socialist movement, Victor Gruen and, 69(1):7 (Spr 2007) Socialist Party. See also Local Rochester of the Socialist Party
Alliance of Polish Socialists,
57(1):11, 12 (Win 1995)
American. See American Socialist Party convention-1910s, 39(4):6 (Oct 1977) German. See Social Democratic Party international, newspaper quoted on, 39(4):2 (Oct 1977) local formation-early 1900s, 21(1):11 (Jan 1959) voting trends-1910s, 14(2):22 (Apr 1952) workers, impact on-early 1900s, 23(3):18 (Jul 1961) WWI, stance on, 14(4):26 (Oct 1952)
mid 1800s,
18(2):12-20 (Apr 1956)
1890, 3(3):18-24 (Jul 1941) newspaper column on, 3(3):21-22 (Jul 1941)
black leadership, failure,
29(2):22 (Apr 1967)
initiatives-1960s, 29(2):20, 22 (Apr 1967) in Near Northeast District, 29(2):8-9 (Apr 1967) providers, diversity of-late 1800s, 23(3):17 (Jul 1961) of settlement houses. See Settlement houses social-center, directors, 11(2):20-21 (Apr 1949)
abolition of slavery. See
Abolitionist movement
Crapsey, Algernon S. and. See Crapsey, Dr. Algernon Sidney cycling and, 69(2):2-3, 9, 19 (Spr 2008) Davis, Katharine B. and, 43(1):5, 15-16, 18 (Jan 1981) local movements-1800s, 67(3):13 (Sum 2005); 71(2):1 (Fall 2009)See also specific movement "magnetic circle of reformers," 57(3):3 (Sum 1995) Mills, Professor Herbert E. and, 43(1):4 (Jan 1981) Montgomery, Helen B. and. See Montgomery, Mrs. Helen parks system philosophy and practice and, 75(2):6-9 (Fall 2013) physical activity and, 69(2):7 (Spr 2008) Rauschenbusch, Walter and. See Rauschenbusch, Walter spirit communications and, 71(2):12, 15-16, 17 (Fall 2009) Strayer, Paul M. and. See Strayer, Reverend Dr. Paul Moore temperance. See Temperance movement woman's rights. See Woman's rights
23(3):24 (Jul 1961)
early initiatives on, 23(2):11 (Apr 1961) recipients and benefits-1940s, 20(4):23 (Oct 1958)
Folsom, Marion B. and,
61(1):1, 16-17, 19 (Win 1999)
unemployment insurance under, 61(1):16 (Win 1999) Social Swain
Catholic-1910s, 20(4):5 (Oct 1958)
Jewish-1920s, 20(4):5 (Oct 1958) local vs. state/federal agencies, 20(4):14, 15 (Oct 1958) Monroe County Department of Welfare, 20(4):16 (Oct 1958) NYS Department of Public Welfare, 20(4):15 (Oct 1958) Social Welfare, Department of. See Social Welfare, Department of commissioner, 20(4):21 (Oct 1958); 23(2):12 (Apr 1961) department of. See Social Welfare, Department of FIGHT and, 29(2):23 (Apr 1967) historical sketches, 9(2&3):1-36 (Apr 1947); 11(2):14, 22, 23, 24 (Apr 1949); 23(2):1-20 (Apr 1961) jurisdictional issues
employee programs, development-1920s,
3(4):23 (Oct 1941)
food surplus stamp program-late 1930s, 24(2):16 (Apr 1962) during Great Depression-1900s, 20(4):10-15, 19-20 (Oct 1958) planning, 18(1):24 (Jan 1956) praise for, 20(4):1 (Oct 1958) recreational, 20(4):17, 18 (Oct 1958) soup kitchens. See Soup kitchens/lines support for-Civil War era, 9(2&3):13 (Apr 1947) volume, vs. private agencies, 20(4):16, 17, 20 (Oct 1958)
child placement services,
20(4):16 (Oct 1958)
city-county consolidation, 20(4):22 (Oct 1958) Division of Child Welfare, consolidation, 20(4):22 (Oct 1958) formerly Department of Charities, 20(4):15 (Oct 1958) funding, 20(4):21 (Oct 1958) headquarters, 8(2):23 (Apr 1946) staff, Sara James, 20(4):27 (Oct 1958)
becomes Family Welfare Society of Rochester,
23(2):11 (Apr 1961)
formerly United Charities, 20(4):4 (Oct 1958)See also United Charities Association origins, 20(4):3-4 (Oct 1958); 23(2):7, 9 (Apr 1961)
club, co-founder,
20(4):3 (Oct 1958)
housing issues/initiatives-1930s, 27(4):10-11 (Oct 1965) Industrial School of Rochester and, 68(4):16 (Fall 2006) Northeast Neighborhood Conference-1930s, 29(2):13 (Apr 1967)
African Colonization Society,
21(4):3 (Oct 1959);
37(4):6 (Oct 1975)
African Methodist Episcopal Society, 21(4):2 (Oct 1959) American Antiquarian Society, 6(2):20 (Apr 1944) American Anti-Slavery Society. See American Anti-Slavery Society American Hearing Society, 55(2):15 (Spr 1993) American Missionary Society, 37(4):21 (Oct 1975) American Pomological Society, 21(3):5 (Jul 1959) American Society for Propagating the Gospel, 38(4):17 (Oct 1976) American Society of Engineers, 22(2):15 (Apr 1960) American Society of Landscape Architects, 51(2):20 (Spr 1989) American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 21(3):11 (Jul 1959) American Society of Microscopists, 8(4):19 (Oct 1946) American Tract Society, 3(1):3 (Jan 1941) American Water Color Society, 17(2):11 (Apr 1955) Anglican Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, 38(4):16-18 (Oct 1976) Anti-Gambling Society, 3(1):11 (Jan 1941) Anti-Tobacco Society. See Anti-Tobacco Society Arts and Crafts Society. See Arts and Crafts Society auxiliary, 12(1):13 (Jan 1950) Bergh Society, 9(2&3):23 (Apr 1947) Bersaglieri La Marmora Society, 22(4):6, 23 (Oct 1960); 26(3):6 (Jul 1964) Bible. See Bible societies Bibliophile Society of Rochester, 48(1&2):18 (Jan & Apr 1986) Black Hand Society. See Black Hand Society Boatman's Friend Society, 11(3&4):10 (Jul 1949); 22(2):7 (Apr 1960) Boatmen's Mutual Relief Society, 11(3&4):10 (Jul 1949); 40(1):6 (Jan 1978) British Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, 13(3):15 (Jul 1951) Buffalo Historical Society. See Buffalo Historical Society Canadian Society of Christian Unity, 42(1):15 (Jan 1980) Catholic Orphans Society, 50(3):10 (Jul 1988) Children's Aid Society. See Children's Aid Society Cristoforo Colombo Society, 22(4):8 (Oct 1960) Cuban Famine Relief Society, 13(2):2 (Apr 1951) Dental Society of Rochester, 31(2):11 (Apr 1969) Door of Hope, 12(1):13 (Jan 1950) Duca Degli Abruzzi, 22(4):8 (Oct 1960) East Avenue Society, 10(1):20 (Jan 1948) East Society of the Methodist Church, 44(4):3 (Oct 1982) Echo Singing Society. See Echo Singing Society Engineers' Society, 5(1):7 (Jan 1943) ethnic
German, 4(3):11 (Jul 1942);
20(1):4, 6, 16-18, 21, 26 (Jan 1958);
50(4):18 (Oct 1988)
German-American. See German-American Society German Jewish, 25(3):8 (Jul 1963) Italian, 22(4):8 (Oct 1960)See also Garibaldi Society Jewish, 9(2&3):14 (Apr 1947) Family Welfare Society. See Family Welfare Society (1930-1939) Female Charitable Society. See Female Charitable Society First Presbyterian Society, 45(3&4):22 (Jul & Oct 1983) Fourth Christian Science Society of Rochester, 5(3):8 (Jul 1943) Fruit Growers Society of Western New York, 45(3&4):38 (Jul & Oct 1983) Garibaldi Society, 22(4):8 (Oct 1960) Genesee Chapter of the Theosophy Society, 29(4):15 (Oct 1967) German-American Society. See German-American Society German Culture Society, 20(1):26 (Jan 1958) German Jewish Society, 25(3):8 (Jul 1963) German Society in New York, 4(3):11 (Jul 1942) Giovanni Garibaldi. See Garibaldi Society Good Time Club (Political Buontempone), 22(4):8 (Oct 1960) for gospel propagation Hebrew Benevolent Society, 9(2&3):14 (Apr 1947) Hibernian Society, 25(3):3 (Jul 1963) historical
Livingston County. See
Livingston County Historical Society
New York. See New York Historical Society Oneida Historical Society, 39(3):11 (Jul 1977) Ontario County Historical Society, 1(1):18-19 (Jan 1939) Rochester. See Rochester Historical Society Wayne County Historical Society, 58(2):6 (Spr 1996) Wyoming County Historical Society, 44(1&2):7 (Jan & Apr 1982) Humbolt lodge, 20(1):4 (Jan 1958) Joseph Verdi, 22(4):8 (Oct 1960) Judson Society of Inquiry, 31(3):10 (Jul 1969) Juvenile Reform Society, 26(1):11 (Jan 1964) Landmark Society of Western New York. See Landmark Society of Western New York Legal Aid Society, 23(2):8 (Apr 1961) Liederkranz (choral society), 29(1):10 (Jan 1967) Liedertafel (choral society), 29(1):10 (Jan 1967) Lunar Society (of England), 48(1&2):4 (Jan & Apr 1986) Maennerchor (choral society). See Maennerchor medical, 61(2):3-4 (Spr 1999) Methodist Society of Charlotte, 45(3&4):22 (Jul & Oct 1983) Missionary Society For Inquiry, 31(3):9-10 (Jul 1969) Monroe County Agricultural Society. See Monroe County Agricultural Society Monroe County Medical Society. See Monroe County Medical Society Monroe County Total Abstinence Society, 1(3):17 (Jul 1939) Monroe Medical Society, 54(2):7-8 (Spr 1992) moral reform, 1(2):14 (Apr 1939); 1(3):18 (Jul 1939) National Geographic Society, 59(1):21 (Win 1997) National Highways Protective Society, 17(1):14 (Jan 1955) National Multiple Sclerosis Society, 55(2):23, 24, 25 (Spr 1993)See also Rochester Area Multiple Sclerosis, Inc. National Society of the Colonial Dames of America, 42(4):6 (Oct 1980) Naturefriends Society, 20(1):26 (Jan 1958) Navy Relief Society, 5(1):12 (Jan 1943) New York State Indian Welfare Society, 17(3):8 (Jul 1955) New York Temperance Society, 3(1):4 (Jan 1941) Nundawaga Society for History and Folklore, 17(3):15 (Jul 1955) Ontario Society (choral), 29(1):10 (Jan 1967) Oratorio Society, 29(1):10 (Jan 1967) Orchestral Society of New York, 56(3):22 (Sum 1994) Philosophical Society, 48(1&2):4 (Jan & Apr 1986) Pioneer Society of Western New York. See Pioneer Society of Western New York Polish Arts Society, 25(3):9 (Jul 1963); 57(2):15 (Spr 1995) Pontifical Society for the Propagation of the Faith, 52(4):12 (Fall 1990) Provident Loan Society, 25(3):14 (Jul 1963) Regina Elena, 22(4):8 (Oct 1960) Relief Society, 9(2&3):8 (Apr 1947) rescue mission, 12(1):13 (Jan 1950) Rochester Dental Society, 43(4):3 (Oct 1981) Rochester Family Society, Inc. (1939-1946), 23(2):15, 17 (Apr 1961) Rochester Female Charitable Society. See Female Charitable Society Rochester German Benevolent Society, 50(4):18 (Oct 1988) Rochester Hearing and Speech Society, 55(2):14-17 passim (Spr 1993) Rochester Hearing Society, 55(2):14-17 passim (Spr 1993) Rochester Historical Society. See Rochester Historical Society Rochester Microscopical Society, 8(4):18 (Oct 1946) Rochester Orphan Society, 50(4):18 (Oct 1988) Rochester Pathological Society, 61(2):4 (Spr 1999) Rochester Pharmaceutical Society, 56(1):3 photo (Win 1994) Rochester Philharmonic Society. See Rochester Philharmonic Society Rochester Rose Society, 51(2):17-18 (Spr 1989) Rochester Society for the Arts and Crafts. See Arts and Crafts Society Rochester Society of Architects. See Architects, Rochester Society of Rochester Society of Natural Sciences, 8(4):18 (Oct 1946) Rochester Zoological Society, 61(2):13 (Spr 1999) Rosary Society, 60(2):24 (Spr 1998) Russian War Relief Society, 5(1):11 (Jan 1943) Schiller Society, 20(1):6 (Jan 1958) Scientific, 18(4):1 (Oct 1956) Seattle Philharmonic Society, 42(3):17 (Jul 1980) Shakespeare Society, 48(1&2):6 (Jan & Apr 1986) Society Against the Abuse of Tobacco, 60(1):12-13 (Win 1998) Society for American Baseball Research, 63(1):7 (Win 2001); 63(2):21 (Spr 2001) Society for the Organization of Charity. See Society for the Organization of Charity Society for the Preservation of Landmarks in Western New York. See Landmark Society of Western New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. See Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children Society for the Promotion of Evangelical Knowledge, 26(1):7 (Jan 1964) Society of American Florists and Ornamental Horticulturists, 51(2):20 (Spr 1989) Society of American Indians, 17(3):8 (Jul 1955) Society of Art Students, 17(2):12, 16 (Apr 1955) Society of Automotive Engineers, 43(2&3):15 (Apr & Jul 1981) Society of Friends. See Society of Friends Society of St. Casimir. See St. Casimir, Society of Society of the Genesee, 12(1):18 (Jan 1950) Soldiers' Aid Society, 9(2&3):12 (Apr 1947); 23(1):14 (Jan 1961) Sons of Hermann, 20(1):4 (Jan 1958) Spinoza Literary Society, 48(1&2):7 (Jan & Apr 1986) St. Andrew's Society, 25(3):3 (Jul 1963) State Agricultural Society, 4(2):20 (Apr 1942) State Medical Society, 8(4):8 (Oct 1946) Steuben Society, 20(1):26 (Jan 1958) St. George Society, 25(3):3 (Jul 1963) St. Mary's Benevolent Society, 44(4):10 (Oct 1982) St. Vincent de Paul Society, 44(4):10 (Oct 1982) St. Vincent's Men's Society, 44(4):9 (Oct 1982) Theosophy Society, 29(4):15 (Oct 1967) Turner Society. See Turner Society Valguernera Society, 22(4):21 (Oct 1960) Vigilant Society. See Vigilant Society volunteer, local versus European, 14(1):16 (Jan 1952) Washington County Agricultural Society, 42(4):4 (Oct 1980) Wayne County Historical Society, 58(2):6 (Spr 1996) Western Colonization Society, 26(1):7 (Jan 1964) Western New York Agricultural Society. See Western New York Agricultural Society Western New York Horticultural Society, 19(3):6 (Jul 1957) Western New York Pioneers Society, 26(1):9 (Jan 1964) Woman's State Temperance Society. See Woman's State Temperance Society Young Ladies' Moral Reform Society, 1(3):18 (Jul 1939) Young Men's Moral Reform Society. See Young Men's Moral Reform Society Young Men's Society, 24(3):12 (Jul 1962) Zion Society, 21(4):4-5 (Oct 1959) Zoological Society, 61(2):13 (Spr 1999) Society for American Baseball Research
of late 1890s,
7(4):22 (Oct 1945)
Eastman, George and, 52(1):8 (Win 1990) formation-1890s, 20(4):2 (Oct 1958); 23(2):2-3 (Apr 1961) Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. See also American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals; Bergh Association of Rochester; Humane Society of Rochester and Monroe County
child placement contract,
20(4):21 (Oct 1958)
Children's Aid Society, and formation of, 20(4):10 (Oct 1958) improper guardianship, 20(4):3 (Oct 1958) merger with Bergh Society, 9(2&3):23 (Apr 1947) origins vs. County Welfare Department, 20(4):16, 21 (Oct 1958) Society of American Florists and Ornamental Horticulturists
abolitionist movement and,
15(3):1 (Jul 1953)
Douglass, Frederick and, 21(4):7 (Oct 1959); 67(3):9-10, 12 (Sum 2005) Hicksite. See Hicksite Friends/Quakers in Ireland. See Society of Friends (Dublin) Irish famine relief efforts and-1800s, 68(3):4, 11 (Sum 2006) local origins, 3(1):8 (Jan 1941); 36(3):4 (Jul 1974) meetinghouse locations, 3(3):14 (Jul 1941); 8(2):10-11 (Apr 1946); 33(3):20 map (Jul 1971)
African Americans, 67(3):9 (Sum 2005)
Anthony family and, 7(2):2, 3 (Apr 1945); 23(1):4 (Jan 1961); 57(4):4 (Fall 1995); 67(3):15 (Sum 2005) Day, Mahlon, 68(3):11 (Sum 2006) Harvey, Jacob, 68(3):4 (Sum 2006) Hutchinson, Mathias, 41(1&2):8, 10n.2, 11n.3, 9 (Jan & Apr 1979) Post family, 21(3):17 (Jul 1959); 22(2):10 (Apr 1960); 67(3):15, 16 (Sum 2005); 71(2):1, 2-3, 6 (Fall 2009) Sands, David, 68(3):11 (Sum 2006) in New Bedford, Massachusetts, 67(3):9-10 (Sum 2005) pioneer settlements, 4(3):6, 7 (Jul 1942); 47(1&2):6, 12 (Jan & Apr 1985) religious philosophy, 71(2):2-3, 8 (Fall 2009) schism within, 71(2):3 (Fall 2009) and separation church and state, 36(3):6 (Jul 1974) travelers recognized as-1820s, 62(4):16-17 (Fall 2000) Woman's Rights Movement and, 10(2&3):2-3 (Jul 1948); 71(2):5-6 (Fall 2009) as WWII evacuees' sponsor, 55(4):27 (Fall 1993) Society of the Genesee
in Buffalo, NY,
65(4):6-9 (Fall 2003)
free school of, 65(4):14 (Fall 2003) Rochester academy of. See Academy of the Sacred Heart Socony Mobil Oil Company, Inc., 43(2&3):31 (Apr & Jul 1981) Socony-Vacuum Oil Company, Inc., 43(2&3):30 (Apr & Jul 1981) Soda fountain supplies
pioneer settlement
removal order-1790s, 1(1):16 (Jan 1939)
Steward, Austin and owner in, 72(2):6 (Fall 2010) Williamson, Charles and-1790s, 47(1&2):11 (Jan & Apr 1985) rail service to/from, 30(3):10 (Jul 1968); 56(1):23 (Win 1994) summer camps
hospital, 15(4):4
(Oct 1953)
Iroquois trail to/from, 44(1&2):29 (Jan & Apr 1982) as port, 16(4):5 (Oct 1954) rail service to/from, 12(1):6 (Jan 1950); 19(3):13-14 (Jul 1957) residents/residences
Kellog family, 40(3):2 (Jul 1978)
Proseus, Will, 15(4):17 (Oct 1953) Silver, Henry D., 15(4):1 (Oct 1953) Soil
67(3):18 (Sum 2005)
Rochester activities and acquaintances, 67(3):18 (Sum 2005) spirit appearance, newspaper account, 71(2):21-22 with illus (Fall 2009) Sprague, Rosetta Douglass and, 67(4):5 (Fall 2005) Solbert, Oscar N. Soldiers Aid (newsletter)
9(2&3):12 (Apr 1947)
and fundraising, 23(1):14 (Jan 1961)
66(3):24n.38 (Sum 2004);
75(1):6, 7 photo (Spring 2013)
location, 48(3&4):15 (Jul & Oct 1986); 66(3):24n.38 (Sum 2004) photograph, 50(1):23 (Jan 1988) postcard depicting, 75(2):20 illus (Fall 2013) Some Former Rochesterians of National Distinction by Meryl Frank and Blake McKelvey, 21(3):1-24 (Jul 1959) "Some Recent Books on Catholic Theology" (survey) by Father Edward J. Hanna, Jr.
as author of "This is where I love to go":
The (Re)creation of Place at Ontario Beach Park,
75(1):1-36 with illus (Spring
photograph, 75(1):33 (Spring 2013) Songs
about county jail. See
Rice, Dan
anti-slavery, 37(4):30-31 (Oct 1975) My Lady Nicotine, words to, 60(1):8 (Win 1998) of Socialists, excerpts, 39(4):1, 2, 3, 12 (Oct 1977) world's fair performances-1960s, 26(3):23 (Jul 1964) Sons of Hermann Sons of Temperance, 10(2&3):8 (Jul 1948)
censorship debate and-WWII,
55(4):9 (Fall 1993)
member, Samuel P. Moulthrop, 19(2):18 (Apr 1957) Mt. Hope Cemetery and, 50(4):19 (Oct 1988) Sophia Street
47(3&4):11 (Jul & Oct 1985)
location, 27(3):16 (Jul 1965) residents/residences, Post family, 67(3):16 (Sum 2005); 71(2):2 illus, 4, 5 illus (Fall 2009) rock ledge, 4(1):17 (Jan 1942) social institutions
animal shelter, 35(4):11 (Oct 1973)
childrens' shelter, 35(4):18 (Oct 1973) pioneer cemetery, 50(4):5 (Oct 1988) Sorrel River, Quebec
brewing company, position with,
8(3):18 (Jul 1946)
sports and, 9(1):11 (Jan 1947)
baseball team, purchase of, 8(3):18
(Jul 1946)
1930s, 61(1):5
(Win 1999)
alternative, 20(4):11-12 (Oct 1958)
labor strikers and-1910s, 22(3):19 (Jul 1960); 29(2):15 (Apr 1967) municipal-1830s, 1(3):12 (Jul 1939); 49(2):5 (Apr 1987) at People's Rescue Mission-late 1800s, 26(4):14 (Oct 1964) at St. Mary's Convent-1800s, 44(4):9 (Oct 1982) Sours, Mr.
boulevard construction,
37(3):18 (Jul 1975)
city streets, and configuration of, 27(3):2 (Jul 1965) commercial/industrial activity, 27(3):11-12 (Jul 1965); 54(4):12 (Fall 1992)
Ellwanger and Barry nursery, 3(3):4
(Jul 1941)
Gilbert's Basin, 72(1):6 (Spr 2010) Howell, W. W.-1800s, 49(4):12 (Oct 1987) saloon, 16(3):22 (Jul 1954) tavern, 62(1):16 (Win 2000) Iroquois trail along/crossing, 44(1&2):27, 28 (Jan & Apr 1982) landmarks, demolition, 18(1):13 (Jan 1956) names
previous, 27(3):11 (Jul 1965);
34(2):11 (Apr 1972);
37(2):23 (Apr 1975);
44(4):2 (Oct 1982);
49(4):14 (Oct 1987)
Winton Road South previously known as, 35(1):3 (Jan 1973)
Douglass, Frederick, 21(4):11 (Oct
1959); 50(4):11 (Oct 1988);
67(4):3, 5, 7, 15-19 (Fall 2005)
Howell, W. W.-1800s, 49(4):12 (Oct 1987) Neun, Henry P., 68(4):9 (Fall 2006) tenements, 6(4):9 (Oct 1944) social institutions
Children's Nursery, 26(2):17 (Apr
county facilities near, 45(1&2):12 illus, 13 (Jan & Apr 1983) German Home, 20(1):23 (Jan 1958) libraries. See Rochester Public Library; South Avenue Branch Library Rochester Children's Nursery/Rochester Childfirst Network. See also Rochester Children's Nursery social agencies, 55(2):4 (Spr 1993) Y.M.C.A branch, 16(1):13-19 (Jan 1954)
female preacher in-1800s,
10(2&3):8 (Jul 1948)
Johnson, Henry W. speech at meeting house in-1860s, 67(1):6 (Win 2005)
American Women's Hospitals and,
51(3):27 (Sum 1989)
Battle of Fort Wagner-1860s, 67(4):12-13 (Fall 2005) Confederate POWs in, 73(2):14-15, 16-19, 18n.i (Fall 2011); 74(1):10, 11 (Spr 2012) secession, local impact-1860s, 2(3):4 (Jul 1940) slave holdings-early 1800s, 71(1):11 (Spr 2009) soldiers' correspondence from, 8(1):6-10 (Jan 1946) South Congregational Church South Eastern Underwriters Association
cycle path to,
69(2):15 photo (Spr 2008)
golf course, 8(3):22 (Jul 1946) landscape architect and design, 75(2):4-5 (Fall 2013) Moulthrop, Samuel P. and, 19(2):6 (Apr 1957) naming of, 11(1):5 (Jan 1949); 69(2):15 photo caption (Spr 2008)See also Genesee Valley Park trolley service to/from, 7(4):19 (Oct 1945) South St. Paul Street. See St. Paul Street South Street. See also South Avenue
commercial/industrial activity,
60(2):6, 15-16 (Spr 1998)
religious institutions
Aenon Baptist Church, 60(3):24 (Sum
neighborhood ministries, 60(3):8-9, 13-14 (Sum 1998) Our Lady of Good Counsel Church, 60(3):22-24 (Sum 1998) St. Augustine's. See St. Augustine's (Catholic) Church; St. Augustine's School St. Monica's. See St. Monica's (Catholic) Church; St. Monica's School
craftsmanship, 60(3):17, 21 (Sum
ethnicities, 60(2):15, 16 (Spr 1998); 60(3):6, 10, 13, 16, 21 (Sum 1998) home ownership, 60(3):7, 21 (Sum 1998) property values, 60(3):7, 21 (Sum 1998)
food cupboard,
60(3):9 (Sum 1998)
founding and purpose, 60(3):8 (Sum 1998) Project Reach and, 60(3):15-16 (Sum 1998) The Souvenir Book of the Golden Jubilee of the Most Holy Redeemer Church, 10(4):17 (Oct 1948) Soviet Russia (political publication) Spafford, Mr. (no given name)
colonialism in the Americas,
38(4):1-2, 10, 19 (Oct 1976)
Puerto Rico and, 70(2):1, 6, 9 (Fall
13(2):2, 11, 16, 17 (Apr 1951)
discrimination/prejudice against Spaniards during, 13(2):4 (Apr 1951) enlistees, 13(2):17-24 (Apr 1951)
Crapsey, Philip, 42(1):19 (Jan 1980)
Otis, General. See Otis, General Elwell S. Peiffer, Frederick, 54(3):8 (Sum 1992) Wadsworth, James W., 41(4):14 (Oct 1979) Whitley, James L., 41(4):14 (Oct 1979) invasion of Puerto Rico, 70(2):1 (Fall 2007) memorial, locations, 22(1):17 (Jan 1960) smoking and, 60(1):17 (Win 1998) veterans A Spanish Traveler Visits Rochester by Don Ramon de la Sagra
formation, 4(3):17
(Jul 1942)
land purchase, of Rochester founding fathers-early 1800s, 42(4):10 (Oct 1980)
business enterprise,
53(4):4 (Fall 1991)
Spaulding lineage, 53(4):4 (Fall 1991) on War of 1812, quoted, 53(4):4, 7-9, 10-12 (Fall 1991) SPCC. See Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children Speakers Bureau of War Council "Speak Up" (radio program), 32(2):12 (Apr 1970) "Special city laws" Speck, Frank G. The Spectator
baseball and,
63(1):8 (Win 2001)
free, Espionage Act and-1910s, 39(4):7-8 (Oct 1977) instruction for deaf -1800s, 64(1):11-17 (Win 2002)
automobiles and,
19(3):17-18 (Jul 1957);
28(2&3):21-22, 26 (Apr & Jul 1966);
69(2):1 (Spr 2008)
cyclists and, 28(2&3):21-22 (Apr & Jul 1966); 69(2):1, 12 (Spr 2008)
48(1&2):6 (Jan & Apr 1986)
lapse in, 8(4):15 (Oct 1946)
formation, 8(4):13 (Oct 1946); 48(1&2):6 (Jan & Apr 1986) goals, 40(4):9 (Oct 1978) meeting site, 8(4):13 (Oct 1946) members, 8(4):13 (Oct 1946); 48(1&2):6 (Jan & Apr 1986)
Mann, Rev. Newton, 22(2):16 (Apr
Rochester Conservatory of Music and,
58(4):3, 4 (Fall 1996)
spouse, 58(4):3 (Fall 1996)See also Spencer, Floyd
Rochester Conservatory of Music and,
58(4):3, 4 (Fall 1996)
spouse, 58(4):3 (Fall 1996)See also Spencer, Mrs. Edith
Morgan, Lewis Henry and,
8(4):12 (Oct 1946);
48(1&2):6, 7, 8 (Jan & Apr 1986)
Principles of Biology authored by, 8(4):11, 12 (Oct 1946) theories, 40(4):9 (Oct 1978) works
analysis, 8(4):16 (Oct 1946)
newspapers on-1890s, 13(1):15 (Jan 1951) Spencer Club and, 8(4):13 (Oct 1946)
75(1):14 (Spring 2013)
construction-1870s, 75(1):6 (Spring 2013) contractor and previous site usage, 8(3):13 (Jul 1946) photograph of exterior, 75(1):14 (Spring 2013)
as attorney, correspondence with Nathaniel
Rochester-1810s, 71(1):16-17 with
illus (Spr 2009)
biographical summary, 41(3):9 (Jul 1979) Erie Canal committee, role on, 11(3&4):8 (Jul 1949) Monroe County, and formation of-1820s, 33(2):5 (Apr 1971) as slaveholder, 71(1):26n.27 (Spr 2009)
committee to evaluate local funds, role on,
6(4):18 (Oct 1944)
as mayoral candidate-1909, 31(1):16, 19 (Jan 1969)
fire insurance controversy and,
38(2&3):32 (Apr & Jul 1976)
baseball clubs/games-1800s,
63(1):17 (Win 2001)
canal boat trips, 72(1):20 (Spr 2010) population figures/trends-early 1900s, 19(3):14 (Jul 1957) residents Sperling, Marvin
City Club, roles in,
9(4):1n., 14, 18, 21, 23 (Oct 1947)
civic honor, 22(2):insert (Apr 1960) educational television and, 32(3):18 (Jul 1970) as free discussion advocate, 9(4):21 (Oct 1947) as superintendent of schools, 31(2):16, 17, 19, 20 (Apr 1969)
plane named for-1940s, 55(4):11 (Fall
on textbook ban, quoted-WWII, 55(4):9 (Fall 1993) on WWII enrollments, quoted, 66(1):9 (Win 2004) verse authored by, 30(1):14 (Jan 1968)
operation-early 2000s,
72(2):17 (Fall 2010);
75(1):25 (Spring 2013)
photograph, 72(2):17 (Fall 2010) Spirits, alcoholic. See Alcohol Spiritualism
beliefs and practices,
71(2):6-8 (Fall 2009)
mediums/practitioners, 71(2):7 (Fall 2009)See also Fish, Mrs. Leah; Fox, Kate; Fox, Margaret(ta); Post, Mrs. Amy; Post, Isaac origins/growth, 17(3):16 (Jul 1955); 18(2):18 (Apr 1956); 21(1):8-9 (Jan 1959); 21(3):9-10 (Jul 1959); 22(1):9-10 (Jan 1960); 24(3):12, 21 (Jul 1962); 62(1):15 (Win 2000); 71(2):6-7 (Fall 2009) Rochester as center of, 24(3):21 (Jul 1962); 41(1&2):48 (Jan & Apr 1979); 67(3):13 (Sum 2005) science and, 71(2):7, 14 (Fall 2009)
31(1):16 (Jan 1969)
by tobacco chewers and smokers, newspaper quoted on, 60(1):20 (Win 1998) Spivak, John L. Spoon tilt hammer, 59(2):6 (Spr 1997) Sports. See also Recreation; specific sport/team
cultural comparisions with western cities,
19(1):23 (Jan 1957)
early interest in, 16(3):4 (Jul 1954) facilities, 11(1):2, 14 (Jan 1949)See also specific facility McQuaid, Bishop Bernard John and, 11(1):2, 7 (Jan 1949) Moore, Dr. Edward Mott and, 11(1):7 (Jan 1949) newspapers' on-1890s, 13(1):20 (Jan 1951) organized, development, 11(2):14 (Apr 1949); 23(3):13 (Jul 1961) in Polish community, 57(2):8 (Spr 1995)
on Rochester Royals, quoted
Fisher, Donald, 58(1):14 (Win 1996)
Jackson, Matt, 58(1):8 (Win 1996) Weber, Al, 58(1):11 (Win 1996)
Douglass family and,
67(4):32 photo caption (Fall 2005)
photograph, at Frederick Douglass Monument-1920s, 67(4):32 (Fall 2005)
biographical details,
67(4):5 (Fall 2005)
residences, 67(4):5 (Fall 2005) spouse. See Sprague, Mrs. Rosetta (née Douglass) (1839-1906)
biographical details,
67(4):5, 22, 26n.79 (Fall 2005)
childhood. See Douglass, Rosetta My Mother As I Recall Her authored by, 67(4):26n.79 (Fall 2005)
quoted, 67(3):8 (Sum 2005)
spouse, Nathaniel Sprague, 67(4):5 (Fall 2005)
42(4):5 (Oct 1980)
Sprigg lineage, 42(4):5 (Oct 1980) as visitor-1810s, 42(4):15 (Oct 1980) Springer, Robert L.
of early 1800s,
18(3):2 (Jul 1956); 34(3):2 (Jul
1972); 44(1&2):20-32 (Jan & Apr
Saratoga Springs, 62(4):25 (Fall
artist's depiction of,
65(3):8 illus (Sum 2003)
bicycle riding, 8(2):13 (Apr 1946)
and accidents, 69(2):12 (Spr 2008)
commercial activity, 65(3):9-11 (Sum 2003)
art gallery-mid 1900s, 65(3):1
illus, 7-9, 12-19 (Sum 2003)
bookstores, 48(1&2):12 (Jan & Apr 1986); 65(3):1 illus, 4-9 (Sum 2003) dry cleaners-mid 1800s, 72(2):14 (Fall 2010) jazz joint, 55(3):20 (Sum 1993) Emancipation Day celebration at Baptist church on-1840s, 67(1):19 photo caption (Win 2005) location, 27(3):16 (Jul 1965); 65(3):9 (Sum 2003) residents/residences, 8(2):15 (Apr 1946); 27(3):16 (Jul 1965)
Bicknell family-1800s, 65(3):9 (Sum
Livingston-Backus House, 18(1):8 (Jan 1956) McMillans-1940s, 65(3):7 (Sum 2003) Mitchell, Guernsey, 17(2):10 (Apr 1955) Peck family, 5(3):4 (Jul 1943); 22(2):6 (Apr 1960) Rochester family, 4(1):19-20 (Jan 1942); 5(3):5-6 (Jul 1943); 26(1):7 (Jan 1964); 26(2):9 (Apr 1964) Wolfards, 65(3):14 (Sum 2003)
church, 67(1):19 photo (Win
disappearance, 27(3):1 (Jul 1965) library
1890s, 18(4):12 (Oct 1956);
36(4):19 (Oct 1974);
48(1&2):10 (Jan & Apr 1986)
and art school, 65(3):18 (Sum 2003) seminary, 8(2):11 (Apr 1946) urban renewal and, 61(3&4):27, 29 photo (Sum & Fall 1999); 65(3):19, 20 (Sum 2003) Spring Street (painting) by Ralph Avery, 65(3):8 illus (Sum 2003) Spy
bicycle sales,
64(3):29-31 (Sum 2002)
daily operations, 64(3):4-6 (Sum 2002) family as staff, 64(3):3, 4-6, 15-17, 20, 30 (Sum 2002) founding and location, 64(2):21 (Spr 2002) hired staff, 64(3):20-21 (Sum 2002) photographs, 64(2):1-2, 17 (Spr 2002) products, 64(3):3, 14-17, 28-31 (Sum 2002) proprietor. See Schafer, Sam Sabbath and, 64(3):12 (Sum 2002) Ss. Peter and Paul School
67(2):3 (Spr 2005)
Clothes Closet-1980s, 44(4):30 (Oct 1982) convent and, 52(4):26 (Fall 1990) founding-1840s, 44(4):4 (Oct 1982) location and history, 52(4):25 (Fall 1990) membership-late 1800s, 60(2):4 (Spr 1998) Stackel, William H.
autos, impact of,
19(3):19 (Jul 1957)
Carthage Railroad, description-early 1800s, 51(4):8 (Fall 1989) Concord stagecoach, 5(3):12-13 (Jul 1943) depots, 34(2):2 (Apr 1972) Pioneer Stage Company, founding, 22(2):7 (Apr 1960) service, 19(3):4, 13 (Jul 1957)
early 1900s, 61(3&4):6 (Sum & Fall
abandonment, by travelers, 28(2&3):2 (Apr & Jul 1966) arrivals and departures-1830s, 34(2):5 (Apr 1972) mail delivery, 30(4):6 (Oct 1968); 36(3):5 (Jul 1974) popularity, 1(2):2 (Apr 1939) railroads and, 30(4):2, 5 (Oct 1968) routes, 30(2):13 (Apr 1968); 47(1&2):20, 24 (Jan & Apr 1985) six-day, 30(2):19 (Apr 1968); 36(3):5 (Jul 1974) stops, 30(3):1 (Jul 1968) travel on, described, 47(3&4):21-22 with illus (Jul & Oct 1985); 62(3):4, 12-14, 18-23 (Sum 2000); 62(4):7 (Fall 2000)
of Academy of the Sacred Heart chapel,
65(4):16 (Fall 2003)
designers/artisans, 60(2):24 (Spr 1998) in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery
of All Souls' Chapel, 67(2):9
photo, 10 (Spr 2005)
of St. Bernard's Chapel, 67(2):10 photo (Spr 2005) of St. Augustine's Church, 60(2):24 (Spr 1998); 60(3):1, 32 photos (Sum 1998) of St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, 63(3):14 (Sum 2001) Stallman, George P. St. Alphonsus Standard baseball club (Wheeling, WV)
anti-trust ruling-1910s,
43(2&3):30 (Apr & Jul 1981)
local merger, 43(2&3):30 (Apr & Jul 1981) Share-the-Work Campaign, 61(1):9 (Win 1999) St. Andrew's Brotherhood
12(1):14 (Jan 1950); 25(3):14 (Jul
Bible classes, 14(4):10 (Oct 1952)
service to immigrants, 25(3):13 (Jul 1963) "watermelon feast," 42(1):4 (Jan 1980) St. Andrew's Church, separation from, 42(1):20 (Jan 1980)
Brotherhood. See
St. Andrew's Brotherhood
curates, 42(1):17, 18 (Jan 1980) interior, photograph, 42(1):12-13 (Jan 1980) location, 42(1):1 (Jan 1980) pew rental, 42(1):4 (Jan 1980) rectors
Crapsey, Dr. Algernon S. See
Crapsey, Dr. Algernon Sidney
Thomas, Rev. James Bishop, 42(1):19 (Jan 1980)
family cemetery (apparent)
discovery-1980s, 45(1&2):13 (Jan &
Apr 1983)
remains, 45(1&2):14 (Jan & Apr 1983) site, purchase, 45(1&2):13 (Jan & Apr 1983) Stanley Street
chaplain, Rt. Rev. Msgr. James C.
McAniff-1930s, 44(4):27 (Oct 1982)
church outreach to, 60(3):16 (Sum 1998) location and construction material, 67(2):16 (Spr 2005) Stanton, Charles
32(2):6 (Apr 1970)
as mayor (1934-1938), 32(2):6-8 (Apr 1970)
City Club speech, 9(4):21 (Oct 1947)
with Roosevelts (Eleanor and Franklin D.), 61(1):4 photo (Win 1999)
Bradstreet, Mayor Nehemiah and,
41(1&2):40, 43, 45n.3 (Jan & Apr
emigration to Canada-Civil War, 53(1):16 (Win 1991)
as abolitionist,
23(1):4 (Jan 1961); 46(1&2):14 (Jan
& Apr 1984)
Anthony, Susan B. and, 7(2):6 (Apr 1945); 15(3):3 (Jul 1953); 21(3):4 (Jul 1959); 57(3):14, 16-17, 24 (Sum 1995); 57(4):6 photo (Fall 1995) biography, 10(4):8 (Oct 1948) clothing, style, 18(2):6 (Apr 1956); 57(3):5, 20 (Sum 1995) Douglass (Frederick) funeral and, 67(4):21 (Fall 2005) family, 57(3):5, 9 (Sum 1995) Fremont campaign and-1850s, 15(3):6 (Jul 1953) marriage, 10(2&3):3 (Jul 1948) quoted
correspondence with Susan B. Anthony,
57(3):16-17, 24 (Sum 1995)
at Woman's State Temperance Society convention-1853, 57(3):9, 10-11 (Sum 1995) sculpture of, 7(2):18 (Apr 1945) as suffragist, 17(4):16 (Oct 1955) as woman's rights activist, 7(2):7, 15 (Apr 1945); 10(2&3):3, 5, 8, 9, 14 (Jul 1948)
newspaper articles, 57(3):5 (Sum
property rights campaign, 57(4):10 (Fall 1995) suffrage campaign, 57(4):10 (Fall 1995) Woman's State Temperance Society and, 57(3):3, 8, 9-10, 12-17 (Sum 1995)
Fremont campaign and-1850s,
15(3):6 (Jul 1953)
local activity, 21(3):2 (Jul 1959) marriage, 10(2&3):3 (Jul 1948) Weed, Thurlow and, 2(2):3 (Apr 1940) Staperaider (whaling ship), 58(2):18 (Spr 1996) Star Broadcasting Company, 32(3):14 (Jul 1970) Starbuck, Mary A. A Star Pointed North by Edmund Fuller, 10(4):4 (Oct 1948) Starr, D. C.
business enterprises,
3(2):15 (Apr 1941);
18(2):11 (Apr 1956);
40(1):20 (Jan 1978)
as diploma recipient-1850s, 4(2):20 (Apr 1942) Main Street Bridge proposal, 3(2):18, 20 (Apr 1941)
63(2):12 (Spr 2001)
competitions-1800s, 63(2):5, 8 illus, 9, 14-15 (Spr 2001); 64(4):15, 16, 19 (Fall 2002) organizer, George Brackett as, 64(4):3 (Fall 2002) player, Pete Hotaling, 64(4):15 (Fall 2002) team photograph, 64(4):19 (Fall 2002) as Twinklers, 64(4):19 photo caption (Fall 2002) State Agricultural Society State Assembly. See New York State Legislature State Board of Charities State Commission Against Discrimination, 27(4):22 (Oct 1965)
citizen complaints, response to-1960s,
29(2):20 (Apr 1967)
formation-1940s, 21(4):24 (Oct 1959) local office, formation-1960s, 23(3):26 (Jul 1961)
commissioner, political alignment,
34(1):20-21 (Jan 1972)
formerly State Prison Commission, 34(1):20 (Jan 1972) State Constitutional Association State Division of State Planning. See New York State Division of State Planning State Employment Service State Librarians Association State Line Railway State Prison Commission
commissioner, political alignment,
34(1):20-21 (Jan 1972)
creation and jurisdiction, 34(1):17 (Jan 1972) renamed State Commission of Correction, 34(1):20 (Jan 1972)
art show-1870s,
17(2):6 (Apr 1955)
as boundary, of Crossroads District, 26(4):1 (Oct 1964) building collapse-1870s, 17(1):6 (Jan 1955) commercial/industrial activity, 27(3):8-9 (Jul 1965); 43(2&3):29 (Apr & Jul 1981); 54(2):6 (Spr 1992)
1820s, 18(1):3 (Jan 1956)
candy factory-early 1900s, 70(1):12 (Fall 2008) Chappell Block, 62(1):20, 21 (Win 2000) circus parades/performances-1800s, 49(3):9, 17, 19 (Jul 1987) clothing industry, 22(3):4 (Jul 1960) cycle pump retailer, 69(2):10 illus (Spr 2008) daguerreotype studios, 62(1):10 illus, 20-21 (Win 2000) development, 13(4):16 (Oct 1951) Eastman Kodak Company, 13(4):20 (Oct 1951); 34(2):12, 15, 19 (Apr 1972); 38(1):16 (Jan 1976) Ellwanger and Barry Building, 3(3):3 (Jul 1941) furniture industry, 26(1):17 (Jan 1964); 40(1):14, 19 (Jan 1978) Gould Block/Buildings, 62(1):10 illus (Win 2000); 62(1):20-21 (Win 2000) hardware store, 9(1):1-2 (Jan 1947) historical sketch, 34(2):1-24 passim (Apr 1972) picture show, location, 15(4):12 (Oct 1953) Powers Building. See Powers Building/Block railroad crossing/tracks, 13(4):15 (Oct 1951); 26(4):13 (Oct 1964) shoe retailer, 69(2):10 illus (Spr 2008) store openings, 5(3):18 (Jul 1943) structures for, 13(4):8 (Oct 1951) tavern/hotel-1800s, 50(3):22 illus (Jul 1988) theater-1820s, 30(2):19 (Apr 1968) warehouses and display rooms, 40(1):19 (Jan 1978) extension, to lake, 50(3):5, 7 (Jul 1988) fire-1860s, 34(2):9-10 (Apr 1972) fireworks display, 8(3):12 (Jul 1946) flooding-1860s, 15(1):10 (Jan 1953); 58(3):5 (Sum 1996) importance, 4(2):16 (Apr 1942); 13(4):9 (Oct 1951) location, 50(3):12-13 map (Jul 1988) Lyle Avenue junction, 27(3):19 (Jul 1965) macadamization, 21(2):16 (Apr 1959) at Main Street. See Four Corners migrant laborers and, 70(2):20 (Fall 2007) military drilling quarters on-1860s, 66(3):4 (Sum 2004) names, previous
Carroll Street, 3(2):8 (Apr 1941);
13(4):3 (Oct 1951);
21(2):4, 15 (Apr 1959);
42(4):22 (Oct 1980)
West River Road, 27(3):8 (Jul 1965)
circus-1800s, 49(3):9 (Jul 1987)
Labor Day-1910s, 10(2&3):20 (Jul 1948) military-1860s, 23(1):5 (Jan 1961)
from Four Corners, looking north-1880s,
51(4):2 (Fall 1989)
tavern/hotel-1800s, 50(3):22 (Jul 1988) winter scene, 50(1):7 (Jan 1988)
construction, 13(4):10 (Oct 1951)
Dalzell family, 59(2):19, 20 (Spr 1997) pioneer era, 50(3):10 (Jul 1988) tenements
of 1800s, 22(4):5 (Oct 1960)
proposed-1900s, 13(4):19 (Oct 1951); 27(4):7-8 (Oct 1965); 29(2):12 (Apr 1967); 52(1):8 (Win 1990)
Curative Workshop-1920s, 55(2):11 (Spr
Federal Building, 40(2):20 (Apr 1978) fire station, 50(3):10 (Jul 1988) government facilities, 48(3&4):16 (Jul & Oct 1986) library, first, 7(1):11 (Jan 1945) library "reading rooms," 36(4):5 (Oct 1974) mission-late 1800s, 22(4):5 (Oct 1960) preparatory school-mid 1800s, 65(2):4 (Spr 2003) YMCA, 16(1):10 (Jan 1954) temperance activity, 50(3):22 illus (Jul 1988); 54(2):6 (Spr 1992) traffic control tower, construction-1920s, 17(1):19 (Jan 1955) transit service Whitney, George J., 8(3):12 (Jul 1946) State Superintendent of Banking
at Brockport
formerly Brockport Collegiate Institute,
41(3):16 (Jul 1979)
professor, Robert Marcus, 62(2):21 (Spr 2000); 63(1):20 (Win 2001) St. Joseph Business High School lease-1970s, 63(3):18 (Sum 2001) St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church and-1970s, 63(3):20 (Sum 2001) student, Priscilla Astifan, 62(2):21 (Spr 2000); 63(2):21 (Spr 2001) Moulthrop, Samuel P. honored by-1920s, 19(2):20 (Apr 1957) regent, James Cochran, 41(3):4 (Jul 1979)See also Regents, New York State Board of Statues. See Monuments/statues Staub, Sister Anna Louise, SSJ
as co-author of Building an Urban Faith
Community: Centennial History of St. Augustine's Church
St. Augustine's (Catholic) Church, 60(2):1, 3 photos (Spr 1998)
altar boys,
60(2):19, 10 (Spr 1998)
church history (document), 60(3):10 (Sum 1998) deacon, 60(3):20 (Sum 1998) facilities
additions/improvements, 60(2):5, 7,
15 (Spr 1998); 60(3):3, 4, 20, 21
(Sum 1998)
architects-1907, 60(2):11 (Spr 1998) bells, 60(2):22, 25-26 (Spr 1998); 60(3):25 (Sum 1998) convent, 60(2):15, 20 (Spr 1998); 60(3):2 photo, 3, 4, 17, 18 (Sum 1998) dedications, 60(2):3-4, 11, 12, 19, 23 (Spr 1998); 60(3):5 (Sum 1998) fire damage, 60(2):10 (Spr 1998) interior design, 60(2):7, 12, 23-25 (Spr 1998); 60(3):4, 17, 21, 32 photo (Sum 1998) leasing of, 60(3):18, 24 (Sum 1998) organ, 60(3):5, 24 (Sum 1998) original structure, 60(2):3 photo, 3-4, 7, (Spr 1998) rectory, 60(2):15 (Spr 1998); 60(3):2 photo, 4, 24 (Sum 1998) replacement structures, 60(2):10, 21-24 (Spr 1998); 60(3):4 (Sum 1998) school. See St. Augustine's School stained glass window, 60(3):1 photo (Sum 1998) founding, 60(2):3-5, 7 (Spr 1998)
50 anniversary (Golden Jubilee),
60(3):4-5 (Sum 1998)
75th anniversary, 60(3):10 (Sum 1998) 90th anniversary, 60(3):20 (Sum 1998) 100th anniversary, 60(3):22, 25 (Sum 1998) of parish, 60(2):9 (Spr 1998) members, 60(3):3, 7, 10, 15, 21, 23 (Sum 1998)
decline-1970s, 60(3):13, 14 (Sum
ethnicities, 60(2):15, 16, 18-19, 21 (Spr 1998); 60(3):6, 10 (Sum 1998) by family name, 60(2):4-5, 26 (Spr 1998) Houck family, 60(2):7-9, 8 photo (Spr 1998) teens-1970s, 60(3):11, 12, 12 photo (Sum 1998)
co-pastorate, 60(3):9, 10, 11, 14
(Sum 1998)
Duffy, John M. See Duffy, Monsignor John M. McCabe, Paul, 60(3):9, 10, 14 (Sum 1998) McDonald, Elmer, 60(3):14-15 (Sum 1998) Miller, Neil, 60(3):9, 10, 28 (Sum 1998) O'Brien, Father. See O'Brien, Reverend John H. Ring, Robert, 60(3):20-21, 22 (Sum 1998) Simon, David, 60(3):11, 14 (Sum 1998) team ministry, 60(3):10 (Sum 1998) Tolster, Edward, 60(3):8-9 (Sum 1998) Trott, William. See Trott, Father William Waters, Edward J., 60(2):25 (Spr 1998)
conventions, 60(3):16, 20-21 (Sum
fundraising, 60(2):9, 12, 13 photo (Spr 1998); 60(3):4, 5, 25 (Sum 1998) gospel choir, 60(3):17 (Sum 1998) Ladies' Sodality, 60(2):20 (Spr 1998) outreach/mission, 60(2):5, 25 (Spr 1998); 60(3):8-9, 13-14, 15-16, 17, 21, 23 (Sum 1998) senior citizen ministry, 60(3):13 (Sum 1998) with St. Monica's Church, 60(3):11, 13, 14, 15-16, 19 (Sum 1998) with St. Stephen Episcopal Church, 60(3):13, 15, 19-20 (Sum 1998) youth ministry, 60(3):11-13, 14, 18 (Sum 1998)
baptisms, 60(2):18 (Spr 1998)
funeral, 60(2):19 (Spr 1998) Mass, 60(2):3, 7, 19 (Spr 1998); 60(3):10, 12, 20, 25 (Sum 1998) weddings, 60(2):14, 18 (Spr 1998) as site for Aenon Baptist Church, 60(3):24 (Sum 1998) statue, 60(3):20 (Sum 1998)
60(3):17-18 (Sum 1998)
facilities, 60(2):7, 9, 12 (Spr 1998)
additions/improvements, 60(2):15 (Spr
1998); 60(3):4 (Sum 1998)
fire damage, 60(2):10, 20 (Spr 1998) library, 60(3):5 (Sum 1998) replacement-1907, 60(2):10-11 (Spr 1998) founding, 60(2):4-5 (Spr 1998) influenza outbreak of 1918 and, 60(2):21 (Spr 1998) Mothers' Club, 60(3):5 (Sum 1998) pastors/clergy and staff
Duffy, Father John M. and, 60(3):3
photo, 4 (Sum 1998)
lay teachers, 60(3):10, 19 photo (Sum 1998) McCabe, Father Paul and, 60(3):9 (Sum 1998) school closing and, 60(3):17-18 (Sum 1998) Sisters of St. Joseph, 60(2):4, 6-8, 14, 20-21, 26 (Spr 1998); 60(3):3 photo, 10, 17, 19 photo (Sum 1998) Trott, Father William, 60(3):9, 19 photo (Sum 1998)
early 1900s, 60(2):2, 11, 13, 32
photos (Spr 1998)
1960s, 60(3):3 photo (Sum 1998) 1986 graduates, 60(3):19 photo (Sum 1998) attendance/enrollment, 60(2):4, 5, 15 (Spr 1998); 60(3):3, 7, 10, 17 (Sum 1998) McAniff, James C., 44(4):27 (Oct 1982)
early trade in,
2(1):6 (Jan 1940); 45(3&4):12 (Jul
& Oct 1983)
manufacture-pioneer era, 30(2):10-11 (Apr 1968) Staynew Protectomotor
Divinity School and RCTS, affiliation with,
52(4):20-22 (Fall 1990)
enrollment, 52(4):21 (Fall 1990) extended programs, 52(4):22 (Fall 1990) incorporation, St. Bernard's Seminary and, 52(4):20 (Fall 1990)
becomes St. Bernard's Institute,
52(4):20 (Fall 1990)
blessing of the graves ceremony and, 67(2):13 (Spr 2005) curriculum and degree programs, 44(4):22, 23 (Oct 1982); 52(4):6, 12, 15, 19 (Fall 1990) Divinity School and
affiliation with, process of,
52(4):12-15, 16-22 (Fall 1990)
collaboration with, 52(4):10-11, 14, 15 (Fall 1990)
architect, 67(2):9 (Spr 2005)
architecture, 26(2):14 (Apr 1964) construction stone, 67(2):16 (Spr 2005) dedication, 3(1):14 (Jan 1941) fire-1960s, 52(4):12 (Fall 1990) Hall of Philosophy, completion, 12(1):14 (Jan 1950) Hall of Theology, statue at, 60(3):20 (Sum 1998) sale of, 60(3):20 (Sum 1998)
Brennan, Father Joseph Patrick,
52(4):11 (Fall 1990)
Hanna, Edward J., 14(4):21 (Oct 1952); 21(3):13 (Jul 1959) Kelly, Joseph G., 52(4):18 (Fall 1990) Kettell, Rev. George F.-1910s, 44(4):22, 23 (Oct 1982) Lioi, Father Frank Eugene, 52(4):18 (Fall 1990) McNamara, Rev. Robert F., 52(4):11 (Fall 1990) founding and/or purpose, 21(3):15 (Jul 1959); 24(3):31 (Jul 1962); 52(4):6 (Fall 1990) pioneer staff, 25(2):10 (Apr 1963) planning stages, 25(2):8 (Apr 1963) RCTS, and formation of, 52(4):4, 5, 12-15, 17-22 (Fall 1990) students/graduates
Clark, Matthew H., 52(4):18 (Fall
Kettell, George F.-1910s, 44(4):22 (Oct 1982) McAniff, James C., 44(4):27 (Oct 1982) O'Brien, John H., 60(2):9 (Spr 1998) St. Boniface
67(2):3 (Spr 2005)
location and abandonment, 50(4):6
(Oct 1988)
school, architect, 60(2):11 (Spr 1998)
congregation, alienation,
29(2):6 (Apr 1967)
location, 29(2):2 (Apr 1967) memorial service, for Col. O'Rorke-1860s. See O'Rorke, Colonel Patrick pastor, Father Robert Werth, 60(3):22 (Sum 1998) St. Casimir's Church
57(1):11 (Win 1995)
location, 57(2):17 (Spr 1995) parish membership
1970s, 57(2):16 (Spr 1995)
suburban property investment, 57(2):17 (Spr 1995) WWII enlistees from parish of, 57(2):12 (Spr 1995)
Brown, John and,
72(2):14, 15 (Fall 2010)
fugitive slaves and, 72(2):7, 10, 12 (Fall 2010) residents
African Methodist Episcopal Church,
72(2):13 (Fall 2010)
British Methodist Episcopal Church's "Salem Chapel" in-1850s, 72(2):12 photo (Fall 2010) St. Crispins, 21(1):11 (Jan 1959) St. Denis, Ruth, 29(4):19 (Oct 1967) Steam automobiles. See Automobiles Steamboat House Steamboat Tavern
downtown heating system,
46(3&4):18-19, 20 (Jul & Oct 1984)
automobiles, use in,
43(2&3):23, 24 (Apr & Jul 1981)
fire engines, use in. See Fire engines governor invention for, 59(2):8 (Spr 1997) of Kimball Tobacco Company, 60(1):4 (Win 1998) lubrication methods, 43(2&3):26 (Apr & Jul 1981) manufacture, 34(3):4 (Jul 1972) omnibus, use in, 43(2&3):2 (Apr & Jul 1981) ships, use in. See Ships and boats trains, use on. See Locomotives; Railroads — steam lines
fire, fatalities and destruction-1880s,
7(4):15 (Oct 1945);
17(1):6-7 (Jan 1955);
27(4):3 (Oct 1965);
34(2):13-14 (Apr 1972);
38(2&3):4 (Apr & Jul 1976);
50(3):15 (Jul 1988)
location, 50(3):19 (Jul 1988) Steam power
companies/plants producing
Brush Electric Light Company,
60(4):12 (Fall 1998)
Citizens' Light and Power Company, 60(4):17 (Fall 1998) Edison Illuminating Company, 60(4):17 (Fall 1998) Ginna nuclear facility, generator replacement, 60(4):22 (Fall 1998) history, 11(2):13 (Apr 1949) Holly Water Works, 60(4):11 (Fall 1998) RG&E. See Rochester Gas and Electric Company Steamships. See Ships and boats Steamship ticket agency Stebbins, E. A.
Brotherhood of Christian Unity and,
14(4):7 (Oct 1952)
charitable/social agencies, roles in, 23(2):2, 3 (Apr 1961) church census, role in-early 1900s, 14(4):71 (Oct 1952) club membership, 48(1&2):8 (Jan & Apr 1986) newspaper girls' controversy and-1890s, 42(1):8 (Jan 1980) People's Sunday Evening, role in, 14(4):22 (Oct 1952); 22(2):22 (Apr 1960)
Civic Committee on Unemployment and,
20(4):11 (Oct 1958);
23(3):23 (Jul 1961)
Social Welfare League and-1920s, 23(2):11 (Apr 1961)
as baseball player-1800s,
52(3):8, 14, 15 (Sum 1990);
63(2):17 photo caption (Spr 2001)
as baseball umpire-1800s, 52(3):21 (Sum 1990)
chair, Charles Weis,
41(4):21 (Oct 1979)
labor force, 20(1):13 (Jan 1958) location, 29(2):6 (Apr 1967) world's fair exhibits, 26(3):7, 18 (Jul 1964)
as newspaper columnist,
37(2):21 (Apr 1975)
quoted-1890s, 26(3):7-8 (Jul 1964)
as construction material,
37(2):20 (Apr 1975)
production, in Pennsylvania, 56(2):6 (Spr 1994) rollers, industrial use, 3(4):13 (Oct 1941) Steele, Sergeant Albert M.
as artist
Clinton House (art center) and,
17(2):2 (Apr 1955)
packet boat commission, 49(4):12 (Oct 1987); 72(1):12 (Spr 2010)
at City Club,
9(4):4, 10, 14 (Oct 1947)
civic forum lecture, 25(3):15 (Jul 1963) People's Sunday Evening speech, 14(4):23 (Oct 1952) social centers tour-early 1900s, 29(2):8 (Apr 1967); 31(2):13 (Apr 1969) urban reform movement and, 9(4):2 (Oct 1947)
anniversary celebration,
22(3):17 (Jul 1960)
facilities labor force, 20(1):10 (Jan 1958)
manager, hiring, 22(3):25 (Jul 1960)
merger, 22(3):26 (Jul 1960) operations-1893, 14(3):4 (Jun 1952) product line, 2(3):10 (Jul 1940)
architectural award-1950s,
19(1):8 (Jan 1957)
Toward New Towns for America authored by, 19(1):8 (Jan 1957)
40(1):20 (Jan 1978)
product line, 18(1):12 (Jan 1956); 20(1):9 (Jan 1958) reorganization, 40(1):20 (Jan 1978)
anniversary celebration-early 1900s,
22(3):17 (Jul 1960)
business enterprise, 22(3):3, 4, 5 (Jul 1960) Stephens, Barbara
22(4):13 (Oct 1960)
as childrens' Court Judge, 14(4):24 (Oct 1952) Good Government movement and, 23(3):16 (Jul 1961) League of Civic Clubs and, 14(4):19 (Oct 1952); 25(3):15 (Jul 1963) Sterling Company of Buffalo
architectural commissions
Commerce Building, 26(2):12 (Apr
residences, 28(2&3):19, 23, 28, 29, 33 (Apr & Jul 1966) skyscraper design, 37(2):20 (Apr 1975) St. Andrew's Brotherhood and, 42(1):5 (Jan 1980)
business enterprise,
22(3):4 (Jul 1960)
residence, 28(2&3):19 (Apr & Jul 1966) union litigation, 22(3):31 (Jul 1960) Stern store (San Francisco), 19(1):10 (Jan 1957) Stettheimer, McDonell and Company, 22(3):3 (Jul 1960) Stettheimer, Sigmund
business enterprises,
22(3):2, 3, 4 (Jul 1960)
civic role, 22(3):7 (Jul 1960) income-1863, 23(1):11 (Jan 1961)
biographical details/sketch,
72(2):6-7 (Fall 2010)
arrival-1810s, 21(4):2 (Oct 1959)
burial site, 66(4):21n., 21 (Fall 2004)
of children, 71(1):22 (Spr 2009)
emancipation celebration (NYS) and-1820s, 46(1&2):19 (Jan & Apr 1984); 67(3):14 (Sum 2005); 71(1):20 (Spr 2009) financial backers, 72(2):18n.15 (Fall 2010) as grocer, temperance movement and-1820s, 54(2):6 (Spr 1992) photographs/illustrations, 46(1&2):25 (Jan & Apr 1984); 72(2):6 (Fall 2010) segregated school, role in-1840s, 21(4):5 (Oct 1959) as slave, 46(1&2):5, 38n.6 (Jan & Apr 1984) on slavery, quoted, 46(1&2):8 (Jan & Apr 1984) Wilberforce Colony and, 21(4):3 (Oct 1959)
with quote, 72(2):7 (Fall 2010)
as author, 6(2):21
(Apr 1944)
of Early Catholic History in the Rochester Diocese,
10(4):20 (Oct 1948)
as baseball player-1800s,
52(3):7 (Sum 1990);
62(2):7-8 (Spr 2000);
63(1):7, 12 (Win 2001)See also
Stewart, Mr. (no given name)
as baseball umpire-1800s, 62(2):7 (Spr 2000) death, 62(2):8, 22 (Spr 2000) military service-Civil War, 62(2):22 (Spr 2000)
estate, dispersal,
44(4):18 (Oct 1982)
illness, death, and funeral-1890s, 44(4):15, 18 (Oct 1982) photograph, 44(4):17 (Oct 1982) at St. Mary's Church-late 1800s, 44(4):11, 14, 15 (Oct 1982)
at Camp Meade, PA-1898,
13(2):12 (Apr 1951)
military service-Spanish-American War, 13(2):21 (Apr 1951) Morgan, William and, 53(4):32 (Fall 1991)
on Baptists' clash with UR president-1890s,
33(4):9 (Oct 1971)
pastorate, First Baptist Church, 33(4):9 (Oct 1971) Rochester Theological Seminary, role with, 33(4):9 (Oct 1971) Stewart, Mrs. Robert St. Francis of Assisi (church) Stillbirths
as mentor, to George H. Harris-1800s,
44(1&2):5 (Jan & Apr 1982)
Mount Hope Cemetery, position with, 44(1&2):5 (Jan & Apr 1982); 50(4):18 (Oct 1988)
biographical details,
26(1):15-16 (Jan 1964)
as mayor (1852-1853), 26(1):15, 16 (Jan 1964) photograph, 47(3&4):24 (Jul & Oct 1985) St. John, Mrs. A., 10(2&3):12 (Jul 1948) St. John Fisher College, 18(1):16 (Jan 1956); 24(3):36 (Jul 1962)
26(2):14 (Apr 1964)
curriculum, seminary acquisition-1960s & 1980s, 52(4):12, 19 (Fall 1990) faculty/staff member Rev. Charles J. Lavery-1970s, 63(3):20 (Sum 2001) opening, 23(3):26 (Jul 1961) St. John's Home for the Aged
church bell named for-1850s,
63(3):10 (Sum 2001)
as patron saint of St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, 63(3):7, 8, 10, 14 (Sum 2001) St. Josephat's Greek Catholic Church
construction and closing,
63(3):18 (Sum 2001)
formerly St. Joseph's Commercial School, 63(3):17-18 (Sum 2001) St. Joseph's Church (Trenton, NJ) St. Joseph's German Catholic Church. See St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church St. Joseph's Home (for orphans). See St. Joseph's Orphan Asylum St. Joseph's Literary club
63(3):10, 13 photo (Sum 2001)
closing-1930s, 63(3):17 (Sum 2001) founding-1860s, 9(2&3):14 (Apr 1947); 20(1):7 (Jan 1958); 63(3):10 (Sum 2001) location-1860s, 20(1):7 (Jan 1958); 63(3):10 (Sum 2001) manager, Mother Mary Caroline Freiss-1800s, 52(4):26 (Fall 1990) merger-1900s, 44(4):11 (Oct 1982); 63(3):17 (Sum 2001) photographs/illustrations, 63(3):11, 13 (Sum 2001) relocation-1940s, 44(4):11 (Oct 1982) School Sisters of Notre Dame and, 63(3):10, 11 (Sum 2001)
63(3):5-8 (Sum 2001)
1846-1875, 63(3):9-11 (Sum 2001) 1875-1950, 63(3):14-16 (Sum 2001) 1950-1974, 63(3):17-21 (Sum 2001) baptisms, 63(3):7, 14, 17 (Sum 2001) Brothers of Mary and, 63(3):9, 11 (Sum 2001) cemetery-1850s, 67(2):3 (Spr 2005) commercial school, 63(3):15, 17-18 (Sum 2001) convent, founding-1850s, 52(4):26 (Fall 1990) downtown Rochester and, 63(3):17 (Sum 2001) Eastman, George and, 63(3):14-15 (Sum 2001) Ely Street site (1836-1846), 63(3):7 (Sum 2001)
dedication-1830s, 63(3):7 (Sum 2001)
firsts at-1830s, 63(3):7 (Sum 2001) lots purchased for, 63(3):7 (Sum 2001) Prost, Rev. Joseph at, 63(3):6, 7-8 (Sum 2001) services, 63(3):7 (Sum 2001) founding/origins-1800s, 44(4):4 (Oct 1982); 52(4):24 (Fall 1990); 63(3):5-8 (Sum 2001); 70(2):13 (Fall 2007) Franklin Street site (1846-1974), 29(2):2 (Apr 1967); 63(3):10, 12-13 photo (Sum 2001)
bells, 63(3):10, 15 (Sum 2001)
Confessional Chapel, 63(3):10 (Sum 2001) construction, 19(4):5 (Oct 1957); 20(1):3 (Jan 1958); 52(4):23-24 (Fall 1990); 63(3):8 (Sum 2001) dedication, 20(1):3 (Jan 1958); 63(3):8 (Sum 2001) destruction-1970s, 63(3):3-4, 19 (Sum 2001) improvements, 63(3):10-11, 14-15, 17, 18 (Sum 2001) living quarters, 63(3):9, 10, 14 (Sum 2001) lots purchased for, 63(3):7, 8, 9 (Sum 2001) salvage efforts-1970s, 63(3):19-20 (Sum 2001) steeple, 63(3):10, 12 photo, 15 (Sum 2001) tower clock, 63(3):10, 14-15, 21 illus (Sum 2001) historical sketch, 63(3):1-24 (Sum 2001) Landmark Society and, 52(4):25 (Fall 1990); 63(3):20 (Sum 2001) orphan society, 63(3):10 (Sum 2001)See also St. Joseph's Orphan Asylum as Our Lady of Victory/St. Joseph's, 63(3):20 (Sum 2001) parishioners
dissidents, departure of -1830s,
63(3):8 (Sum 2001)
fire and-1970s, 63(3):19 (Sum 2001) Klem, Anna Maria & John, 63(3):6 photo caption (Sum 2001) Lenti, Vincent-mid 1900s, 63(3):22 (Sum 2001) membership figures, 63(3):11, 14, 17 (Sum 2001) opposition to local Redemptorist community, 63(3):7-8 (Sum 2001) pastors/rectors
Bayer, Benedict, 63(3):8 (Sum 2001)
Burger, Charles, 63(3):15 (Sum 2001) Doherty, William, 63(3):16 (Sum 2001) fire and-1970s, 63(3):3-4, 19 (Sum 2001) Kessel, William, 63(3):15 (Sum 2001) ministries of, 63(3):11, 15-16 (Sum 2001) Neumann, John Nepumucene, 63(3):11 (Sum 2001) Prost, Joseph, 63(3):6, 7-8 (Sum 2001) Sanderl, Simon, 63(3):8 (Sum 2001) tenure, 63(3):11 (Sum 2001) research sources for, 63(3):22 (Sum 2001) School Sisters of Notre Dame and-mid 1800s, 52(4):23-24, 26 (Fall 1990); 63(3):9, 10, 11, 15 (Sum 2001) wedding anniversary-1850s, 63(3):6 photo caption (Sum 2001) St. Joseph's School
63(3):15, 17 (Sum 2001)
curriculum, 63(3):15 (Sum 2001) Ely Street site-1800s, 63(3):4 photo, 7, 9 (Sum 2001) enrollment, 63(3):9, 14, 15, 17 (Sum 2001) as first parish school in Rochester-1800s, 54(2):9 (Spr 1992) Franklin Street site photographs
Baden Street and,
29(2):2 (Apr 1967)
German Evangelical Association, 20(1):3 (Jan 1958) Polish land purchase on, 57(1):4, 6 (Win 1995) renamed St. Joseph Avenue, 29(2):6 (Apr 1967) residences-1800s, 29(2):2 (Apr 1967) RR crossing, upgrade, 29(2):5 (Apr 1967) structures-1900, 29(2):5 (Apr 1967) St. Lawrence (ship)
transport of world's fair exhibit-1850s,
26(3):2 (Jul 1964)
War of 1812 activity, 4(4):19 (Oct 1942)
communications-War of 1812,
4(4):7 (Oct 1942)
construction, 16(4):1 (Oct 1954) Iroquois and, 13(3):19 (Jul 1951) map, 62(4):28 (Fall 2000) at Ottawa River, 62(4):11 illus (Fall 2000) Port of Rochester and, 16(4):1 (Oct 1954); 61(3&4):10 photo caption (Sum & Fall 1999)
Chamber of Commerce, Inland Waterways Committee,
16(4):21 (Oct 1954)
Harbor Survey Committee, 16(4):17 (Oct 1954) rapids, running
"Canadian connection" and,
45(3&4):14 (Jul & Oct 1983)
Canadian Trade Act of 1822, 16(4):5-6 (Oct 1954) passenger account of-1820s, 62(4):11-15, 17-18 (Fall 2000) route, 16(4):2 (Oct 1954) safety, 24(3):8 (Jul 1962) vessels, census-1810s, 45(3&4):4 (Jul & Oct 1983) taverns on-1820s, 62(4):12, 14, 15, 17 (Fall 2000) towns on, 62(4):12, 14, 15-16, 18, 22 (Fall 2000) War of 1812 and, 4(4):4, 7 (Oct 1942) St. Lawrence Storm Track St. Louis Hawks (basketball team), 58(1):15 (Win 1996) St. Louis, Lake. See Lake St. Louis St. Louis, MO
baseball clubs/games
city planning, 6(4):7 (Oct 1944) as flour milling center, 3(4):11 (Oct 1941); 37(3):13 (Jul 1975) National Electric Light Association, 60(4):9 (Fall 1998) political convention-1910s, 39(4):6 (Oct 1977) progressive state schools, 19(2):3 (Apr 1957) as tour stop, 19(1):1 (Jan 1957) world's fair, 26(3):10, 12-13 (Jul 1964) St. Luke's Church (Washington, D.C.)
annual reports, pre-1835,
4(2):9 (Apr 1942)
architecture, 26(2):8, 14 (Apr 1964) bell, 3(1):13 (Jan 1941) choir, 8(2):5 (Apr 1946) construction and/or location-1820s, 8(2):10 (Apr 1946); 12(2&3):15 (Apr 1950); 13(4):8-9 (Oct 1951); 18(1):2 (Jan 1956); 29(3):12-13 (Jun 1967); 33(3):20 map (Jul 1971); 42(4):16 (Oct 1980); 54(4):12 (Fall 1992)
materials, source, 13(4):5 (Oct 1951)
founding, 24(1):17 (Jan 1962); 25(3):3 (Jul 1963); 36(3):4 (Jul 1974); 38(1):8 (Jan 1976) location, 12(2&3):12 map (Apr 1950) members/wardens
Child, Jonathan, 22(2):3 (Apr 1960)
form literary club-1880s, 48(1&2):7 (Jan & Apr 1986) Guernsey, Miss Lucy Ellen Guernsey, 10(1):11 (Jan 1948) Pitkin, William, 26(1):11 (Jan 1964) Scrantom, Edwin, 4(1):2 (Jan 1942) site, previous usage, 18(1):2 (Jan 1956) in Washington, D.C., 42(1):6 (Jan 1980) wedding at-1850s, 18(2):20 (Apr 1956)
44(4):19 (Oct 1982)
enrollment-1890s, 44(4):15 (Oct 1982) founding-1850s, 44(4):8 (Oct 1982) St. Mary's Catholic Society
aid society, relief efforts-1890s,
14(3):15 (Jun 1952)
a.k.a. Old St. Mary's, 44(4):26 (Oct 1982); 63(3):19 (Sum 2001) construction-1840s, 19(4):5 (Oct 1957) founding, 52(4):26 (Fall 1990) immigrant attendance-late 1800s, 22(4):6 (Oct 1960) lake picnic, 44(4):13-14 (Oct 1982); 75(1):15 (Spring 2013) location, 63(3):19 (Sum 2001) parish schools, 44(4):8-23 passim (Oct 1982) pastors, 44(4):3-30 passim (Oct 1982) photographs/illustrations, 44(4):16-17, 20, 31 (Oct 1982) structure(s)
fires affecting, 44(4):19-22 passim,
28-29 (Oct 1982)
first, purchases and sales-1830s, 44(4):2, 3, 4, 6 (Oct 1982) second, construction/restorations and design, 44(4):6, 19, 25, 28 (Oct 1982) St. Mary's College (1805-1852, Baltimore, MD)
charity baseball games for-1800s,
62(2):20 (Spr 2000)
construction and/or location, 23(1):14 (Jan 1961)
following fire-1890s, 13(4):14 (Oct
founding/opening-mid 1800s, 3(1):15 (Jan 1941); 5(2):19 (Apr 1943); 9(2&3):10 (Apr 1947); 18(3):11 (Jul 1956); 32(4):7 (Oct 1970) growth, 2(3):16 (Jul 1940); 9(2&3):22 (Apr 1947) Halstead Hall, purchase of, 32(4):12 (Oct 1970) as landmark, 27(3):5 (Jul 1965) patients
Civil War soldiers, 2(3):6 (Jul 1940);
5(2):21 (Apr 1943);
9(2&3):12 (Apr 1947);
23(1):14 (Jan 1961);
25(2):3 (Apr 1963);
28(1):6 (Jan 1966);
41(1&2):45n.3 (Jan & Apr
Murphy, Isabelle, 60(2):18-19 (Spr 1998) O'Reilly, Henry, 6(2):8 (Apr 1944); 7(1):23 (Jan 1945) train wreck victims, 56(2):20 (Spr 1994)
44(4):19 (Oct 1982)
enrollment-1890s, 44(4):15 (Oct 1982) locations and program-1800s, 44(4):13 (Oct 1982) St. Mary's Orphanage. See St. Mary's orphanages St. Mary's orphanages
site of farming/trades training for boys
from-mid 1800s, 67(2):5 (Spr 2005)
St. Mary's Boys Orphan Asylum
founding, merger, and relocation-mid 1800s,
44(4):11 (Oct 1982)
location, 60(2):4 (Spr 1998) parochial education, 60(2):4-5 (Spr 1998)
origins, 32(4):12 (Oct 1970)
as landmark, 27(3):5 (Jul 1965)
formation, 9(2&3):14 (Apr 1947)
St. Mary's Orphan Asylum for Boys. See St. Mary's orphanages St. Mary's Orphan Asylum for Irish Lads. See St. Mary's orphanages St. Mary's Place
44(4):27 (Oct 1982)
deaths at, 44(4):11 (Oct 1982) enrollments, 44(4):11, 15, 19 (Oct 1982) formation-1850s, 44(4):8 (Oct 1982) operations and program, 44(4):8-9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 19, 21 (Oct 1982) staff/students, 44(4):8, 10, 11 (Oct 1982); 60(2):4-5 (Spr 1998) St. Mary's Street College Settlement (Philadelphia, PA)
location, 64(3):10 (Sum 2002) pastor, 57(1):4 (Win 1995) photographs, 70(2):3, 4 (Fall 2007) Polish immigrants and, 57(1):4 (Win 1995) soup kitchen, 14(3):15 (Jun 1952)
members, 60(3):15
(Sum 1998)
outreach/mission, 60(3):15-16 (Sum
senior citizen ministry, 60(3):13 (Sum 1998) with St. Augustine's Church, 60(2):6 (Spr 1998); 60(3):11, 13, 14, 15-16, 19 (Sum 1998) youth ministry, 60(3):11 (Sum 1998)
American Tobacco Company,
60(1):20 (Win 1998)
dealer advertisement-18002, 62(1):11 illus (Win 2000) D.K.G. Institute of Musical Art, 58(4):8 (Fall 1996) Dossenbach-Klingenberg School of Music, 58(4):6 (Fall 1996) Eastman Kodak. See Eastman Kodak Company Polish Clothing Manufacturing Company, 57(2):4 (Spr 1995) Rochesters baseball club-1800s, 64(4):6, 8 (Fall 2002) Stokes, Maurice Stoler, Margaret Stolnitz, Abraham
business enterprises,
64(2):18 (Spr 2002)
apprentices, 64(2):19-20 (Spr 2002)
family members, 64(2):18 (Spr 2002)
breaking, public employment,
1(3):12 (Jul 1939)
as construction material
in business district-late 1800s,
26(2):11 (Apr 1964)
in canal aqueducts, 49(4):8, 9, 27 (Oct 1987); 72(1):8, 11 (Spr 2010) in Canaltown district, 37(2):5, 6, 8, 9, 11 (Apr 1975) in Eastman School of Music, 58(4):22 (Fall 1996) first bridge of, 3(2):16 (Apr 1941) in Genesee Valley Canal, 56(4):4, 9 (Fall 1994) in mills, 26(1):9 (Jan 1964) in Montreal, Canada-1820s, 62(4):22 (Fall 2000) in New York City-1820s, 62(3):4-5 (Sum 2000) in St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church-1800s, 63(3):8, 15 (Sum 2001) in streets-1860s, 23(1):1 (Jan 1961)
from Genesee river bed, 58(3):10 (Sum
Mt. Morris Dam construction and, 58(3):2-3 photo, 14 (Sum 1996) yard, city. See City Stone Yard Stone, Albert
construction and location-1830s,
37(2):6-7 (Apr 1975)
destruction-1860s, 27(3):11 (Jul 1965); 37(2):15 (Apr 1975) fire damage-1840s, 37(2):11, 15 (Apr 1975) as landmark, 27(3):11 (Jul 1965) occupants
commercial, 37(2):14 (Apr 1975)
theater, 16(3):3 (Jul 1954); 27(3):11 (Jul 1965); 37(2):14-16 (Apr 1975)See also Metropolitan Theater
photographs, with sisters,
62(1):7, 16 (Win 2000)
and mother, 62(1):16 (Win 2000)
arrival and place of origin,
47(3&4):19 (Jul & Oct 1985)
birth-1770s, 47(3&4):4 (Jul & Oct 1985) business enterprises/occupations
farming, 30(2):2 (Apr 1968)
land development, 3(4):4 (Oct 1941); 37(2):2 (Apr 1975); 50(3):9 (Jul 1988)See also Canaltown milling, 13(4):3 (Oct 1951); 23(3):4 (Jul 1961); 37(2):2 (Apr 1975); 40(1):3 (Jan 1978); 54(3):16 (Sum 1992) as sales agent, 23(3):3 (Jul 1961); 24(1):8 (Jan 1962); 24(3):3 (Jul 1962); 30(2):2 (Apr 1968); 47(1&2):22 (Jan & Apr 1985); 54(3):16 (Sum 1992) Stone Building/Block. See Stone Building/Block land holdings, 30(2):2 (Apr 1968) military service and discharge, 48(3&4):9 (Jul & Oct 1986) origins, 37(2):2 (Apr 1975) Pioneer Society, role in, 47(3&4):7 (Jul & Oct 1985) reminiscences, quoted-1840s, 47(3&4):4-6 (Jul & Oct 1985) residence, 3(4):5 (Oct 1941); 4(1):4-5 (Jan 1942); 29(3):3 (Jun 1967); 37(2):2, 3 (Apr 1975); 47(3&4):7 (Jul & Oct 1985) Scrantom family and-1810s, 24(1):9 (Jan 1962); 24(3):2 (Jul 1962); 54(3):16 (Sum 1992) visitor, traveling clown-1810s, 4(1):12 (Jan 1942)
arrival and geographic origins,
62(1):16 (Win 2000)
business enterprises
milling-early 1800s, 40(1):3 (Jan
tavern, 4(1):7 (Jan 1942); 53(4):15 (Fall 1991); 62(1):16 (Win 2000)See also Stone (Stone's) Tavern quoted, 4(4):17 (Oct 1942) Stone, James
Anthony, Susan B. and,
15(3):3, 6, 8, 10 (Jul 1953)
as woman's rights activist, 57(4):10 (Fall 1995)
birth, 62(1):16
(Win 2000)
photographs, with sisters, 62(1):7, 16 (Win 2000)
and mother, 62(1):16 (Win 2000)
9 hour schedule,
25(1):13 (Jan 1963)
reorganization, 25(1):9 (Jan 1963) trades council and, 25(1):15 (Jan 1963)
photographs, with sisters,
62(1):7, 16 (Win 2000)
and mother, 62(1):16 (Win 2000)
at Rochester Museum and Science Center,
59(4):22n.7 (Fall 1997)
Tichenor/Walter photographs, 59(4):6,
18, 19, 24 (Fall 1997)
Stone, Orighn. See Stone, Orringh Stone, Orringh, 47(3&4):4 (Jul & Oct 1985)
arrival, geographic origins, and business
enterprise, 62(1):16 (Win 2000)
daughters, 62(1):7 photo, 16,
16 photo (Win 2000)
spouse, 62(1):16 (Win 2000)See also Stone, Isaac W.
bar room, 31(4):3
(Oct 1969)
location, 2(1):3, 5 map (Jan 1940); 4(1):4 (Jan 1942); 31(4):2 (Oct 1969)
as biographer of Life of Joseph Brant
and Lives of Red Jacket and Cornplanter,
6(2):8 (Apr 1944)
as editor, 6(2):8 (Apr 1944) Rochester, descriptions of Stone yard. See City Stone Yard Stony Brook State Park Stopfel, Frederick
Council of Social Agencies, role on,
20(4):27 (Oct 1958);
27(4):14 (Oct 1965)
planning and housing council, role on, 27(4):14 (Oct 1965) Stores, retail. See Retail industry Stories of Rochester by M. Frances Logan, 10(4):17 (Oct 1948) Storm King (mountain) Storm sewers
58(3):6, 10 (Sum 1996)
Streets and Sewers Committee-early 1900s, 35(1):17 (Jan 1973) The Story of My House by George H. Ellwanger, 10(1):18 (Jan 1948) A Story of Rochester (children's history) by Blake McKelvey, 6(2):22 (Apr 1944)
at Bureau of Municipal Research
as city manager, 9(4):15 (Oct 1947); 11(2):19 (Apr 1949); 22(4):18 (Oct 1960); 23(3):23 (Jul 1961); 24(3):38 (Jul 1962); 32(2):4 (Apr 1970)
appointments, 6(4):16 (Oct 1944);
11(1):19 (Jan 1949);
32(2):4 (Apr 1970)
departure, 11(2):22 (Apr 1949) relief payments, negotiation of-1930s, 23(2):12 (Apr 1961)
cooking. See
Cooking stoves
as heat source-1800s, 46(3&4):8, 9, 10, 21 (Jul & Oct 1984); 60(4):9, 16 (Fall 1998) purchase-mid 1800s, 18(2):12 (Apr 1956) spitting on, newspaper quote on, 60(1):20 (Win 1998)
10(1):11 (Jan 1948)
Uncle Tom's Cabin authored by, 51(1):9 illus caption (Win 1989) work, newspapers on-1890s, 13(1):17 (Jan 1951)
admission price,
18(4):3 (Oct 1956)
collections, 18(4):3, 19 (Oct 1956) proprietors, 18(4):3 (Oct 1956) Stowell, William St. Patrick's Cemetery
as St. Patrick's Cathedral,
65(4):23n.11 (Fall 2003)
architect, 67(2):9 (Spr 2005)
facilities, sale of-1930s, 67(2):17 (Spr 2005) finances, 19(4):10 (Oct 1957) fire, 44(4):3 (Oct 1982) immigrant attendance-late 1800s, 22(4):6, 11 (Oct 1960) internal strife-1830s, 44(4):2, 4 (Oct 1982) laymen-1840s, 44(4):4 (Oct 1982) location, 44(4):2 (Oct 1982); 60(2):3, 10 (Spr 1998) membership, 60(2):4 (Spr 1998) ordination of Father O'Brien in, 60(2):9 (Spr 1998) organist, 65(4):18 (Fall 2003) parochial education, 60(2):4 (Spr 1998) pastors, 44(4):2-3, 18 (Oct 1982); 60(2):3, 6, 8 (Spr 1998) services, foreign language, 25(3):13 (Jul 1963) trustees, 44(4):4 (Oct 1982)
cemetery sites-1800s, 50(4):6 (Oct
1988); 67(2):3 (Spr 2005)
chapel construction and location-1820s, 19(4):3 (Oct 1957) debt reduction, source of-1830s, 63(3):7 (Sum 2001) founding-1820s, 1(3):14 (Jul 1939); 25(3):3 (Jul 1963); 42(4):16 (Oct 1980); 52(4):26 (Fall 1990); 63(3):5 (Sum 2001) German Catholics and, 20(1):3 (Jan 1958); 63(3):5, 6, 8 (Sum 2001) girls asylum and, 9(2&3):6 (Apr 1947) location, 50(3):10 (Jul 1988) pastors, 2(1):20 (Jan 1940); 63(3):5, 6 (Sum 2001)
Partial Abstinence Society and,
68(3):6 (Sum 2006)
temperance association, 1(3):17 (Jul 1939)
anti-Irish nativism and-1840s,
68(3):6 (Sum 2006)
celebration, 19(4):4, 14 (Oct 1957) flood of 1865 on. See Genesee River — flooding parade, 19(4):11, 14 (Oct 1957)
pioneer cemetery near,
50(4):6 (Oct 1988)
resident, Julius Armbruster-1920s, 63(4):13, 27 illus (Fall 2001) St. Paul's (Episcopal) Church
26(2):14 (Apr 1964)
centennial celebration, 3(1):11 (Jan 1941) construction, 12(1):14 (Jan 1950); 37(2):6 (Apr 1975) description-1820s, 16(2):10 (Apr 1954) gas lighting, 1(2):2 (Apr 1939) industry, adjacent, 34(2):12 (Apr 1972) location, 26(4):10 (Oct 1964); 28(2&3):18 (Apr & Jul 1966) recognition, 27(3):10 (Jul 1965) rectors
Bartlett, Rev. Murray, 52(1):11 (Win
Platt, Dr. William H., on evolution, 8(4):20-21 (Oct 1946) tower clock, installation-1840s, 4(2):22 (Apr 1942)
auto fatality-1940s,
44(4):26 (Oct 1982)
as boundary commercial/industrial activity, 22(1):18 (Jan 1960); 26(4):16, 19 (Oct 1964); 27(3):10-12 (Jul 1965); 30(4):21 (Oct 1968); 37(2):14, 20 (Apr 1975); 43(2&3):37 (Apr & Jul 1981)
art emporium, 18(4):5 (Oct 1956)
brewery, 27(3):11 (Jul 1965) Chamber of Commerce Building, 26(4):19 (Oct 1964) clothing industry, 22(3):5, 15, 17 (Jul 1960); 61(3&4):4 (Sum & Fall 1999) at corner of Main Street, 62(1):17 photo (Win 2000) development, circa 1900, 29(2):5-6 (Apr 1967) Enos Stone Building, 16(3):3 (Jul 1954); 27(3):11 (Jul 1965); 37(2):6-7, 11, 14, 15, 18 (Apr 1975) factories, 3(4):13 (Oct 1941); 3(4):20 (Oct 1941) Granite Block, 13(4):17 (Oct 1951); 27(3):11 (Jul 1965) hotels, 62(1):17 photo (Win 2000) labor center, 29(2):8 (Apr 1967) labor strike, 22(3):20 (Jul 1960); 29(2):15 (Apr 1967) NY Central Railroad, 13(4):16 (Oct 1951); 26(4):12, 17 (Oct 1964); 29(2):10 (Apr 1967); 34(2):11-12, 20 (Apr 1972) Opera House, 37(2):16 (Apr 1975) optical, 20(1):12 (Jan 1958) of Osburn, Nehemiah, 37(2):11 (Apr 1975); 62(1):17 photo (Win 2000) railroad crossing, 13(4):15 (Oct 1951); 29(2):5 (Apr 1967); 30(4):16 (Oct 1968) railroad station. See New York Central Railroad Station saloons, 37(2):19 (Apr 1975) shopping, 13(4):16 (Oct 1951) of Silence, Frederick-1800s, 49(4):14 (Oct 1987) tailor, 57(1):9 (Win 1995) tavern-1810s, 4(1):4 (Jan 1942) theater, 16(3):3 (Jul 1954); 16(3):8 (Jul 1954) tobacco manufacture, 60(1):4 (Win 1998) Wagner Block/Building, 37(2):17, 23 (Apr 1975) Douglass (Frederick) monument, unveiling, 21(4):16 (Oct 1959) fires-early 1900s, 26(4):16 (Oct 1964); 38(2&3):10-11 (Apr & Jul 1976) Frederick Douglass monument on, 67(4):23 (Fall 2005) improvements names, previous and subsequent, 27(3):11 (Jul 1965); 37(2):6 (Apr 1975)
formerly River Street, 21(2):15 (Apr
of South St. Paul, 34(2):11 (Apr 1972); 44(4):2 (Oct 1982); 49(4):14 (Oct 1987) subsequently South Avenue, 37(2):23 (Apr 1975)See also South Avenue
Andrews, J. Sherlock, 26(4):13 (Oct
Andrews, Samuel G., 26(1):8 (Jan 1964) immigrant, 22(4):4 (Oct 1960) Keeler plot, 26(1):18 (Jan 1964) loss of, 26(2):10 (Apr 1964) Silence, Frederick-1800s, 49(4):14 (Oct 1987) tenement renovation-1880s, 22(4):5 (Oct 1960)
Academy of the Sacred Heart,
65(4):9-11, 23n.5 (Fall 2003)
chapel, 20(1):4 (Jan 1958) Children's Truant Home, 64(1):7 (Win 2002) orphanage, 29(2):6 (Apr 1967) performance hall, 26(4):13 (Oct 1964) religious, 13(4):9 (Oct 1951); 29(2):2 (Apr 1967) school for deaf-1870s, 64(1):7 (Win 2002)See also Rochester School for the Deaf; Western New York Institution for Deaf Mutes YMCA, 16(1):10, 12-13 (Jan 1954) street lights, gas, 60(4):3 (Fall 1998) transit service, 30(3):6 (Jul 1968) St. Peter and Paul's Church. See Ss. Peter and Paul's Church St. Peter and St. Paul Albanian Orthodox Church, 28(2&3):42 (Apr & Jul 1966) St. Peter's Church
19(4):5 (Oct 1957)
founding-1830s, 20(1):3 (Jan 1958) location and history, 52(4):25 (Fall 1990) member, Miss Clara Guernsey, 10(1):11 (Jan 1948) visiting nuns-1840s, 52(4):24, 25 (Fall 1990) Stransky Strasenburgh Planetarium
Hickey-Freeman Company and Amalgamated
Clothing Workers of America: A Case Study (1949) authored by,
22(3):31 (Jul 1960)
biographical summary,
22(2):22 (Apr 1960)
brotherhood membership, 14(4):13 (Oct 1952); 24(3):29 (Jul 1962) City Club, roles in, 9(4):3, 5 (Oct 1947); 14(4):24 (Oct 1952) civic honor (posthumous), 22(2):22 (Apr 1960) as civic leader, 22(2):21 (Apr 1960)
Central Trades and Labor Council and,
14(4):22 (Oct 1952)
Civic Betterment Committee and, 34(4):6 (Oct 1972) labor disputes, role in, 22(3):20 (Jul 1960) social reform and, 11(2):22 (Apr 1949); 14(4):12, 13, 18 (Oct 1952) theater program, 14(4):12 (Oct 1952); 16(1):17 (Jan 1954)
Men and Religion Forward movement,
14(4):23 (Oct 1952)
pastorate, 9(4):3 (Oct 1947); 14(4):1 (Oct 1952); 23(3):17 (Jul 1961) People's Sunday Evening and, 9(4):3 (Oct 1947); 14(4):21, 22 (Oct 1952); 23(2):2 (Apr 1961); 23(3):21 (Jul 1961) sermon, 14(4):22 (Oct 1952); 34(4):8 (Oct 1972) Sunday Evening Hour, 25(3):14 (Jul 1963) Women's Committee on vice and, 14(4):11 (Oct 1952) YMCA programs, 14(4):12, 18 (Oct 1952)
city directory listing-1871,
56(1):8 (Win 1994)
company philanthropy, 11(1):13 (Jan 1949) electric, introduction, 27(3):9 (Jul 1965); 43(1):2 (Jan 1981); 60(4):16 (Fall 1998) engine repair shop-early 1900s, 43(2&3):34 (Apr & Jul 1981) horse-drawn. See Horsecar lines/service interurban. See Interurban transit service photographs/illustrations
electric, 46(3&4):14 (Jul & Oct
1984); 50(1):14, 15, 20 (Jan
1988); 56(1):34 (Win 1994);
61(3&4):27, 29 (Sum & Fall 1999)
horse-drawn, 5(3):19 (Jul 1943); 67(2):5 (Spr 2005) Sea Breeze open bench model, 56(1):34 (Win 1994)
all night, editorial on,
13(1):21-22 (Jan 1951)
city ownership proposed-1910s, 39(4):14 (Oct 1977) competition demise, 46(3&4):16 (Jul & Oct 1984) fares, housing issues and, 27(4):8 (Oct 1965) fatalities, 17(1):11-12 (Jan 1955) historical sketch, 30(3):8-17 with map (Jul 1968) improvements, 35(2):15 (Apr 1973) interruptions introduction, 19(3):7 (Jul 1957); 28(4):2, 14 (Oct 1966); 34(2):14 (Apr 1972); 46(3&4):10, 13-14 (Jul & Oct 1984) to lakeside destinations, 75(1):20-22 (Spring 2013)
travel brochure featuring, 75(1):21
photo (Spring 2013)
newspaper sales, controversy over-1890s, 42(1):7, 8 (Jan 1980) to parks, 75(2):5 (Fall 2013) protests against, 36(2):7-8 (Apr 1974) ridership, 30(3):9 (Jul 1968); 35(2):12 (Apr 1973); 46(3&4):15, 21 (Jul & Oct 1984); 49(3):16 (Jul 1987)
disorderly riders-1860s, 66(3):18
(Sum 2004)
aqueduct proposal, 37(3):18 (Jul
to city parks-1890s, 11(1):7 (Jan 1949) East Avenue, 28(2&3):27 (Apr & Jul 1966) to Irondequoit Bay, 56(1):20 (Win 1994) Main Street, 6(4):12 (Oct 1944) Monroe and Smith Avenue, 36(2):5 (Apr 1974) Park Avenue line, 35(1):3 (Jan 1973) subway system and, 36(2):8-9, 14, 15 (Apr 1974) tracks
damage, 46(3&4):16 (Jul & Oct 1984)
expansion, 6(4):5 (Oct 1944) removal, 17(1):23 (Jan 1955); 28(2&3):27 (Apr & Jul 1966); 61(3&4):27, 30 photo (Sum & Fall 1999) snow removal, 27(1):7, 9 (Jan 1965)
annual expenses (1900 & 1930),
35(2):20 (Apr 1973)
Brighton, 35(1):13 (Jan 1973) electric arc lamps, 46(3&4):14 (Jul & Oct 1984); 60(4):11, 13, 17 (Fall 1998) gas, 60(4):3, 11 (Fall 1998)
during 1865 flood, 58(3):5 (Sum 1996);
68(4):12 (Fall 2006)
installation, 28(4):6 (Oct 1966) photographs/illustrations, 60(4):2, 4, 5 (Fall 1998) residential, 60(4):4 (Fall 1998) versus whale oil, 60(4):4 (Fall 1998) oil, 60(4):11 (Fall 1998) Street Railway Company
contamination, with human waste-1800s,
45(1&2):4 (Jan & Apr 1983)
diary excerpts on-1850s, 42(2):4-27 (Apr 1980)
1790s, 12(4):2-3 (Oct 1950)
1890s, 33(2):19 (Apr 1971) early 1900s, 19(3):18 (Jul 1957) boulevard proposal, 19(3):16 (Jul 1957); 31(1):15 (Jan 1969); 37(3):18-19 (Jul 1975) materials, 23(1):1 (Jan 1961); 37(2):1, 18, 23 (Apr 1975); 59(2):3 (Spr 1997) north side parallel street proposal, 31(1):16-17 (Jan 1969) cycling and, 69(2):2, 4, 5 photo caption (Spr 2008) design/pattern, 26(2):4 (Apr 1964); 27(3):2-3 (Jul 1965); 36(2):16 (Apr 1974)
"Can of Worms," 27(3):22 (Jul 1965)
evolution of-1960's, 27(3):20 (Jul 1965) in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, 67(2):6, 7-8, 17-18, 19, 20 (Spr 2005) loops and expressways, 27(3):21-22 (Jul 1965) State Highway Plan and-early 1900s, 36(2):2 (Apr 1974) visitor's account-1820s, 41(1&2):13 (Jan & Apr 1979) good roads movement, 12(1):5 (Jan 1950); 38(1):22 (Jan 1976) historical sketch, 27(3):1-22 (Jul 1965) horticulture and, 45(3&4):35 (Jul & Oct 1983) illustrations. See Streets/roads — photographs/illustrations improvements/maintenance, 2(3):15 (Jul 1940); 7(4):15 (Oct 1945); 11(2):12, 18 (Apr 1949); 12(1):5 (Jan 1950); 24(4):8, 12 (Oct 1962); 35(2):15, 17 (Apr 1973)
early 1800s, 5(2):2 (Apr 1943)
mid 1900s, 23(3):25, 28 (Jul 1961) Brighton Plank Road, 28(2&3):8-9 (Apr & Jul 1966) cinder streets, rolling of, 69(2):14, 15 photo (Spr 2008) cleanliness, 60(4):10 (Fall 1998) cost increase, 35(2):20 (Apr 1973) Culver Road, 28(2&3):13 (Apr & Jul 1966) East Avenue. See East Avenue municipal control of, 14(2):10 (Apr 1952) parks system and, 75(2):19, 28n.35 (Fall 2013) paving/macadamization, 2(1):18 (Jan 1940); 12(1):5 (Jan 1950); 13(4):17 (Oct 1951); 19(3):18, 19 (Jul 1957); 23(3):9 (Jul 1961); 26(1):15 (Jan 1964); 26(4):9, 20 (Oct 1964); 28(2&3):29 (Apr & Jul 1966); 30(3):5, 10 (Jul 1968); 31(1):12, 13, 19 (Jan 1969); 37(2):6, 13 (Apr 1975); 41(3):22 (Jul 1979) by plank road companies, 2(3):15 (Jul 1940) sprinkling service, 2(3):15 (Jul 1940) statistics, 35(2):16 (Apr 1973) Street Department, 14(3):11 (Jun 1952) laborers' unions, 22(4):9 (Oct 1960) litigation involving, 43(2&3):24 (Apr & Jul 1981) maps showing, 27(3):facing page 2 (Jul 1965)See also Maps; specific street/area
1820s, 33(3):20 (Jul 1971)
along river-1870s, 55(1):22 (Win 1993) in Rapids Cemetery, 54(3):9 , 17 (Sum 1992) municipal expenditures, 11(1):1 (Jan 1949) names, categories, 27(3):20-22 (Jul 1965)See also specific street north-south arteries, 27(3):8-20 (Jul 1965) photographs/illustrations
Aldine Street, 50(1):8, 9, 21 (Jan
Brooks Avenue, 54(3):22 (Sum 1992) Buffalo Street. See Buffalo Street; Main Street Cairn Street, 60(2):17 (Spr 1998) Central Avenue, 55(3):3 (Sum 1993) Chesebro Street, Canadaigua, 66(4):16 (Fall 2004) Chili Avenue, 60(2):1, 3, 11 (Spr 1998); 60(3):2 (Sum 1998) Clinton Avenue North, 70(2):3 (Fall 2007) Court Street, 49(4):7 (Oct 1987) Coy Street, Canadaigua, 66(4):16 (Fall 2004) East Avenue, 28(2&3):centerfold (Apr & Jul 1966) East Main Street, 50(1):15 (Jan 1988) Exchange Place, 60(4):6 (Fall 1998) Fitzhugh Street, 26(2):centerfold (Apr 1964) Front Street, 55(3):1-24 passim (Sum 1993) Gibbs Street, 49(1):3, 17, 18 (Jan 1987); 58(4):7, 32 (Fall 1996) Hobart Street, 60(2):3 (Spr 1998) Hudson Avenue, 57(1):8 (Win 1995); 57(2):24 (Spr 1995) Joseph Avenue-1900s, 64(2):1-2, 22 (Spr 2002); 64(3):1-2 (Sum 2002) Livingston Park, 26(2):centerfold (Apr 1964) Main Street. See Buffalo Street; Main Street Main Street, Canadaigua, 66(4):5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 13, 16 (Fall 2004) Marsh Street, 54(3):22 (Sum 1992) Mill Street, 30(4):centerfold (Oct 1968) North Street, 50(1):3 (Jan 1988) Oxford Street, 50(1):14 (Jan 1988) Plymouth Avenue, 50(1):20 (Jan 1988) State Street. See State Street Swan Street-early 1900s, 49(1):21 (Jan 1987) Washington Street, 49(2):6 (Apr 1987) Water Street, 55(1):27 (Win 1993) West Avenue, 60(2):17 (Spr 1998)
from Albany to Schenectady, traveler's account-1820s,
62(3):11 (Sum 2000)
log causeway, in western New York-1820s, 62(3):20 (Sum 2000)
Charlotte and Rochester, 75(1):4
(Spring 2013)
sidewalks. See Sidewalks signs-pioneer era, 2(1):9 (Jan 1940) Streets and Sewers Committee, 35(1):17 (Jan 1973) telephone wires, 61(3&4):11 (Sum & Fall 1999) traffic issues. See Traffic trees lining. See Trees turnpikes. See Turnpikes Streichel, George Strikeout, A Celebration of the Art of Pitching by William Curran, 63(2):17 photo caption (Spr 2001) Strikes. See Labor strikes Strindberg, August Stromberg-Carlson Company
defense contracts
acquisition, 20(2):5, 8 (Apr 1958);
32(3):15 (Jul 1970)
Bond factory acquisition-1950s, 22(3):30 (Jul 1960) labor force, unemployment insurance, 61(1):6 (Win 1999)See also Rochester Plan product line, 20(2):5 (Apr 1958); 24(3):36 (Jul 1962)
history, 35(2):7 (Apr 1973) labor force
employee Madison Butler, 66(1):25
(Win 2004)
income tax service for, 66(1):26 (Win 2004) product innovation-WWII, 66(1):25 (Win 2004) Strong, Alvah (1809-1885)
biographical details,
22(2):9 (Apr 1960)
business enterprises political affiliation, 20(3):4 (Jul 1958) as seminary trustee, 31(3):2, 3 (Jul 1969) Strong lineage, 4(1):13 (Jan 1942); 21(3):22 (Jul 1959) Strong, Dr. Augustus Hopkins (1836-1921)
biographical summary,
21(3):22-23 (Jul 1959)
club membership, 10(1):5 (Jan 1948); 48(1&2):6 (Jan & Apr 1986) papers at Rochester Theological Seminary, 3(3):14 (Jul 1941); 14(4):2 (Oct 1952)
as president, 8(4):16 (Oct 1946);
22(2):9 (Apr 1960);
23(3):14 (Jul 1961);
33(4):9, 10, 12-14, 20 (Oct 1971)
as professor, 21(3):22 (Jul 1959) as student, 31(3):2, 7-8, 11-12 (Jul 1969) Strong, Charles
47(3&4):18 (Jul & Oct 1985)
burial site, 50(4):17 (Oct 1988) business enterprises
banking, 49(2):4 (Apr 1987)
Carthage Bridge, 36(1):3-5 (Jan 1974); 54(4):14 (Fall 1992) mills, 33(3):3 (Jul 1971); 51(4):7 (Fall 1989); 54(4):15 (Fall 1992) partnership, 6(3):3 (Jul 1944) departure, 29(3):18 (Jun 1967) family members, 29(3):18 (Jun 1967) as judge, 21(2):7 (Apr 1959); 24(1):14, 16, 17, 19, 22 (Jan 1962); 29(3):18 (Jun 1967); 33(2):5 (Apr 1971) Monroe County, and formation of, 21(2):6-7 (Apr 1959) origins, 47(1&2):28 (Jan & Apr 1985); 47(3&4):18 (Jul & Oct 1985)
business enterprises
buggy whip, 24(3):24 (Jul 1962);
50(3):21 (Jul 1988)
Eastman, George and, 24(3):24 (Jul 1962); 28(2&3):24 (Apr & Jul 1966); 50(3):20-21 (Jul 1988) photography, 3(3):11 (Jul 1941) residences, 24(3):24 (Jul 1962); 28(2&3):24, 31, 37 (Apr & Jul 1966) Strong Memorial Hospital and, 52(1):20 (Win 1990) Strong, Miss Huldah
Genesee Valley Canal and,
56(4):18n.20 (Fall 1994)
mill site-1820s, 55(1):6, 22 illus (Win 1993) Mt. Hope Cemetery and, 50(4):9, 17 (Oct 1988)
biographical summary,
26(1):17 (Jan 1964)
as mayor (1854-1855), 19(4):6 (Oct 1957); 26(1):17 (Jan 1964)
election, 25(3):4 (Jul 1963)
photograph, 47(3&4):24 (Jul & Oct 1985) political affiliation, 52(4):4 (Fall 1990)
childhood residence,
51(2):9 (Spr 1989)
Gruppe, Emile and Teddy Wolfard and, 65(3):28-29 (Sum 2003) residence, collectibles in and site of, 65(3):24, 28-29 (Sum 2003) Wolfard's dog and, 65(3):24 (Sum 2003)
35(2):3, 15 (Apr 1973)
Council of Social Agencies membership, 20(4):7 (Oct 1958) Edith Hartwell Clinic and-1940s, 55(2):21 (Spr 1993) funding, 52(1):20 (Win 1990) location, 12(2&3):20 (Apr 1950) nurses' residence, hosts "Kodakids"-WWII, 55(4):32 (Fall 1993) psychiatric clinics, social agency ties-1900s, 23(2):13, 17 (Apr 1961) public health consultation and, 55(2):3 (Spr 1993) WWII activity, 5(1):13 (Jan 1943) Strube, G. J.
59(4):20 (Fall 1997)
Captured Images: The Daguerreian Years in Rochester 1840 to 1860 authored by, 62(1):1-24 with photos (Win 2000)
To Feed the Hungry: Rochester and Irish
Famine Relief authored by, 68(3):1-24
(Sum 2006)
at Sage College at Albany, 68(3):17 (Sum 2006) St. Simon's Episcopal Mission
in late 1900s,
57(2):17 (Spr 1995)
attendance-1990s, 57(2):17 (Spr 1995) centennial celebration, 57(2):18-19, 19 photo (Spr 1995) children's music, 57(2):17 (Spr 1995) dedication, Bishop McQuaid quoted from, 57(1):6-7 (Win 1995) Filarets basketball team and, 57(2):8 (Spr 1995) Golden Age Club, 57(2):21n.34 (Spr 1995) Great Depression and-1930s, 57(2):7-8 (Spr 1995) membership parish membership photographs
centennial celebration, 57(2):19 (Spr
dedication of plaque honoring WWII dead, 57(2):2 (Spr 1995) Easter blessing, 57(2):14 (Spr 1995) Pulaski Day march from, 57(2):18 (Spr 1995) temporary classrooms in, 57(2):6 (Spr 1995) WWII and
dedication of plaque honoring dead,
57(2):2 photo (Spr 1995)
enlistees, 57(2):12 (Spr 1995) relief efforts, 57(2):13 (Spr 1995)
57(2):6 (Spr 1995)
construction, 57(1):9 (Win 1995) enrollment
1897, 57(1):9 (Win 1995)
1920s, 57(1):17 (Win 1995) 1920s-1930s, 57(2):6 (Spr 1995) mid-1900s, 57(2):15 (Spr 1995) new building-1930s, 57(2):6, 8 (Spr 1995) students/graduates
60(3):20, 28 (Sum 1998)
programs, with St. Augustine's Church, 60(3):13, 15, 19-20, 21 (Sum 1998) Students. See also City schools; specific institution
World War II Victory gardens of,
55(4):11 (Fall 1993)
in WWII labor force, 66(1):9-10 (Win 2004); 66(2):27 (Spr 2004)
in Europe
Carroll family members, 42(4):3, 5
(Oct 1980)
Durand, Margaret, 61(2):12 (Spr 1999) Hochstein, David, 56(3):19, 20 (Sum 1994) Rauschenbusch, Walter, 23(3):17 (Jul 1961) sister city program and, 27(2):11, 18 (Apr 1965) Sturla, Domenico
bridge construction/maintenance,
33(2):20 (Apr 1971)
library, opening and photograph-1920s, 73(1):5 (Spr 2011) schoolhouse-1800s, 45(3&4):22 (Jul & Oct 1983)
33(2):20 (Apr 1971)
steamer passing under-1949, 61(3&4):10 photo (Sum & Fall 1999) Style shows. See Fashion shows St. Yohas, Quebec Subdivisions
Allens Creek Road,
28(2&3):38 (Apr & Jul 1966)
Ambassador Drive, 28(2&3):38 (Apr & Jul 1966) Barnum Terrace, 35(1):3 (Jan 1973) Brighton Heights, 35(1):3 (Jan 1973) Driving Park, 27(4):7 (Oct 1965) Far View Hill, previous site usage, 55(1):13 (Win 1993) formation, 27(4):7 (Oct 1965) Fruitdale, location-1910s, 27(4):7 (Oct 1965) Georgetown (Sanford, FL), 54(1):4-5 (Win 1992) Home Acres, 19(3):15 (Jul 1957); 27(4):7 (Oct 1965) Knollwood Drive, 28(2&3):38 (Apr & Jul 1966) land development and, 11(1):2 (Jan 1949); 18(1):19 (Jan 1956) Lincoln Park. See Lincoln Park Maple Terrace, 27(4):7 (Oct 1965) M.D. Phillips subdivision, 35(1):3 (Jan 1973) Northview Terrace, 27(4):7 (Oct 1965) Sandringham Road, 28(2&3):38 (Apr & Jul 1966) Spencer Road, 27(4):7 (Oct 1965) vacant lots, census-1930s, 19(3):23 (Jul 1957) The Submerged Tenth (address) by Dr. George W. Goler, 27(4):4 (Oct 1965) Substance abuse programs
for alcoholics
counseling service-1940, 24(2):17
(Apr 1962)
county services-1800s, 9(2&3):16 (Apr 1947) United Charities and-early 1900s, 23(2):6 (Apr 1961) NYS Drug and Alcohol Education Program, 55(2):14 (Spr 1993) of Rochester Rehabilitation Center, 55(2):13, 14 (Spr 1993)
advertisements for,
35(2):11 (Apr 1973)
annexation, by city. See Rochester, City of city relations, 35(1):8, 11 (Jan 1973) county relations
court house expenditures-1890s,
33(2):18 (Apr 1971)
legislative representation, 33(2):23 (Apr 1971) property appraisal/assessment-1890s, 33(2):19-20 (Apr 1971) supervisors board, representation, 33(2):6, 10, 12, 22, 23 (Apr 1971) development/growth, 24(2):12 (Apr 1962); 58(1):11 (Win 1996)
1950s, 23(3):25 (Jul 1961);
61(3&4):7 (Sum & Fall 1999)
automobiles and, 35(2):12 (Apr 1973) energy technology and, 46(3&4):19 (Jul & Oct 1984) expansion-1900s, 38(1):22 (Jan 1976) factors promoting, 19(3):9, 13-19 passim, 27 (Jul 1957) housing shortages and, 29(2):12 (Apr 1967) impact, on city, 38(1):22 (Jan 1976) parks system and, 75(2):5-6, 18 (Fall 2013) population figures/trends, 19(3):12, 19, 21, 26 (Jul 1957) post WWI, 36(2):16 (Apr 1974) retail outlets, downtown retail industry and, 69(1):9 (Spr 2007) street railway lines and, 75(2):6 (Fall 2013) urban flight and, 35(2):10, 11 (Apr 1973) water & sewer issues impact-1920s, 33(2):21-22 (Apr 1971) housing, 19(3):23 (Jul 1957)
construction, 27(4):13-14, 18, 19-20
(Oct 1965); 35(2):10-11 (Apr
discrimination, 27(4):22 (Oct 1965) residential, patterns, 35(2):10-12 (Apr 1973) shortages, 29(2):12 (Apr 1967)
inbound, 19(3):19 (Jul 1957);
27(4):10, 18 (Oct 1965);
35(1):3 (Jan 1973);
38(1):22 (Jan 1976);
58(1):11 (Win 1996);
60(3):7 (Sum 1998)
Puerto Ricans and, 70(2):19 (Fall
public services
library, 19(3):24, 29 (Jul 1957)See
also Libraries
mutual aid agreement with city, 19(3):27 (Jul 1957) schools, 19(3):28-29 (Jul 1957) sewer, 19(3):10, 12, 15, 19, 21 (Jul 1957) suburban, analysis-1930s, 19(3):24 (Jul 1957) water, 19(3):15, 16, 27 (Jul 1957) traffic issues, 19(3):18 (Jul 1957); 61(3&4):17 (Sum & Fall 1999) transit service, 30(3):9 (Jul 1968)See also Interurban transit service zoning laws, 24(2):15 (Apr 1962) Suburbs. See Suburban towns/villages Subway system
annexation of suburbs and,
36(2):10-11 (Apr 1974)
canal bed route, 5(3):16 (Jul 1943); 11(3&4):23-24 (Jul 1949); 38(1):6 (Jan 1976); 49(4):2 photo caption (Oct 1987); 61(3&4):4 photo caption (Sum & Fall 1999) construction-1920s, 6(4):14 (Oct 1944); 13(4):22, 24 (Oct 1951); 17(1):20 (Jan 1955); 24(3):39 (Jul 1962); 35(2):11 (Apr 1973); 36(2):3, 5, 8, 11-12 (Apr 1974); 48(1&2):26 (Jan & Apr 1986)
aqueduct conversion, 37(3):18-20 (Jul
1975); 72(1):23 photo (Spr
completion, 36(2):13 (Apr 1974); 40(2):11 (Apr 1978) delay, 35(2):22 (Apr 1973) design, 36(2):16-17 (Apr 1974) extension, 36(2):14, 17 (Apr 1974) length, 36(2):4 (Apr 1974) planning, 35(2):15-16 (Apr 1973); 37(3):20 (Jul 1975) demise, 30(3):21 (Jul 1968); 61(3&4):7 (Sum & Fall 1999) dismantling, 36(2):20-21 (Apr 1974) historical sketch, 36(2):1-24 with illus (Apr 1974) justifications for, 36(2):3-8 (Apr 1974) operation and service, 19(3):20 (Jul 1957); 46(3&4):15-16 (Jul & Oct 1984)
decline, 36(2):14-19 (Apr 1974)
fares, 30(3):19 (Jul 1968) finances, 35(2):15 (Apr 1973); 36(2):2-4, 12, 20 (Apr 1974); 36(2):15 (Apr 1974) increase, 36(2):18 (Apr 1974) intra-urban transportation, 36(2):8, 14, 15 (Apr 1974) ridership figures, 30(3):20 (Jul 1968); 46(3&4):16 (Jul & Oct 1984) routes, 36(2):24 map (Apr 1974) speed, 36(2):17 (Apr 1974) stations, 36(2):17, 18 (Apr 1974)
South Street proposal, 37(3):18 (Jul
for blacks,
46(1&2):21-25 (Jan & Apr 1984)
advocates, profile of, 46(1&2):24
(Jan & Apr 1984)
conventions/meetings, 46(1&2):21-23 (Jan & Apr 1984) Douglass, Frederick quoted on, 67(4):9-10 (Fall 2005) national, adoption, 46(1&2):25 (Jan & Apr 1984) NYS, 23(1):3 (Jan 1961) for women. See Woman's suffrage Suffragists
c.1900, 12(1):13
(Jan 1950)
Anthony, Susan B. See Anthony, Susan Brownell Catt, Carrie Chapman, 9(4):7 (Oct 1947) Douglass, Frederick. See Douglass, Frederick Gannett, Mary T. See Gannett, Mrs. Mary T. Gannett, William and, 17(4):15-16 (Oct 1955) Goodwin, Grace Duffield, 9(4):7 (Oct 1947) in Labor Day Parade-1910s, 10(2&3):20 (Jul 1948) at Mt. Hope Cemetery-early 1900s, 50(4):10 photo (Oct 1988) Pankhurst, Mrs. Emmeline, 9(4):6 (Oct 1947) Stanton, Elizabeth Cady. See Stanton, Mrs. Elizabeth Cady women, 43(1):4 (Jan 1981) Suits. See Clothing/textile industry Suits, Robert L. Sulkowski family
as baseball manager,
63(2):15 (Spr 2001)
as baseball player-1800s, 64(4):17 (Fall 2002)See also Sullivan, Patrick H.
home residence, 64(4):22 (Fall 2002)
Sullivan, Charles H. Sullivan Expedition (1779), 13(3):1, 22 (Jul 1951); 42(2):1, 28nn.2, 3 (Apr 1980); 44(1&2):25, 28, 41 (Jan & Apr 1982)
devastation by,
4(3):1 (Jul 1942); 68(1&2):15 (Win
& Spr 2006)
members (possible), 41(3):6 (Jul 1979); 42(2):1 (Apr 1980)
George Clinton Latta: Merchant at the Port
of Charlotte authored by,
45(3&4):3-24 with illus (Jul & Oct 1983)
as architect
Bragdon, Claude F. and, 26(2):12 (Apr
1964); 29(4):5, 6, 8, 19 (Oct
commissions, 26(3):8 (Jul 1964); 29(4):8 (Oct 1967) Sullivan, Patrick H.
as baseball player,
62(2):22 (Spr 2000)See also
Sullivan, Mr./Captain (no given name)
military service-Civil War, 62(2):22 (Spr 2000)
administrator, errata notice,
24(2):3 (Apr 1962)
construction, 23(4):19 (Oct 1961) proposal and funding, 23(4):15 (Oct 1961)
above Niagara Falls-1820s,
62(4):3 (Fall 2000)
health benefits, 12(2&3):23 (Apr 1950) at San Souci, NY-1820s, 62(4):25 (Fall 2000) visitors, 42(4):15 (Oct 1980)
band concerts. See
Band concerts
infants and
care pamphlet, 45(1&2):8 (Jan & Apr
mortality during. See Infant mortality summer hospital, 9(2&3):22 (Apr 1947) sewer stagnation, 45(1&2):4 (Jan & Apr 1983) "summer complaint," 45(1&2):3, 6, 9 (Jan & Apr 1983) "Summer complaint," 45(1&2):3, 6, 9 (Jan & Apr 1983); 61(3&4):13 (Sum & Fall 1999)See also Cholera epidemics Summer Hospital for Infants
annexation of,
37(1):18 (Jan 1975)
construction, 8(3):13 (Jul 1946) as lakeside resort, 16(4):14 (Oct 1954) yacht club nearby, 8(3):19 (Jul 1946) Summits baseball club (Bouckville, NY) Sun (folk group)
at George Eastman House,
23(3):20 (Jul 1961);
52(1):9, 17 photo caption (Win
1990); 58(4):11 (Fall 1996)
coordinator, 58(4):17 (Fall 1996)
Sunken Road at Battle of Antietam-Civil War
in Catskills, traveler's account of-1820s,
62(3):9 (Sum 2000)
on Erie Canal-1820s, 62(3):17 (Sum 2000) SUNY. See State University of New York Superba Cravats, Inc., 20(2):6 (Apr 1958) Superintendent of Indian Affairs, 1(1):9 (Jan 1939) Superintendent of Schools. See City schools; Schools; specific school Superior (packet boat)
11(3&4):10 (Jul 1949); 72(1):12 (Spr
description, 11(3&4):10 (Jul 1949); 49(4):12 (Oct 1987); 72(1):12 (Spr 2010) Super, Paul
county board. See
Monroe County — Board of Supervisors
of kindergartens, parent meetings-1890s, 19(2):7 (Apr 1957) of Romulus, NY, election-1850s, 42(2):17 (Apr 1980) Supportive Apartment Program (of EAGR), 55(2):34 (Spr 1993) Supreme Court Surgeons
Civil War
Durand, Henry S., 61(2):4 (Spr 1999) Lee, John Mallory. See Lee, Dr. John Mallory Moore, Edward Mott, 21(3):15 (Jul 1959) World War I
of 1800s, 32(4):3
(Oct 1970)
child's death following, 60(2):18-19 (Spr 1998) Civil War era, 63(4):23 (Fall 2001); 65(2):9 (Spr 2003) at Lee Private Hospital, 70(1):5, 7, 8, 9 (Fall 2008) Survey of Recreational Facilities in Rochester by Charles B. Raitt, 11(1):19 (Jan 1949) A Survey of the Family Agencies and Related Services by Gordon Hamilton, 20(4):17 (Oct 1958) Surveyor General of New York
Bond, Edward A.,
72(1):14, 26n.18 (Spr 2010)
Brooks, Micha, 47(1&2):15 (Jan & Apr 1985) Ellicott, Joseph, 47(1&2):15 (Jan & Apr 1985) Evershed, Thomas, 39(1&2):5 (Jan & Apr 1977) Geddes, James, 72(1):3 (Spr 2010) Genesee Country, early 1800s, 45(3&4):8 (Jul & Oct 1983) McLafferty, Henry III. See McLafferty, Henry III municipal, appointment of, 18(3):10 (Jul 1956) pioneer era, 45(3&4):8, 9, 10 (Jul & Oct 1983)
canal route, 29(3):8 (Jun 1967);
56(4):5 (Fall 1994);
72(1):3, 14 (Spr 2010)
One Hundred Acre Tract. See One Hundred Acre Tract stream and lake terrain-early 1800s, 49(4):23 (Oct 1987) Susan B. Anthony by Blake McKelvey, 7(2):1-24 (Apr 1945) Susan B. Anthony Club
57(4):19-23 (Fall 1995)
location, 12(2&3):12 map (Apr 1950); 18(4):9 (Oct 1956) as national landmark, 18(4):1, 19 (Oct 1956); 57(4):18 (Fall 1995) neighborhood, 57(4):18-19 (Fall 1995) photographs of, 57(4):1, 20 (Fall 1995) purchase by Rochester Federation of Women's Clubs, 57(4):18 (Fall 1995) as residence, 12(2&3):16 (Apr 1950); 18(4):9, 19 (Oct 1956); 57(4):3, 4, 5, 12 photo, 19-23 (Fall 1995) restoration, 57(4):25 (Fall 1995) Susan B. Anthony Memorial, Inc. Susan B. Anthony Square (park), 57(4):18 (Fall 1995) Suskind, Harry Susquehannah Trail, 41(1&2):2, 4, 5, 8 (Jan & Apr 1979) Susquehanna River, 24(3):3, 5 (Jul 1962)
fish, stocking of,
6(3):18 (Jul 1944)
road construction and, 4(3):2 (Jul 1942) settlement on, 3(4):3 (Oct 1941) settlers on, 21(1):4 (Jan 1959) source, 58(3):13 (Sum 1996) as transportation/trade route-pioneer era, 11(2):2 (Apr 1949); 30(2):8 (Apr 1968); 47(1&2):10, 19 (Jan & Apr 1985) Susquehanna Valley, 24(1):7 (Jan 1962)
Evershed (Thomas) description-1840s,
39(1&2):41-42 (Jan & Apr 1977)
gold, discovery-1840s, 39(1&2):1 (Jan & Apr 1977)
Private Libraries in Rochester authored
by, 7(3):1-8 (Jul 1945)
as research assistant, 51(1):15 (Win 1989) Swamp conditions-pioneer era, 47(3&4):10, 11 (Jul & Oct 1985) Swan Swan, Dr. John M.
Eastman institutions and,
49(1):4, 7, 8 (Jan 1987);
58(4):16, 19, 20 (Fall 1996)See
also Eastman School of Music;
Eastman Theatre
photograph-early 1900s, 49(1):21 (Jan 1987) residents/businesses on-early 1900s, 49(1):21-22 (Jan 1987)
Central Planning Committee and-1930s,
20(4):17 (Oct 1958)
charitable/social agencies, roles in, 23(2):2 (Apr 1961)
Advisory Case Council, 23(2):11 (Apr
as Council on Social Agencies spokesman, 27(4):13 (Oct 1965) Family Service of Rochester, Inc., 23(2):20 (Apr 1961) Family Welfare Society-1930, 23(2):11, 13, 14 (Apr 1961) Rochester Family Society, Inc., 23(2):15 (Apr 1961) Social Welfare League-1930, 23(2):11, 13 (Apr 1961) as spokesman, on housing issues, 27(4):13 (Oct 1965) Swarthout, George (of Romulus, NY) Sweden Sweeney, J. T. Sweet, Emma B.
as secretary
woman's rights movement, role in, 10(2&3):18, 20, 21 (Jul 1948) Swift, Arthur L.
arrival, in Rochester,
9(1):6-7 (Jan 1947)
as astronomer, 8(4):14-15 (Oct 1946); 9(1):5-20 (Jan 1947); 11(2):16 (Apr 1949); 23(3):14 (Jul 1961); 63(1):19 photo (Win 2001)
cartographer of stars, 9(1):14-15 (Jan
"Celestial Fireworks" article, 9(1):13 (Jan 1947) education, 21(1):16 (Jan 1959) observatory facilities, 28(2&3):14 (Apr & Jul 1966) professional appointments/honors, 9(1):10, 19 (Jan 1947); 9(1):10 (Jan 1947) retirement, 9(1):19 (Jan 1947) telescope location, 8(4):15 (Oct 1946) at Warner Observatory, 9(1):13-17 (Jan 1947) biographical sketch/details, 9(1):1-20 (Jan 1947); 9(1):1-20 with illus (Jan 1947); 21(3):23 (Jul 1959); 24(3):21-22 (Jul 1962)
birth and childhood, 9(1):2-4 (Jan
death, 9(1):20 (Jan 1947) education, 9(1):4 (Jan 1947) family background, 9(1):2-6 (Jan 1947) marriages, 9(1):4, 6 (Jan 1947) nicknames, 9(1):2, 18 (Jan 1947) offspring, 9(1):5, 6 (Jan 1947) physical disability, 9(1):3-4 (Jan 1947) business enterprises/occupations, 8(4):14 (Oct 1946); 9(1):4-5 (Jan 1947) on curve balls, 8(3):18 (Jul 1946); 9(1):10 (Jan 1947); 52(3):15 (Sum 1990); 63(1):19 photo caption (Win 2001); 64(4):20 (Fall 2002) departure, 9(1):17 (Jan 1947); 15(1):14 (Jan 1953); 27(3):7 (Jul 1965); 28(2&3):20-21 (Apr & Jul 1966) lectures, 9(1):4, 7, 8, 9, 15 (Jan 1947) travels, 9(1):19 (Jan 1947)
apparel. See
Fairbank, Nathaniel K. journal entry on-1850s, 40(3):16 (Jul 1978) instructor, first in public schools, 29(2):9 (Apr 1967) meets, playground, 11(1):19 (Jan 1949) popularity, 11(2):14 (Apr 1949); 18(2):16 (Apr 1956)
Natatorium. See
park facilities, 11(1):7, 14 (Jan 1949); 75(2):17 (Fall 2013) public school, 29(2):9 (Apr 1967) Swinburne, Thomas T. Swiss community Switzer, Ann
growth, 38(1):21
(Jan 1976)
Ritter Division, Rennes-Rochester sister city program and-1970s, 43(4):6 (Oct 1981) Sylvan Stream (steamer)
hearing tests,
19(2):19 (Apr 1957)
instructional equipment, 19(2):19 (Apr 1957) principal, Samuel P. Moulthrop-1900s, 19(2):15, 18, 19 (Apr 1957) School No. 26 as, 19(2):15 (Apr 1957) Symington Gould Company
defense contracts, WWII,
51(4):21 (Fall 1989);
66(1):7, 21, 22-23 (Win 2004)
facilities, neighborhood reaction-WWII, 66(1):12 (Win 2004) location, 66(1):7 (Win 2004)
26(2):15 (Apr 1964)
Beth Israel, 20(1):20 (Jan 1958) bomb damage-1970s, 48(3&4):20 (Jul & Oct 1986) B'rith Kodesh. See Temple B'rith Kodesh developments in-late 1800s, 3(3):16 (Jul 1941) Federation of Churches and, 14(4):7 (Oct 1952) immigrants and, 23(3):17 (Jul 1961) Landsberg, Rabbi Max and. See Landsberg, Rabbi Max Mt. Hope Cemetery and, 50(4):19 (Oct 1988) of Near Northeast District, 29(2):2, 6, 7, 8, 10, 16 (Apr 1967); 64(3):10-11 (Sum 2002)
orthodox, 29(2):6, 7 (Apr 1967)
and traditions, 64(3):10-12 (Sum 2002)
condemnation and takeover,
39(3):18 (Jul 1977)
political controversy over, 39(3):16-17 (Jul 1977) as water supplier, 39(3):16-18 (Jul 1977)
Board of Water Commissioners oversees
appointment, 39(3):17 (Jul 1977)
private water company, acquisition, 39(3):18 (Jul 1977) Skaneateles Lake system, construction, 39(3):18 (Jul 1977) contamination election regarding, 39(3):17 (Jul 1977) fire-fighting and, 39(3):16, 18 (Jul 1977) historical sketch, 39(3):3, 14-19 (Jul 1977) investigation of, 39(3):17 (Jul 1977) mains, composition, 39(3):18 (Jul 1977) political controversy over, 39(3):16-18 (Jul 1977) quality, 39(3):16, 17, 19 (Jul 1977) rates sources, 39(3):15, 16 (Jul 1977) Syracuse, NY
abolitionist newspaper,
67(3):18 (Sum 2005)
anti-slavery opposition, 37(4):7 (Oct 1975) Cardiff giant, discovery, 8(3):14 (Jul 1946) colored church, formation, 37(4):7 (Oct 1975) commerce/industry, 43(2&3):25, 26 (Apr & Jul 1981)
Magnus Hotel-1820s, 62(3):17 (Sum
shoe manufacture/trade, 15(2):4 (Apr 1953); 51(4):16 (Fall 1989) wholesale market-1920s, 19(3):22 (Jul 1957) fire-fighting, 39(3):16, 18 (Jul 1977)
mutual-aid-early 1900s,
38(2&3):10-11, 21 (Apr & Jul 1976)
growth and development
city status, attainment, 39(3):15
(Jul 1977)
Erie Canal and, 39(3):14-15 (Jul 1977) population trends-1800s, 39(3):15 (Jul 1977) municipal water supply. See Syracuse (NY) municipal water supply Museum of Fine Arts, opening, 17(2):17 (Apr 1955) O'Reilly, Henry and, 6(2):5 (Apr 1944) residents seminary extension courses in, 52(4):22 (Fall 1990) snow removal costs, 27(1):19 (Jan 1965) Split Rock quarry, as aqueduct limestone source, 37(3):10 (Jul 1975) sports teams/events transportation to/from
rail service, 3(4):12 (Oct 1941);
6(4):5 (Oct 1944);
30(4):6, 7 (Oct 1968)
trolley service, 36(2):7 (Apr 1974) Underground Railroad and, 67(4):9 (Fall 2005); 72(2):18n.6 (Fall 2010)
Loguen, Reverend Jermain W. and,
72(2):14 (Fall 2010)
waterworks company, 39(3):16-18 (Jul 1977) weather, 15(1):3 (Jan 1953); 15(1):19 (Jan 1953)
faculty/staff member, Raymond Wilson,
58(4):26 (Fall 1996)
football competition, with Rochester, 8(3):22 (Jul 1946) honorary degree, local recipient, 61(1):18 (Win 1999) students Systematic playing, 75(2):11 (Fall 2013) Szadzinski, Father Teofil
centennial celebration portrayal of,
57(2):19 photo (Spr 1995)
parish, 57(1):6 (Win 1995)
schism in, 57(1):10-11 (Win 1995)
1890 tally, 57(1):7 (Win 1995)
1900 tally, 57(1):10 (Win 1995) challenge and expulsion of, 57(1):10 (Win 1995)
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